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N-Europe Weekly Podcast...?


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Ok I'm just gonna duck out of this....all I'm saying is a community podcast that actually reflects the actual nature of the N-Europe community should not be viewed as a bad thing. The community is what it is....statements like we've gone far out of our way to make this place more than hospitable for people to discuss their views on other systems make it sound like we're refugees being held to ransom or something....like we should be grateful in some way, when each and every member who posts on here makes this place what it is not the "we" as you put it. Coupled with statements like let's remember our roots just hit it home and has made me feel really quite unwelcome...


Anyway I didn't expect you to get so angry/heated, I thought we were having a normal conversation sorry if I've pissed you off.


Whoa, where did I say as I was angry or pissed? Looking back through our posts, I thought we were having a discussion on a topic. It's not heated whatsoever.


It's a bit sad that you've had to go down that refugee/ransom route because not once did I say anything that was out of line. If you read back through this thread, I just said that usage of the N-Europe name should be avoided. As soon as you start using the site's name, it then gets quite messy over what the actual views of the website in question are.


Plus, aren't we supposed to have an official N-Europe podcast anyway? What happened to that? That's another issue in itself as this would be the only voice that others would be hearing about the site. So, in a way, this would be the official N-Europe broadcast...talking in large parts about other consoles.


I'll just leave this here:


Of course, this is assuming that talk about non-nintendo games is ok. I think if you're going to do this, there's little reason to tether it to N-Europe rather than just set up a separate domain name and host it from there, which I would be happy to do since it's pretty cheap.


The Bard's post, a few posts up from mine. More or less saying the same thing.

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If it was kept to just Nintendo only, it might struggle for content until Mario Kart.


And there in lie's the problem because without games to talk about, we'd have to formulate discussion topics which would most likely be a long the lines of... why aren't there any games? I'm not sure many people tuning in to a podcast would want to hear one that's a bit repetitive and negative week in week out


Unless we talk about retro Nintendo stuff, but that should really just be a section.


I think that was probably the idea to opening it up to whatever people might be playing, because there's a lot of gaming to be had with Indie, PC and Other Console games at the moment. Better to talk games, than moan about Nintendo.

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A podcast that only talked about Nintendo games would be terrible quite frankly as there's little to play and secondly, it would make it seem like that board consists of fanboys. Of course, the features should be Nintendo related (favourite console, a discussion on the Zelda franchise etc) but I definitely think having a generic 'What are you playing' section at the beginning would be great as it would represent our board members well, given that most of us game on Steam, Playstation and Xbox as well as 3DS and Wii U.


That reason alone is why I listen to Nintendo World Report podcasts (Radio Free Nintendo), because they clearly have an interest in gaming, not just Nintendo, and that allows them to have good discussion.


Anyway, people seem to be up for this so I will definitely organise a demo run :) Deets are going out soon!

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A really good idea would be doing a game club every month, where we say we're going to play through this one game and then come together to talk about it. I'd rather that it wasn't games that everyone's already played and talked to death about though, perhaps more esoteric games would be a better bet, or maybe even well known games providing that some members of the cast haven't played them before? Like, instead of Metroid Prime, we could do Echoes for example?

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The NintendoEverything Crew organises a 'gaming bookclub' of sorts from time to time with their members in which they vote on a game and then go through 'chapters' of the game bit by bit, discussing their progress along the way in podcasts.


I thought this to be a really neat idea and perhaps N-Europe could give this a try sometime and combine it with the podcast.

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The NintendoEverything Crew organises a 'gaming bookclub' of sorts from time to time with their members in which they vote on a game and then go through 'chapters' of the game bit by bit, discussing their progress along the way in podcasts.


I thought this to be a really neat idea and perhaps N-Europe could give this a try sometime and combine it with the podcast.


Thanks for the suggestion mate, that's a great idea :) It would be perfect for lengthy games so people don't feel rushed to play through them.


If only Nintendo would get the ruddy Virtual Console sorted, it would be so much easier.


I'm not sure many people have access to all their old consoles and even less their old games collections any more. But yeah, for those that do.


We might have to download stuff onto our Wii once again...which means buying more of those Nintendo points cards :shakehead


A really good idea would be doing a game club every month, where we say we're going to play through this one game and then come together to talk about it. I'd rather that it wasn't games that everyone's already played and talked to death about though, perhaps more esoteric games would be a better bet, or maybe even well known games providing that some members of the cast haven't played them before? Like, instead of Metroid Prime, we could do Echoes for example?


Love it. Majora's mask, Apollo Justice....yeah, we are definitely using that idea :)

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That reason alone is why I listen to Nintendo World Report podcasts (Radio Free Nintendo), because they clearly have an interest in gaming, not just Nintendo, and that allows them to have good discussion.


