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Wii U General Discussion


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And I'll just call it and say this aggression pretty much accelerated when Jamba stepped in - no matter how Serebii's comments can come about sometimes, I'd still prefer him to have the motivation to post than to avoid posting because of the near personal abuse he gets.


Your whole post is great, but this is a particular point. It was who I was referring to when I said it all went to shit. And it is incredible the amount of shit serebii gets and tiny little digs about his website and career and such.


But anyway. POSITIVITY! I'm with you. Pikmin 3 and Mario 3D World are two of the greatest games I have ever played! Mario kart looks a series best, and smash is looking spunk worthy! You don't like these games, don't get a Wii u, love those games? Don't care how many they sell and just enjoy!


And for people who love nintendo handhelds too, then pocket football and golf demo hit today, and that really is unbeatable for a Thursday :)


Dazzy you don't have to 'put forward' an idea for a thread! :)


I don't know anymore. Like I said, I was enjoying the discussion about the Gamepad yesterday, not what it's become.


Haha, yes, I could, but I wouldn't really want to contribute too much and I think people would still prefer to post in here. But it'd be nice to be able to move all sales talk somewhere else...

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You've missed my point. My point is that if you can justify buying a WiiU once the big games are all out, why is it not justifiable buying one with the knowledge these games will come and yet it is justifiable buying an XBO/PS4 with the knowledge games will come and not having to wait until those games are out before it's worthy of a purchase?
But it wasn't known what games would come out, it still isn't. There's arguably been very little variety on the Wii U, with a plethora of platformers.


If I knew the Wii U was getting WaveRace, 1080, Excitebike/Truck, F-Zero, Starfox, a re imagined Ice Climbers, a Metroid... I'd be far more confident in picking one up. Nintendo's over reliance on Mario in the consoles first year with no real indication, and lack of any sort of show reel of what's potentially in the pipeline like we had with Gamecube etc... is damaging.


Also, not having third party support means less chance of seeing the likes of Super Monkey Ball, Rogue Squadron, Viewtiful Joe, Resident Evil type exclusives. There's very little confidence to place in the console.


At least people know that if the PS4 goes without many first party exclusives, it will get great third party content.


Fair enough if the type of Nintendo games they've put out so far appeal to you, but I'd imagine every Wii U owner is looking for some more variety. And how many first party games are being bought because it's literally the only option/there's nothing else to play. They need to put out more first party titles at a steadier rate. We're getting there with that, but it still seems very safe.


But what makes people think we won't get games like this? (or games full stop for that matter?)


The N64, GC, and Wii all produced a fair plod of third party/quality games - that we all mostly look back and commend... Yet we were also having these same thoughts and discussions - only now its crazier.


Anyway, thumbs up for the civil posts, just at work with deadlines and ish so sorry for partial replies.

But who will make that type of game? an exclusive shooter... Certainly not Nintendo. The only hope is Retro right? because let's face it, the third party partnerships/exclusives aren't there like they've been in the past, because relationships, confidence has broken down.
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Where will the games come from? Right now, our best hope for exciting experiences for the Wii U are from Nintendo themselves, with the likes of Retro, etc. What are the likes of Konami, Capcom, Rockstar, Activision, Atlas, Bethesda, Ubisoft doing?


Does it make sense for a developer or publisher to create something for the Wii U where the audience is limited or go with one of the other two? What's the Wii U like to develop for, is it easy? Do developers mind that much if the Wii U is weaker? (I'm guessing yes?) Do we currently know of any huge third party exclusives coming our way?


Based on what we currently know, and if you examine the current third party situation, it doesn't look particularly great. I think it was myself and Dazzy who had a discussion about this recently and we both agreed that the third parties won't be coming. So, in my mind anyway, it's up to Nintendo to keep the system afloat with games now.


I think with big retail releases it's going to be pretty much Nintendo with hopefully some great 3rd party partnerships - monster hunter, Lego, bayonetta, w101, Hyrule warriors etc - more of this please.


BUT, I do think this is the generation of the indies, and Wii u will be brilliantly supported in this area, with already some fantastic exclusives.


Also, I hope 3rd parties play it smart, sometimes it's not the size of the I sheer base, it's about the right game hitting the right audience, surely there are online developers who want to make a game that fits the Wii u perfectly. So they do it! Especially if Nintendo can increase install base. But we'll see.


