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Wii U General Discussion


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But back in that link about how bad it was developing, they were saying they loved the pad.


Goron... this is surely a case of speculation. "might" not have done irreparable damage would be a better qualified argument, no?


Extra power = greater outlay, both in R&D and unsold stock. There is a sweet point all the companies have to guess at, Nintendo appear to have made a bad guess, but the situation is complex, if Nintendo were in this position but the Wii U was twice as expensive for them to produce, they would be in twice as much do do.



Surely the bottom line is profit. I understand a small loss on an annual basis to create a greater profit over say a decade makes sense, but going bust is never a good business move.If the losses Nintendo see they would need to incur to engage directly with MS and Sony would lead to too great a risk of them getting k.o'd, it makes sense for them to step aside for a while, surely?


I think a lot of developers liked the Gamepad and still do tbh! It's just that you can be much more innovative with more power and that's the future of the industry. You make a good point that Nintendo maybe underestimated what the competitors might do; back in the Gamecube days, Iwata was already saying that graphics will not get any better and that PS3 and 360 games won't look much better than the Wii.


Okay, 'might' may have been a better way of putting it but my overall point is that with sensible business plans and with a bit of research, they can create a very capable machine. The Gamecube still impresses me today; very powerful but small and cheap.


The problem with the 'stepping' aside strategy is that it makes it difficult to judge your market. The only market that will always buy game consoles are gamers, and sometimes they simply won't be interested in a gimmick or weaker system.


It's an interesting predicament.

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There's also Nintendo wanting to be responsible, following the Fukushima quake. After the rolling blackouts, there is still somewhat of a cap on the amount of power that can be used. Typically at peak times, it's at around 80% of the country's actual capacity, so I guess they don't want to make it worse.


That's got to be the most ridiculous excuse for Nintendo's failures I have ever heard.

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The wii u isn't even that quiet with a disc in in. It's louder than my ps4 which draws way more power and doesn't have a power brick either.


I think its very easy to say even if the wii u was a higher spec machine it wouldn't sell or get third party support but we don't know this for sure.


I find it very strange that Nintendo seemed to not care about how the wii u would survive a generation without it being future proof.


Nintendo didn't need to produce a ps4 to make a next gen console.


Maybe next time it's about letting someone else produce the hardware. Samsung?

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Do you even have evidence that Nintendo wanted to roll with a low power machine in part because of the Fukushima quake? If not, which I highly suspect to be the case, then yes. It's ridiculous.


Because Sony aren't based in Japan, tbh.

I may be theorising somewhat, but I do remember a note about Nintendo making their products have lower power consumption soon after it occurred in 2011. I'll do some sleuthing when I get a chance.

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It just seems crazy that profit hungry companies would make an inferior product purely to be ethical, while their competitor made a more powerful product that would sell more.


The reason it was low spec is because they didn't realise that people/devs wanted a higher spec system, and also that the gamepad pushed up the cost so they couldn't afford to improve it much further. It has nothing to do with a disaster.

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I just find it hilarious what kind of shitstorm can an anonymous comment from someone break loose, but I think anything that says something negative avout Nintendo is automatically a real thing. I mean, how can we know if this is just someone lauching their asses off right now. Anonymity always makes me suspicious.


I have said it before, and I will say it again, why would someone in this modern world remain anonymous and possibly lose credibility. Just doesn't feel... Right.

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hmm :/. So Nintendo are a company that no longer interest you per se as a gamer, but the interest you in the broader industry sense?

well... good for you I guess.


I doubt Pachter owns any Nintendo console and that guy never shuts up. He spouts more rubbish than all forums combined.

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I doubt Pachter owns any Nintendo console and that guy never shuts up. He spouts more rubbish than all forums combined.


You'd be surprised


I think my “fondest” memory of Nintendo came during Super Mario Galaxy 1. I had played Nintendo games for over 20 years (including Donkey Kong in arcades), and although there were many Nintendo games I didn’t finish, the reason was largely frustration or boredom if I didn’t finish. The ones I did finish were fun, but until Super Mario Galaxy, I don’t think I ever felt compelled to not only finish the game, but to capture all of the big trophies in the game; in this case, it was the green stars. I remember getting to the end of the game, and having only two green stars. That caused me to go back to every level with a question mark and replay the level, and even then, although I knew which level contained the elusive star (I think it was the second star), I couldn’t complete the level without actually resorting to a walk-through guide.


It was that day that I realized the phenomenal level of detail Nintendo puts into its games, while keeping all of them approachable for a large audience. I had finished several before, but had never felt compelled to “cheat”, and although I had “cheated” before by using a walk through for games like GTA, I had never done so with a Nintendo game.


