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Do Nintendo's Game Droughts Make You Game Elsewhere?


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Like most Wii U owners, I feel like I'm completely starved of content and I've noticed others feel the same. The last big game I got for the console is Super Mario 3D World which I've now 100%'d and well....what do I do now?


In the days of the Wii's drought, I would download games off the Virtual Console...I experienced games like Super Metroid and Super Contra for the first time because of the droughts which in hindsight I'm pretty thankful for! I've now realised that whenever I don't turn on my Wii U, it's because I'm turning on other machines.


Here's what I've started playing or have purchased since I've completed SM3DW:


Steam: Hotline Miami, The Wolf Among Us, The Walking Dead S1 (replaying)

PS3: The Last of Us, Vanquish



My question is, what do you do during these awful droughts? Do you go back and play your older Nintendo games, do you go 'retro' and begin hunting on eBay or do you move to another system?


: peace:

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Like most Wii U owners, I feel like I'm completely starved of content and I've noticed others feel the same. The last big game I got for the console is Super Mario 3D World which I've now 100%'d and well....what do I do now?


In the days of the Wii's drought, I would download games off the Virtual Console...I experienced games like Super Metroid and Super Contra for the first time because of the droughts which in hindsight I'm pretty thankful for! I've now realised that whenever I don't turn on my Wii U, it's because I'm turning on other machines.


Here's what I've started playing or have purchased since I've completed SM3DW:


Steam: Hotline Miami, The Wolf Among Us, The Walking Dead S1 (replaying)

PS3: The Last of Us, Vanquish



My question is, what do you do during these awful droughts? Do you go back and play your older Nintendo games, do you go 'retro' and begin hunting on eBay or do you move to another system?


: peace:


can you come round my house and play some of my games? My library of Wii U games that I've yet to even start is growing by the day.

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Good topic, especially as the e-Shop thread was becoming more of a general one. :D


Like you, the last new game I played on the console was Super Mario 3D World and that was 100% complete within a few days. After that I played through Super Mario 3 and since then it's just been sitting there and the only time I use it is when I use the Gamepad to control my TV.


I have been contemplating going back on Monster Hunter but by the time I get home from work this feeling has passed.


Luckily I picked up a Xbox One just before Christmas and the games i've bought on that are keeping me busy.


I have also hit ebay and started building up a collection of N64 games.Man, some of the games are crazy expensive! My aim is to get a complete collection of the games i'm after by the end of the year. I recently played through Super Mario 64 and Donkey Kong 64 to get my Nintendo fix. :hug:


I think the weirdest thing for me is that Nintendo could easily be plugging these gaps with substantial VC releases. I honestly think I said the same thing last year as well. Just what in the hell is taking them so long?


Another factor is the lack of online play in any of their games. Online gaming gives games legs long after the single player mode is finished. I think had Smash or Mario Kart been released first instead of SMW3D the drought wouldn't be much of an issue due to the online play.

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I never really feel the drought as I have SNES, N64, GC, Wii, DC, PS1, PS2, PS3, DS and 3DS games still to play.. as well as several games on Wii U :heh:


I actually feel like I have too many as I wish I had the time to explore all of my games better, like I used to do when I was younger, or play through classic games again that I haven't played for a while. If anything, it can be overwhelming at times and it has made me less likely to pick up decent games on a whim now as I want to dedicate whatever time I have to playing the best!

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can you come round my house and play some of my games? My library of Wii U games that I've yet to even start is growing by the day.


If you don't have time to play your games then fair enough, but for those who have been keeping up with releases and playing games as they come out the drought is a bit of an issue.

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Nope, not really. If there were other games coming out that I wanted on other formats in the drought, then sure, but at the moment? Nope. Not a damn thing I want on other formats.


I don't care what format a game is on. If I want it, I'll get it. Every console has droughts.


Besides, just because hypothetically one console has a constant stream of releases doesn't mean the releases appeal to me, so technically that console would have a drought for me.


My Xbox 360, for example. Huge drought from Assassin's Creed 3 to GTA V of 9 months. Sure, it had games then, but none that interested me.

