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@Ronnie You really are the most obnoxious person on this site and a liar to boot. Everyday, every single day you constantly attack my posts. You're a sad little person. I may not see them all but I know when I post something and it's immediately followed by you, it's a snide remark as always.


Wii "U". What begins with u and has to do with Starfox? Get lost!

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I think it's funny when people try and justify live presentations with one minute from an end of a direct 10 years ago.... It was amazing, but we haven't had anything close to that good and we won't. Since then how many have been that good, I personally find the sony example quite embarassing and only raving fanboys would think of it as special. It's good what they did, but they were smug fucks if you're neutral, and did it have anytning to do with games? No. But then the ps4 and its success hasn't been about games either so it'd probably fitting :P


Live presentations can be good. Directs can be good. But directs are consistently good and last yesrs was fanatastic. You just cant be that creative in a live show. Both can work though. But I'd take a video easily! (Except on hardware)


But really. Shouldn't we be talking more about what could be IN it?

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But then the ps4 and its success hasn't been about games either so it'd probably fitting :P


Nice :D


I was going to start up a prediction thread when they announce their E3 plans, I only brought up the presentation style because I was curious if people's opinions of the Directs had changed after last years.

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Since then how many have been that good, I personally find the sony example quite embarassing and only raving fanboys would think of it as special. It's good what they did, but they were smug fucks if you're neutral, and did it have anytning to do with games? No. But then the ps4 and its success hasn't been about games either so it'd probably fitting :P


The 2013 Sony presentation is a really good example on how to do a live presentation and stick it to your competition...you don't need a 'fanboy attitude' to appreciate the flagrant lulz factor throughout it and how strongly it cemented their position for this generation. It's really the complete opposite of what you're saying in that only the most ardent fanboys of other consoles would grudgingly argue that this was a bad or unprofessional presentation for Sony, because it was without doubt very good press for them!


Just to show neutrality, here is something that is also incredibly funny, but for completely the opposite reasons. Perhaps the funniest edited E3 clip you will ever see:



Such an utter pile of wank but cringeworthily funny at the same time. The only positive is the number of memes that came out of it!

Edited by Sheikah
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I think it's funny when people try and justify live presentations with one minute from an end of a direct 10 years ago.... It was amazing, but we haven't had anything close to that good and we won't.


Nintendo missed it's chance to have another one of these moments in recent years and that was with the Megaman reveal for Smash Bros. I guarantee that would have caused a MASSIVE reaction from a live crowd and it still saddens me that they didn't do one for that year.


Also, the Sony conference had such a moment a couple of years ago. It wasn't that explosive but it certainly was a big reveal.



I personally find the sony example quite embarassing and only raving fanboys would think of it as special.


I guess i'm a fanboy then.


The fact is, they took what the competition were doing and spun it to their advantage. Most people weren't happy with the way Microsoft were handling things with the One and it was a relief that Sony decided against doing such things. It was about sticking it to the competition and showing showmanship. It was a hilarious/great moment and it gave us gold like this...





It's good what they did, but they were smug fucks if you're neutral, and did it have anytning to do with games?


Of course they were smug and have every right to be. Most companies are like this. Hell, you just have to rewatch the Nintendo press conferences during the Wii era to see just how cocky they were. Having done this myself last year ( I created a thread about if you want to check, think it was the road to E3 or something ) I can remember them blowing their own horn quite frequently and why wouldn't you?


In terms of Direct Vs Conference I think both are fine. Both have the ability to get people excited but both also have the ability to make people bored. I think Microsoft got the balance just right last year. I rewatched their conference yesterday and found there was very little talking and it was pretty much game after game. Granted, some of the games were nothing but CGI trailers but there were a host of titles shown and it got gamers excited.


I'm hoping that this year Nintendo cut back on the padding of their presentation. I don't want to hear about how the game is developed or seeing blokes sitting in a wool shop. Those things should be saved for Ask Iwata or separate videos. That was my only issue with last years Direct.

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Nintendo announces latest financial results – year ending March 31, 2015


Nintendo’s latest financial results are in. The company has now reported data for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2015.


Here’s a breakdown of Nintendo’s performance:


Nintendo Q4 Results:


Net Sales: ¥106.860 billion yen

Operating Income: – ¥6.834 billion yen

Net Income: -¥17.672 billion yen


Nintendo Full-Year Guidance:


Net Sales: ¥550 billion yen

Operating Income: ¥20 billion yen

Net Income: ¥30 billion yen


Nintendo Full-Year Results:


Net Sales: ¥549.780 billion yen (↓)

Operating Income: ¥24.770 billion yen (↑)

Net Income: ¥41.843 billion yen (↑)


Hardware & Software Guidance FY15:


3DS HW: 9 million

Wii U HW: 3.6 million

3DS SW: 61 million

Wii U SW: 25 million


Hardware & Software Results FY15:


3DS HW: 8.73 million (↓)

Wii U HW: 3.38 million

3DS SW: 62.74 million (↑)

Wii U SW: 24.440 million (↓)


Additional Information Q4 (Software/Hardware Shipments, Digital Sales, Cash & Equivalents):


Pokemon ORAS LTD: 9.94 million

Super Smash Bros 3DS LTD: 6.75 million

Super Smash Bros Wii U LTD: 3.65 million

Mario Kart 8 LTD: 5.11 million

Wii U HW: .35 million

3DS HW: 1.65 million

Digital Sales: ¥10.2 billion yen

Cash & Equivalents: ¥915.293 billion yen


Nintendo FY16 Full-Year Guidance:


Net Sales: ¥570 billion yen

Operating Income: ¥50 billion yen

Net Income: ¥35 billion yen


One of the big takeaways here is that Nintendo has finally returned to a full-year profit. The company also beat estimates from the financial community. A large part of Nintendo’s success resulted from the popularity of amiibo.



