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PS3 3 sales were half of PS2.

This is a classic example of the way Nintendo get's trashed on here. We only look at the negatives for Nintendo and the positives for Sony and Microsoft.


The one that shows Sony making a massive loss during the PS3 years when they were indeed heavily (and rightly) criticized?




Just one example, which is actually on the same thread-page.



The thing is, when people here 'praise' Sony (and to an extent Microsoft) they look at the companies' current offerings and compare it to Nintendo and the Wii U, and while none of them is perfect the general consensus here is that MS and Sony have done a much better job at marketing/pricing/quality/etc than Nintendo.

What's surprising: Several Nintendo fans think the same (at least the aspect about Nintendo currently not doing a good job).


I can. Early March. It was a Donkey Kong Country advert.


I haven't seen a single advert (in Germany) since the Wii U has been released. Which is a shame. If I didn't have the internet I wouldn't know one thing about the console's games.

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I haven't stopped smiling today. Why? Because Nintendo FINALLY acknowledged the Smash. Bros community, which is undoubetedly one of the best gaming communities formed. Maybe it was the incredible documentary that was made on the community or maybe it was the incredible amount of fund raising done to get the game to appear at Apex 2013....They have finally acknowledged us.


This is a big deal btw, and one of the biggest bombs Nintendo have ever dropped. They have clearly realised that they need to support that their 'core' fan base (not just Smash, I mean core gamers in general) because otherwise they'll disappear and without them or the casuals, no one will buy Nintendo systems.


Nintendo will drop bombs at E3 this year. I think they've started to realise their mistakes and we'll see them break out of that conservative mode. The great thing about this news is that it seems to be giving Nintendo of America a bit more power as well, in a 'do what you want' kind of way. Let's hope this attitude leads to more exclusive Nintendo games :)

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On another note, Major League Gaming (MLG) have announced that for the first time in 8 years, Melee will be back on the calendar..Prize money for Melee is $15,000...! It's outlasted games like Halo 3 etc by a LONG way.


I wonder if this influenced Nintendo's decision? Melee was great because it had the duality of being an amazing party game and an incredible fighting game, whilst Brawl leant too far in the direction of being a typical Wii title/play with your grandma type game.


I'm really excited about Smash 4 now... :D

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This is a big deal btw, and one of the biggest bombs Nintendo have ever dropped. They have clearly realised that they need to support that their 'core' fan base (not just Smash, I mean core gamers in general) because otherwise they'll disappear and without them or the casuals, no one will buy Nintendo systems.


Nintendo will drop bombs at E3 this year. I think they've started to realise their mistakes and we'll see them break out of that conservative mode. The great thing about this news is that it seems to be giving Nintendo of America a bit more power as well, in a 'do what you want' kind of way. Let's hope this attitude leads to more exclusive Nintendo games :)


I feel like we're going back to the GameCube days (in the best possible way). With Mario Kart 8, they've definitely saved the right game for their marketing budget, and combined with this new promotion, I really think the Wii U is going to take off now.


For anyone without a Wii U, console with MK8 and one of the free downloads for £199 with the code TDX-JGCV.




No excuses!


Thanks to you, I have now joined the Wii U Club! Very tempted by Pikmin 3 or New Super Mario Bros as my free game, but will go for Wind Waker HD as I know I'll never want to sell it (have still got my GC disc, after all!) Will buy them on disc anyway, and of course am looking forward to 3D World!


Now, as a fogey, I'm a bit confused. I've linked my 3DS to my Club Nintendo account, and have also recently got a Nintendo Network ID. When I get my Wii U, should I port across my Wii Virtual Console games first? Then, do I have to link it to my Club Nintendo account, or just my NNID?

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I feel like we're going back to the GameCube days (in the best possible way). With Mario Kart 8, they've definitely saved the right game for their marketing budget, and combined with this new promotion, I really think the Wii U is going to take off now.


I hope so! The Gamecube really was a fantastic little console and it had a fantastic, diverse line up. It was easily outsold by other consoles but that wasn't because it was very powerful and had a diverse line up..it sold poorly for a variety of other reasons (marketing, late to the market). Let's hope Nintendo realise that and announce a hoard of games next month :) My money is on F-Zero!