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I've got a nice backlog of games at the moment, so finding something to do on each console certainly isn't hard. In the case being when the WiiU wouldn't have any games to play on it, like i've done with other consoles i would go back and replay a game from my library. And if i couldn't be bothered, move onto the 3DS/PS Vita or PS4. Or i would venture into the Retro library and play a classic from the past. In recent weeks, i've found my old Mega Drive and i may play a game or two from that library.


As i mentioned, my backlog is huge at present with enough to do on each console.

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I have way too many games too. Not only do I still have loads of cube and wii games to play, but also DS and 3DS and even loads of Wii U games - currently playing NES Remix, Unepic, Kung Fu Rabbit (great Game :) ) and have loads of VC and eshop games to still play through, as well as Deus Ex, the DC fighting game, Luigi U (even Mario U) as well wanting to get back into monster hunter and nintendoland... I'll never be starved of Nintendo based games.


Outside of this I have stupid amounts of Steam, Vita and PS3 games to play... I'll never complete all my games. I know it.


Though I still get excited by new games and the droughts dampen this excitement.

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Nope, not really. If there were other games coming out that I wanted on other formats in the drought, then sure, but at the moment? Nope. Not a damn thing I want on other formats.


Gaming wise what are you playing at the moment then? You're a bit like me in the sense that you can blitz a new release over the course of a few days so I imagine you have pretty much cleared most, if not all, the Wii U games you have wanted to play.


You still playing Pokemon X/Y?

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This problem wouldn't be as bad if their VC was't as woeful. I really don't know what they're playing at, especially considering how good the Wii VC was.


Correct me if I'm wrong but I'm pretty sure we had the likes of Mario 64 and Donkey Kong Country from DAY ONE with a steady release of great titles from then on out on Wii.


Wii U got off to such a great start with the 30p promotions, but like every good idea, Nintendo drop it very quickly.

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I have way too many games too. Not only do I still have loads of cube and wii games to play, but also DS and 3DS and even loads of Wii U games - currently playing NES Remix, Unepic, Kung Fu Rabbit (great Game :) ) and have loads of VC and eshop games to still play through, as well as Deus Ex, the DC fighting game, Luigi U (even Mario U) as well wanting to get back into monster hunter and nintendoland... I'll never be starved of Nintendo based games.


Outside of this I have stupid amounts of Steam, Vita and PS3 games to play... I'll never complete all my games. I know it.


Though I still get excited by new games and the droughts dampen this excitement.


Dude, you REALLY need to either stop buying games or actually finish the ones you have got.


Wasn't this your new years resolution for the past two years or something? :D

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Gaming wise what are you playing at the moment then? You're a bit like me in the sense that you can blitz a new release over the course of a few days so I imagine you have pretty much cleared most, if not all, the Wii U games you have wanted to play.


You still playing Pokemon X/Y?

Yeah, plus I'm doing Virtual Console stuff often (helping a friend's site out with reviews).


At the moment, I have Pokémon X (competitive team sorting), Pokémon Y (total for fun playthrough) and Batman Arkham Origins on the go, though Origins is starting to bore me a bit.


But as I said in the edit to my post, droughts are different to different people depending on what they play. I had a 9 month drought on my 360 last year. No console drought will drive me to any other console. If a game is out on any console that I want, I'll get it. Simple as that.


There's not really much on the horizon outside of Nintendo titles that is enticing me, anyway. Infamous somewhat, and Watch_Dogs (though I'm getting that on the Wii U if it does come), and a plethora of indie titles though. However, for the former, I'm in no rush.

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My Xbox 360, for example. Huge drought from Assassin's Creed 3 to GTA V of 9 months. Sure, it had games then, but none that interested me.


Yeah, the 360 was crazy last year and continues to be. Mine is essentially a glorified Sky box at this point and had the One got the Sky app my 360 would have been sent packing.

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Yeah, the 360 was crazy last year and continues to be. Mine is essentially a glorified Sky box at this point and had the One got the Sky app my 360 would have been sent packing.

Mine's just sitting under my TV, with my Wii, both collecting dust :/ Think my 360 is dying though. It takes forever to turn on and be playable (about 5 minutes from power on to being able to load a game) and is so ridiculously loud.