Yeah, James going on about the Yakuza series the other week was hilarious. He found it completely insane, yet continued to play it. :D


This week they are on about Bravely Default, Weapon Shop De Omasse, DMC and some Playstation games. Not sure which ones yet as I had finished my car journey into work. I'll find out on the way home. :)

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Yeah, James going on about the Yakuza series the other week was hilarious. He found it completely insane, yet continued to play it. :D


This week they are on about Bravely Default, Weapon Shop De Omasse, DMC and some Playstation games. Not sure which ones yet as I had finished my car journey into work. I'll find out on the way home. :)


Oh man, that conversation was BRILLIANT. I might actually listen to it again because you could tell he was confused as to why he was actually playing it. Awesome stuff.

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Cool, I've never listened to those guys. I think if this goes ahead, one of the best things will be that everyone is used to a different style of podcasting, and a different way of looking at games. Hopefully some great conversations will come from it!


Also, going to jump the gun and suggest Resident Evil Zero for first game club! :heh:.

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Regarding namage - would N-Europe Community Podcast or NE community podcast not make it clear it's a community thing? I do think it should be differentiated as a community effort anyhow, just because...well, because it is!


As far as me and podcasts go though - they're not something I've ever really gotten on board with. I just don't find myself finding time to sit/listen to things like podcasts without faltering attention too often; and I only gave the previous iterations of the N-Europe podcast a little bit of a listen before distractibility set in. Having said that, I do consider I could find time to listen whilst working, or even now whilst commuting in le car(though my journeys aren't terribly long) - so I'd probably try and give this a listen if it comes together as I think it'd be pretty awesome to hear the different views and chat that might come up; similar in line to the very forum discussion that I come here for but with a bit more...personality? to it? If you get what I mean.


So yeah, I'd probably be interested in giving this a listen if it happened; though my own contributions would probably be non-existent atm. Especially as I have no decent comms setup on PC etc. Who knows though, get me hooked enough and I might get tempted...;)

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@Rummy, yeah, I don't think podcasts are something that should command the entirety of your attention. They're something I tend to listen to when I'm doing the dishes, or playing some disposable iOS game. It's natural to get a bit restless if you're just sitting there doing fucking nothing, in the way that might not be with music; music is naturally engaging, sometimes listening to people yammer about the minutia of their playing habits can get a little long winded.

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Out of curiosity, do any of you guys listen to Idle Thumbs?


Never heard of it...any good? The only podcast I listen to is NWR because it's quite frankly brilliant. None of them are OTT fanboys and they regularly play/talk about PS3/360 titles which is great.


Regarding namage - would N-Europe Community Podcast or NE community podcast not make it clear it's a community thing? I do think it should be differentiated as a community effort anyhow, just because...well, because it is!


As far as me and podcasts go though - they're not something I've ever really gotten on board with. I just don't find myself finding time to sit/listen to things like podcasts without faltering attention too often; and I only gave the previous iterations of the N-Europe podcast a little bit of a listen before distractibility set in. Having said that, I do consider I could find time to listen whilst working, or even now whilst commuting in le car(though my journeys aren't terribly long) - so I'd probably try and give this a listen if it comes together as I think it'd be pretty awesome to hear the different views and chat that might come up; similar in line to the very forum discussion that I come here for but with a bit more...personality? to it? If you get what I mean.


So yeah, I'd probably be interested in giving this a listen if it happened; though my own contributions would probably be non-existent atm. Especially as I have no decent comms setup on PC etc. Who knows though, get me hooked enough and I might get tempted...;)


Tbf you seem to have some good chat on these boards so I think your contribution would be more than good enough!


As for a decent comms setup, I have a feeling many of us are in the same boat...it will be interesting to see what results we get using Google Hangouts..

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@Goron_3. Idle Thumbs is pretty much the only gaming podcast I can stomach listening to continuously. Everyone on there is outrageously intelligent, all of them have worked on or are working at game studios at present, so they can decompact what makes a game the way it is in a way the explains its design principles, and most of them have been in the press side/ are writers, so their explanatory powers are pretty much unparalleled in the gaming podcast world. They're also always fucking hilarious.


There's also GFW Radio, which is to me, the best podcast I've ever listened to in any subject, but it ended in 2008. There was a lengthy discussion they had on Braid which I've been meaning to send you for ages but never go around to, I'll hook you up at some point, you'll love it.

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Okay lads, it's happening. We are going to record a demo of the first N-europe community podcast.


Firstly, we need a name for this podcast. I don't think we should officially call it the N-E Community podcast, as it would be great if people who don't actually take part in this websites discussions listened to it, and calling it a community podcast might narrow its potential reach. If we have some good discussion and some interest things to say, we could start to become known as a website with a great podcast, which could drive traffic to the site and to the board.