Edited by Wii
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The 2013 Sony presentation is a really good example on how to do a live presentation and stick it to your competition...you don't need a 'fanboy attitude' to appreciate the flagrant lulz factor throughout it and how strongly it cemented their position for this generation. It's really the complete opposite of what you're saying in that only the most ardent fanboys of other consoles would grudgingly argue that this was a bad or unprofessional presentation for Sony, because it was without doubt very good press for them!


Just to show neutrality, here is something that is also incredibly funny, but for completely the opposite reasons. Perhaps the funniest edited E3 clip you will ever see:



Such an utter pile of wank but cringeworthily funny at the same time. The only positive is the number of memes that came out of it!


Oh I don't think it was bad for them or even unprofessional, I just mean it didn't have much to do with games and I can only see enjoyment if you're on sonys side and want them to stick fingers up at Microsoft. Though Ms did deserve after what they did, but I guess it's not a moment like the Zelda one, or a game reveal etc it shouldn't be what we watch these presentations for?

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It wasn't just people who were on Sony's side in support of that, it was people who were on the side of gaming. Any person who wants to be able to play and lend used games and not have to be always connected online was cheering that presentation. Microsoft had decided to screw people over; you needn't be a fanboy to voice your approval with a cheer for the the company not following suit with that.

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Of course. Everyone hated what Ms was doing and I genuinely believe this whole scenario helped sony do what they're doing now. All I'm saying is I don't understand how them gloating in a press conference is great ammunition for live shows being amazing. But it's not rewlly important, companies will do what they do, surely all we want are the games!

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Well back to hopes and predictions then!


With no Zelda showing, and Star Fox already confirmed being on the way.

What franchises could give that wow-factor?


I think handheld games aren't great for that purpose because of the lower visual spectacle (even worse for 3DS because you can't show 3D on a normal screen obviously).


So, when I focus on Wii U:


- Metroid - when was the last? Other M?

- F-Zero - fast, hard as nails, HD graphics, testosteron screaming in your ears

- Kid Icarus - following Uprising

- Earthbound 3D RPG/Adventure

- Wave Race, Excite series, Pilotwings, Advance Wars all deserve some attention by now


I wouldn't really want another Nintendogs, Brain Training, Wii Fit, Animal Crossing, Wii Music at this point (Sorry Red)

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Well back to hopes and predictions then!


With no Zelda showing, and Star Fox already confirmed being on the way.

What franchises could give that wow-factor?


I think handheld games aren't great for that purpose because of the lower visual spectacle (even worse for 3DS because you can't show 3D on a normal screen obviously).


So, when I focus on Wii U:


- Metroid - when was the last? Other M?

- F-Zero - fast, hard as nails, HD graphics, testosteron screaming in your ears

- Kid Icarus - following Uprising

- Earthbound 3D RPG/Adventure

- Wave Race, Excite series, Pilotwings, Advance Wars all deserve some attention by now


I wouldn't really want another Nintendogs, Brain Training, Wii Fit, Animal Crossing, Wii Music at this point (Sorry Red)


Sadly, I think we may see AC this year. It will probably hook up with Animal Crossing: House Arrest ( Thanks, Brain Altano. :D ) on the 3DS. They would have to make some big changes to the way it works online for me to get excited about it though.


If Retro show off whatever they've been working on then I think that will get people buzzing.


For Amiibo fans, if a dedicated game gets show for the little figures then that has the potential to be a big thing.

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So, when I focus on Wii U:


- Metroid - when was the last? Other M?

- F-Zero - fast, hard as nails, HD graphics, testosteron screaming in your ears

- Kid Icarus - following Uprising

- Earthbound 3D RPG/Adventure

- Wave Race, Excite series, Pilotwings, Advance Wars all deserve some attention by now


I wouldn't really want another Nintendogs, Brain Training, Wii Fit, Animal Crossing, Wii Music at this point (Sorry Red)

Hehehe. It's all good. :)

I'd be happy with any of the games you mention there, the benefit of loving all of Nintendo's IP. :hehe:


Sadly, I think we may see AC this year. It will probably hook up with Animal Crossing: House Arrest ( Thanks, Brain Altano. :D ) on the 3DS. They would have to make some big changes to the way it works online for me to get excited about it though.
I just hope they streamline the experience for the next AC. Don't want to be sitting through tons of repeated dialogue every time I visit the shop, or for everything to grind to a halt whenever someone visits your town. :shakehead

Hopefully they'll really expand on town customisation too, that was a great addition to New Leaf and has a lot of potential.

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- Earthbound 3D RPG/Adventure


I wonder if we will get Mother 3? Apparently the translation is pretty much done already and with the GBA now on the Wii U, it certainly seems like a possibility. Add to the fact that Lucas is due in June and we could have combo announcement at E3 on our hands...

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