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Wii U General Discussion


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We're complaining because we have both controllers, have used both to a considerable degree and find one feels a lot better than the other. No other reason. :p


That's funny, I've a 360 and a WiiU, have put hundreds of hours into both and I actually prefer the WiiU's analogue setup. Funny how you seem to keep ignoring that.

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I never argued any different. All I am saying is that me and Flink stand very well to compare the two purely because we have them both, not through any loyalty to a company. Heck, if I was blindly loyal, I wouldn't go saying the gamecube controller was my favourite.

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It's perfectly possible, I just find it unlikely. I find it much more likely you're loyally defending Nintendo than speaking from experience. The fact you used news reports of the DS4 rubber coming off rather than commenting on how it felt in your hands to discuss its build quality says something.


I did comment about how it felt in my hands. Uncomfortable and flimsy

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I never argued any different. All I am saying is that me and Flink stand very well to compare the two purely because we have them both, not through any loyalty to a company. Heck, if I was blindly loyal, I wouldn't go saying the gamecube controller was my favourite.


Given the only home consoles I've not owned have been the PS3 and the current iterations of the PS & XB (all due to financial restraints) I'd not say I'm blinded by loyalty, I even owned a Sega Saturn! Hell, I'm one of the people that criticise Nintendo heavily these days!


I'm going to be picking up either the PS4 & XBO later this year, still undecided which. I prefer the XBO pad and love the idea of all the Halo games being on it, but then again Sony First Party generally have better offerings than Microsoft's.


Overall though, my reason for picking up the WiiU is because I enjoy playing Nintendo games more than any other.

Specifically their games though, I don't rate their hardware in respect of it not being as powerful and lacking in network options, which is why I would love Nintendo to go 2nd Party to one of the others.

Edited by Kav
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I'd just like to say reaching down to the buttons like on the gamepad or pro controller is quite annoying and more awkward that reaching your thumb down to rest on an analogue stick. Playing Arkham City like this was just horrible.


Any way its all personal preference. Some crazy people out there think the Dual Shock for the PS3/PS2 are the greatest pads ever when I think they are fucking awful with the worst analogue sticks in existence. The DS4 however is fucking godly. The new shape and god tier sticks made the world of difference and convinced me that it wasn't the layout of the sticks on previous DS pad that was wrong but the position and size of the sticks that made them feel like bollocks.

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Maybe it felt flimsy and lightweight because it was suspended in air, attached via a metal cord to the demo booth? :p


Try harder!

No. I have played it round my best friend's place on numerous occasions. Stop trying to diminish my views just because you don't agree with them

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No. I have played it round my best friend's place on numerous occasions. Stop trying to diminish my views just because you don't agree with them


It's not that I don't agree with you, it's that I simply don't believe you. You can say it all you like but you've lied about other things to make Nintendo look good (like explaining their low energy route with the Wii U was down to earthquakes happening). To be honest, I'm not inclined to believe anything you say these days. You're just far too blinkered, often uttering whatever you can in defence of Nintendo.

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It's not that I don't agree with you, it's that I simply don't believe you. You can say it all you like but you've lied about other things to make Nintendo look good (like explaining their low energy route with the Wii U was down to earthquakes happening). To be honest, I'm not inclined to believe anything you say these days. You're just far too blinkered, often uttering whatever you can in defence of Nintendo.

I do not lie and I totally resent the accusation.

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It's been a fairly decent discussion up until now. Let's keep it that way, people.


Am tempted to thread rip, unless somebody wants to start up a new thread about which of the 3 (or 4 if you count Pro Controller, since the GamePad is the official controller of the Wii U) pads is the better one.

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Woooah. Woah. So hang on, are you saying the Wii U low power option was based on earthquakes that happened after all?

No. I was mistaken in that. I could have sworn I read it somewhere, but I couldn't find the link for it.


A lie is when someone says something they know to be untrue in order to mislead. That was not what I did, ergo I was not lying, I was just mistaken.

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I fully understand why they went with the Wii remote as that enabled them to push motion controls, which was hot at the time. But turn to the present and they had the opportunity to revive the gamecube controller but with some significant changes to the sorts of buttons on the thing, while keeping the overall ergonomic design. A real missed opportunity, I think.


In my eyes, the GC controller was JUST an advancement of the N64 controller, combining the c buttons to form the c stick etc. I dont really see the missed opportunity; all Nintendo pads are different on each console - and all work equally well.


What exactly is the missed opportunity?

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The only thing that needed improving on the GC is the d-pad and the addition of a proper second analogue stick. Maybe a L2 as well.


God damn those triggers were PERFECT on the GC...They worked incredibly well in Mario Sunshine and in Melee (light shielding).

