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Yeah, I was gonna mention the level thing yesterday. When I encountered @RedShell his Link was only level 57.


I wonder if it saves the level of your character the last time you completed that stage?

It does, and the ones it brings in are equal to the level of the character you are at the time. For farming, I kept a character around Level 30 so I'd have easy levels to get 50,000 rupees from. You should get 3 of those, a Network Link (possibly in a similar level) and a Level 99+

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I have never had a network link......do i have none of you on my friends list


Random Links show up as well.



It does, and the ones it brings in are equal to the level of the character you are at the time. For farming, I kept a character around Level 30 so I'd have easy levels to get 50,000 rupees from. You should get 3 of those, a Network Link (possibly in a similar level) and a Level 99+


I'm a little confused here. RedShells character wasn't the same level as me. I just helped another one of his out this morning and this time he was level 120 yet I'm only 70 odd.

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I just pretend that the reward for having someone help you doesn't exist.

Helps that I don't play Hyrule Warriors while online. I'll be amazed if I ever get that notification.


Anyway, took on RedShell's Lv 120 with a Lv 70 Impa and aced it. (He was actually blocking me from proceeding to a new square)

It took forever though, half an hour is nowhere near my average time.

Went up 2 levels for doing it though, so it's all good.


I swear, some of these Twilight Princess Quests are all over the place when it comes to difficulty. Some are cake, while others boast enemies that can take more than 10 hearts in a single hit, ruining an "A" rank.

They really should have accounted for that.


Oh, and I keep failing messenger quests. They die so easily.

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Grabbed those screens a minute ago too, your Link is at a different level on all of the maps.

The most interesting one is the lv 102 as my Link is still only lv 89. The only character I have over 100 is Lana, so I assume it must be taken from her.


The reward this morning might have been from me. I used the experience boost from the reward I got to take on your lv120 network Link, and you were online when I finished playing. It's a shame the network thing doesn't work better, as you'd be rolling in rewards by the sound of it!


@Agent Gibbs If you aren't getting Links showing up at all I would check your settings, as I seem to remember you need to turn on an option to allow them.

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Did some of the Twilight Adventure Map today. Jesus christ some are evil. Was once as Lana with special moves and no tracking of enemies on the map. Evil. I had no idea what was going on.


Got A for everything except damage received. I needed an A Rank :(


That would be the Twilight Realm messing with you.

On the map, some squares have that Twilight rectangle effect, this stops you seeing the map clearly, along with other disadvantages.


If you get a Tear of Light item, you can use it to get rid of Twilight and play the mission normally. (Highly recommended, the map is essential)

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That would be the Twilight Realm messing with you.

On the map, some squares have that Twilight rectangle effect, this stops you seeing the map clearly, along with other disadvantages.


If you get a Tear of Light item, you can use it to get rid of Twilight and play the mission normally. (Highly recommended, the map is essential)

Yeah, I never realised how important the map was to me until that happened.


I need to pay attention to things more :p

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Speaking of the map, I'd like to say how much better the map items are.

If you know what you're doing, you never need to use the compass. Makes the map stuff flow more smoothly.


Also, if you're really struggling with something, you might want to consider using one of the new potions.

It's very easy to overlook them. But they have some awesome effects.

Permanent upgraded items, Guard breaking attacks and Special Bar constant refill.

I imagine some of those would be very helpful. (Especially the Guard Breaker)

Shame they're pretty pricey. (30,000 - 50,000)

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Just got the final skulltula on the first map! :yay:


Not sure whether to bother with the hearts. Without giving any spoilers, anyone know if there is any reward other than getting the complete symbol? I presume there's probably a medal at least. Might take a bit of a break from this now anyway and move on to Captain Toad.

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Borrowed this off a mate to play over Xmas...brilliant game.


It's like a fan fiction love letter to the series, I appreciate its a little hack and slash (maybe a lot) but I'm really enjoying the story, the references to past games in the series...and Ive still only been playing legend mode!


So much to do, def going to pick this up myself as this and Smash could be the perfect combo to keep me going well into the new year :)

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I mentioned this before but no one commented so maybe it on,y annoys me, it the infrequency of items on adventure maps really make me want to stop playing. You have to replay the same stupid levels over and over just to get compasses and candles etc it's grindy as it is but this is grinding to a whole new level, and it isn't fun.... Unless I'm missing something....

