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No Man's Sky


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Wait so is Emril rare? I've mountains of that, the blue ore that was needed for the jump jets and every cave is plutonium and gold

I want to leave this planet now but sounds like I should mine it into oblivion


Depends on your system. I didn't see any at all until about 4 systems in and now I see it everywhere.

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Landed on my very first planet with water. :D It's beautiful.


I've crafted a hyperdrive and fuelled it, as well, so I could warp to a different star system but I won't :laughing:



With the new save I've ignored that little ball on my crash site so I didn't even get to choose between Atlas' guidance or no guidance.

I still got objectives that I "need" to follow, so I guess this is not Atlas' guidance?

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Bought myself a bitchin' new ride, but unfortunately my antimatter was in the old one...doh! Not sure where to get some more from now?


I did the same thing. The way I overcame it was to buy it would off one of the traders when they docked in the space station. You might have to wait a while before one has it, though. You can also find the recipe in one of the mechanical factory things (forgotten the name of it, the one where the lights go crazy when you break in).


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I probably paid way too much for this, and lost my aforementioned priceless anti matter fuel, but when I saw it, I had to have it.




I call it The Pussy Mobile.


It does have 20 slots which is pretty sweet.

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The more scripted mission objectives this game has the more I enjoy it. Currently following a trail of about 6-8 star systems.


I can't decide whether I like the way there seems to be a settlement every 5 minutes or not. On the one hand it's something to do but on the other, it makes the planet feel less real and lowers the specialness of finding building and aliens. Tricky balance I guess.

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The perils of PC.


Is there a day 1 update for Steam as well?

Possibly. I went and updated my AMD drivers and now my screen has gone black. Ive just bought a new graphics card and a friend is putting it in my PC (as well as a few other computer tasks) so I guess I have to be patient :'(

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The more scripted mission objectives this game has the more I enjoy it. Currently following a trail of about 6-8 star systems.


I can't decide whether I like the way there seems to be a settlement every 5 minutes or not. On the one hand it's something to do but on the other, it makes the planet feel less real and lowers the specialness of finding building and aliens. Tricky balance I guess.


I'm the same. I think there should definitely be slightly less, especially on small barren and lifeless moons.


Luckily I think all of these things are stuff they'll listen to, as they said they really want community feedback. Not exactly sure where they'll take the advice from. Might have send Sean and co. a tweet about where to suggest stuff once the furore of the launch dies down.


EDIT: Funnily enough @Ronnie I'm now on a rather lush, peaceful planet that doesn't have a building in sight. Nor, when I scan do any question marks pop up! Maybe there's less as you go on? Or maybe it's just procedural lol.

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The game seem to average on a 7 by critics. Always suspected it was going to land there, but haters are going to have field day.


If you're following the Atlas path, don't sell the Atlas stones appearently. For what reason I don't know.


Anyway, a couple more pictures from my journey




Actually got a little bored and frustrating to find one barren rock after the other. Lots of life weirdly, even if it looks like it shouldn't. Was very happy when I found this planet. Going to stay a while here.





If that's my ship, and I'm here, who's flying?!



Had to take a 30 minute walk to find a place where I could summon my ship back to ground. It's that ugly grasshopper ship I regret buying everytime I see it. I'm trying to earn money to for a new ship but everytime I get some, I find a new suit upgrade that set me back. Currently have 31 slots in the suit but only 20 for the ship!


Some more lovely aliens:



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So far, I also have 31 slots on my suit and I'm still stuck with my 17 slots ship cos I can't find a good replacement in the crashed ship or traders as they usually got 16-25 slots. However my 19 slots multitool is so OP at mining. I can hold the R2 for around 5 seconds without problem but it will be overheat if I extend the time to 7 seconds.


Oh I sold 2 Atlas stones :( I'll hold on the other one.

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There are some stunning planets out there. I have a particular fondness for the barren moons. Definitely hope they make scanning flying creatures easier soon. And the photo mode needs to happen.














Inventory tip:


If you group similar mods together, for example on the multitool, if you put all the weapon upgrades together, their effectiveness is increased. You can see which mods are working together as their borders change colour.


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Found Dugtrios mega evolution




This was a weird planet, every animal so far has been jumping blob. They're not different types of the same species you see sometimes, but different species.


There are two species on the first picture.



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OK, this time I played for nearly a full hour and I feel like I've uncovered a deeper understanding of the game. :)


I feel a lot better about it now, have actually made a small amount of progress and I can only see myself dipping into it more frequently when I have the time. :D

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