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Just like Reggie never lied when he went on CNN and said that Wii U versions of 3rd-party games like Call of Duty II would look 'dramatically better. How'd that turn out?


The Wii U may have been behind with third-party titles but not to that extent. :heh:


(I know... nitpicking plus every COD game is essentially the same anyway bar a few minor improvements)


Of course it would have been better for Reggie to say something along the lines of...


'Here at Nintendo we shall be endeavouring to ensure that there are no significant droughts on the Wii U as there were on the 3DS, hopefully we'll be able to deliver an excellent online infrastructure as well.'


Then when these things didn't come to pass, people might have ended up being a little less annoyed due to them not being 'outright lies' I suppose? ::shrug:


In any case, what does it matter now so late into the Wii U's life-span... :blank:


For me Nintendo have at least partially delivered this generation and now that they've secured a future with DeNA I have a good feeling that their future platforms are going to be significantly improved because of this, so let's just see what happens; at the very least we've got some excellent games still on the way. : peace:

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In any case, what does it matter now so late into the Wii U's life-span... :blank:


It's only just in its 3rd year and it matters because there's no real 3rd party retail games and that dried up practically within 6 months.


And other things like online could be improved but it's a conscious decision not to do so.

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It's only just in its 3rd year and it matters because there's no real 3rd party retail games and that dried up practically within 6 months.


And other things like online could be improved but it's a conscious decision not to do so.

Yeah, it's not like they just partnered with a company to overhaul their online and account systems...

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[tantrum]Waaaaaaaaa what a LIAR Reggie is!! I DESPISE that LIAR Reggie [/tantrum]


Consider this. I bought the WiiU really looking forward to this generation mostly as a result of what Reggie said because it would mean a better connected and social experience with my friends.


Then the WiiU is released and it's not what he said it would be. It's sure to leave you a bit deflated and annoyed because you bought something on a premise it's not delivered on. It's akin to false advertising. I've overpaid for this console, that's how I feel. Accept that and just shut up moaning that people fel this way.


To further go on, based around all this, their continued lack of online features in their games and attitude towards these features hasn't really filled us with excitement towards them addressing this with their next console.


Just accept this and stop whining! We're allowed opinions too, just because they're not all rosy like yours you don't have to bitch so much. The fact you bitch is what's causing any arguments /discussions to further long than they should.

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Just accept this and stop whining! We're allowed opinions too, just because they're not all rosy like yours you don't have to bitch so much. The fact you bitch is what's causing any arguments /discussions to further long than they should.


I whine because it's just the same people moaning about the same thing, over and over and over again. You've explained your reasoning a million times, we get it. Every single thread has deteriorated into "Nintendo sucks". It's just boring.

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I whine because it's just the same people moaning about the same thing, over and over and over again. You've explained your reasoning a million times, we get it. Every single thread has deteriorated into "Nintendo sucks". It's just boring.


It is the same thing, but when those things readily apply to multiple things (multiple games) then they'll be brought up multiple times.

We're posting with merit at least, you're just inciting.

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Ok back to calling Reggie a despicable liar...


I was simply calling out Serebii for him posting saying he took exception with the honest trailers MP10 trailer being dishonest. I wasn't moaning or whining, just asking a question that I felt relative to his post that I would've liked an answer to.


Then when he gave his answer I felt it was a non-answer so again called him out on it.

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Reggie is just doing his job...

Are you telling me the spokesperson of Nintendo of America should go on television and tell everyone that he has absolutely no say in how the WiiU will turn out and that the online infrastructure and graphics are not the priority for them...


Of course not...like everyone in this miserable system, if you want your company to thrive you have to manipulate the people into thinking your product is A-okay.

Honesty plays no part, for being honest more often than not means having to say another product has something better to offer in some way.


More at 11...

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Well in doing that they've almost certainly lost a customer in me for their next console... surely it wasn't his job to do that?


It just means NINTENDO hasn't made a product to your taste, which is only natural since different people have different tastes.


One can only manipulate a consumer so far...

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It just means NINTENDO hasn't made a product to your taste, which is only natural since different people have different tastes.


One can only manipulate a consumer so far...


It's easy to manipulate consumers when saying it'll do all these things but not really show it's OS prior to release so that the consumers are duped by these lies. It really is akin to false advertising. It's wrong.


I've learned my lesson at least and as a result Nintendo have lost another future sale. Given their sales record with WiiU you'd have thought they'd want to turn that around..?

