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Wii U General Discussion


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It becoming "standardised" is reason enough for developers to put a focus on it.


I don't really understand what you mean.


Sometimes, going with "standardised" gameplay elements can detract from a game, though. For example: Arkham City just felt a bit generic and was more of a "standard open city", whereas Arkham Asylum had an amazing atmosphere to it.


Would you attribute that to standardisation or just poor level design?


I agree City was poor, but I'd say it was because it took the wrong elements of Asylum. I think Rocksteady did a much better job with Knight. The controls and the gameplay is the same almost the same across all three titles, but it's the bad level design of City that really lets it down.

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Sometimes, going with "standardised" gameplay elements can detract from a game, though. For example: Arkham City just felt a bit generic and was more of a "standard open city", whereas Arkham Asylum had an amazing atmosphere to it.


I still don't really see what was wrong with Arkham City. I played the WiiU edition of it and, unless it wildly differed from the other versions, it was a really good game, I thought.


I enjoyed gliding across the sky and taking out groups of enemies on roof-tops or by stealthily going around and eliminating them one-by-one. Plus, I don't think it ever really felt repetitive or generic as there was a good mix of puzzle solving and combat. Plus, certain story missions like the Victor Zsasz where you had to fly across the City to reach the telephone calls were quite entertaining, I thought.


I'm surprised that there were one or two on here who didn't like the game. I loved it.

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City also had a terrible story. Knight is much better, and actually demonstrates my point of narrative elevating vanilla gameplay. Except for the Bat tank which seems to be like marmite (I like it (not marmite, the tank, I like the tank)).


@Fierce_LiNk Have you played Asylum?

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When I played it, I had grown a bit tired of the regular open world formula. I'm sure it's a great game, I was just a bit fed up at that kind of game at the time.


If you went back to it now, do you think that you'd like it?


Fun fact: Arkham City was the game that put me off the whole off-tv play feature. It was impossible for me to tell what the hell I was doing or where I was going on such a tiny screen. You need a big screen for it.


City also had a terrible story. Knight is much better, and actually demonstrates my point of narrative elevating vanilla gameplay. Except for the Bat tank which seems to be like marmite (I like it (not marmite, the tank, I like the tank)).


See, I enjoyed the story in City a lot. Plus, I like how there are more of the main Batman villains who turn up in it. The side-missions also seem to fit in a bit better to the overall plot, imo.


Arkham Knight, whilst being pissing annoying for the Battank is still a great game. I think we were blessed with a good series of Batman games there. @Daft, no, I didn't have Asylum (lol, I was not granted Asylum) because I was on dat Wii/WiiU/Nintendo-only time.

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In fact, when choices are part of the narrative that narrative itself has become an important gameplay element.


This is the crux of my point, even when people talk about narrative being more important or gameplay overrated - the narrative they love is STILL gameplay. That's why I rejected it so much. We're not talking about how simple gameplay is, or how gameplay has advanced (or not) or anything, that's a different discussion, but ultimately, the gameplay is still the heart of it all.

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Posted this on miiverse thread, no reply, I'll try here:


Okay. So I wanted to make a general opinion post about smash bros. how the hell do I do that? There's the play journal, which you can't seem to post from within the community boards, but have to go to it from user acid the or activity feed, and it seems to be locked to using the screenshot you're paused on.


How do I make a general comment about the game? Also, is every game like this? Can you not go on a community board and make a random post, give a random opinion?


The new discussion board doesn't seem to have random thoughts.... What have they done?

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Posted this on miiverse thread, no reply, I'll try here:


Okay. So I wanted to make a general opinion post about smash bros. how the hell do I do that? There's the play journal, which you can't seem to post from within the community boards, but have to go to it from user acid the or activity feed, and it seems to be locked to using the screenshot you're paused on.


How do I make a general comment about the game? Also, is every game like this? Can you not go on a community board and make a random post, give a random opinion?


The new discussion board doesn't seem to have random thoughts.... What have they done?


