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Are Child of Light and Shovel Knight specifically the Wii U versions or just the games overall?


No versions were mentioned specifically.


That tells me PC is the winner. :p


Also some of those games are on other formats, and arguably better versions.


How so? Child Of Light is the same on all versions as far as I'm aware and Shovel Knight is only on PC other than Wii U and 3DS. Both versions have advantages over PC.

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Well you're not very aware.


1080p vs 720p dude.


Well that's just lazy Ubisoft. There's no excuse for that. And hardly a deal breaker.


I vaguely remember Child of Light. I didn't realise that it was out. Or good.


Me neither. I thought it's Ubisoft and it's on the eShop so no thanks. It's not universally praised either. Certainly wasn't aware it was GOTY material.

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Automerged Doublepost
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The list fails due to the lack of Hyrule Warriors. I'm not even kidding. :)


I agree. Bayonetta 2 and Hyrule Warriors have been my most enjoyed Single player games this year.


Child of light is a ridiculous inclusion. Some of the worst writing in any medium, found it sensationally dull.


Hey, you can knock Child of Light, but I will not condone the knocking of the dialogue. It works for the kind of story it goes for. (Children's fairy tale)


Child of Light was a great little game. The turn-based fighting was fairly unique, it looked great and the soundtrack was beautiful.


That's the feature of the game that I've heard stands out most in terms of quality.


I don't know, it's one of the most lovely looking games I've played in a while.

I would say Child Of Light is an awesome game to play when you just want to relax and chill out.

Plus it's battle system is very similar to Grandia. Which most see as a plus point.

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Unless it's a deliberately retro game then high pixel count trumps low pixel count.


Also it's a bad idea to try to resurrect old arguments that you've no chance of winning. ;)


That's why I brought it up, because it's a win/win argument for me, for the simple fact I think your argument is a load of poop.

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I don't agree with patronising children - it's for kids, it's okay it's shit! It's painfully written, some of the worst, forced rhymes, pointless off shoot conversations, videos characterisation. It was pretty much unbearable!


OK, "Patronising children"? Really? That's taking it a bit far. What kind of tone were you wanting from it?

Quick question, did you ever finish the game? Just wondering because...

The story gets pretty dark before you ultimately triumph. Not to mention, the kingdom you're trying to get back to gets destroyed and the father dies in the end.


And have you ever tried rhyming everything you say? It's bloody hard.

I think you're being overly harsh on the game. It's whimsical. It's simple, and it works.

It doesn't have a deep, complex story. But who was expecting that?

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That's why I brought it up, because it's a win/win argument for me, for the simple fact I think your argument is a load of poop.

Actually, all you're doing is showing how petty and grudge bearing you are. And saying you think an argument is 'poop' just makes you come across a child.


But hey, that's what people think you're like already, so why break the habit of a lifetime? :p What was it you boasted about before, 'throwing chips at a fat bird'? A real class act you are. ;)

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Actually, all you're doing is showing how petty and grudge bearing you are. And saying you think an argument is 'poop' just makes you come across a child.


But hey, that's what people think you're like already, so why break the habit of a lifetime? :p What was it you boasted about before, 'throwing chips at a fat bird'? A real class act you are. ;)


I brought it up as I found it funny given how you were talking about 720p being better sometimes in whichever thread it was. Not for any grudge, I don't value you highly enough to hold one against you, to me you're very meh.


Some people may think I'm childlike but those people don't know me so it's of no concern or bother to me, fair play to them.


Also, I never "threw chips at a fat bird" and never boasted about anything of the like. I was involved in a jovial food fight after a night out where we were all having a laugh. That was established in the thread it was posted in but kudos on ignoring all that.


Anyhoo, I'm not well and need to get back to emptying my bowls of your argument... oh sorry, I mean poop! ;)

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I don't agree with patronising children - it's for kids, it's okay it's shit! It's painfully written, some of the worst, forced rhymes, pointless off shoot conversations, videos characterisation. It was pretty much unbearable!


Although I haven't played it myself, many reviews marked the game down for this very reason. A few said it was really unnecessary and spoiled what was otherwise a very good game.

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Anyhoo, I'm not well and need to get back to emptying my bowls of your argument... oh sorry, I mean poop! ;)


lolz at getting that wrong (it was about FPS actually, and you clearly didn't have a clue what you were talking about back then either).


Anyway, take a nice deserved break. ;)

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lolz at getting that wrong (it was about FPS actually, and you clearly didn't have a clue what you were talking about back then either).


Anyway, take a nice deserved break. ;)


Haha, oh yeah! D'uh me.


Still, 30FPS better than 60, haha!


Ah well, this gave me a laugh, cheers Sheikah!

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The list fails due to the lack of Hyrule Warriors. I'm not even kidding. :)


Don't panic.


Toad will make 2015.


Haha, oh yeah! D'uh me.


Still, 30FPS better than 60, haha!


Ah well, this gave me a laugh, cheers Sheikah!


Your sig still makes me chuckle :D

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The FPS argument is boring. Nobody really wins with that one.


Also, Child of Light (or what I saw Ine play of it) was wonderful. Soundtrack was gorgeous, in particular. The story/writing seemed fit for purpose, imo.


Also also, the list is completely null and void because of the lack of Alien: Isolation. :D

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The FPS argument is boring. Nobody really wins with that one.


Also, Child of Light (or what I saw Ine play of it) was wonderful. Soundtrack was gorgeous, in particular. The story/writing seemed fit for purpose, imo.


Also also, the list is completely null and void because of the lack of Alien: Isolation. :D

Aye, pretty much spot on. No sense bearing grudges and reviving these shitty arguments at any opportunity since it'll just end up again with 2 people vehemently arguing their contrasting views, long past anyone else giving a fuck.

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Mario Kart 8 is my game of the year :hehe:


It really says something about the quality of the racing and track design that it stands head and shoulders above everything else in 2014, despite how poor the battle mode is :heh:


I reckon I'd place Donkey Kong: Tropical Freeze second on my list!

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OK, "Patronising children"? Really? That's taking it a bit far. What kind of tone were you wanting from it?

Quick question, did you ever finish the game? Just wondering because...

The story gets pretty dark before you ultimately triumph. Not to mention, the kingdom you're trying to get back to gets destroyed and the father dies in the end.


And have you ever tried rhyming everything you say? It's bloody hard.

I think you're being overly harsh on the game. It's whimsical. It's simple, and it works.

It doesn't have a deep, complex story. But who was expecting that?


It was just the terrible writing, I loved the atmosphere, thr style, the music, but the writing was excruciating. So bad.


And yeah, I have actually tried writing things "which rhyme" :) My first short film was a rhyming poem which was bought the bbc, I was commissioned. Y co edt Central to write friends the opera, I've just done a rhyming film for a homeless charity (literally saw the first cut today) and even have written songs for a musical of sorts which you could listen to in a certain free streaming service if I gave you the details (which I won't). So :P


I mean fair enough if you liked it. Absolutely ruined the whole game for me. So painfully forced. I'll go back to reading Dr Seuss instead.


Although I haven't played it myself, many reviews marked the game down for this very reason. A few said it was really unnecessary and spoiled what was otherwise a very good game.


Yeah absolutely. Completely ruined it for me. I really thought I'd love it, a lot of everything else about it is beautiful.

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I hosted another Smash Bros Wii U party today for local and Japanese students. Really enjoyed Smash with 8 players, after that went through my game collection and played Puyo Puyo Fever on Dreamcast with 2 players, the sequel for DS with 4 players and finally some retro Smash Melee with four. Also played some Taiko no tatsujin DS with four. Local multiplayer is awesome...

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