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I hope so! The Gamecube really was a fantastic little console and it had a fantastic, diverse line up. It was easily outsold by other consoles but that wasn't because it was very powerful and had a diverse line up..it sold poorly for a variety of other reasons (marketing, late to the market). Let's hope Nintendo realise that and announce a hoard of games next month :) My money is on F-Zero!


Or because interest in Nintendo is dwindling with each passing console :( I really don't think the likes of F-Zero or Metroid will do anything to help sales. The market just isn't there anymore now that the vast majority of gamers only care about graphical horsepower, first person shooters and cinematic "games".

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Knowing the Wii U was getting F-Zero and Metroid [first person Retro made] would sell me the console, I don't want it to just be a Mario Kart box! I wish we could still take these types of games as granted with Nintendo, but you just don't know anymore. I hope there's some sort of incredible montage of at E3.

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Or because interest in Nintendo is dwindling with each passing console :( I really don't think the likes of F-Zero or Metroid will do anything to help sales. The market just isn't there anymore now that the vast majority of gamers only care about graphical horsepower, first person shooters and cinematic "games".


They might not be 'huge sellers' but they are definitely system sellers to a lot of people. Metroid in particularly did wonders for the Gamecube when it came out, despite not being say a Smash or Mario Kart in terms of ultimate sales. If you're a fan of games like F-Zero/Metroid but aren't keen on platformers, you likely don't have a huge incentive to buy a Wii U. In fact, had I not purchased a Wii U at launch I'd be holding off until Metroid or Smash tbh.


You're right in that interest in Nintendo is dwindling with each generation, but Nintendo haven't helped themselves...The N64 using cartridges meant Sony got all the 3rd party games and the GC came out 18 months too late and was marketed wrong...If they released it earlier and changed the marketing, whilst sticking with FPS's like the N64 had, they could've hit 40mil or so imo. Even the N64 sold 22 million in the states alone, not much less than the PS! It just lacked every big 3rd party title, but Goldeneye etc really helped it.


Diversity. That's the key.

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I feel like we're going back to the GameCube days (in the best possible way). With Mario Kart 8, they've definitely saved the right game for their marketing budget, and combined with this new promotion, I really think the Wii U is going to take off now.




Thanks to you, I have now joined the Wii U Club! Very tempted by Pikmin 3 or New Super Mario Bros as my free game, but will go for Wind Waker HD as I know I'll never want to sell it (have still got my GC disc, after all!) Will buy them on disc anyway, and of course am looking forward to 3D World!


Now, as a fogey, I'm a bit confused. I've linked my 3DS to my Club Nintendo account, and have also recently got a Nintendo Network ID. When I get my Wii U, should I port across my Wii Virtual Console games first? Then, do I have to link it to my Club Nintendo account, or just my NNID?


One of us. One of us. One of us. :p


You don't have to link to your Club Nintendo account, just your NNID :)

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I feel like we're going back to the GameCube days (in the best possible way). With Mario Kart 8, they've definitely saved the right game for their marketing budget, and combined with this new promotion, I really think the Wii U is going to take off now.




Thanks to you, I have now joined the Wii U Club! Very tempted by Pikmin 3 or New Super Mario Bros as my free game, but will go for Wind Waker HD as I know I'll never want to sell it (have still got my GC disc, after all!) Will buy them on disc anyway, and of course am looking forward to 3D World!


Now, as a fogey, I'm a bit confused. I've linked my 3DS to my Club Nintendo account, and have also recently got a Nintendo Network ID. When I get my Wii U, should I port across my Wii Virtual Console games first? Then, do I have to link it to my Club Nintendo account, or just my NNID?


You don't have to link your Club Nintendo account to your Wii U, but you should if you want those stars...


