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I would say once you get past the 30/40lb lost mark, your skin can't recover naturally. No amount of bullshit cream will cure anything at that stage.


In a way I'm lucky, without my psoriasis, loose skin would be a purely cosmetic thing and I'd have to pay for it myself lol

That's odd because I lost over 100lbs and have no excess skin. All I have is just some marks on my biceps and chest, akin to stretchmarks.


Always felt that was a bit off that I had none...

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Not neccesarily, you see pregnant women only gaining a stone and having loose skin. I guess there's an element of genetics in there too?


That's odd because I lost over 100lbs and have no excess skin. All I have is just some marks on my biceps and chest, akin to stretchmarks.


Always felt that was a bit off that I had none...


Are you that guy on the tv that can stretch his neck skin over his face? :heh:

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Might be down to how elastic your skin is too, depending on age etc. Every person is different so what works for one person, might not work for another.


As for cosmetic surgery, I have had a nosejob when I was 18, after leaving highschool and before starting uni. Up until that point I had been feeling really self-concious about my nose, as it is something people had been commenting on since I was little. I still think it is one of the best decisions I made to have it changed, as I felt a lot better afterwards and I think it helped with my confidence. =)


It is still not perfect (my nose and my confidence haha), but I am happy with it! So yeah, I would definitely do something like that again if I really felt I needed it (and could afford it).

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Not neccesarily, you see pregnant women only gaining a stone and having loose skin. I guess there's an element of genetics in there too?




Are you that guy on the tv that can stretch his neck skin over his face? :heh:

Haha no I'm not. I can pull the skin out a bit on my cheeks but other than that.


It really must be the elasticity of my skin. Guess I was lucky.

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Well, I wouldn't mind not having a concave chest, but I'm not fussed enough with it to have actual surgery. It'd be quite a procedure, and I'm a scaredy cat. :heh:


While I wouldn't mind being a bit more muscular, either, I actually think I'd rather be a bit more meaty in my upper body area in general; even if I were to gain muscle up there (which I won't, 'cause I'm lazy), I suspect I'd still look pretty thin. Basically I'd like to look slighty less like a skeleton above the waist. :heh:


But all in all, nothing major. I'm fairly happy with my body as it is. My issues are much more psychologically rooted. :heh:

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@Eenuh Unfortunately both my sisters inherited the Parr nose and had surgery on them about 12 years ago. Luckily mine is somewhere in between my Mum's and Dad's.


Apart from my nose, showing my gums too much when I smile and having smaller boobs, I'm the spitting image of my mum.




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Aww ^_^!


I apparently have the same smile as my mum, I've only got the one picture, so its hard to tell, but Dad swears by it. Otherwise I don't really look like anyone in my family, my sister and I get mistaken for friends, which is understandable. She's size 6 and 5ft8 with long blonde hair.


I'm a size 10-16 (top and bottom) 5ft11 with short red hair. The only matches we have our nose and eyes. *shrug*


My nose does have a bump in it, it used to drive me mad as a kid, but then I realised I hated my boobs more. At 32FF (sharing is caring apparently) they are too big for my size 10 waist (I'm size 10 waist, my hips are 16). I've pretty much hated them since I started growing up and want nothing more than to have a smaller size.



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I'm doing well on my weight loss but I seriously hate the stretchmarks I have. Like because I'm losing weight, they're becoming more noticeable, which is seriously annoying as hell! I'm still going to lose weight no matter what but I wish I didn't have to see them.

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Aww ^_^!


My nose does have a bump in it, it used to drive me mad as a kid, but then I realised I hated my boobs more. At 32FF (sharing is caring apparently) they are too big for my size 10 waist (I'm size 10 waist, my hips are 16).




My Mum and aunties had similar sizes to you and had breast reduction surgery a few years ago. They also suffered from back ache, and my mum their size. She eventually got them done on the NHS for free a few years ago, and is so much happier since she did.

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My Mum and aunties had similar sizes to you and had breast reduction surgery a few years ago. They also suffered from back ache, and my mum their size. She eventually got them done on the NHS for free a few years ago, and is so much happier since she did.


I've been told much the same thing every time I've mentioned it. Its going to be a bit of a fight I imagine, as I'm only 23. But I suffer quite a lot from back/neck pain and imagine that's partly sitting crouched because it hurts to sit straight.


Whilst its not something that impacts me daily too much, it'd be nice to be able to buy bras that don't cost £30+ a go, be able to fit in certain tops that are my size because my boobs are smaller. Right now, I sometimes have to wear tops two sizes bigger than I actually am to accommodate. -.-

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I decided a while ago that I'm sick of looking like a scrawny teenager so I'm trying to look like an adult and tone up a bit. Think its going to take a fair while, but at least my body has balanced out a bit. Used to be that my weight was unevenly distributed but it's getting better now at least.


Aside from that; I don't tan but am quick to burn, my body gets bitten by insects all year around (to the point that I'm blasé about it), my skin is sensitive and quick to go red (particularly my neck), my teeth are shit and if left unchecked the Scottish genetics that lurk beneath my surface come out and my eyebrows start getting close together. Oh and if I don't sleep very well for a number of days I get spots, and unfortunately I rarely sleep well. My heads and hands also feel small, although the latter thought is a consequence of doing life drawing. Oh and when I was young I damaged the bridge of my nose (by smacking it against the windowsill playing 'the floor is lava') and consequently wearing glasses for too long hurts. Thankfully I don't need them (yet...) but I am worried one day I will, especially as my father casually informed me recently that glaucoma runs in the family.


And in spite of all the above, I'm happy enough ^_^

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They've grown since your "pics or it didn't happen" proof of your DD/E cups.




Is it creepy that I remember that? Probably.


That's pretty creepy.


However, yes. I've also continued to grow taller, I'm now 5ft11, how do I know this?


Because when my sister left for Malta whilst I was in uni, I was a good 1/2 inches shorter than I am now. I'm 23 for god sake :hmm:.

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Someone told me I had the perfect body the other day - ... - it essentially comes back to 'Thanks, that's the product of genetics and hard work;


If I did any kind of exercise whatsoever this would be my experience aswell.


tl;dr - I look ideal...


Though this already does apply to me ;)

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Metabolism or genes have the be the worst excuses going. Yes it comes easier for some people than it does others but you can change anything if you want it bad enough and are prepared to put the work in.


No a go at anyone here, just heard so much lately from various people in life.

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Agree with you Jon. Too easy an excuse. I found building more muscle was the way I attacked my weight loss. My metabolism shot skywards with all the additional muscle to fuel. I reckon my BMR was 2000 calories before I started lifting, nowadays its at least 500 calories more. Makes a huge difference.


I've also recently found out that my autoimmunity reacts to wheat, I've cut it out of my diet and my excess weight is FALLING off without even trying.

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