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Nintendo 2DS


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The design is growing on me a bit, and the white one looks really nice


It actually doesn't look as bad now I've seen it with hands actually holding it.


Anybody know how they're going to be branding up games now? Should we be expecting a new spine saying 2DS/3DS?

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Oh that's an interesting point actually. How will they do that going forward?


Couple more images:














Taken from the techradar review.


In their review they make a valid point that the 3ds is stated as being 'unsuitable' for children under 7 due to developing eyes or some shizz. So this really is a pretty good move from Ninty.

Those big shoulder buttons look delicious.

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  • 3 weeks later...
The 2DS has been trademarked in Japan. Could be going over there afterall


Yeah, no brainer move really. It was all just a matter of when it would happen, rather than if it would happen.


I have to say, the design is really starting to grow on me now. It's just a shame the screen isn't the same size as the XL one, then I could have been really tempted. I don't use the 3D at all due to giving me headaches and i'm still rocking my original black 3DS, so this could have been right up my street if the screen was bigger.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So. Anyway got an order down for one of these bad boys?! @Ike surely you must have?! Or is it just the limited ed's that take your fancy more?!


I am still unsure what to do. I kinda want one, but I don't wanna buy it and prefer my 3ds now. As most know, I love love love my Peach 3ds, but I wouldn't mind retiring it to save it getting too much wear and tear. I'd have no issues with the screen size of the 2ds having used the original 3ds basically since launch, so that won't bother me.


What does concern me, is doing a system transfer to the 2ds, only to maybe miss the 3ds and want to go back to that. As don't you only have like a 5 transfer limit?!


Dunno what to do?! ::shrug:

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So. Anyway got an order down for one of these bad boys?! @Ike surely you must have?! Or is it just the limited ed's that take your fancy more?!


Haha. I probably would have if Nintendo hadn't announced the Pokemon XY XLs. Can't really justify getting 2 consoles in 2 weeks.


Perhaps I'll pick one up later on in the year when there's not so many releases in one month, as do I think it'll be an interesting collectors items.

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Yeah makes sense Ike.


I still really don't know what to do!

Just can't decide if I can warrant paying out and whether I will like it? I'm sure I will like it, as it definitely looks more comfortable than the current 3ds to hold - but it's whether or not I miss the clam shell design.



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  • 2 weeks later...

So I ordered one!

Arrived today. Just got in so about to open it up and get a hands on!




If anyone wants to know anything or has any questions lemme know!

I was able to get it for £90 from very.co.uk with a voucher code which was good enough for me to take the plunge as I can probably resell it for that should I think it's shite!


Will post some more pics and give some thoughts in a bit!

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Some pics - not great quality sorry as lighting wasn't good!












Well what can I say... I'm not really feeling it at all. :hmm:


It's got a great weight to it - I think the weight goes some way to making it feel a little less cheap. Because everything else about it screams cheap.


Holding it feels a bit awkward to me. Not uncomfortable, but not comfortable if you know what I mean?


The shoulder buttons are nice - well, the left one is. The right doesn't feel as good and the feedback of the button press is mushed compared to the left side.


The buttons themselves all feel fine. The D-Pad is the big disappointment here though. It's mushy. :woops: A mushy D-Pad is not enjoyable for anyone. :nono:


Screens are like the normal 3DS model, if a little less white and crisp.


The unfortunate thing for my testing is that I have no cartridge games apart from Pokemon! So I can't stick Mario Kart on and give that a whirl on it - which kinda sucks!


I'm going to spend a bit more time with it tonight, but as it stands I have no intentions of switching to the 2DS. I want to like it, as I think it's pretty cool! But it's not blowing me away.

I definitely think the black is the best colour after my initial taking to the white. The white just looks a little cheaper IMO.


Anyway, I've just downloaded the RE: Revelations demo onto the system, and will take that for a spin on it. Will post some further thoughts later.

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So having spent a solid couple of hours with the 2ds I feel I can now give a better overview of the system and what I like and don't like about it.


Firstly, I don't intend to keep the 2ds. I wanted to like it so much, but in the end it's just not suitable for me.

The biggest thing is the lack of the 3d. I know that sounds a bit silly as that's kinda the whole purpose of it - but I like having the option of turning the 3d on in my games. Some games use the 3d feature brilliantly, and I know I'd miss it after a while if I used the 2ds.


