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Miiverse is a social network, and every user has their own private profile and they can block people from seeing their posts.


No one is stopping Grazza posting his opinions on Miiverse, one individual has stopped Grazza posting on his own private profile. That isn't censorship, it's just a choice. If I don't want to debate an issue with someone on my own private profile, that's my business - my profile, my rules to who says what.


A public forum is a different matter altogether, and if someone was blocked from giving their opinion on a public forum that exists for the purpose of debate and discussion that would be censorship.


Interesting such a discussion came of it, but whilst it's here I think I'll get involved! (even though Grazza seemed to just be highlighting something that he quickly got over, then people started meta-complaining about complaining and it's leading me to complain that we are once again off-topic due to it).


Anyhow. Back to the point of your post - Grazza wasn't posting on someone's private Miiverse profile from the way he put it, rather he was commenting on a thread someone started in the presumably 'public' domain of Miiverse. He was making a point of being surprised that someone can start a thread, and THEN still censor others from posting in it - which others have mentioned is nothing something that is all that 'standard'. A perfect example given was that of a forum, where anyone can start a thread - but the OP cannot neccessarily stop other people from posting or seeing said thread (short of deleting it, and even then I've known forums where you can't do that!).


So - is miiverse public or private? Or both? Where are the lines drawn? From what I could see Grazza was posting on a thread in the community, not on someone's profile - can you even post on profiles in miiverse?

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Imagine it being like your Facebook feed or Twitter feed - you are in control of the posts and who can see them.


OK, fair enough, this is what I didn't understand. I thought it was a forum (albeit members-only) rather than a social network.


Ask the person who blocked Grazza and he'll probably tell you he was being harassed.


Well that would be quite ridiculous. I haven't sent him any private messages, and let's not forget the code of conduct on Miiverse is extremely strict. If I had done anything even slightly wrong, the mods would be onto me in no time.


Let me clarify: I was banned from what I thought was a public thread despite being entirely polite and not breaking any rules. The "thread owner" censored what I did say, and then put words into mouth (for all to see). I now don't have a right to defend myself. Honestly, I'm past caring now but it was annoying at the time. Serebii and Zechs have explained it fairly, so as far as I'm concerned that's the end of the matter.

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Interesting such a discussion came of it, but whilst it's here I think I'll get involved! (even though Grazza seemed to just be highlighting something that he quickly got over, then people started meta-complaining about complaining and it's leading me to complain that we are once again off-topic due to it).


Anyhow. Back to the point of your post - Grazza wasn't posting on someone's private Miiverse profile from the way he put it, rather he was commenting on a thread someone started in the presumably 'public' domain of Miiverse. He was making a point of being surprised that someone can start a thread, and THEN still censor others from posting in it - which others have mentioned is nothing something that is all that 'standard'. A perfect example given was that of a forum, where anyone can start a thread - but the OP cannot neccessarily stop other people from posting or seeing said thread (short of deleting it, and even then I've known forums where you can't do that!).


So - is miiverse public or private? Or both? Where are the lines drawn? From what I could see Grazza was posting on a thread in the community, not on someone's profile - can you even post on profiles in miiverse?



But people don't create threads they make personal posts in threads. It's like someone responding to a Facebook status update or a specific tweet. It's absolutely right people can be blocked from that. I really don't understand the argument that's started here.

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I think the problem is Miiverse sits between a social network and a forum.


Social networks you choose who you follow and who follows you (in the sense you can set to private or block if someone adds you). Miiverse works more like a forum in that any and everyone can see what you post.


Maybe this is where the differing views are coming from - the fact it's not entirely one or the other?


Forgive me if I've forgotten what Miiverse is actually like. Been ages since I used it!

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I think the problem is Miiverse sits between a social network and a forum.


Social networks you choose who you follow and who follows you (in the sense you can set to private or block if someone adds you). Miiverse works more like a forum in that any and everyone can see what you post.


Maybe this is where the differing views are coming from - the fact it's not entirely one or the other?


Forgive me if I've forgotten what Miiverse is actually like. Been ages since I used it!


Yeah it sort of is a merge I guess, you obviously add people, follow people, get followed; but do posts in larger threads that everyone can see. Ultimately though you can only block people from your personal posts, not the the threads in general. Surely no one thinks this is a bad idea? I think people are arguing but don't think anyone disagrees with it!