It doesn't matter what order you do it in, but you really should do all 3 as soon as you get it. What might be a good idea is to do the CN link while you're waiting for the system/game updates to download in the background (the first time you start a disc game on Wii U, it'll check for updates. You can then choose to start without updating and it'll just carry on downloading and installing the update for you in the background - any subsequent updates are downloaded and installed automatically for you in the background via Spotpass - it's really very slick and totally seamless! :D )

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Is it a bizzarre concept that this is the Wii U discussion thread? Positive, negative - Wii U related. Nintendo? Wii U related. Sony and MS - SOMETIMES Wii U related, often not. Critcism of Sony and MS - NOT Wii U related. The reason criticisms of Wii U and Nintendo are here are because they are relevant, Sony and MS criticisms are not, they really should go elsewhere and not be constantly thrown up as some sort of defense against the, albeit unappreciated by some, relevant to thread wii u/nintendo criticism.


Never heard of that before. Will have to invesigate further but that seems like cool tech.


Powerline's the term you need to look for - I don't know a lot about it or jumping between rings(usually downstairs and upstairs sockets are on different circuits) but poss worth a look-in. They're not *all* that pricey these days I don't think either. @Shiekah is that wireless router boost thing a universal sort of hack? Never heard of it before, but seems mighty straightforward...


I haven't stopped smiling today. Why? Because Nintendo FINALLY acknowledged the Smash. Bros community, which is undoubetedly one of the best gaming communities formed. Maybe it was the incredible documentary that was made on the community or maybe it was the incredible amount of fund raising done to get the game to appear at Apex 2013....They have finally acknowledged us.


This is a big deal btw, and one of the biggest bombs Nintendo have ever dropped. They have clearly realised that they need to support that their 'core' fan base (not just Smash, I mean core gamers in general) because otherwise they'll disappear and without them or the casuals, no one will buy Nintendo systems.


Nintendo will drop bombs at E3 this year. I think they've started to realise their mistakes and we'll see them break out of that conservative mode. The great thing about this news is that it seems to be giving Nintendo of America a bit more power as well, in a 'do what you want' kind of way. Let's hope this attitude leads to more exclusive Nintendo games :)


Eh? Did I miss something??

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Is it a bizzarre concept that this is the Wii U discussion thread? Positive, negative - Wii U related. Nintendo? Wii U related. Sony and MS - SOMETIMES Wii U related, often not. Critcism of Sony and MS - NOT Wii U related. The reason criticisms of Wii U and Nintendo are here are because they are relevant, Sony and MS criticisms are not, they really should go elsewhere and not be constantly thrown up as some sort of defense against the, albeit unappreciated by some, relevant to thread wii u/nintendo criticism.




Powerline's the term you need to look for - I don't know a lot about it or jumping between rings(usually downstairs and upstairs sockets are on different circuits) but poss worth a look-in. They're not *all* that pricey these days I don't think either. @Shiekah is that wireless router boost thing a universal sort of hack? Never heard of it before, but seems mighty straightforward...




Eh? Did I miss something??


Nintendo are having a smash tourny at E3. It's a 16 player invitation only event featuring 'top Smash players', which is the first time they've ever acknowledged the Smash community. It gone be good.

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Is it a bizzarre concept that this is the Wii U discussion thread? Positive, negative - Wii U related. Nintendo? Wii U related. Sony and MS - SOMETIMES Wii U related, often not. Critcism of Sony and MS - NOT Wii U related. The reason criticisms of Wii U and Nintendo are here are because they are relevant, Sony and MS criticisms are not, they really should go elsewhere and not be constantly thrown up as some sort of defense against the, albeit unappreciated by some, relevant to thread wii u/nintendo criticism.



Likewise... the "PS4 does this, and Xbox Live offers me that" is equally irrelevant by your example. I'd say we get an equal measure of both.


The latest being that the aforementioned systems have VC capabilities that the Wii U doesn't.



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Powerline's the term you need to look for - I don't know a lot about it or jumping between rings(usually downstairs and upstairs sockets are on different circuits) but poss worth a look-in. They're not *all* that pricey these days I don't think either. @Shiekah is that wireless router boost thing a universal sort of hack? Never heard of it before, but seems mighty straightforward...