But I digress. Wii U drought is over in two weeks, and there's some cool games coming out on 3DS and cool indie games (Armillo, QUBE among others) that are enticing to me coming out between DK and Mario Kart, so I'm all set.


Will likely get a PS4 and Infamous, and Watch_Dogs if it is canned on the Wii U, towards the end of the year with the games likely to be marked down by then.

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Good topic, especially as the e-Shop thread was becoming more of a general one. :D


Like you, the last new game I played on the console was Super Mario 3D World and that was 100% complete within a few days. After that I played through Super Mario 3 and since then it's just been sitting there and the only time I use it is when I use the Gamepad to control my TV.


I have been contemplating going back on Monster Hunter but by the time I get home from work this feeling has passed.


Luckily I picked up a Xbox One just before Christmas and the games i've bought on that are keeping me busy.


I have also hit ebay and started building up a collection of N64 games.Man, some of the games are crazy expensive! My aim is to get a complete collection of the games i'm after by the end of the year. I recently played through Super Mario 64 and Donkey Kong 64 to get my Nintendo fix. :hug:


I think the weirdest thing for me is that Nintendo could easily be plugging these gaps with substantial VC releases. I honestly think I said the same thing last year as well. Just what in the hell is taking them so long?


Another factor is the lack of online play in any of their games. Online gaming gives games legs long after the single player mode is finished. I think had Smash or Mario Kart been released first instead of SMW3D the drought wouldn't be much of an issue due to the online play.


nostalgia is a wonderful thing, I seem to recall F-Zero on gamecube being a beautiful game that would hold it's own graphically today in which case, why dob't they just release a load of gamecube games on VC. That said, I got a copy of Rogue Leader recently which I also recall being a thing of wonder and it looked pretty ropy.


I assume you guys have PS3 or 360 and thus have already played a lot of the games on Wii U that I have. Otherwise you need to cut back on your Wii U time. ;-)

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Actually, I wish there were lesser games released, so I had time to play all of them. I still have about 10 games in my To Play -list, and it feels like it's just growing all the time. Dunno if I have lesser time than before.


Luckily, I have tried to clear my Wii U -pile a little, and now I have only Deus Ex: Human Revolution DC unplayed, altough that will probably have to wait until I have beaten Tropical Freeze.


So, as to the topic. I play mostly with all the consoles I have, and feel there should be fewer games to come out, so I had more time to finish the ones I still have.


So it's not game droughts that drive me away, but the games that interest me. It's not like I have to force to play other consoles, cause they also have games, just like Wii U. I don't know how much more time other people do, but I'm drowning in the games right now.

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Personally, I don't feel game droughts, as I play RPGs. It's taken me half a year to play through Etrian Odyssey IV and Bravely Default (plus a few others), so I can't see myself looking for another game anytime soon. I've even got Etrian Odyssey III on the DS to finish.


Maybe it's just me, but I haven't needed anything other than the 3DS since it launched.

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Dude, you REALLY need to either stop buying games or actually finish the ones you have got.


Wasn't this your new years resolution for the past two years or something? :D


YES!! For Wii and DS I bought well over a hundred games... and things just got a bit silly and I've been saying I'm not buying as many; I'm not, but still buying way too much :) That's why I'm thankful for the drought! I've completed a few games already this year though so I'm making some headway. Also getting more ruthless, if I don't like it, I aint getting it!!


I preferred it when I was a kid and got 5 games a year and played the hell out of them!!!

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It's a terrible situation that's for sure, anyone that has owned the Wii U/3DS since launch and is up to date with all of the released games, basically has no choice but to look elsewhere at the moment. :hmm:

As I mentioned in the eShop thread though, I find it mind-boggling how Nintendo allow this to happen in the first place. Do they not see the problem? Not care? ::shrug: It just doesn't make sense, a company of their scale shouldn't get in this situation.


Anyway... I'm currently playing several things across many different platforms, and I am still using my Wii U on a daily basis for Wii Fit U. I also downloaded Runner 2 the other day in the sale, but not played it much yet.


On PC I've been messing with the Just Cause 2 Multiplayer Mod.

Got a copy of PaRappa the Rapper off eBay, which I'm playing on PS3 :D along with the occasional PSN game.

