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What is mp3 like? I enjoyed the original, but the second fell a bit flat for me, I didn't enjoy the dark world mechanic at all.


Quite a nice game, if you don't mind the pointing and gesture controls (there are accelerometer-based movements that don't work very well unless you get the speed exactly right).


Metroid Prime - Challenging, well-rounded.


Echoes - Same quality as Prime, but one or two of the bosses were too frustrating (apparently fixed on the Wii version), it had limited ammo and yes, the Light World/Dark World mechanic was a bit much. Still my 2nd-favourite though.


Corruption - A nice, smooth game if you don't mind the motion controls.


So yes, considering what you didn't enjoy about Echoes, I think you'd prefer Corruption.

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1 thing to possibly dampen your enthusiasm for this download is I think you'll be looking at an 8GB bite out of your system memory..


That genuinely does make me reconsider. I want to try to get through the generation without the need for an external HDD, so considering I already own all 3 games across GC and Wii, maybe I don't really need it after all :eek:


I'm more than happy to play through the original on Gamecube whilst Corruption is on Wii anyway. Echoes is one I'm not sure I fancy playing through again so I'd only really be downloading this for Wii Remote controls in the first Prime.. and convenience :heh:

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Never played a Metroid Prime game, but I'm not really into first person shooters. 2D Metroids on the other hand!


Those Wii remotes are amazing. More money thrown at Nintendo.


You're in luck then because the Metroid Prime games are not like first person shooters. They're simply Metroid in 3D, from a first person viewpoint. Metroid Prime is possibly the most atmospheric game I've ever played. I've never been drawn into a game world like that before!


Seriously, you absolutely need to play these gems! The Metroid Prime Trilogy is one of the greatest gaming disks that has ever been burned. An absolute must-have!

Edited by Kav
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The first person perspective just freaks me out a bit when it comes to shooters. I know Metroid isn't exclusively a shooter, but that's basically what you do most of the time.


The lock-on may help in regards to this, and whereas you do shoot a lot, there's plenty of platforming (which actually works in the Primes, even in first person) and puzzle solving too.


At that launch price it's worth every penny and more. Even just to try out and give them a go. Really, I can't recommend them enough... so much so that I go as far to say that Metroid Prime is only game that can stand shoulder to shoulder with Ocarina of Time as my favourite games ever.

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You're in luck then because the Metroid Prime games are not like first person shooters. They're simply Metroid in 3D, from a first person viewpoint. Metroid Prime is possibly the most atmospheric game I've ever played. I've never been drawn into a game world like that before!


Seriously, you absolutely need to play these gems! The Metroid Prime Trilogy is one of the greatest gaming disks that has ever been burned. An absolute must-have!


Not just you but I always take huge exception to this. Metroid solely in 1st person is wrong. Anybody who played Super Metroid when it first came out must know what I mean? I know this is a bad analogy but it's the first thing to spring to mind but Metroid Prime is like Jessica Ennis stuck in a wheelchair. Pretty to look at but not showing her full potential.

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Not just you but I always take huge exception to this. Metroid solely in 1st person is wrong. Anybody who played Super Metroid when it first came out must know what I mean? I know this is a bad analogy but it's the first thing to spring to mind but Metroid Prime is like Jessica Ennis stuck in a wheelchair. Pretty to look at but not showing her full potential.


Haha, I do absolutely know what you mean.


Sure you don't have certain abilities that you do in the 2D games but for me it's still very "Metroid" because of the atmosphere, the sense of isolation, the game world itself. That makes Metroid more than the abilities themselves for me.

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Haha, I do absolutely know what you mean.


Sure you don't have certain abilities that you do in the 2D games but for me it's still very "Metroid" because of the atmosphere, the sense of isolation, the game world itself. That makes Metroid more than the abilities themselves for me.


What Metroid Prime did, it did it really, really well but I feel it's missing some of the 2D abilities. Some things I'd miss from the Prime games as well if it went solely back to 2D or 3rd person. A happy medium would be ideal but that could be a headache to achieve.

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I actually preferred the Metroid Prime games over any 2D Metroid. The 3D aspect of the game is just better suited to my tastes. Don't get me wrong the 2D Metroids are very good games but Prime is something special.


Same. Prime, to me, is so far superior to super metroid, can't believe it's even a debate.

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This trilogy release is a test from Nintendo. "You want Retro to make another Metroid game? Prove it by buying this re release."


The problem is, I'm a sucker for this kind of thinking ;) picked up Galaxy 2 this morning, will definetly be picking up the trilogy too, I thought all three were such fantastic games, and even if Corruption didn't quite live up to the first two, it's still an outstanding game.

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It's not even up for debate. Super Metroid is probably the greatest game ever made. Remember it's over 20 years old folks. The fact it still hasn't been bettered in 2D is testament to its greatness. Some of you here may not even be old enough to debate this fairly. Platforming, exploration, music, upgrades, isolation, it nailed everything perfectly. Samus in Prime is missing so many of her abilities and agility it can't possibly be better. Where's the screw attack, wall jumping, speed booster, space jump, shinespark? Even things like the grapple beam like some of her other abilities are severely neutered in Prime. It doesn't have an ounce of its ability from Super Metroid.

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It's not even up for debate. Super Metroid is probably the greatest game ever made. Remember it's over 20 years old folks. The fact it still hasn't been bettered in 2D is testament to its greatness. Some of you here may not even be old enough to debate this fairly.


But greatness should be timeless. Doesn't matter when it was released. It's either better, or it isn't. Just because you're old enough to have played it originally, doesn't make it more valid. I did. Still don't think its a patch on prime.


Fair enough you prefer it though. A lot of people do. Never understood it myself. Tried playing it again on VC, stopped. I'll try again now we have a 6 month drought on Wii u.

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But greatness should be timeless. Doesn't matter when it was released. It's either better, or it isn't. Just because you're old enough to have played it originally, doesn't make it more valid. I did. Still don't think its a patch on prime.


Fair enough you prefer it though. A lot of people do. Never understood it myself. Tried playing it again on VC, stopped. I'll try again now we have a 6 month drought on Wii u.


And it is timeless. I'm saying it's 20 years later and to this day I'm still waiting for a rightful heir to its throne.

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It's not even up for debate. Super Metroid is probably the greatest game ever made. Remember it's over 20 years old folks. The fact it still hasn't been bettered in 2D is testament to its greatness. Some of you here may not even be old enough to debate this fairly. Platforming, exploration, music, upgrades, isolation, it nailed everything perfectly. Samus in Prime is missing so many of her abilities and agility it can't possibly be better. Where's the screw attack, wall jumping, speed booster, space jump, shinespark? Even things like the grapple beam like some of her other abilities are severely neutered in Prime. It doesn't have an ounce of its ability from Super Metroid.


I can see your argument and it is a fair one, but as I said earlier, I'd rather not have those abilities and have the level of immersion in Prime. Other than Samus' abilities, Prime nails the world of Metroid in 3D and even perfects it, besting the world of the 2D games.


Also, I'm not one of the young'ns... unfortunately, haha.

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