I'm not the most avid miiverse user, but is it possible to take a screenshot of the very initial ssb screen? just have a general image of the game to complement your post...?

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I'm not the most avid miiverse user, but is it possible to take a screenshot of the very initial ssb screen? just have a general image of the game to complement your post...?


Possibly, just all feels a bit stupid. Looking around it seems people use HINT to make general comments... nintendo are utterly mental sometimes!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Also, what on earth makes you think the competitors don't have franchises that are world renowned and loved?! Of course they do! All you need do is look at games sales for franchises to see they're more loved than Nintendo's these days.


Nice little quote from Spencer. As I mentioned a few pages back I imagine Sony or Microsoft would kill to have the strength of IP that Nintendo has.


On the Wii U, I think people downplay how many units they've sold. I've got a Wii U, I think there's some great games on there. I think Splatoon's a really nice game and I don't think there's a first-party out there that has the strength of IP that Nintendo has. They're always a beacon to me when I look at what it means to build a first-party portfolio of products, they've done a great job.
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@Ronnie, I'm not suggesting Nintendo's isn't strong and Phil Spencer isn't saying that Microsoft's isn't strong, he's simply saying how Nintendo's are. Look at sales of the Halo games, look at sales of God of War etc, they sell well and are renowned, they are loved IP too.
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Posted this on miiverse thread, no reply, I'll try here:


Okay. So I wanted to make a general opinion post about smash bros. how the hell do I do that? There's the play journal, which you can't seem to post from within the community boards, but have to go to it from user acid the or activity feed, and it seems to be locked to using the screenshot you're paused on.


How do I make a general comment about the game? Also, is every game like this? Can you not go on a community board and make a random post, give a random opinion?


The new discussion board doesn't seem to have random thoughts.... What have they done?


Eh? For general discussion, you go to the Discussion part of it. People just use "Hint" as it's the default option.


I don't understand your complaint as it's quite clearly there.

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Eh? For general discussion, you go to the Discussion part of it. People just use "Hint" as it's the default option.


I don't understand your complaint as it's quite clearly there.


Huh, where is it?! You have to tag them, you can't not take them can you? And there's no tag for general discussion? Or is there?

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Huh, where is it?! You have to tag them, you can't not take them can you? And there's no tag for general discussion? Or is there?

I do question why there isn't a "General" there, but that part is meant for discussion and it even says so in the description

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I do question why there isn't a "General" there, but that part is meant for discussion and it even says so in the description


Yeah it's just weird, or even just lose the tags would be fine. But having to out a hint tag for general comments is a little strange, nothing big, just a niggle!


Still think miiverse is great though! Really hope they develop it more and more into a social network.

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Yeah it's just weird, or even just lose the tags would be fine. But having to out a hint tag for general comments is a little strange, nothing big, just a niggle!


Your prayers have been answered - there's now an "Open Discussion" tag. :)


EDIT: Never mind, it's apparently just a filter. :(

Didn't know you could even close discussions. That's what I get for not having anything to post to Miiverse since the update, I guess.

Edited by FireMeowth
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Your prayers have been answered - there's now an "Open Discussion" tag. :)


EDIT: Never mind, it's apparently just a filter. :(

Didn't know you could even close discussions. That's what I get for not having anything to post to Miiverse since the update, I guess.


I saw it and thought yes, they've realised their idiotic mistake... but now you say it's just a filter?! Huh? Doesn't even make sense... what's classed as an open discussion for it to filter it?

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I saw it and thought yes, they've realised their idiotic mistake... but now you say it's just a filter?! Huh? Doesn't even make sense... what's classed as an open discussion for it to filter it?


When someone creates a discussion it's open so people can post on it. However, if you want to create another discussion you have to close the previous one, meaning people can no longer post on it.

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Looks like a Nintendo Direct was originally planned today, but they haven't made one due to the loss of Iwata, so the information has been dumped on their Twitter.


I thought exactly the same thing. I wonder if they're actually gone for good now, or if they'll return next year...


I definitely don't see them doing any more this year at the least. I miss them already :(

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