Yeah it's pretty straight forward but requires a little tinkering with the router to make it work as an amplifier (most will have an editable setting to let you do this). Powerlines are also good but I threw the amplifier suggestion out there since if they're like me they probably have accumulated more than one router over the years, so could pretty much do this without having to buy anything else.

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On another note, Major League Gaming (MLG) have announced that for the first time in 8 years, Melee will be back on the calendar..Prize money for Melee is $15,000...! It's outlasted games like Halo 3 etc by a LONG way.


I wonder if this influenced Nintendo's decision? Melee was great because it had the duality of being an amazing party game and an incredible fighting game, whilst Brawl leant too far in the direction of being a typical Wii title/play with your grandma type game.


I'm really excited about Smash 4 now... :D


I think all that matters is the way Sakurai sees Smash.

and the way things are looking, I think his views of the competitive Smash scene have come a long way since the melee community starting gaining ground.


I hope we get some interesting quotes out of him this year's E3 regarding his stance on competitive smash. Hopefully he no longer views them as crazy Otaku types.

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I think all that matters is the way Sakurai sees Smash.

and the way things are looking, I think his views of the competitive Smash scene have come a long way since the melee community starting gaining ground.


I hope we get some interesting quotes out of him this year's E3 regarding his stance on competitive smash. Hopefully he no longer views them as crazy Otaku types.


Out of interest, did Melee use the analogue triggers? I'm just wondering if, without them, it's possible to fix the reason Brawl was less popular with some.

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I think all that matters is the way Sakurai sees Smash.

and the way things are looking, I think his views of the competitive Smash scene have come a long way since the melee community starting gaining ground.


I hope we get some interesting quotes out of him this year's E3 regarding his stance on competitive smash. Hopefully he no longer views them as crazy Otaku types.


This would be quite a good podcast topic actually..once my exams are out of the way, let's get on it!


Out of interest, did Melee use the analogue triggers? I'm just wondering if, without them, it's possible to fix the reason Brawl was less popular with some.


Yes it did and it used them really well. You had a 'light shield' which you could apply for longer but was weaker or you could hit the trigger all the way down for a strong but short lasting shield. It's a shame they've abandoned analogue :(

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Likewise... the "PS4 does this, and Xbox Live offers me that" is equally irrelevant by your example. I'd say we get an equal measure of both.


The latest being that the aforementioned systems have VC capabilities that the Wii U doesn't.




EDIT: I understand some were not expecting the profanity and tone of this post. If you've taken issue with my excessive use of the f-bomb, I can only apologise for subjecting you to it - there is no excuse but I can only reassure that it is nothing out of my real character to do so.


The problem is - often the criticisms are levelled at Nintendo by people with little to no mention of the 'others'(sony/ps+ms/xbox). When made - it's usually a point of reference for context of a feature 'I'd like party chat, like this and that, similar to how it's done on Xbox/PS3/PC/A banana'. Just context. They're fairly made and put forward criticisms without bringing them in heavily - then people are all like 'omg y u no criticise ps2 or xbox 4 dis other feature tho??' - because this isn't the place to criticise them! Daft I've seen, even as he said, criticise the Vita - but he does it elsewhere, in topic-relevant threads. How many people are really down in other consoles bitching about the Wii U? Or even so much singing its praises? Yes some do praise it here - but if you look you'll see it's often(not always) in response to the absolutely juvenile and stupid argument 'omg y u hate nintendo and not the others' and again, and has repeatedly been stated, the criticisms made here are by Wii U owners more often than not - do you as a consumer not have a right to criticise something you spent and invested money in? Hell, I'd be willing to guess the people making such criticisms are actually more Wii U owners than PS4/Xbone owners - so why, why the fuck do we have to feel like after we've chucked our money after a console and company that we feel aren't delivering are we made to feel like we have no fucking right to express that frustration? Not to mention the criticisms are often made in the context of wii u compared to the apparently previous gen PC, PS3 and 360 capabilities(ie voice chat).



