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The Super Mario 3D World thread


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So i went into GAME today whilst in town, just browsing around until i saw the Mario 3D World Sleeve on display :eek:

I rushed to the counter and explained how i didn't receive one as my pre-order bonus and asked if they had any more give out. The girl at the till offered me the Mario key ring and said that the Sleeves were out of stock, I told her I'd be happy with the one on display and...



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So i went into GAME today whilst in town, just browsing around until i saw the Mario 3D World Sleeve on display :eek:

I rushed to the counter and explained how i didn't receive one as my pre-order bonus and asked if they had any more give out. The girl at the till offered me the Mario key ring and said that the Sleeves were out of stock, I told her I'd be happy with the one on display and...



I hate you.


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I :heart: you.

I got extremely lucky, i don't think she was allowed to give it away. The store manager was speaking to her as i left.


Should have come back in the store, interrupted and swept her off her feet saying she is freakin' epic.

Or written a letter to GAME about her, saying it's the best customer service you've ever received. Karma and all that...


Although don't GAME sack you for good customer service? :heh:


I was sneaking some games on this the other day. I say sneaking as it has become some kind of alluring beacon that must apparently only be played when my GF is around. She doesn't want to miss anything in the game. Even though she spends half of it in a bubble. :P

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I was fairly critical of this to begin with but I adore it now....


I was so disappointed at the last Bowser battle being a rehash, but that's because I'd somehow forgotten all about the extra worlds :p So yes, the ACTUAL final Bowser battle was superb! That level was just so exciting, and surprisingly, cat Bowser looks bad ass. Climbing up that huge building felt amazing and those last four POUNDS on the POW block were so tense!


I'm also loving the space stages atm, just unlocked Rosalina and what a character, she has such a great jump and that spin is heavenly. Also, hearing Gusty Garden Galaxy theme in that trademark 3D World jazz has really impressed me.


I enjoyed the first 5 worlds, but it was all a bit predictable and far too tame. I'm happy to say though, the second half of the game is miles better than I was expecting. Still not quite a Galaxy, but it comes pretty close. Just a few more levels to go and then a couple of green stars to get! I had been getting all the green stars as I went along but I've missed out a few since world 6!


And my WORD. The music on those credits nearly brought a tear to my eye. That's some beautiful jazz right there, it actually tops the Double Dash credits for me.


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I just started to play this a few days ago and my first impressions are:

"Oh dear god, PLEASE make the later stages more interresting".


I'm sorry, but most of my fears have been met, neigh, surpassed by my actual experience. This is a unnatural DEvolution of the Mario 64-experience. The curvy hills and spiraling mountains have been replaced by a world that's not even trying to hide it's made from tiles, the camera is zoomed out as feck, killing immersion and hiding the one thing that actually is better than Mario 64: DETAILED GRAPHICS. There are four buttons on the face of the controlled, plus analogue sticks. Some designer has obviously decided that it'd be simpler to just use two of them. Fair enough, but why then does the attack button have to double as the run-button? Would it be too much to expect kids to keep track of THREE buttons? Or better yet, the gamepad is equipped with what we "übercore gamers" like to call an analogue stick. It's... y'know... ANALOGUE. As in, if you want your character to walk, you tilt the stick a bit, and if you want to run, you tilt it harder.

Nintendo have removed the wall-jump, the crouch-jump as well as the long-jump. In the end I was surprised to see that they'd NOT removed the ground-pound. And no, you can't speak with the characters at will either, so if you accidentally skipped a dialogue, you can't speak to the character again.


I do hope that the game gets better as you progressed, but right now it's much worse than I feared when seeing it at E3. In six months time, I'm expecting Nintendo to have unveiled a proper 3D Mario, WITHOUT the zoomed out Diablo-camera.

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I haven't played it but apparently you can still long jump.


I agree with you about walk and run, it's stupid. Being able to determine you're own speed and ths play how you like is how it should be.


If they don't want to do that then offer 2 different control schemes to choose from. Simple. Choice.

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I haven't played it but apparently you can still long jump.