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Grazza threw a hissy fit because some 9 year old kid blocked him from his post, posted about it on here, then probably forgot about it 20 minutes later. Meanwhile some posters chose to stick the knife in as usual in this thread and argue against a standard common sense feature of these sorts of social networks. All very silly and pointless.

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Grazza threw a hissy fit because some 9 year old kid blocked him from his post, posted about it on here, then probably forgot about it 20 minutes later. Meanwhile some posters chose to stick the knife in as usual in this thread and argue against a standard common sense feature of these sorts of social networks. All very silly and pointless.


At what point was it a hissy fit? All he done was explain the situation and why he wasn't happy with it.

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But people don't create threads they make personal posts in threads. It's like someone responding to a Facebook status update or a specific tweet. It's absolutely right people can be blocked from that. I really don't understand the argument that's started here.


How do you mean? On forums or on miiverse? Can't anyone on both make a thread/starting post that can then get replies? Same as on facebook(though arguably there, there's more privacy, as Miiverse is open to all on Miiverse). My forum example - you can make a thread but you as OP can't then censor discussion in the thread. I think you can do it on facebook, however. As said - what do we consider Miiverse? Public? Private? Mixed?

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It's hilarious how hostile and defensive people get when they disagree with someone who has a different opinion on gaming than themselves. I just enjoy reading this thread. :laughing:


Change that to about football clubs and we have the same thing :D

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Grazza threw a hissy fit because some 9 year old kid blocked him from his post, posted about it on here, then probably forgot about it 20 minutes later. Meanwhile some posters chose to stick the knife in as usual in this thread and argue against a standard common sense feature of these sorts of social networks. All very silly and pointless.


As is this post to be frank.


You constantly complain about what conversations are going on (even if there's no problem within the conversation and people are just exploring ideas/personal opinions) but you don't ever try and start conversations. In five years you've created 7 threads (the Diversity one was a thread rip, you just happened to have the first post).


I've seen nothing from you to suggest you want to actively and positively discuss Nintendo. Instead you just want to complain when others bring up criticisms (valid or otherwise). Your behaviour in threads is constantly disruptive and it's beginning to wear.


If you are genuinely annoyed by other people being negative (in your opinion) start talking about why you love Nintendo, what you think they are doing right etc. Sitting on the sidelines complaining about the conversation is akin to complaining about how politics never changes without voting. Contribution is key and the only thing you contribute is moaning. Constant moaning.

Edited by Ashley
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Grazza threw a hissy fit because some 9 year old kid blocked him from his post, posted about it on here, then probably forgot about it 20 minutes later. Meanwhile some posters chose to stick the knife in as usual in this thread and argue against a standard common sense feature of these sorts of social networks. All very silly and pointless.


Excellent contributions as always. Do you actually know how to stay on topic, rather than discussing everything around it all the time and complaining? Add to that being personal.


Regardless of the origin, I actually think it's interesting to have another discussion for a change - this time on the consideration of Miiverse.


Or if you prefer, continue to complain and I'll just bring up voice chat instead. I know people like 'discussing' that one at least ;)

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How do you mean? On forums or on miiverse? Can't anyone on both make a thread/starting post that can then get replies? Same as on facebook(though arguably there, there's more privacy, as Miiverse is open to all on Miiverse). My forum example - you can make a thread but you as OP can't then censor discussion in the thread. I think you can do it on facebook, however. As said - what do we consider Miiverse? Public? Private? Mixed?


I meant on miiverse. Threads are already created, then you make personal posts in them... As for public or private, I think it's mixed, you can have public or set your posts to private. But I think you should have the right to censor people in your replies 100%.

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I'm so glad the WiiU is flopping. It's not a good enough console for it to deserve to sell well.


My other reason for being glad is that it makes me hope Nintendo will address their hardware and mantra on gaming (specifically online & multiplayer) as a result and get up to speed with the rest of the industry.


If they don't then I hope their next console flops even harder and they then go 3rd Party.

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I'm so glad the WiiU is flopping. It's not a good enough console for it to deserve to sell well.


My other reason for being glad is that it makes me hope Nintendo will address their hardware and mantra on gaming (specifically online & multiplayer) as a result and get up to speed with the rest of the industry.


If they don't then I hope their next console flops even harder and they then go 3rd Party.

