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Definitely live now. Just played through the first few new adventure map levels. I like the way the new map is set up, should last ages if the levels are as difficult as the twilight map, although the first few seemed relatively easy. Going to try out Tingle now.

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This is now officially the best game ever. :heh:

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What a great addition Tingle is! :yay: His moves are so much fun, powerful too, especially the one where he chucks bombs/Rupees down from his balloon! :o


Those new potions are seriously handy too...

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Levelling up just got a lot easier. ;)
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Tingle may be great, but Young Link is broken!


Being able to convert the Special gauge to magic is hilariously awesome! Fierce Deity Link everything in sight!


Gotten them both to Level 47 now. Didn't even need a new potion. I focused on getting a many slitted weapon from Network Links instead now that you can delete skills. Got a Level 3, 5 star 8 slot weapon for Tingle. Result!


Only the best will do for Sexy Mr. Hyrule!

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Gotten them both to Level 47 now. Didn't even need a new potion. I focused on getting a many slitted weapon from Network Links instead now that you can delete skills. Got a Level 3, 5 star 8 slot weapon for Tingle. Result!


I have the game. Put 50 hours into it. And I don't understand what you're saying.


Anyone else's game freezing on the title screen now? Awesome update....


Oh god what have they done to the map? It zooms in all the time now... I detest it. Can you stop it?

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Tingle may be great, but Young Link is broken!


Being able to convert the Special gauge to magic is hilariously awesome! Fierce Deity Link everything in sight!


Gotten them both to Level 47 now. Didn't even need a new potion. I focused on getting a many slitted weapon from Network Links instead now that you can delete skills. Got a Level 3, 5 star 8 slot weapon for Tingle. Result!


Only the best will do for Sexy Mr. Hyrule!


Level 47 already!?!?!? You must have lots of Rupees to help level them up - I only have I think 3 or 4 of the characters above that (Link, Zelda, Lana and Ganondorf) and that's in 80 hours of play!


What are your secrets!?!?!?


Wait a sec - just saw @RedShell has a LEVEL 84 Tingle. WHAT THE HELL? HOW?

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I only had around 50,000 rupees when the DLC hit, here's my general ways of playing the game.


Never quit mid-way through a mission, even if you die or fail. You get EXP and Rupees. But if you quit through the menu, you lose it all.


EXP+ and Rupee+ skills are essential, if you have a weapon with them, transfer it to your best weapon! Material+, Slot+ and Star+ are also great for getting good weapons and making badges.


Use the Apothecry! Two of the new potions help you get more Rupees and EXP.

What I'm doing is using the Rupee potion to raise money to level up Itty-Bitty Link and Mr. Hyrule.


Don't ignore the Network Links! As long as you can realistically beat it.

Each one nets you 50,000 rupees just for finishing it, and the enemies tend to drop more Rupees and EXP. You also tend to get a sweet weapon as well.

When I do a Network Link, I use the Weapon Slot 3 (I have gold materials to burn) potion so I have a chance at getting a much sought after Level 3, 5-star, 8-slot weapon. (Of course, you have to unlock those Level 3 weapons first)


Now that you can delete skills, I can work towards having perfect weapons for me.


Anyway, Itty-Bitty Link might have beaten Twili Midna as my new favourite character. You can convert 3 Special bars into a full magic meter and spam Fierce Deity Link! It's broken!

BTW, 5 Y's and then press X, you can thank me later. (Assuming you've got the badges for the combos)


Tingle is fantastic for crowd control, I've yet to figure the nuances of his special Balloon dodge though, definitely have to experiment more with him.

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Anyone else's game freezing on the title screen now?
No, but I have noticed much longer loading times since the update. :hmm: Although that could be due to my crappy external HDD.


Wait a sec - just saw @Glen\-i said.