Taking inspiriation from other great podcasts out there, I have decided on a name...


Behold! We shall call the podcast....


'Please Understand' Nintendo


Why? Firstly, 'please understand' is just hilarious and totes Iwata.

Secondly, people will get that this is a podcast made by Nintendo fans.

Thirdly...there's something about the sentence 'Please Understand Nintendo' which makes me giggle, mainly because no one in the world has ANY idea what Nintendo are thinking atm. I can imagine introducing the podcast and being like 'HELLOOO! Welcome to the Please Understand Nintendo podcast, episode 101, and still giggling like a school girl :heh:


Anyway, we need to get recording and I think the best way to do this will be using google hangouts, which will let us all talk and record. Once we've done a demo, I'll edit it and add an intro (anyone care to make a 10-15s sound clip for an intro?) and we're on our way!


The podcast will be split into two sections. These are:

What are you playing: The first 20-30 minutes will be us discussing the games we are currently playing as well as asking each other questions about those games. We currently have a 'what are you playing thread' which should help us find people who are playing some interesting or different. This section can be focused on ANYTHING. Whether it's Donkey Kong: Tropical Freeze, The Last of Us or Super Castlevania IV, we'll spend this time just talking about the games we're playing.


Special Feature: This will vary each week, however a good starting topic might be something like 'Is the Wii U's library too focused on platformers' or something like that. We'll have much more in depth discussions at this point and hopefully we'll have some people with different opinions, allowing us to have some good chat.


Sound good? GOOD. Here's what we need to decide next.


1. Who are interested?

2. When can we record? I think an evening might be better than a weekend as people tend to be busier on weekends. I think 7pm next Thursday (13th) would be a good time...who else can make that?

3. Is everyone happy with the format?


THOUGHTS PLEASE @Hero\-of\-Time @Fused King, Nando, @Retro_Link @The Bard @Rummy

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'Please Understand' Nintendo sounds brilliant.


And the format seems fine for a demo. It's a good starting point from which it can grow.


I think that we could also tell a little bit about ourselves in terms of what we do, why we are passionate about games, age, etc...


A Thursday evening is a good time for me.

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Do like the play in the name. Re: podcast - for me I don't know. In fact I do know actually, I'm not free next thursday! More importantly what I didn't know was that I don't really have decent recording kit anyway(i barely own a microphone) but I'm a little tempted to have a crack at it at some point...

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Please Understand Nintendo,


Nintendo Please Understand



Liking the sound of this, nice one Goron.


I'm excited for it!

Although I'm not sure about 7pm as a time only because I tend to eat around that time most nights, would something later like 9pm be better, or too late for people?


Are you thinking of doing a group video chat on hangout Goron?

That's just a case of speaking to our laptops/phones right, instead of needing a headset or mic or anything?

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I like the Please Understand bit, not sure about the Nintendo portion though since we won't be discussing exclusively Nintendo stuff and I think it's better we give ourself a bit of flexibility.


However I shan't be free Thursday at 7, since I go swimming with the lady Thursday nights.

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Do like the play in the name. Re: podcast - for me I don't know. In fact I do know actually, I'm not free next thursday! More importantly what I didn't know was that I don't really have decent recording kit anyway(i barely own a microphone) but I'm a little tempted to have a crack at it at some point...


Tbh, in terms of recording kit I'm just going to use the microphone built into my laptop. Given it's a demo I'll give it a go using that, but I may end up buying a microphone eventually. GET INVOLVED I LOVE OUR DISCUSSIONS!


Please Understand Nintendo,


Nintendo Please Understand



Liking the sound of this, nice one Goron.


I'm excited for it!

Although I'm not sure about 7pm as a time only because I tend to eat around that time most nights, would something later like 9pm be better, or too late for people?


Are you thinking of doing a group video chat on hangout Goron?

That's just a case of speaking to our laptops/phones right, instead of needing a headset or mic or anything?


9pm actually sounds better, as it will get the girlfriend off my case about dinner as well :heh: And yeah speaking into laptops should be fine, at least for a demo :)


I like the Please Understand bit, not sure about the Nintendo portion though since we won't be discussing exclusively Nintendo stuff and I think it's better we give ourself a bit of flexibility.


However I shan't be free Thursday at 7, since I go swimming with the lady Thursday nights.


Would 9pm be any better? Same question to you @ Fused King :)

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I play football on Monday and Thursday evenings and my work schedule at the weekend is such that sometimes I work 7am-4pm and other times 4pm-11pm. It's different every week :heh:


With that in mind, I can only really put myself forward if the recordings were to take place on a Wednesday night :hmm:

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