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I probably would too but I don't think there is anyway we can haha. Zechs said that he enjoyed it so i'm sure you can too!


I'll just pick 'em up cheap for the 360 and game on that. Mine may well be broke but my flatmate has still got his.


Back on topic for the WiiU though, I would love to know what Retro are working on... I wish they hadn't done DKCR:TF we didn't need another 2D Platformer!

Edited by Kav
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But Nintendo have so much money to potentially invest in new studios/buy studios/talent from studio closures.


Or failing that (although why they don't, I don't know) give more of their properties to studios who are talented at making such genres.


Well that is what they've done with Hyrule Warriors (although that is another Zelda...) and that's how the previous F-Zero was done, and Metroid : Other M. There also has to be a willingness on the other side for this to happen... I don't see many western studios wanting to make something for the Wii U even if Nintendo were paying for it. I do agree with you though that we should see more collaborations, just pointing out that it is not as simple as saying "do it Nintendo!"


With regards to the "they should buy studios" point, we do know generally that Nintendo are cash rich, but none of us are experts on how their business works, whether it is viable for them to buy studios is something we can't really tell. And again, if Nintendo buy a studio and those who work there aren't happy with it, they'll leave. Just as we've seen with Rare turning into a shadow of their former selves. So while what you suggest would be ideal, I don't think it is quite that simple.

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Anyhoo, back to what I was trying to get at, as much as I love those Nintendo games, if they embraced online and released their other franchises like Waverace, F-Zero etc then I'd not have a problem with Nintendo. Online is the biggest thing for me though, voice-chat is simply a must for me.


This is my one biggest complaint about them.


Ever since I really got into online gaming with the 360 I have been dying for Nintendo to get their fingers out and join the party. Playing the 360 was a revelation, what with being able to talk online and send messages instantly and receive notifications. Once Party Chat arrived my desire for online stuff just increased. It is feature that I really want on my consoles. :(

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This is my one biggest complaint about them.


Ever since I really got into online gaming with the 360 I have been dying for Nintendo to get their fingers out and join the party. Playing the 360 was a revelation, what with being able to talk online and send messages instantly and receive notifications. Once Party Chat arrived my desire for online stuff just increased. It is feature that I really want on my consoles. :(


Then you should be keeping a close eye on Splatoon, Bayonetta 2 and Devil's Third then! Because those kinds of games are exactly what you're looking for from them :)


Yes I agree that the lack of party chat is incredibly stupid, but there's not much more to say on that front really :blank:


But Nintendo have so much money to potentially invest in new studios/buy studios/talent from studio closures.


That's actually what they tend to do... Instead of buying studios outright (where the talent just ups and walks away afterwards), they tend to headhunt specific staff and buy up staff when a studio with a similar culture goes bust (examples include Hudson-NDCUBE, Flagship-EAD&HAL, staff leaving Skip going to Asobism, Artoon & other staff going to join Arzest; and more on top of the ones I listed).


Expanding on this, they have recently embarked on a strategy of saving projects that get cancelled or otherwise off track (games like Bayonetta 2 and Devil's Third - with 3 more games being rumoured to have been picked up too...)


Them buying studios outright is very rare because of the very high chance of a staff exodus. Acquisitions like Monolith Soft or Mobiclip/NERD only happen when the studio wants to be bought out by them and they know that the company cultures are close enough that can be integrated seamlessly into Nintendo; with all the staff being kept intact and happy.

Edited by Dcubed
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*Walks in*


"I'm sorry, I thought this was the Wii U discussion thread".


*Walks out again*


I know! What happened to banning all talk of PS4 and XB1 in here?


Let's end it all right now... you buy a Nintendo console to play Mario, Zelda, Metroid. You but Sony or Microsoft to play Fifa & COD and then it's a toss up between Halo or Gran Turismo to decide which one.



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I know! What happened to banning all talk of PS4 and XB1 in here?


Let's end it all right now... you buy a Nintendo console to play Mario, Zelda, Metroid. You but Sony or Microsoft to play Fifa & COD and then it's a toss up between Halo or Gran Turismo to decide which one.






Love this post!!


I am bored of the constant slagging off. It's not even if the same members are bring up new stuff. It's all the same points! Yeah I agree with it but i'm just bored of reading it!


To be fair the PS4 (or XB1)has so much more to offer than CoD or Fifa though. I'm going to get a PS4 soon though.

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You can get ME3 for Wii U really cheap!! Ive got it but yet to play it.


@Zechs Merquise loved it and he hadn't played the others either.


Yeah I know but I'd want to play 1&2 first.


I agree with both of this. I haven't touched Mass Effect yet because it seems daft to skip to the final part without seeing everything before it. It's like watching Return of the Jedi without seeing A New Hope or The Empire Strikes Back. In fact, didn't a collector's edition containing all three games get made for the 360/PS3/PC at the same time as we got 3? Why didn't we get that? Would have made a lot of sense. Bah.

