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Thats individual retailers.


Argos & Amazon are selling the premium & Nintendoland for £179.00.


No way Nintendo will officially bundle MK8 for £179.00


Personally I think MK8 released over holidays would of have a had a bigger effect.


They are going to have to do something though, especially if retailers are going to drop the thing if Mario Kart fails. People may want the game but if the price of the console isn't right then they just aren't going to bother. Nintendo may have to bite the bullet and take the hit.


I like the idea of a redesign, with a nice price cut and a Mario Kart game that looks and plays amazingly well, with a fully fleshed out online mode, with voice chat!


I'm not asking too much, am I? :D

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Thats individual retailers.


Argos & Amazon are selling the premium & Nintendoland for £179.00.


No way Nintendo will officially bundle MK8 for £179.00


Personally I think MK8 released over holidays would of have a had a bigger effect.


You've got to compare value.


People can get a 360 or PS3 for £100, then the games are dirt cheap. A lot of people know the Wii U is on the same tech level, so can it really be justified to be twice the price?


I also wonder if it will have a massive pull seeing as the casual crew have either given up or already have MK Wii, so might not see the need for a new one.

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You've got to compare value.


People can get a 360 or PS3 for £100, then the games are dirt cheap. A lot of people know the Wii U is on the same tech level, so can it really be justified to be twice the price?


I also wonder if it will have a massive pull seeing as the casual crew have either given up or already have MK Wii, so might not see the need for a new one.


I agree but I dont think a potential £199 bundle be any less successful that £179.00.


If people are not interested at 199 then a 20 difference really doesnt make much of a difference.

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Drop the Gamepad, release a version with a classic controller and Mario Kart for as cheap as you can.


It won't get casuals back as they are long gone and if they really want to play Mario Kart they'll play the Wii version, but it could still help sell some systems.

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I agree but I dont think a potential £199 bundle be any less successful that £179.00.


If people are not interested at 199 then a 20 difference really doesnt make much of a difference.


I think £200 is when it starts to become 'real money', even £20 less can start to seem more attractive when we're talking these sorts of numbers. You've also got to bring it down closer to PS3/360 levels.

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Drop the Gamepad, release a version with a classic controller and Mario Kart for as cheap as you can.


It won't get casuals back as they are long gone and if they really want to play Mario Kart they'll play the Wii version, but it could still help sell some systems.


I’m really hoping next week they announce a non gamepad sku version will be released.


Yes it will be admitting defeat and an acceptance that the Gamepad isn’t really necessary but have to get costs down.

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I’m really hoping next week they announce a non gamepad sku version will be released.


Yes it will be admitting defeat and an acceptance that the Gamepad isn’t really necessary but have to get costs down.


The fact that they aren't developing new software/AAA titles that make use of the gamepad and prove it's worth shows that they know it was the wrong call to make.


£150 with Mario Kart?

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Remember way back in the GC era when Nintendo started selling this...




For roughly £129.99 or less I believe at the time.


Well how about...








And a free digital download of the original Super Mario Kart - assuming it's out by then - for £179.99? (£214.99 in-store at Game) :p


Job done!


: peace:

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And a free digital download of the original Super Mario Kart - assuming it's out by then - for £179.99? (£214.99 in-store at Game) :p


And another option: Drop the Gamepad, add a classic pro controller...£139.99 (169.99.€).

Same with Smash Bros. instead of MK.

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I’m really hoping next week they announce a non gamepad sku version will be released.


Yes it will be admitting defeat and an acceptance that the Gamepad isn’t really necessary but have to get costs down.


I dunno man, if it takes as long as Serebii says to port VC games and DS titles then they probably won't figure out how to drop the gamepad until at least 2016!


Remember way back in the GC era when Nintendo started selling this...




For roughly £129.99 or less I believe at the time.


Well how about...








And a free digital download of the original Super Mario Kart - assuming it's out by then - for £179.99? (£214.99 in-store at Game) :p


Job done!


: peace:


I know a few gamecubes that were bought on that bundle so it could be quite a system seller - how hard of a hit will they be taking with it all though/what will be needed to pay it off?

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They do that though. It's very accessible for indies and third parties, much moreso than Xbox 360 & Xbox One. They can set sales whenever they want etc. There are price reductions weekly on it, just not with Nintendo's own software. All Nintendo asks for is for your game to not be broken.


Microsoft, however, have ridiculous stipulations like you can't release it on other platforms first, and then there's next to no visibility.


That may have some good incentives but the fact indie titles come late/last and studios that have previously released games have since stopped (Broken Rules for example) suggests the principles are good, but there are other issues.


They should give it the old re-design-amajig. Like when the DS Phat became the...well, the DS. I find Nintendo's industrial design really hit and miss; DS Phat is ugly, DS looks great; 3DS looks like crap, the 3DS XL looks awesome. Granted I don't find the Wii U ugly, but I've had one sitting in the living for a good few months now and it is completely unmemorable.


That along with a price-cut would be great (Ideally with a UI overhaul because, again personal preference, I find its design is really outmoded; it is literally unfashionable within the current real-world UI design discourse - although it's not as offensive as the Vita which looks like it was designed in 1993).