I write and speak a lot about Nintendo. Although I have been consistently critical of their hardware strategy, I have never criticized their games, and I don’t think I ever will.



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I doubt Pachter owns any Nintendo console and that guy never shuts up. He spouts more rubbish than all forums combined.


Lol, wut? Firstly, he actually gets a lot right.


Secondly, the guy is a huge fan of Nintendo games. Like most gamers, he might not agree with Nintendo's hardware strategy but appreciates that some of their games are brilliant.

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There's also Nintendo wanting to be responsible, following the Fukushima quake. After the rolling blackouts, there is still somewhat of a cap on the amount of power that can be used. Typically at peak times, it's at around 80% of the country's actual capacity, so I guess they don't want to make it worse.


Wow I haven't read stuff that's categorically bullshit on here in ages. I've been to Japan in the past 12 months and bluey and I have plenty of connections there. Never once have I heard about anyone being conservative about energy use either through media whilst we were there or from the people that we know.


Can you stop fabricating argument material please.

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I just find it hilarious what kind of shitstorm can an anonymous comment from someone break loose, but I think anything that says something negative avout Nintendo is automatically a real thing. I mean, how can we know if this is just someone lauching their asses off right now. Anonymity always makes me suspicious.


I have said it before, and I will say it again, why would someone in this modern world remain anonymous and possibly lose credibility. Just doesn't feel... Right.


Nintendo do hold grudges and the employer of this person may not like them potentially landing them in trouble. I can see why people may wish to be anonymous.

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I just find it hilarious what kind of shitstorm can an anonymous comment from someone break loose, but I think anything that says something negative avout Nintendo is automatically a real thing. I mean, how can we know if this is just someone lauching their asses off right now. Anonymity always makes me suspicious.


I have said it before, and I will say it again, why would someone in this modern world remain anonymous and possibly lose credibility. Just doesn't feel... Right.


The whole point of anonymity is it allows articles like that to be published. Without it people are not going to talk about such things so openly.


Who said the said developer is trying to be negative? They are just giving there take on how things went down.

Just because it's being interpreted as negative does not mean the person is lying.

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We're also talking about the country that has powered on vending machines dispensing used panties.


:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


What's that ad on TV with the pug dog talking about a dog wig dispensing vending machine in Japan?


I love Sony and Microsoft. Lies. I hate them both with a passion. Anybody can tell lies just like Michael Pachter. He's scum. He has vested interest in his lies. He owns Sony shares. Spill enough dribble from your mouth and you'll eventually get something right.

Edited by Wii
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What PS4 do you own!? That thing is huge! (Not as big as the Xbone, but it's still pretty massive!)


It's a cm or two taller than the Wii U, as deep as the Wii U and about 1.35 times wider.


Not the best photos I know, but:




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It's a cm or two taller than the Wii U, as deep as the Wii U and about 1.35 times wider.


Not the best photos I know, but:




Looks like a golem compared to Wii U if you asked me.


I knew people would pick me up for not taking everything for granted said on the Internet, but that's the way I feel. If you have something heavy to say, that will most likely be critical, you should say it with your own name. Big changes never happen, when you shout things randomly behind your firewall. If I ever critisize anything (I rarely do) I always do it with my real name, I'm no pussy.


I'm alreasy sorry for throwing more wood into the fire, but let me just say this: if this article was saying the opposite, people wouldn't be bringing it up as the new Bible. I remember Frozenbyte saying something how working with Nintendo and Wii U was easy and encouraging back in the day, but can't be for certain, for I'm just a human being.


Something "positive" said by a certain developer with a name, and an actual game released? Bah, who cares!

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It's worth noting that the source actually praises the Wii U a few times:


-The chip has some interesting features that let the CPU punch above its weight.


-Some code could see substantial improvements that did mitigate the lower clocks - anything up to a 4x boost.


-The GPU proved very capable and we ended up adding additional "polish" features as the GPU had capacity to do it.


-Trying to utilise the GPU via compute shaders (GPGPU) to offload work from the CPU - exactly the approach I expect to see gain traction on the next-gen consoles.


-The GPU is better than on PS3 or Xbox 360, but leagues away from the graphics hardware in the PS4 or Xbox One.


-concerns about the utilisation of DDR3 RAM on Wii U, and a bandwidth deficit compared to the PS3 and Xbox 360. This wasn't really a problem for us.


He wasn't there to 'diss' Wii U, but just go through the problems that they had with Nintendo during the launch build up. Also, people on GAF seemed to have worked out that it's likely he worked on NBA 2K13.

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