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I mentioned this before but no one commented so maybe it on,y annoys me, it the infrequency of items on adventure maps really make me want to stop playing. You have to replay the same stupid levels over and over just to get compasses and candles etc it's grindy as it is but this is grinding to a whole new level, and it isn't fun.... Unless I'm missing something....
It can be annoying, yeah. But I managed to search pretty much the entire first map without too much grinding.


Perhaps they should have also made those items available via amiibo scans. Would be a heck of a lot more useful than 1 Rupee! :heh: Speaking of which, I got three 1 Rupee "gifts" in a row today! Not cool. :laughing:

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So I got all the Skulltulas on the Master Quest Map...


It does indeed unlock a new mission on the Rewards map. And oh boy, is it a doozy...



3 Imprisoneds! THREE IMPRISONEDS! Bloody hell man! This guy makes it look easy, of course.

Just remember, that Lv 99 was the max until the Twilight Princess pack came out. They really expected anyone to do this on Lv 99? (My Link is level 97, in case you're wondering, failed miserably.)

Guess I need to get better with the horse.


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Technobubble Talk: Hyrule Warriors devs talk Zelda


Hey, you've got Zelda in my Dynasty Warriors!


Or is it the other way around?


Two Japanese video game franchises sail into uncharted territory with the release of "Hyrule Warriors" for the Nintendo Wii U.


For gamers who've been stuck underneath a Goron for the last couple of years, Hyrule Warriors is a game in the vein of Dynasty Warriors one-versus-1,000 formula but with Zelda characters.


How did this video game marriage come about?


I interview longtime Legend of Zelda director and producer Eiji Aonuma of Nintendo as well as Koei Tecmo producer Yosuke Hayashi, who talk about Hyrule Warriors' creation, the absence of Tingle, the next Legend of Zelda game for Wii U, and the one game they would take with them if they got stuck on a desert island.


Question: Hyrule Warriors debuted in Japan at No. 2 on the sales charts and has been credited with selling Wii U systems over there. Given how portable games have dominated console games in Japan lately, what do you think about Hyrule Warriors' performance and what it means for the Wii U?


Eiji Aonuma: This game was developed with Zelda fans in mind and we really wanted them to enjoy it so we're happy with the sales results so far. Just looking at the reaction of fans on Miiverse (Nintendo's social media platform on Wii U), it's obvious they're happy with the experience so I'm really glad about that. In terms of the Wii U and its future, (the reception to Hyrule Warriors) is a good sign and we would like to continue to make games that would help it sell.


Q: The "Musou" or "Warriors" series has a history of branching out whether it be with Gundam, Fist of the North Star or One Piece. Who initiated the idea for Hyrule Warriors?


Yosuke Hayashi: Koei Tecmo originally proposed the idea to Nintendo. The reason we do collaborations is because we want more people to be introduced to our games. We actually have a bunch of Zelda fans in our staff and we felt it might be good to have a Zelda-themed game that had action-based gameplay and Nintendo agreed.


Q: How is Hyrule Warriors different from past Warriors' games?


Hayashi: This was this actually the first time we have done a collaboration between a game series and another franchise as opposed to an anime, so that proved to be a challenge. The Legend of Zelda series has its own style of gameplay so we honestly had some difficulty in the beginning in figuring out how we can translate that Zelda gameplay into a Dynasty Warriors-style game. We talked to Mr. Aonuma a lot about this and we believe that we have been successful in carrying over those aspects that best represent the Zelda franchise into the game.


Q: What are the chances of us seeing a Nintendo Warriors game with characters like Mario, Samus and Kirby?


Aonuma: We believe the Hyrule Warriors collaboration works out well because the Zelda intellectual property also happens to be a very good fit with Dynasty Warriors. As far as other Nintendo IPs, some may work out and others may not so that's something we're still not completely certain about. If Koei Tecmo wants to propose another game idea using other Nintendo franchises, we may consider it but I can't speak for other franchises because I'm usually involved with the Zelda games.