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There are certainly considerable complaints to be had with the quality of the Wii Classic Controller, Wii Classic Controller Pro and the Wii U Pro Controller, but as none of them are the 'main' controller for their respective consoles, it's difficult to know how to feel about each one and if there would be any justification in making them vastly superior than their current forms if only a selection of games use them.


To me, that's the main problem. There's such a lack of focus from Nintendo at the moment :hmm: The amount of different control options is beyond a joke now and their compatibility, or lack of, with different games is frustrating :nono:


I just want Nintendo to forget all of the Wii peripherals for their next console and decide on something that is compatible with all games they release for the system, including Virtual Console games. I love the Wii Remote and Nunchuk, but you couldn't really play N64 games with it, for example :indeed:


If they could combine elements of the Wii U Pro Controller and GC controller, they'd probably be on the right track.. but then where does that leave the Wii Remote technology and the benefits it brings to certain games ::shrug: Perhaps a 'traditional' style pad, with all the necessary sticks and buttons and even a pointer, that sort of splits in two is the only solution for EVERYTHING :heh:

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The only thing that needed improving on the GC is the d-pad and the addition of a proper second analogue stick. Maybe a L2 as well.


God damn those triggers were PERFECT on the GC...They worked incredibly well in Mario Sunshine and in Melee (light shielding).


Yeah, I think the C stick could do with being changed, and you need the second triggers for compatibility with a lot of third party games. Not enough buttons as it is. That Z button wasn't great either.

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I had a hilarious back and forth between some yank on Miiverse yesterday.


I finished Metroid Fusion the other week and posted how I really enjoyed the game and how it reminded me of Other M, due to how linear it was. I explained that I preferred these games over the Prime series. A couple of weeks later and some bloke called Ted starts on me on Miiverse over it.


The dude was getting proper angry over the fact that I liked Other M. I kept explaining it to him that I enjoyed it, despite what others say about. He couldn't grasp that a person can like a game if it hasn't been well received by critics.


I said how people like games for different reasons and a child would probably love a game based on a cartoon they watch, even if the game is pants. It makes the child happy for whatever reason and that's good enough for me. He replied saying wouldn't it be better if a child critiqued the game. At this point I honestly burst out laughing.


We went on about movies and how I bet he's watched and enjoyed a movie that critics have slated ( apparently he hasn't...insert Ron Burgundy I Don't Believe You gif here ). I listed a bunch of Michael Bay movies and said he must have seen one of them. He glad skipped by that and told me to watch a review for Transformers 4 as it destroyed my argument. At this point I just ended the discussion as I was growing bored of his banter. I just said I liked Other M and I like what I like.


The whole thing was weird and I found it funny how he was getting all upset and trying to change my opinion on something. Must have been frustrating for him with me not losing my head. :)


I checked his other posts and he seems the argumentative type who is never wrong and always right. So basically a typical US citizen. :D


If you're on my friends list you should check out the convo. It's nuts!

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I had a hilarious back and forth between some yank on Miiverse yesterday.


I finished Metroid Fusion the other week and posted how I really enjoyed the game and how it reminded me of Other M, due to how linear it was. I explained that I preferred these games over the Prime series. A couple of weeks later and some bloke called Ted starts on me on Miiverse over it.


The dude was getting proper angry over the fact that I liked Other M. I kept explaining it to him that I enjoyed it, despite what others say about. He couldn't grasp that a person can like a game if it hasn't been well received by critics.


I said how people like games for different reasons and a child would probably love a game based on a cartoon they watch, even if the game is pants. It makes the child happy for whatever reason and that's good enough for me. He replied saying wouldn't it be better if a child critiqued the game. At this point I honestly burst out laughing.


We went on about movies and how I bet he's watched and enjoyed a movie that critics have slated ( apparently he hasn't...insert Ron Burgundy I Don't Believe You gif here ). I listed a bunch of Michael Bay movies and said he must have seen one of them. He glad skipped by that and told me to watch a review for Transformers 4 as it destroyed my argument. At this point I just ended the discussion as I was growing bored of his banter. I just said I liked Other M and I like what I like.


The whole thing was weird and I found it funny how he was getting all upset and trying to change my opinion on something. Must have been frustrating for him with me not losing my head. :)


I checked his other posts and he seems the argumentative type who is never wrong and always right. So basically a typical US citizen. :D


If you're on my friends list you should check out the convo. It's nuts!

Just checked it out now. What a knob. :grin:

His profile comment:

If you get Wii Party U with MarioKart 8's Club Nintendo promotion, you have issues.


I think all the issues are belong to him. :heh:

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