I'm just in a naive belief that Nintendo are sitting on a ton of games near completion. They've struggled massively in moo ing to hd, but hopefully they're hitting a stride, big silence from a lot of studios, miamoto is meant to be working in a few smaller games, next level, monster retro hinted being a 2 party studio, they said they could've shown Zelda last year etc. so maybe soon they'll really start being able to bring out big game after big game like they did with the 3ds

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I'm really excited about E3. The lack of the bi-monthly Nintendo Direct this month (as evidenced by the announcement of Mario Kart stuff, Smash Direct, Tomodachi Direct etc.) seems to me that they are holding off their game announcements, which usually bookend these Directs, for E3.


I also recently did a check of Nintendo's studios and their projects and found that so many have been incredibly quiet for over a year, and these are studios that are fully capable of doing more than one project at once, too.


I truly believe we'll have big first party stuff coming, not to mention third party stuff in the manner of Sonic Lost World, Hyrule Warriors etc.


Your whole post is great, but this is a particular point. It was who I was referring to when I said it all went to shit. And it is incredible the amount of shit serebii gets and tiny little digs about his website and career and such.


People throw digs at my site????

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I for one think is great that there are so many different opinions on here.


Whether someone loves the wii u or is disappointed in the wii u does it really matter as long as long people are not just trolling.


Most people seem to to me to make decent points whether its positive or negative on the wii u.

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You've missed my point. My point is that if you can justify buying a WiiU once the big games are all out, why is it not justifiable buying one with the knowledge these games will come and yet it is justifiable buying an XBO/PS4 with the knowledge games will come and not having to wait until those games are out before it's worthy of a purchase?


Because the PS4 has virtually every major 3rd party title available so far? It's easy to justify playing the best version of 3rd party titles as opposed to playing a console that doesn't feature them?

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What? That just doesn't make any sense! So by that logic the 6th gen was also the first gen because that was when MS released their first console, so was the 3rd gen also the first gen as that was when Nintendo released their first console?


It just amazes me how all of a sudden everything gets twisted. Generations no longer relate to when things were released, 1st gen is now when Sony released their first console (as obviously the whole gaming world revolves around them).


I meant 1st gen as in their own respective company hardware line up. Xbox would be Microsoft's first generation console. It sounds a but silly now, yes but I knew what I meant.


Excuse me for using Sony as an example though. :rolleyes:

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People throw digs at my site????


Ha. I meant more about you being a journalist, people get quite nasty and question your integrity and such, and yeah the occasional mention of it being stuck in the 90's, the UI and design and stuff. But that's mostly harmless observations.

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This is the "Wii U General Discussion" thread.

I really think a simple way to prevent ongoing arguments would be to ban discussing PS4 and XB1 in here. There are threads for those consoles elsewhere.

Most arguments in here start with a comparison between Wii U and another console.

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I just don't see it as positive or negative, and I also don't care if the, in my opinion, incessantly negative people are/were Nintendo fans that seems to justify their negativity (this is exactly like "I'm not racist, I have a black friend", it's no argument to support their views, unless it's about specifically stuff we've played)


Tbh it's exactly because of my black friend that I'm racist.


And that black friend is my Wii U. And my racism is negativity. Which is nothing like your example. Nobody here is claiming they AREN'T dissing/being negative about the Wii U when they are. We quite clearly ARE being negative, and for someone who has to talk about how painfully obvious generations are - I should have thought this was even more painfully so. The biggest derailment comes from all these complaints about the negativity, and not the points being made(I spent most of the morning catching up on the last few days of posts, there was lots of negativity(and positivity) but absolutely fantastic discussion - until people came and started to complain about the negativity, and not the wii u). Of course this post is in itself an extension of the problem. It's discussing forumite feelings, and not the Wii U.


This is the "Wii U General Discussion" thread.

I really think a simple way to prevent ongoing arguments would be to ban discussing PS4 and XB1 in here. There are threads for those consoles elsewhere.

Most arguments in here start with a comparison between Wii U and another console.


I'd wholeheartedly agree. I see them brought into the discussion by both sides, and fail to see why it's neccessary in a large number of cases(there are some relevant situations, however).


