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People would have said the same thing about Link and yet there he is and it doesn't bother me. Kav was right that they should fix Battle Mode before worrying about anything else.


Also, if they were to make a new Diddy Kong Racing would they have to make an entire new lineup of characters? Do Rare own the rights to all the characters other than Diddy Kong and the Kremling?




Tricky question. You might want to check out Diddy Kong Racing DS for an answer there.

It's still made by Rare, obviously, but Banjo and Conker were missing from it.

I believe the rest of the characters still made it in though, along with a few new characters that no-one cared about.


EDIT: Conker being so happy-go-lucky still really irks me these days.

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Tricky question. You might want to check out Diddy Kong Racing DS for an answer there.

It's still made by Rare, obviously, but Banjo and Conker were missing from it.

I believe the rest of the characters still made it in though, along with a few new characters that no-one cared about.


EDIT: Conker being so happy-go-lucky still really irks me these days.


But that's how he was originally. Regarding the DS game, Microsoft didn't mind that so much as they weren't in that market and took a slice of the sales. Probably didn't care about the other characters besides Banjo and Conker because they're not from an existing franchise. But who owns the rights to them? I'd say Rare(Microsoft).

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But that's how he was originally. Regarding the DS game, Microsoft didn't mind that so much as they weren't in that market and took a slice of the sales. Probably didn't care about the other characters besides Banjo and Conker because they're not from an existing franchise. But who owns the rights to them? I'd say Rare(Microsoft).


I know that's how he was originally, but it's really bizarre after playing BFD.


Anyway, like I said, tricky question.

My guess would be they'd do away with the non-Kong, non-Kremling characters and use Returns and Tropical Freeze to fill out the characters. There's plenty of inspiration there.

Although the chances of a sequel are practically non-existant.

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I don't get the want for a story in the MK franchise. It is simply what it is, a kart racer. There's no story to go-kart racing, you go with your mates and race, that's it. That's all there need be in MK.


They could put in challenges etc, yes... but a story, no thanks.


That said, they need to fix battle mode!


They need to do something to flesh out the single player as it really is a bit bare-bones. You also can't really equate Mario Kart racing to real kart racing because the last time I checked, you weren't allowed to throw banana peels or blue shells in a normal kart race. It's fantasy, so you can go beyond the limits of reality.


I'd be all for a story mode or at least the possibility of it featuring challenges or something to make the single player more interesting. F Zero had a story mode and I really enjoyed that. Not so much for the story, but for what it allows you to do.

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Just had a thought. What if Retro have been working on a new Diddy Kong Racing Returns? I know it's unlikely but they would have the familiarity with the Donkey Kong franchise now so could probably get it out quicker than other developers. Maybe in conjunction with the MK8 team for the next home console.


A couple of Interviews with TIME magazine, the first features Iwata, Miyamoto and Reggie. The second interview is with Miyamoto.


Exclusive: Inside Nintendo’s Bold Plan to Stay Vibrant for the Next 125 Years




7 Fascinating Insights from Nintendo’s Gaming Genius Shigeru Miyamoto




There's too much to transcribe and format.


Who's jorrio? Silly TIME.


Third TIME magazine interview.


Exclusive: Nintendo CEO Reveals Plans for Smartphones



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In some ways it feels like Mario Kart as a series still hasn't caught up with Diddy Kong Racing.


Story mode, explorable hub and levels, boss races, land v air v sea, stackable weapons for strategy... So, so, good!


Having said that I thought Mario Kart Wii was great.


Thats where I give a bit of credit to Sonic Transformed. Seemed pretty solid and definitely felt fast - good times with the Mrs.

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Thats where I give a bit of credit to Sonic Transformed. Seemed pretty solid and definitely felt fast - good times with the Mrs.


I actually really enjoyed that and it's one of my favourite WiiU games. The multiplayer was good with one playing using the gamepad screen and the others using the tv. A nice mixture/variety in gameplay, cool characters and vehicles. The track design is pretty good, too. The actual single player is miles better than Mario Kart's offering.

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I actually really enjoyed that and it's one of my favourite WiiU games. The multiplayer was good with one playing using the gamepad screen and the others using the tv. A nice mixture/variety in gameplay, cool characters and vehicles. The track design is pretty good, too. The actual single player is miles better than Mario Kart's offering.


Yes! ahhh, i know you have good taste, brah!


The wii U pad and Wiimote option set-up was nice and seamless, and the gameplay was as hectic and speedy as you would expect with such a game.


But the slow-playing MK U is very apparent :/ (Not sure if it was the 50cc mode tbh, but still a dull experience)

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Sonic Racing Transformed did some things better than MK8. I liked the separate screens best and wished it was in MK8. I hate split screen. MK8 is fine on 150cc.


Those interviews I posted above have a lot of information in them. I don't know if people have read all of them.


