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Wii U General Discussion


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Oh look.


You guys are TOTALLY going off on a complete tangent rather than argue with the actually important issue here. Probably because you can't argue the actual main point.


The Wii U isn't an attractive console for devs to develop for.


So naturally it will make most of its sales from Nintendo games.


It's not a negative that Sony/MS make most of their money from third party games. It's a sign of a healthy console.


And that's the end of that.


But you DID say they didn't make a console for adult gamers, which is utterly ridiculous. Like Kav, online on the wii u is a pleasant experience, lots of adults playing games. Online on the ps3 is a fucking nightmare of children screaming and abusing, I turn off all forms of communication online, well I don't even play anymore, but I did. My friends tell me Xbox is even worse. Obviously anecdotal, but all you have in your argument is they make games like pokemon and mario etc etc. Its as retarded as when people refuse to watch Pixar.Disney films because they're aimed at kids... Just weird thinking!!


Nintendo are clearly struggling to connect with the larger gaming community. But why is that an issue? Most people also don't watch the best, more niche diverse films either. Doesn't mean they don't have value.

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@Wii the ads are aired on children's channels because if thy can get children to want it then they've got themselves guaranteed sales at Christmas. Children will pester parents for want they want endlessly, so it makes sense to try and go for them at this time of year especially.


However, @Sheikah, just because that's how Nintendo will push it this holiday season, it doesn't mean the console doesn't appeal to adults too, hence why all those on here that own one aren't 7 year olds.


That's fine but where are the ads on terrestrial TV? Who controls the purse strings after all? Take W101 for example, I hear it's a great game, I read the forum, it's for the hardcore gamer, controls take some mastering though. It's bombed. Never seen a single and I swear by this, never seen a single ad on TV for this game. Not 1. I've been told it was advertised on kids channels. Same can be said for Zelda WindWaker HD.

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That's fine but where are the ads on terrestrial TV? Who controls the purse strings after all? Take W101 for example, I hear it's a great game, I read the forum, it's for the hardcore gamer, controls take some mastering though. It's bombed. Never seen a single and I swear by this, never seen a single ad on TV for this game. Not 1. I've been told it was advertised on kids channels. Same can be said for Zelda WindWaker HD.


I agree with this, Nintendo need all bases covered but for some demented reason they're not doing so.

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In terms of demographics they said they were after the hardcore gamer this time around. I listened to Reggie harp on about this. Lies. All their recent PR all I hear about is family, family, family. Their Christmas lineup is more casual than hardcore.

Where's this concerted advertising campaign that people said they were saving their money for now? I haven't seen a single ad. I see Sony and Microsoft ads left, right and center.


I'm not sure it was lies. We all heard the kerfuffle about what (apparently) went on behind the scenes with EA and Nintendo. Third parties are as much to blame as Nintendo for their poor relations and with new SONY and MS consoles on the horizon, Nintendo were always going to struggle to attract devs regardless.


The truth is that Nintendo are a Japanese toy company. They make some of the best toys in the world and sell millions of products every year which is in stark contrast to the western ideology of what gaming should be - namely a Hollywood-esque, visually-strong story driven medium based around competition. Nintendo will always try to court third parties yet their ideologies will always be poles apart.

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I know that, that's why I'm not arguing against it. I'm just saying you've made a silly remark saying that Nintendo consoles don't appeal to adults. That's all.


I'm not saying it can't appeal to adults, I'm saying a lot of the games that are specifically adult targeted third party games don't make it to the console.


But you DID say they didn't make a console for adult gamers, which is utterly ridiculous. Like Kav, online on the wii u is a pleasant experience, lots of adults playing games. Online on the ps3 is a fucking nightmare of children screaming and abusing, I turn off all forms of communication online, well I don't even play anymore, but I did. My friends tell me Xbox is even worse. Obviously anecdotal, but all you have in your argument is they make games like pokemon and mario etc etc. Its as retarded as when people refuse to watch Pixar.Disney films because they're aimed at kids... Just weird thinking!!


Nintendo are clearly struggling to connect with the larger gaming community. But why is that an issue? Most people also don't watch the best, more niche diverse films either. Doesn't mean they don't have value.


I don't think it is ridiculous. A lot of their customers they had from the SNES/64 era are now adults. I don't think their output has grown to please those adults (in GENERAL, not the niche community here). A lot of adults go to other consoles looking for games like GTA, Red Dead Redemption, Fallout and Skyrim. Say what you want about kids also playing these games, but there's no doubt in my mind that PS3 has many more mature games (and I don't just mean violence, I also mean games with more substance and generally those that make you think).


Online on Nintendo consoles (in relative terms) is not a pleasant experience in my opinion. The online infrastructure of Nintendo consoles is notoriously poor. The 3DS for instance now has no way of communicating with people outside of games. Nintendo should he ashamed.


The whole screaming kids thing on PS3 is a ridiculous cliche. It's just not that way at all. Except maybe on COD.




Anyway, at least we know people have opted to pick out the tiniest part of my post to extrapolate rather than try tackle what I was actually saying.

Edited by Sheikah
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What I dont get is their ability to market the 3DS but unable to do for the Wii U. Ive seen print and TV adverts. Been listening to the radio this afternoon and im hearing ads on there too.


Didn't @Serebii say that Nintendo had a massive marketing budget for Wii U for Q4? Maybe we will see something next year then?

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What I dont get is their ability to market the 3DS but unable to do for the Wii U. Ive seen print and TV adverts. Been listening to the radio this afternoon and im hearing ads on there too.


Didn't @Serebii say that Nintendo had a massive marketing budget for Wii U for Q4? Maybe we will see something next year then?