I've done this many times, it never seems to get any traction, but ill try again. If this happened, would people think the Wii u was with mario kart was worth £250


June - mario kart

July - miamotos gamepad/NFC games

August - bayonetta 2

September - Hyrule warriors

October - Pilotwings

November - Metroid prime

December - smash bros


Say a good 20 fantastic indies on the eshop.

The virtual console getting 2 releases every week on the various platforms


If that happened, would people think the Wii u would be more a much more attractive proposition?


I genuinely think if there was a steady stream of games, people would be happy.


It isn't just quantity, it's quality.

Mario Kart has been tired for me for a long time; though if this has good online I'll probably pick it up.

Miyamoto/NFC - depends what the content is and what it offers to me.

Bayonetta I'm not too fussed about, the first didn't grab me but I'd consider it.

Hyrule Warriors looks different and interesting for that - I'd wait to see reception and consider it.

Pilotwings I've never played in any form. Have heard a lot of good about it for 3DS so I'd consider it pending reception as well.

November - a new prime of HD remake? A HD trilogy remake+Wii U functionality might tempt me as I do want to actually replay prime, finish Echoes and check out Corruption. I'd equally take, and somewhat prefer, a new metroid with Wii U functionality.

December - Smash is something I always knew I'd be getting. One of the few things that 'sold' me a Wii U(but I wasn't going to pay more than £250 for a WiiU+2games, which even then was stretching).



I bolded the bit about eShop though - if there's some really good/interesting new titles on there for a good price then I think that does a lot for the value of the system. I want the Wii U to be more steam-esque in certain regards. It was sold to me as being THE machine for 3rd parties and indies - there are some but nowhere near the quality+quantity I had hoped would satisfy me. Something about the offerings available just haven't really taken my fancy at the prices they're at.

Edited by Rummy
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The biggest derailment comes from all these complaints about the negativity, and not the points being made(I spent most of the morning catching up on the last few days of posts, there was lots of negativity(and positivity) but absolutely fantastic discussion - until people came and started to complain about the negativity, and not the wii u). Of course this post is in itself an extension of the problem. It's discussing forumite feelings, and not the Wii U.


Really? I think when people come in and say say the Wii u has no games, people are just coming up with excuses whenever so keen is positive (which stunts expression) etc etc for me this is when the place is at it's most unbearable for me. But there's probably no point continuing, we'll keep going like we always do, and maybe one day the incessant bitching will stop.

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This is the "Wii U General Discussion" thread.

I really think a simple way to prevent ongoing arguments would be to ban discussing PS4 and XB1 in here. There are threads for those consoles elsewhere.

Most arguments in here start with a comparison between Wii U and another console.


Why? As long as people are not trolling whats the problem.


Its not like people just randomly discuss the latest going on's with the PS4/XB1 in this thread is it.

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I don't see why it's unfair for people to ask for the gamepad to be made optional. People who own a WiiU can answer my question, but what exactly makes the gamepad so intrinsic to the OS? A lot can be handled by the pro controller surely? Two of this year's highly anticipated games in Smash Bros and Mario Kart do not require the gamepad and essentially Nintendo are losing sales those who would like to play those games but are put off by the gamepad and the high price point of entry. You can still have games like 3D World that require the gamepad if needs be. A gamepad-less £149 WiiU Mario Kart bundle would put it in inpulse territory imo or £199 with an actual hard drive.

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I don't think there are any problems with the OS that prevent the GamePad from being removed. The problem is the games and the lack of a "GamePad Required" logo on the covers.

It would require recoding. Especially things like the the eShop and Miiverse.

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It would require recoding. Especially things like the the eShop and Miiverse.


To be fair most of it could be over come by programing in a cursor that is clicked when you press a button, or making a wiimote essential. it would just be a few lines of code to allow for additional control methods in those areas, so just a simple-ish update. It's like web browsers, you can use a mouse and keyboard, or just a mouse. It just becomes a bit clunkier if you don't use both :D (although actually on many websites it is easy enough to navigate keyboard only)


My main issue with removal of the gamepad is that actually the guts of the machine are optimised to work with this second screen. If you remove that, it truely is nothing more than a last gen machine. Really Nintendo need to pull their finger out and make the gamepad a selling point.

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You want some positivity? Well here fucking goes...