Sort of taking it to extremes are you not?

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Sort of taking it to extremes are you not?


I don't feel I am. They've made a product I'm not happy with. I want them to remedy their shortcomings (knowing they've no plans to drop out of hardware manufacture) but if they don't remedy the problems then I'd want them to be forced into going 3rd Party.


This suits me best as I'd only really need to be buying one console then and I'd not have to shell out for a console I'm not happy with.

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I don't feel I am. They've made a product I'm not happy with. I want them to remedy their shortcomings (knowing they've no plans to drop out of hardware manufacture) but if they don't remedy the problems then I'd want them to be forced into going 3rd Party.


This suits me best as I'd only really need to be buying one console then and I'd not have to shell out for a console I'm not happy with.


Are you really not going to get it? You got monster hunter 4? Get it and get on Skype :)

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I don't feel I am. They've made a product I'm not happy with. I want them to remedy their shortcomings (knowing they've no plans to drop out of hardware manufacture) but if they don't remedy the problems then I'd want them to be forced into going 3rd Party.


This suits me best as I'd only really need to be buying one console then and I'd not have to shell out for a console I'm not happy with.


I'm also ready for Nintendo to go third party and refocus of what they do best; make great games. And if for some reason they decide the gamer needs some strange peripheral to play it they can bundle it with the game, or something along those lines.

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Sort of taking it to extremes are you not?


Are you surprised? His obsession with voice chat made him want to return MK8 and Smash. It's a little odd, to say the least. Now the Wii U "isn't a good enough to console to deserve to sell well" so he's over the moon it's flopping. All because of Nintendo's lack of voice chat. Cringe.

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I'm also ready for Nintendo to go third party and refocus of what they do best; make great games. And if for some reason they decide the gamer needs some strange peripheral to play it they can bundle it with the game, or something along those lines.

If Nintendo did go third party, say goodbye to Splatoon, Fire Emblem, Dillon's Rolling Western, F-Zero, Metroid etc. and say hello to annual Mario and Zelda.


Yeah, going third party would be horrific

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Urgh. Nintendo going thrid party - I'd hate that.


For all their mis-steps with their hardware I kinda love their quirky take on things. As annoying as it is at times. :laughing:

I do think the game pad is just dreadful though. :nono:


Anyway, their handheld consoles are enough to keep them in my good books. The new 3DS is dreamy on every level.

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If Nintendo did go third party, say goodbye to Splatoon, Fire Emblem, Dillon's Rolling Western, F-Zero, Metroid etc. and say hello to annual Mario and Zelda.


Yeah, going third party would be horrific


NO! He's not playable in Smash yet!


But yeah, I agree. Them going third party would be all just bad news.

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Seriously, I don't get why people can't see it. They think Nintendo going third party would just be Nintendo first party on other platforms, when it's far from the case. They'd have no extra revenue streams from their own hardware or from third party licensing on their hardware so they'd have to take less risks. Smaller games do not sell so would not be worth it. They would become what people erroneously claim they are now, just a Mario developer.

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If Nintendo did go third party, say goodbye to Splatoon, Fire Emblem, Dillon's Rolling Western, F-Zero, Metroid etc. and say hello to annual Mario and Zelda.


Yeah, going third party would be horrific


That's not all that different to how we are now?


And I'm not sure why you'd expect there to be annual Mario and Zelda's? Surely lots of third party developers only release major games every 3-4 years?


And besides, at least Zelda on another console would get played by more people. And Metroid would probably sell better on another platform, therefore making it a more viable IP?

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That's not all that different to how we are now?


And I'm not sure why you'd expect there to be annual Mario and Zelda's? Surely lots of third party developers only release major games every 3-4 years?


And besides, at least Zelda on another console would get played by more people. And Metroid would probably sell better on another platform, therefore making it a more viable IP?

If you looked at Nintendo's releases, no that's not what it is now. Now we have small titles like Pushmo, Kirby titles, new IPs etc.


And no, name me a big third party developer other than Rockstar who only make big game every 3 to 4 years.

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If Nintendo did go third party, say goodbye to Splatoon, Fire Emblem, Dillon's Rolling Western, F-Zero, Metroid etc. and say hello to annual Mario and Zelda.


Yeah, going third party would be horrific


I don't believe this would happen.

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