On Wii U struggles:


“Certainly I’m not satisfied with the current situation. It may not be [people’s] first console of choice, but they recognize it as perhaps the best second console.” – Iwata


On what Nintendo will do next:


“I think they’ve bought themselves time to figure out what that next monumental step forward is.” – Digital World Research analyst P.J. McNealy


“The challenge for Nintendo now is to make sure their hardware continues to be convincing enough for people to buy.” – Yves Guillemot, CEO of Ubisoft


“Nintendo is already making the best games of any publisher out there. With Nintendo, I honestly can’t tell you what they’re going to do.” – Dan Adelman


“I could think about it all day, every day for a year, and it’ll still surprise me when it comes out, whatever wacky gameplay thing they think they should be pushing next.” – David D’Angelo, of Yacht Club Games


On rethinking the industry:


“I have never intended to dismiss the entertainment experiences that people are enjoying on smart devices or any other media. On the other hand, my understanding is that, on smart devices, the main demand is for very accessible games which smart device users can easily start and easily finish. These are not necessarily the characteristics that people demand from games for dedicated video game systems.


We do have doubts [about] continuing to extend our business in the way that we have in the past. We have doubts about whether or not people will continue to see those simple extensions of what we’ve done as new and surprising. If it takes a lot of explanation for people to understand your entertainment product, you’re doing something wrong.” – Iwata



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Miyamoto's 7 fascinating insights interview summarised.


  1. Mario almost superseded the quirky squid-like characters in Nintendo’s upcoming Wii U paint-gun game Splatoon
  2. He doesn’t make games with a particular age group in mind
  3. He tries not to let his reputation intimidate his design teams
  4. He thinks novels may be more creatively powerful than video games
  5. He views profit-obsession as a creative roadblock
  6. He feels strongly about staying in the hardware side of the business
  7. And his favorite Nintendo platform to date is… Wii/DS

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MK8 felt a lot more fluid and dynamic, Sonic Racing felt like there were a million invisible walls everywhere and the animation was miles behind MK. Also the levels just looked a bit dull and lifeless, at least compared to Kart.


I would have to say that I'm not a fan of any of the Sonic racing games and find that they just don't look or feel right, whilst Mario Kart always seems to nail it.


Having said that, I mentioned a few months ago that I'd love to see Mario Kart expand a little further by giving us some new vehicles to play with, such as jet skis, planes and perhaps even snowboards, whilst an 'adventure mode' or 'challenges' would be extremely welcome :smile:

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I loved Sonic Racing too, played online with my brother and his family loads - 5 players on one console!!! And the single player had loads of variety. But it was sloppy as anything, the frame rate, the track design was a bit messy in places, bugs all over the place. Sort of similar to how I feel about NSMB, the class, the polish and the tightness is exceptional in Mario Kart, just wish they were more ambitious with the surrounding stuff!!

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I would have to say that I'm not a fan of any of the Sonic racing games and find that they just don't look or feel right, whilst Mario Kart always seems to nail it.


Having said that, I mentioned a few months ago that I'd love to see Mario Kart expand a little further by giving us some new vehicles to play with, such as jet skis, planes and perhaps even snowboards, whilst an 'adventure mode' or 'challenges' would be extremely welcome :smile:


I loved Sonic Racing too, played online with my brother and his family loads - 5 players on one console!!! And the single player had loads of variety. But it was sloppy as anything, the frame rate, the track design was a bit messy in places, bugs all over the place. Sort of similar to how I feel about NSMB, the class, the polish and the tightness is exceptional in Mario Kart, just wish they were more ambitious with the surrounding stuff!!
Yeah, Sonic Transformed was actually better than I initially expected it be, but it's miles away from the quality of Mario Kart. :blank:

And stuff like this happened quite a bit:


For me MK8 is still the best game available on Wii U, despite the Battle Mode being borked, and it being a bit light on certain content. But apart from that it's an absolute gem of a game, it looks and sounds incredible, and the gameplay is spot-on. Super responsive, definitely fast enough, and locked at 60fps. :awesome: Perfection.


Of course I'd like MK to expand a bit more, some additional focus on single player aspects like DKR and MKDS would be awesome. But as long as the game continues to provide multiplayer mayhem like this:


it's enough to keep me coming back for more every time. :)

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Yeah, Mario Kart 8 is the best game on the Wii U for me as well. In fact probably my favourite game since Xenoblade on the Wii for a home console experience. I am still playing it online 8 months since release and don't plan to stop anytime soon.

(Use my phone for voice chat of course)

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I'd say either Pikmin 3 or Wonderful 101 are the best WiiU titles.


I'm not putting WWHD & MH3U there as they're re-releases.

MK8, Smash & SM3DW don't make the cut as their multiplayer is lacking due to no voice-chat (makes for a soulless experience), poor online options or lack of online at all (in SM3DW's case).

I'm yet to play Bayonetta 2 so I can't put that there.


Granted both Pikmin & W101 have multiplayer and they're not online either but multiplayer wasn't a focus of each game and so I don't feel it effects their worth.

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Pikmin 3 is brilliant and was well worth the wait.


DKC:TF is another fantastic game that feels a lot more like the original trilogy than DKCR did. The soundtrack is one of the very best of this generation.




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