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Wii Fit U


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Are any brick and mortar shops selling the fit meter? None of the ones I've checked so far seem to have it.


Sh-ops...? Selling WiiU stuff?? :confused:


Just ordered mine of Amazon... bargain really (compared with the cost of the Game and Meter.).


But it might get expensive getting meters for extra people.

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The N-E community is getting busier. icon14.gif

For those that haven't joined yet, here's a reminder of the code:



Worth joining just to see /nando/'s Mii dancing Salsa: :D



@RedShell in sound settings the Meter refers to 'playing sounds during activity'; I guess it let's you know you've achieved something... But what..?
Yeah, the description in the manual is also pretty cryptic.

Anyway, I was doing sweet f.a. both times when my Fit Meter decided to play music, so I don't think it was letting me know I'd achieved something. :heh:

Perhaps it's the "do some exercise" alert. :laughing:

Edited by RedShell
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How do you unlock new outfits?
How do I get new costumes?
You get costumes by setting hi-scores in various activities, or by reaching step/altitude targets with the Fit Meter.

I just reached the top of the Statue of Liberty, and got this outfit for doing so:




/nando/'s still dancing away. :D


BTW, is my Mii showing up in anyone's Plaza? I know I'm not appearing in Phube's, wondering if that's the case for others too. :hmm:

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A few questions


- how do you bring up the key when on the fit meter graphs?

- I sure the whole things so off. It reckons I burned of f a thousand calories today. But then it has the time I was driving as light activity. Kind of ruins it's used if It Can't accurately detect being in a car

- what does locking the days do and adding comments?

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DANCING MII's!! I have no intention of buying this game, but I absolutely love this thread for all of RedShell's screen grabs! :grin:


They look so cute in their work out get ups! :laughing: I've always thought the Mii's could be used better and this game looks like it's giving them a bit of much needed personality at last!


MOAR. :heh:

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Haha.. I haven't really had time to play this yet as life seems to be so hectic at the minute.. but it's good to hear that my salsa is doing it for you, @RedShell :heh:


I decided to order the Wii U Fit Meter, though, as I feel I've seen enough to know that I should get my money's worth from it all. It was too difficult a deal to pass up, considering I already have the balance board :indeed:

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Downloaded it, set it up and tried a few games. The Wii Fit Meter should have arrived at work on Friday (I wasn't at work).


One thing bugging me: I can't find any settings which enable me to use real measurements and not imperial measurements. I had to use Google to convert my height.

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A few questions


- how do you bring up the key when on the fit meter graphs?

Just wait a few seconds without pressing anything and it should appear on screen again.


- I sure the whole things so off. It reckons I burned of f a thousand calories today. But then it has the time I was driving as light activity. Kind of ruins it's used if It Can't accurately detect being in a car
But driving is light activity. :heh:

I've been nothing but impressed with the accuracy of the Fit Meter, particularly the altitude aspect. :cool: Keep in mind that will be influenced regardless of physical activity, so if you were to go up a building via the stairs or take the lift, the altitude reading will change/be recorded by the Fit Meter regardless. That's why it's cool having the different coloured bars for activity type behind the altitude graph, as you can easily see if someone traversed any changes in altitude by themselves, or if they cheated! :laughing:


- what does locking the days do and adding comments?
Only a certain amount of full detail activity charts can be saved, think it's 20 but not sure. So by locking days you will be able to keep the full detail chart for that particular day. You can add a comment to the data for any reason, like where you walked on that day, or something like that.


This game came out at the perfect time since I'm trying to take off the small amount of weight I put on over the XY coverage due to me not doing anything.


Good god my body must be out of shape...my legs and arms are killing me

Hehehe. :hehe:

Make sure you join the community!


DANCING MII's!! I have no intention of buying this game, but I absolutely love this thread for all of RedShell's screen grabs! :grin:


They look so cute in their work out get ups! :laughing: I've always thought the Mii's could be used better and this game looks like it's giving them a bit of much needed personality at last!


MOAR. :heh:

Glad you're enjoying them.

Have you already got a Balance Board? If so you should at least download this for the free trial. :)


One thing bugging me: I can't find any settings which enable me to use real measurements and not imperial measurements. I had to use Google to convert my height.
Not sure if there's an option to change that (didn't have to input my height again as I transferred my original Wii Fit file), must be in there somewhere though. :hmm:
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I'm impressed with the altitude too, drove to Liverpool and back and you can see clearly the perfect symmetry from the journey their and back.


I guess driving for 6, 7 hours etc and walking maybe 2km. It says I lost over a thousand calories; to me that sounds like bullshit. You don't use any calories driving surely!

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