Fourth quarter: is from the beginning of October to the end of December

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The funny thing is 'targeted at adults'. What a statement. When Wii Sports came out I had more of my 'adult' friends (men and women) come over and want to try out gaming then ever before. Funnily enough a lot of 'adults' don't need blood, a grey/brown colour palette, swearing and military hardware to find something worthwhile.


Nintendo have done more to reach out to the adult population as a whole and bring people into gaming who don't traditionally play games than any other company.

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I just finished playing Mario Galaxy 2 last week. Outstanding game, a masterpiece. Eurogamer did an article recently and named Galaxy the game of this generation. I can't argue..... much. Xenoblade and Monster Hunter 3 may be better.


Anyway my point is it has this childish cover but I'd challenge a lot of these kids to get all 242 of the stars. While I love the game, graphics, gameplay, music. The story and plot is awful. I know it's not the point but I'm tired of the same story every f-ing time. What, you never heard that story? Come up with something original please.


Edit: To clarify, that wasn't just for Wii, they voted it best game on any console this generation.


I like it that Mario keeps it simple. Bowser takes princess, you must save her. That to me works and doesn't need changing. Sonic tried that BS with with all kind of wacky stories and bosses.


As for the whole more mature games. There is a reason many mature third party games fail on Nintendo hardware and that's because Nintendo haven't cultivated an audience for these games. Nintendo can keep making the games they but why not produce mature software as well. Aquire western studios and get them to produce titles of the mature nature.


It's a change I think Nintendo need to make.

Edited by liger05
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I'm not as into sales as I used to be, I found myself getting so obsessed with them at one point until I reminded myself I'm not a share-holder or anything. Now I just play games for fun and ignore most gaming news unless it's to do with the development of particular games im interested in.


In fact, I've been so wrapped up in my own bubble (when it comes to games I don't stray too far from here or particular subreddits and Twitter) that I didn't realise the Wii U was doing bad at all. I knew it wasn't doing great, but I certainly didn't know things were this bad.



Don't I pay you to cover the news?


Are we going to have to close this thread again?

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The funny thing is 'targeted at adults'. What a statement. When Wii Sports came out I had more of my 'adult' friends (men and women) come over and want to try out gaming then ever before. Funnily enough a lot of 'adults' don't need blood, a grey/brown colour palette, swearing and military hardware to find something worthwhile.


Nintendo have done more to reach out to the adult population as a whole and bring people into gaming who don't traditionally play games than any other company.


That wasn't reaching out to adults, that was reaching out to non gamers. That fad has kinda passed now though.


And I'd still say they need to adapt. People know what they want and Wii U sure ain't delivering it.

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That wasn't reaching out to adults, that was reaching out to non gamers. That fad has kinda passed now though.


And I'd still say they need to adapt. People know what they want and Wii U sure ain't delivering it.


Well, as I said, more of my friends came over and wanted to game with me than ever before. All of them adults. My sister even got a Wii, she's also an adult. Plenty of adults have no interest in games like Dark Souls or COD.


It's a bit like this:


Male Gamer: "I'm sick of being stereotyped as a spotty anti-social nerd by girls simply because I play games. I wish I could meet a girl who would like to play games."


Nintendo: "Let's create a system that reaches out to new players and broaden the demographic of gaming. People who don't typically play will want to join in - including lots of females who haven't typically embraced games in the past."


Female Who is Now Interested in Gaming: " Hey Male Gamer, I've been hearing about this Wii console, it looks really cool. We could maybe do some Wii Sports together, or try out Just Dance, or maybe do some Mario, I remember doing that on the SNES when my big brother had one back in the day?"


Male Gamer: "WHAT??? Wii Sports? Just Dance? Another 2D Mario??? Are you kidding? Those games are for babies and casual scum!!! Haven't you heard of Dark Souls and Uncharted??? Noob."


Female Who WAS Interested in Gaming: "OK then, I'm off shopping with my friends, cya!."


Typical 'gamer' attitude to non-gamer.

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I get what you're saying and Nintendo has done that well in the past - games that everyone can get into. But there's also undeniably a lot of games that adult gamers do want to play that are available on the platforms apart from Nintendo's.


It'd be cool if Nintendo could have their games and the third party ones.

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I didnt know whether to put this in the releationship thread, bad stuff thread or on here.


Chatting to this lass on POF and she says she is into the Wii. In a message back I say "me too, Ive got a Wii U. Do you not fancy getting one of those?"


She replies...


"Erm the Wii U? Isn't that the expensive add on?"


She has since been deleted. Thick bitch. I mean it is so obvious what the Wii U is and what its about ;)

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I didnt know whether to put this in the releationship thread, bad stuff thread or on here.


Chatting to this lass on POF and she says she is into the Wii. In a message back I say "me too, Ive got a Wii U. Do you not fancy getting one of those?"


She replies...


"Erm the Wii U? Isn't that the expensive add on?"


She has since been deleted. Thick bitch. I mean it is so obvious what the Wii U is and what its about ;)


Ha ha a year later and still the confusion.

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I didnt know whether to put this in the releationship thread, bad stuff thread or on here.


Chatting to this lass on POF and she says she is into the Wii. In a message back I say "me too, Ive got a Wii U. Do you not fancy getting one of those?"


She replies...


"Erm the Wii U? Isn't that the expensive add on?"


She has since been deleted. Thick bitch. I mean it is so obvious what the Wii U is and what its about ;)

We're not going to find her buried under your house, are we?? :p

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Went into GAME today (was gonna pick up Sonic but have decided to wait out for a better deal) and things are looking worse than before :(


Huge signs and pre-order boxes for PS4 and XBOX One. The left is all green for Xbox One and right all blue with Playstation logo's everywhere. Through the middle is a load of Call of Duty stuff and then hidden on one shelf is the Wii U. Far worse than the GameCube days. I know shelf space isn't everything, but it really doesn't give the Wii U a good image.

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