Started borrowing my sister's iPad :hehe: and have been checking out some of the games on that, Temple Run 2 in particular has been a lot of fun.

And my 3DS is still getting used for the odd bit of Animal Crossing (yes, I'm still playing it! :heh:) and some KORG M01D composing.


So I suppose one positive to droughts is that it can make you go back to slightly older games that you probably would've stopped playing otherwise, and get a little bit more out of them.

But yeah, given the option I'd obviously much rather see a consistent release schedule from Nintendo.

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nostalgia is a wonderful thing, I seem to recall F-Zero on gamecube being a beautiful game that would hold it's own graphically today in which case, why dob't they just release a load of gamecube games on VC.


F Zero may not LOOK incredible, but it still plays superbly. Waverace does too. @david\.dakota came over before christmas and we played some gamecube games (including double dash, better than I remember and Donkey Konga and Donkey Kong Jungle BEat!!)


But Fzero was just amazing, a Wind Waker remake with online would make me so so happY!!!

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I actually some times welcome the droughts. Last year's 3ds to Wii U games list that I wanted was ridiculous. I still haven't picked up all the games I wanted from last year yet anyways. And now the next barrage of Wii U is creeping up and I've got a hungry PS4 to feed aswell... so yes... a little time without releases does help sometimes.


3 months till I'll have about £600 more disposable income as the wedding will be have been and gone... then my precious consoles will be never hungry...

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Mine's just sitting under my TV, with my Wii, both collecting dust :/ Think my 360 is dying though. It takes forever to turn on and be playable (about 5 minutes from power on to being able to load a game) and is so ridiculously loud.


But I digress. Wii U drought is over in two weeks, and there's some cool games coming out on 3DS and cool indie games (Armillo, QUBE among others) that are enticing to me coming out between DK and Mario Kart, so I'm all set.


Will likely get a PS4 and Infamous, and Watch_Dogs if it is canned on the Wii U, towards the end of the year with the games likely to be marked down by then.


Tbf, it shouldn't be surprising that the 360 had a games drought in 2013...it was in its 8th year by then! It's a slightly different situation for say, the Wii U, which isn't that old. That said, I think the last game I played on my Xbox was Bayonetta last year. Great experience but I put the console in the attic soon after.


can you come round my house and play some of my games? My library of Wii U games that I've yet to even start is growing by the day.


I have 7 Wii U games and have completed them all. There's nothing else on the system that interests me, unfortunately. I'll be getting Donkey Kong though.


This problem wouldn't be as bad if their VC was't as woeful. I really don't know what they're playing at, especially considering how good the Wii VC was.


Correct me if I'm wrong but I'm pretty sure we had the likes of Mario 64 and Donkey Kong Country from DAY ONE with a steady release of great titles from then on out on Wii.


Wii U got off to such a great start with the 30p promotions, but like every good idea, Nintendo drop it very quickly.


Yeah, they should have kept up the 30p promotion..I double dipped on Super Metroid as it was too cheap to say no to!

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F Zero may not LOOK incredible, but it still plays superbly. Waverace does too. @david\.dakota came over before christmas and we played some gamecube games (including double dash, better than I remember and Donkey Konga and Donkey Kong Jungle BEat!!)


But Fzero was just amazing, a Wind Waker remake with online would make me so so happY!!!

F-Zero GX STILL looks amazing. They just need to HD port it and it'd look incredible



The game was ahead of its time.


Tbf, it shouldn't be surprising that the 360 had a games drought in 2013...it was in its 8th year by then! It's a slightly different situation for say, the Wii U, which isn't that old. That said, I think the last game I played on my Xbox was Bayonetta last year. Great experience but I put the console in the attic soon after.




I have 7 Wii U games and have completed them all. There's nothing else on the system that interests me, unfortunately. I'll be getting Donkey Kong though.




Yeah, they should have kept up the 30p promotion..I double dipped on Super Metroid as it was too cheap to say no to!

No, I know. I'm just saying that droughts are different for different people. Others would have enjoyed things like Bioshock Infinite, Tomb Raider, Gears of War Judgment, Metro Last Light, Saints Row IV etc. in that time.

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