Q: How did you decide which characters to include in Hyrule Warriors?


Hayashi: The No. 1 thing we considered was which characters Zelda fans love and want to play as. We also had staff members play several Zelda games and see what characters really made an impression on them.


Q: Who's your favorite character to use in the game and why?


Hayashi: I was happy to play as Ganon. The idea of being able to use characters you're not normally able to play as in those Legend of Zelda games was something I find satisfying.


Aonuma: I had the most fun playing with the original character Koei Tecmo created called Lana. The scene where you're fighting alongside the child of the Deku tree really left a big impression on me.


Q: Any chance of seeing Tingle in this game?


Hayashi: Actually, Tingle was a character we kind of considered and sort of went back and forth on. We really wanted to include him but Mr. Aonuma suggested that it might be good to include some other character.


Aonuma: (Laughs) Do you like Tingle?


Me: I think he's hilarious!


Q: For Mr. Aonuma, is there anything you learned from playing Hyrule Warriors that you might apply to the upcoming Legend of Zelda game for Wii U?


Aonuma: One aspect of Hyrule Warriors that really left a big impression on me was how the big bosses can actually move across the map while you're fighting them. For example, you can have a boss start by heading toward your stronghold and you'll attack and then follow them. That's something you don't usually see in a Zelda game because bosses are usually in enclosed spaces so that kind of gameplay feels fresh to me. It also works really well in an expansive world, which is what we're planning to do for the next Zelda game. It's going to be a really open world so that's the kind of gameplay we'd really like to incorporate.


Q: Is there a possibility for online co-op to be added to Hyrule Warriors in the future?


Hayashi: From our side, we considered what kind of co-op play would really suit the Wii U. What's really unique to the Wii U is the controller so we decided to include two-player local co-op where one player uses the TV and the other uses the Wii U tablet. We just think that kind of co-op play where you have two people there in front of each other is really fun.


Q: If you got stuck in a deserted island and can only bring one video game to play, what would it be?


Hayashi: Hyrule Warriors.


Aonuma: The Legend of Zelda A Link Between Worlds.


Q: Will there be a Hyrule Warriors 2?


Hayashi: It's kind of hard to say because the game is quite new and hasn't even released in the United States yet (as of this interview). We do have all kinds of updates planned for the game so we think that players will be enjoying it over a long period of time.


Q: Are there any plans to remake other Zelda titles from the past to the Wii U like you did with the Wind Waker?


Aonuma: Obviously, as time goes by and hardware functionality changes and improves, we have an interest in how they might open up new possibilities for games. The No. 1 thing for us is listening to Zelda fans and responding to their ideas so we can make sure they have a great experience. We're quite aware, for example, that people have strong opinions about Majora's Mask so that's something we pay close attention to.


Q: Any updates about the new Legend of Zelda game you're working on?


Aonuma: No (long pause, then laughs). We don't have any particular updates but our staff members are working really hard on this game right now in the midst of Japan's very hot summer weather.


Q: Any parting thoughts before we end the interview?


Aonuma: I would like to echo a message from (Mario creator) Shigeru Miyamoto after he played Hyrule Warriors. He said Zelda games usually make your brain sweat. That might sound weird but it basically means they challenge your brain. In contrast, Hyrule warriors will make your hand sweat, so we hope players are able to enjoy Zelda in a different way.



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I got a wii for xmas and have been playing this a lot more than the other games I have thus far - actually love it. Lots of content still to do (didn't touch adventure mode untill i finished main campaign). Need most characters other weapons, but some missions will be the death of me. That said, my highest level is 48 this far...


Is there any info on what the new content will be coming soon? Not that I've done much of the other maps yet...

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I got a wii for xmas and have been playing this a lot more than the other games I have thus far - actually love it. Lots of content still to do (didn't touch adventure mode untill i finished main campaign). Need most characters other weapons, but some missions will be the death of me. That said, my highest level is 48 this far...


Is there any info on what the new content will be coming soon? Not that I've done much of the other maps yet...


All we know is that there's 2 characters, 3 costumes and a new adventure map.


I have a feeling the next Nintendo Direct will be when we find out what they are.

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