I agree with you about walk and run, it's stupid. Being able to determine you're own speed and ths play how you like is how it should be.


If they don't want to do that then offer 2 different control schemes to choose from. Simple. Choice.

I disagree. I believe having the walk and run options toggleable via a button rather than the position of the control stick allows for some far more precision platforming.

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I disagree. I believe having the walk and run options toggleable via a button rather than the position of the control stick allows for some far more precision platforming.
I knew you would, but that cool. No one had a problem with the platforming in Galaxy or Sunshine and some of that required you to be extremely precise! For me they made 3D Land awkward with the walk and run.


A customisable control scheme or being able to toggle between Walk&Run or Analogue in an options menu would solve everything.

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Nintendo have removed the wall-jump, the crouch-jump as well as the long-jump. In the end I was surprised to see that they'd NOT removed the ground-pound. And no, you can't speak with the characters at will either, so if you accidentally skipped a dialogue, you can't speak to the character again


You can long jump and crouch jump just fine. I'm pretty sure you can wall jump too tbh =\

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Errmmm also...I must be missing something here. There is a run button?!. I thought you just go and then after a second or so he bursts into a plume of fire and gets faster.
I don't know myself, but is that just not because you're constantly holding the run button and so just don't think of it as a run button?
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Nintendo have removed the wall-jump, the crouch-jump as well as the long-jump.


All of those are there in the game dude?


Wall jump works like always, jump on wall then jump again.


Crouch Jump, hold crouch button and jump (hold crouch button longer to just a bit higher)


Long Jump, run then press crouch quickly followed by jump as it always was.


The sideways jump is still there too. Run in one direction, suddenly try to turn the opposite direction and jump.


Only thinking now, not sure if the Triple Jump is there or not? I've actually never tried to do it?


Though yeah I fully agree on the non-use of the Analogue for walk/run.

In 3D Land on 3DS it was fine, worked well for a handheld but on home console with proper sticks I was expecting Analogue controls, the same analogue controls that Nintendo pinoneered in home consoles with Mario 64.


I've never heard anyone complain either that the analogue control in M64, Sunshine or the 2 Galaxys made the platforming in anyway imprescise or difficult. the anolgue controls worked perfectly in all those.


Likely the main reason for teh lack of it here is Nintendo prolly didn't want to code two different control types, one for players using a controller with sticks (Gamepad, Pro Controll, Classic Controller, Wiimote+Nunchuck) and a different control system for those just using a Wiimote :mad:




Also on a personal note.... I have finished World Flower a few days back and am now slowly going back over levels picking up Stars, Stamps, Gold Flags I missed. Got everything up to World 6 now I think. Slowly getting there....slowly (need more free time to play :heh:)


BUT I only just recently learned two new things.... in some levels you can pick up Pirahanna Plants (if they are in a flower pot) and use them as weapons??? WTF found this out by accident, how did I not know this before.


Also and even more awesome found out you can go INSIDE a Koopa shell and control it! Again did it by mistake, was hold a shell them pressed the crouch button (i think that was it) and sudden;y Mario was inside and I could direct the shell :D.... stay inside too long and you get dizzy haha:awesome::awesome:

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Rez don't you HAVE the game?!?! Yes you do begin to run after a second, but ONLY if you are holding the run button. Maybe you are holding it subconsciously. Also, you can long jump and wall jump etc.


As for run button in general, I HATED the idea, along with the limited camera control, and although I STILl wish for complete 360 camera movement, I actually really like the run button to be honest.


Personally, this is EASILY my favourite game of the year - it's more c reactive than anything I've played, it's got the best controls of any game I've played, it's harder than any game I've played, has the best music of any game I've played and the visual design is exactly my cup of tea!!

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All of those are there in the game dude?


Wall jump works like always, jump on wall then jump again.


Crouch Jump, hold crouch button and jump (hold crouch button longer to just a bit higher)


Long Jump, run then press crouch quickly followed by jump as it always was.



I stand corrected.

But those moves do feel kind of weak, don't they?

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