The button feedback. Mushy buttons suck major ass. And the D Pad on this as I mentioned before, is crap. And it's a big negative for me personally this one, as I have been using the D Pad a lot on my 3ds playing Pokemon (damn rollerskates!) but the one on the 2ds I have is terrible. I'd go as far as to say un-useable!


The screen feels tiny. And I'm coming from an original 3ds! I know it's the same size, lol, but because of how the 2ds is held (up top, rather than down on the bottom screen as per the usual DS series), and your time is spent looking at the top screen, my thumbs are like literally surrounding the screen, which make it feel / appear even smaller than it is. God help anyone who goes from an XL to this thing! Not that many would be, mind!


My only other gripes with it are the sleep switch, which I don't like at all. I know that Nintendo had to overcome the loss of flipping the lid shut, and this is honestly the best thing they could have done, but it doesn't feel great! I don't think the plastic casing / buttons / switches help much either to tell the truth. It loses a lot of it's premium feel through those things, which again are pretty obvious to say, but there's no escaping them at all when you're hands on with it.



It's not all bad though! I like the start / select and home buttons! And this is the first 3ds (kinda) model that's got them right! The original 3ds model had that terrible row below the bottom screen, and the 3ds XL looked like it fixed that, but it still didn't feel like 3 individual buttons that could be pressed anywhere. The 2ds though, gets it spot on! Home button in particular is very nice!


Umm, that's about it for the good points... :heh:

Like I said, I wanted to like it, and when I pick it up I do quite enjoy the feel and how different it is - but when I actually use it for its intended purpose I feel it lacks so much.


It's interesting then, where Nintendo go from here on to their next handheld. I wonder if the 2ds, along with its intended purpose was an experiment of sorts, to test the market with a non clam-shell, budget design to see how people reacted to it? I have to say, I like the form factor more than I first thought I would having been used to a flip lid design for so long. If Nintendo were to design their next handheld (obviously in a good few years time) in a similar way I wouldn't be put off by something similar to this at all. There's a lot that could be right with the 2ds if it were made from different materials, had a bigger screen and built on what's been set here.

But for the 2ds as it is, pass it to the kids, and gimme my normal 3ds any day of the week! :heh:

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Hmm, after reading your review, I'm not sure if this is something I should be picking up - the lack of 3D doesn't bother me in the slightest - I am physically unable to see 3D.


However, button quality and screen size are a big question mark - the main reason I want a new one is to have a bigger screen to play on.


What's the battery life like?

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Hmm, after reading your review, I'm not sure if this is something I should be picking up - the lack of 3D doesn't bother me in the slightest - I am physically unable to see 3D.


However, button quality and screen size are a big question mark - the main reason I want a new one is to have a bigger screen to play on.


What's the battery life like?


The battery is similar to the original 3ds model. It lasts sightly longer, but doesn't compete with the XL, which has a much better battery life than both.


Do you own a 3ds at the moment? With you saying you want a bigger screen I assume you do, but I can only recommend going down the XL route if you have an original model.

The 2ds screen just looks smaller because of thumb placement as I mentioned above - but I do feel in comparison to my 3ds, the screens on the 2ds are no where near as bright or crisp. But Nintendo handheld screens have always been a bit of a lottery!


The buttons weren't that good, but that's only because my 3ds buttons are great. My D Pad was mushy, but on my 3ds it's clicky, which gives much better feedback on use. The shoulder buttons were really nice too, but one of my buttons wasn't as good as the other! :woops: I think that may be down to cheap materials though, unfortunately!


I hope this helps. I'm gonna whack mine on eBay soon but do feel a little sad about it as I like the concept a lot!

Let us know what you decide to do anyway! :)

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I already own a 3DS and I am getting a 2DS for my sister for Christmas, that way we can connect UK-China and play some games together. The 2DS price really appeals to me, but if the battery is not better and the screen isn't bigger, there's no point in my changing the system.

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Well i wasn't sold on the 2DS design but after that review....i'll never bother


Lol - did I slate it that much?! :blush:


It's not a crap system by any means, but I couldn't really recommend it to anyone other than younger gamers - as it's meant for.


I'm glad I got one though and had a hands on properly! Otherwise it would have always bugged me not knowing what it was like - and no one I know was gonna get one for me to test!


My hunt for a replacement 3ds for my Peach model continues...

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