I just finished my second play through of Mass Effect 3. This time I did everything correctly. I cured the Genophage and won the respect and comradeship of Wrex and his people. I saved both the Geth and Quarians and brokered peace at the same time as getting to the bottom of why they were at war. I built a fleet with an effective military strength of over 5000 and finally liberated the galaxy from the Reapers. It was a great feeling and it is a great game. I met some lovely guys on the multiplayer who were on their 8th play through and were still finding new things. What a game. The feeling of meeting all your comrades before the final confrontation and saying your final words to them and seeing how you have grown - amazing. Go get this game.


I've never really got into handheld gaming. Mainly because since the age of 17 I've had a driving license. When I'm at home I just play a home console and obviously don't game on the move. Hence getting the GBA titles on the Wii U is brilliant!


I downloaded Metroid Fusion - what a great game. It's much tougher than previous Metroid games and is pretty atmospheric and the graphics are lovely. I'm a real fan of well drawn sprites from the 16 bit era, and this is a perfect example.


I feel the Wii U is giving me the chance to play a lot of games I missed due to not owning a GBA. What's more though, I love playing them on the gamepad.


The gamepad gets a lot of stick for driving up the price of the Wii U, but it really is a great way to play VC titles and the games look really colourful and sharp on the small screen.


It's not all bad! Getting to play games I've never played whilst curled up on the sofa and spending over 60 hours playing an epic space adventure! There's plenty of fun to be had with the Wii U!

Edited by Zechs Merquise
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You want so positivity? Well here fucking goes...


I just finished my second play through of Mass Effect 3. This time I did everything correctly. I cured the Genophage and won the respect and comradeship of Wrex and his people. I saved both the Geth and Quarians and brokered peace at the same time of getting to the bottom of why they were at war. I built a fleet with an effective military strength of over 5000 and finally liberated the galaxy from the Reapers. It was a great feeling and it is a great game. I met some lovely guys on the multiplayer who were on their 8th play through and were still finding new things. What a game. The feeling of meeting all your comrades before the final confrontation and saying your final words to them and seeing how you have grown - amazing. Go get this game.


I've never really got into handheld gaming. Mainly because since the age of 17 I've had a driving license. When I'm at home I just play a home console and obviously don't game on the move. Hence getting the GBA titles on the Wii U is brilliant!


I downloaded Metroid Fusion - what a great game. It's much tougher than previous Metroid games and is pretty atmospheric and the graphics are lovely. I'm a real fan of well drawn sprites from the 16 bit era, and this is a perfect example.


I feel the Wii U is giving me the chance to play a lot of games I missed due to not owning a GBA. What's more though, I love playing them on the gamepad.


The gamepad gets a lot of stick for driving up the price of the Wii U, but it really is a great way to play VC titles and the games look really colourful and sharp on the small screen.


It's not all bad! Getting to play games I've never played whilst curled up on the sofa and spending over 60 hours playing an epic space adventure! There's plenty of fun to be had with the Wii U!


Sounds like you're in denial :laughing:

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This is the "Wii U General Discussion" thread.

I really think a simple way to prevent ongoing arguments would be to ban discussing PS4 and XB1 in here. There are threads for those consoles elsewhere.

Most arguments in here start with a comparison between Wii U and another console.

Coincidentally we Mods recently just discussed a 'Wii U Only Discussion', but I was one of the people who thought there was absolutely zero chance of it staying that way past a couple of pages. We can do one if you don't mind any post that begins to deviate being strictly deleted, but that kind of thread doesn't lend itself to discussions particularly well.
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Forget it, I like the almost self-modding nature of the right-minded folk of N-E. We don't need to ban or delete - we just need to get those super-effective crits in when people start going oozaru all over the place... Beating their chests and ish. :grin:


Anyway, regarding E3 - when do the rumours and spills tend to surface?

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Nintendo stuff doesn't tend to spill, though, and rumours are almost always fake


Indeed. It's one of the many things I like about the company. Microsoft have to be the worst for keeping their E3 stuff hidden. Although didn't Donkey Kong Country Returns get leaked before E3? Actually Cranky got leaked for Tropical Freeze as well. Must be a DK thing! :D

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Indeed. It's one of the many things I like about the company. Microsoft have to be the worst for keeping their E3 stuff hidden. Although didn't Donkey Kong Country Returns get leaked before E3? Actually Cranky got leaked for Tropical Freeze as well. Must be a DK thing! :D

New Super Mario Bros. Wii did due to pictures of the showfloor builds. Don't remember DKC doing it, but Cranky did, yeah.

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