But I'll add that you should always break the beige pots that are inside keeps (especially when using the Rupee+ skill & Rupee Festival potion) as they'll often contain Rupees. Also, make effective use of Focus Spirit. Whenever your magic meter is full and there are also a lot of enemies around, hit R and try to get as many KOs as you can before the Focus Spirit runs out. If you can take out another main character in that time, even better. ;)


Tingle is fantastic for crowd control, I've yet to figure the nuances of his special Balloon dodge though, definitely have to experiment more with him.
Indeed. I was clearing keeps instantly with his 4xY+X move, before even getting all of his keep assist badges! :o

It's amazing being able to clear an entire keep and take out the keep boss all in a single move. :awesome:


I've not used the Balloon dodge much myself, but it seems like you just need to hit X to charge it (you'll see puffs of smoke around Tingle when it's charged) and then you can use it whenever you like to quickly jump up out of harm's way. It can also lead into an attack where tingle spins his arms around in midair. :grin:

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So it turns out that the EXP bonus you get when a friend's Network Link helps you, stacks with all the other EXP bonuses! :awesome:


Meaning you can have all of these on the go simultaneously:


  • EXP+ weapon skill
  • XP Excelerator Apothecary
  • Focus Spirit More EXP! bonus
  • Network Link More EXP! bonus

And the result is absolutely insane! :o

Defeating an enemy captain under those conditions literally levels you up instantly!! :awesome:

I increased Tingle's Level by 8 on a single stage!* icon14.gif


He's now at Lv. 181! Will easily get to 200 today, esspecially if I get more Network Links helping me. ;) So yeah, if you do spot my Network Link, please help it! :grin:


And for anyone that receives the Friend bonus, make sure you don't waste it! The effects only last for one stage (like apothecary) so whenever you get it, stack up the EXP bonuses and pick a good stage to play! :)

*My stage of choice for EXP is still the "True Partners" one on the Rewards Map.


: peace:

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What are these friends bonuses?


Also, what are zeldas light icons, and ganondorfs dark energy meter and such? Wha are these and how do you activate them?


They're bonuses you get when someone helps your Network Link while you're playing.


I have never got one.


As for Zelda, if you press X (Dynasty Warriors controls), you'll fill those orbs up.

These change her combo attacks, which will use up 1 orb each.


Ganondorf can fill up that bar by holding X when performing a combo attack. So instead of pressing X, hold it and the bar will fill up.

When it's full, press X on it's own to unleash a powerful attack.


If you don't understand a weapon, go to the "Check combos" option on the pause menu, it has a quick explanation on what's special about a weapon.

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Had a go with MM Link today. He's quite fun to use, even without his cheap methods of attack.


Not happy with the loading times now though. I wonder what's caused that to happen?


@RedShell I helped one of your Links out. It was level 67 and I was 45. It was a long slog but I managed to get the mission done.


*goes back to FFVIII*

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So it turns out that the EXP bonus you get when a friend's Network Link helps you, stacks with all the other EXP bonuses! :awesome:


Meaning you can have all of these on the go simultaneously:


  • EXP+ weapon skill
  • XP Excelerator Apothecary
  • Focus Spirit More EXP! bonus
  • Network Link More EXP! bonus

And the result is absolutely insane! :o

Defeating an enemy captain under those conditions literally levels you up instantly!! :awesome:

I increased Tingle's Level by 8 on a single stage!* icon14.gif


He's now at Lv. 181! Will easily get to 200 today, esspecially if I get more Network Links helping me. ;) So yeah, if you do spot my Network Link, please help it! :grin:


And for anyone that receives the Friend bonus, make sure you don't waste it! The effects only last for one stage (like apothecary) so whenever you get it, stack up the EXP bonuses and pick a good stage to play! :)

*My stage of choice for EXP is still the "True Partners" one on the Rewards Map.


: peace:

Can't believe you managed to get it to 200 in two days. That's insanity. Mine are still struggling at lower levels...all of them.

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I have never got one.
Damn, I've helped your Link on many occasions, including earlier on today. :blank:

I've said it before, and I'll say it again, the Network feature of this game is completely broken. :shakehead

It's even more annoying now though, knowing just how awesome the combination of all EXP bonuses can be. :(


@RedShell I helped one of your Links out. It was level 67 and I was 45. It was a long slog but I managed to get the mission done.
Cheers. :)

But man, it had me as Lv.67... What the hell game? :heh:


Can't believe you managed to get it to 200 in two days. That's insanity. Mine are still struggling at lower levels...all of them.
Yeah, the new apothecary makes all the difference, especially when combined with the elusive friend bonus.


Here's my Miiverse post on reaching Lv.200 (which most of you have probably seen already :hehe:):

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I also put together a rad weapon for Tingle today:

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It's ridiculously OTT. :D

Hasty Attacks is particularly cool, you get the same increased attack speed as you do when using Focus Spirit, but all the time! :awesome:

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