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...In fact, didn't a collector's edition containing all three games get made for the 360/PS3/PC at the same time as we got 3? Why didn't we get that? Would have made a lot of sense. Bah.


Urgh, this! This is what was completely wrong with ME3's release on WiiU. I'd have picked up the trilogy for certain!

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Urgh, this! This is what was completely wrong with ME3's release on WiiU. I'd have picked up the trilogy for certain!


I really did not understand EA's reasoning behind this. Wasn't the third installment released on Wii U approximately the same time as the trilogy was released on the other consoles too? It doesn't make any sense!

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Urgh, this! This is what was completely wrong with ME3's release on WiiU. I'd have picked up the trilogy for certain!


Haha, I was half expecting some sort of trilogy edition down the line. I don't think it's going to happen now. Shame really. I keep seeing ME3 for cheap and I want it but...I want the other ones, too.


I guess if push came to shove, you could youtube the story. That seems a bit lame, however. I wouldn't even care about having GamePad controls or use of the screen, I just want the three games on one system.

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I really did not understand EA's reasoning behind this. Wasn't the third installment released on Wii U approximately the same time as the trilogy was released on the other consoles too? It doesn't make any sense!


It was essentially a token release while giving the finger at the same time.

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I guess if push came to shove, you could youtube the story. That seems a bit lame, however. I wouldn't even care about having GamePad controls or use of the screen, I just want the three games on one system.


YouTube really won't cut it when a big part of the game is your choices. Even the little stuff (which are no part of the digital comic thing) is great to see pop up later.

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It was essentially a token release while giving the finger at the same time.


What would have been a real statement of intent would have been if Nintendo had got the exclusive rights for that collection and made it WiiU only. That would have been a major boost. Maybe not in terms of sales, but in terms of saying to third parties and gamers that they could obtain the big games.

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What would have been a real statement of intent would have been if Nintendo had got the exclusive rights for that collection and made it WiiU only. That would have been a major boost. Maybe not in terms of sales, but in terms of saying to third parties and gamers that they could obtain the big games.


Instead, unfortunately they've proven the exact opposite with no 3rd party releases and rock bottom sales of what little did release.

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Yeah it was absolutely my fault, but at least it was a genuine discussion and no slagging or ripping, it was great reading through. @Hero\-of\-Time yeah, it is mental. But I can't help myself... I still have about 10 ps3 games I haven't touched... I have problems... Getting loads of free games with plus doesn't help either...I have finished loads of games this year though! One day, I will have destroyed my collection... (Metaphorically) You should my dvd bluray collection, equally as bad. No exaggeration i have at least 200 still in their wrappers.

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Yeah it was absolutely my fault, but at least it was a genuine discussion and no slagging or ripping, it was great reading through.


Yeah, it seemed fine to me. Especially as your initial post was comparing it to the WiiU's OS, so it was relevant.


I'm actually a tiny bit grateful for the WiiU's GamePad at the moment. Ine had a day off yesterday and is off for today and tomorrow. One TV in the living room, two video games consoles, two gamers who want to play. So, the deal was that she played Wind Waker on the GamePad and I had the telly for Watch Dogs PS4.


Not bad...maybe that is all part of their masterplan after all. :D


I was this close to moving the telly from the bedroom into the living room, but that would have been a bit overkill. Maybe, hmm.

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Browsing through Instagram before at Nintendo stuff (which I sadly like to do from time to time :heh: ) and came across these on someone's account:








Looks like they're official, and looks like they're a Club Nintendo item! Does anyone know which country produced them? I'm guessing Japan?! :wtf:


Either way, they are cool as fuck. I want them both. But what I'd REALLLLLY like. Is a Princess Peach one, obvs.


Anyone seem these before?! Look cool with the Wii Remotes too!



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Yup, I had the Mario one. I sold it on ebay a couple of years back for around £100. I think it was about 4000 stars on the Stars Catalogue back when they actually gave you good merchandise


Japan got a Wario one as well.


Wowzers :o


That's amazing. I never paid much attention to the stars catalogue until the Wii days tbh and even then I wasn't really that aware of the system. It truly does look even shitter now if that's the kind of thing they used to offer!


A Wario one eh?! Now THAT I like the sounds of!

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Browsing through Instagram before at Nintendo stuff (which I sadly like to do from time to time :heh: ) and came across these on someone's account:








Looks like they're official, and looks like they're a Club Nintendo item! Does anyone know which country produced them? I'm guessing Japan?! :wtf:


Either way, they are cool as fuck. I want them both. But what I'd REALLLLLY like. Is a Princess Peach one, obvs.


Anyone seem these before?! Look cool with the Wii Remotes too!




Yes, I've seen them loads of times. Was never a fan of the colour schemes or the M and L logo stuck on them. The same applies to the Wii remotes, I do however like the look of the new Yoshi Wii remote, I could do without the egg though.



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