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It's not to the mass publics taste either.


Why do you have to manipulate people? Couldn't you just I don't know.....make a good product?


Why do you have to manipulate people?

Because Coca Cola and McDonalds, that's why.:heh:


A 'good' product does not equal interest in it by a lot of people since it's highly subjective. And also, since we are talking about luxury products, we are talking about 'wants' which can be constructed and deconstructed through advertising.


I am content with my WiiU though, my WiiU is good to me :laughing:.


But I must agree that if it is NINTENDO's goal to cater to as many people as possible, certain 'things' that have been standard in this industry for years should become standard to them to if said goal is what they wish to attain.


It's easy to manipulate consumers when saying it'll do all these things but not really show it's OS prior to release so that the consumers are duped by these lies. It really is akin to false advertising. It's wrong.


I've learned my lesson at least and as a result Nintendo have lost another future sale. Given their sales record with WiiU you'd have thought they'd want to turn that around..?


Listen to Nyurp, listen to us :3

I'll let you know when voice-chat and passable online is present in a NINTENDO system.

Just give me those boxes to check and I'll let you know when the time comes :)

Edited by Fused King
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A government, a party, a company (whether Tesco or Marks and Spencer) and a partnership (Skidmore, Owings & Merrill) are all it and take a singular verb.




(The Economist are a good source for grammar, obviously :heh:)


Yet strangely, sports teams are usually treated as plural - Arsenal are third in the league, etc.


Also, in terms of the government, even though "is" is technically correct, "are" is used pretty frequently interchangeably with "is" even in news reports.


And you'd probably more comfortably say "BT are hiring" rather than "BT is hiring", even though the latter is technically correct.


The English language certainly is a funny one.

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Mildly amusing despite factual errors. There is HD Mario, and a Zelda on the way, and Nintendo ARE doing a new console. Crap like that is why Nintendo revealed the bloody NX in the first place.


It may be in jest, but considering the reach, that can be damaging.


I'd take more exception with the word "doing". They're hardly doing a new console. I think that is poor grammar.

Edited by Wii
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Rumor: GTA V was once prototyped for Wii U


Rumor has it that Grand Theft Auto V was once prototyped for Wii U. That comes from Unseen64’s Liam Robertson, who tends to be in the know when it comes to cancelled projects and development secrets.


Robertson was in touch with “a reliable source”, who claims that the prototype “was an earlier version of GTA V.” It was apparently a brief period when this took place. Sadly, further details are unknown.


Rockstar indicated back in November 2012 that the company was open to bringing Grand Theft Auto V to various platforms such as Wii U. Nothing came from that, however.




Nothing beats getting kicked and pummeled even further when you're down and out. I'm never going to get to play a GTA or a Final Fantasy or a take your pick as a Nintendo console owner. I guess you can't miss what you've never had.



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Nothing beats getting kicked and pummeled even further when you're down and out. I'm never going to get to play a GTA or a Final Fantasy or a take your pick as a Nintendo console owner. I guess you can't miss what you've never had.






I don't know why you keep posting this shite? There's no rule where you have to pick one console and just stick to it and not buy another. What's more, you cry and bitch about every game released (and the prices of those games) on the Wii u.


If you're that unhappy and if you crave Final Fantasy and GTA, buy a PS4. It's easy.


Crying that you're never going to get to play a certain game, when you easily can is pathetic.

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Genuinely don't know why you don't give a PS4 or One a go @Wii. There seem to be a lot of Third Party games you'd like to play, there's a whole host of incredible Indie Games, and the first party content. You seem to disenchanted by a lot if Nintendo's decisions atm, and yet you stand by them, criticising them, complaining about the lack of games to play for months. Passing on Captain Toad and Mario Party, your unsure about Splatoon, basically you're looking at X which is MONTHS away. Why not get another console and play some third party games in the meantime, even if for some reason you dislike Sony and Microsoft enough to play their first party content; even I that means missing out on some incredible games.

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Haha. This made me laugh. :D It's funny because it's true.


The way I see it you have 3 options @Wii


1. Buy another console and keep your Wii U for Nintendo games.

2. Sell your Wii U and buy another console.

3. Keep your Wii U, don't buy another, but accept the fact that these games ain't coming over to a Nintendo platform anytime soon.


Is it ideal? Not at all but that's just the way it is.

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