I wonder what impact another price cut is going to have. It's RRP is borderline loss leading as it is. Kind of crazy.


I think it's an awful design, if for no other reason than it looks so much like the Wii that it's resulted in people being unaware that it was a brand new console. Functional design, flawed idea.

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The U in the logo is almost nondescript leaving it just looking like 'Wii'.

As many have said, re-brand it like SONY did with the PS3.


Also: get relevant games for the young generation if you are struggling to get mature content. (Any content!)

A game like Minecraft should be a no-brainer with Nintendo's market/free online and touch screen. Seems too obvious.

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Nintendo can't drop the game pad becuse its a part of the Wii U and what Wong with it I like the game pad


I agree. It's like the DS, they couldn't have just dropped the second screen. Although there are obviously those who consider the gamepad screen more along the lines of the 3d on the 3ds.


In the short term I don't see them ditching the gamepad. The only way I do see it is if they release their next handheld with the ability to act as the gamepad for the Wii U.

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I agree. It's like the DS, they couldn't have just dropped the second screen. Although there are obviously those who consider the gamepad screen more along the lines of the 3d on the 3ds.


In the short term I don't see them ditching the gamepad. The only way I do see it is if they release their next handheld with the ability to act as the gamepad for the Wii U.


It makes no sense from business stand point to keep the gamepad especially as most of the current line up AND future games that we know about don't use it as an integral part of the game (i.e. Not like Zombi U/Nintendo Land). Most games run without it fine.


Also, we won't see any major price drops with the Gamepad still there as it costs so much. If it doesn't start selling more, it's all over for Wii U (although it pretty much is already).

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Let alone the look of the console... I still find it scary that we (anyone) could have told Nintendo that Wii U was a terrible name that lacked clarity, and yet they couldn't see it. Makes you wonder what on earth goes on inside the company.


And I think this is why everyone's so happy to talk about the mistakes, because they were what people said they were going to be from the get go. We knew it was a stupid name, we knew it was too expensive, it seems frankly bizarre that Nintendo didn't too(in line, I think people thought they did, but had a trick or two up their sleeves) - however as time goes on it appears more and more like it was actually the case that they simply didn't realise!



As for the console - I've felt it feels a bit cheap. The outside case isn't very firm feeling(actually flexes with some pressure iirc) and mine scratched somehow with minimal effort - took the Gamepad out of my bag of gaming shiz t'other day and that had managed to pick one up too!

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What they should have done in the first place is have a more cut-down version of the GamePad and make it optional, with the other option being tablets/phones/3DS. Yeah it wouldn't work in its current form, but if it had been built from the ground-up like that I think sales might be a bit stronger as the console could retail for less.


Note its not necessarily an idea I hold too much stock in, just came to me so I thought I'd throw it out for discussion. inbeforeserebiisaysno =p

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Nintendo can't drop the game pad becuse its a part of the Wii U and what Wong with it I like the game pad


Yes they can if they want to reduce the price of the Wii U without making a significant loss.


It adds £80 to the price of the console, thats whats wrong with it.


Mario Kart 8 doesn't need the gamepad, neither will Smash Bros 4.

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Yes they can if they want to reduce the price of the Wii U without making a significant loss.


It adds £80 to the price of the console, thats whats wrong with it.


Mario Kart 8 doesn't need the gamepad, neither will Smash Bros 4.


So if they get rid of the gamepad then what would happen to me because I play Call Of Duty with the Gamepad

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If they make a GamePad-less SKU, they need to start selling the GamePad separately. Basically do what I suggested last week when the news hit


Here's how I can see it.




It worked for the PS3, sort of happened and worked with the 3DS.


  • Redo the logo, emphasise the U part of the Wii U, perhaps remove Wii altogether and call it the Nintendo U.
  • New model of console. Cheaper parts so they can sell at a lower cost.
  • 2 SKUs
    • GamePadless with Wiimote Plus and/or Pro Controller: ~$199.99. OS defaults to the screen on TV being what is on the GamePad as default so WaraWara Plaza can't be accessed. Can't switch unless you sync a GamePad.
    • With GamePad & Wiimote Plus: ~$249.99.
    • GamePad on sale on its own $79.99

    [*]As most games offer alternatives in control, you can throw a "Better with the GamePad" style thing on the box. For ones that require it, like games that require Kinect, marked clearly on the box.

    [*]Bundle could include Super Mario 3D World or Mario Kart 8 to further push it


Iwata mentioned today that they're funnelling even more money into advertising and that is another reason why projected profits are lower. Use that for a massive relaunch.


Software is fine, though they need more of it, sure. Third party support is a lost cause, what Nintendo need to do is try and lure them back for the next console, but have to ride the Wii U through until 2016 at least. In the meantime, continue with the deals made with Sega, Platinum, Koei Temco etc. to make exclusives, with Nintendo fronting much of the costs.


This is the only thing I can see Nintendo do to potentially turn it around.


They can't just drop the GamePad, but sidelining it and offering an alternative is not an option they should ignore. They should continue to push it.

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