I'm fed up. I'm fed up being fucking told I can't express my disappointment with something that is sitting in front of me, something I invested in, on promises undelivered, on what I see as continuous bad mistakes, in a thread about that very item. I'm fed up being fucking told that I have no fucking right to express MY dissatisfaction with something I paid *MY* money for on a thread about *that item's* very topic. I'm fed up being told I'm 'not' a Nintendo fan, when all I've done all my fucking life is support them. You think you're fed up with negativity? Well I'm fucking fed up being told what I can and can't say about a console in a topic dedicated to said console on a board dedicated to company of manufactured console. I'm not in Other, or General, I'm in NINTENDO, with a lifelong investment in them. Investment over the years, and investment still going, and you know what? I think that gives me a right to express my fucking opinion in a fucking topic about them without being asked to be quiet all the fucking time. I hang out elsewhere on the board - General Chit Chat for example - you know what I and many other people don't do there? Bitch about the Wii U or Nintendo. Why? Because it isn't the fucking place. THIS is not the place to bitch about Sony or Microsoft. If I own a Wii U but not a PS4/Xbone - do I give a fuck if PS4/Xbone are fucking up? No. Because I'm not invested. Do I give a fuck if I feel Wii U is? Yes. Because I am. Where do I go to express such frustration with the Wii U? Shall I go and do it in the XBone and PS4 threads, or shall I do it here - in the thread about the Wii U?



We are ALL pretty much here because this is 'N'-Europe. We all were, are, or will be, Nintendo fans. We aren't actively here to hate, we aren't actively here to dislike them - but the fact is after a lifetime of investment we are feeling very frustrated with our return. Ok, some people don't like the 'negativity' of those opinions - but it's apparently overwhelming and wideheld enough that sure it must be acknowledged as legitimate? Nobody on the other side tells people to stop 'being positive' all the time - why are we not allowed to express our dissatisfaction the other way round?



So tl;dr, in short, to sum, to all and genuinely in no way to you or anyone specifically - fuck off telling me what I can and can't post about Wii U in the fucking Wii U thread. Fuck off telling me what I am and am not a fan off.



Yeah it's pretty straight forward but requires a little tinkering with the router to make it work as an amplifier (most will have an editable setting to let you do this). Powerlines are also good but I threw the amplifier suggestion out there since if they're like me they probably have accumulated more than one router over the years, so could pretty much do this without having to buy anything else.


Ah - this was my hangup - I wasn't aware if they have an option for this and if/what it would be.


Nintendo are having a smash tourny at E3. It's a 16 player invitation only event featuring 'top Smash players', which is the first time they've ever acknowledged the Smash community. It gone be good.


Smash? What smash? Melee, Brawl, 4? That is indeed rather awesome, especially as I'm watching the smash docu again(as well as playing a bit of project M!). Is it likely to be filmed? Be very interested to follow, wish I'd read this earlier and I'd have told my smash bros about it!

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Hell, I'd be willing to guess the people making such criticisms are actually more Wii U owners than PS4/Xbone owners - so why, why the fuck do we have to feel like after we've chucked our money after a console and company that we feel aren't delivering are we made to feel like we have no fucking right to express that frustration? Not to mention the criticisms are often made in the context of wii u compared to the apparently previous gen PC, PS3 and 360 capabilities(ie voice chat).



I'm fed up. I'm fed up being fucking told I can't express my disappointment with something that is sitting in front of me, something I invested in, on promises undelivered, on what I see as continuous bad mistakes, in a thread about that very item. I'm fed up being fucking told that I have no fucking right to express MY dissatisfaction with something I paid *MY* money for on a thread about *that item's* very topic. I'm fed up being told I'm 'not' a Nintendo fan, when all I've done all my fucking life is support them. You think you're fed up with negativity? Well I'm fucking fed up being told what I can and can't say about a console in a topic dedicated to said console on a board dedicated to company of manufactured console.

Damn, man, I don't think I've ever been more in agreement with you. The amount of times people have basically said you either buy the console and deal with it or don't buy it as a way of stifling negative criticism is ridiculous. And the constant remarks about hypocrisy/people (or rather person) telling you to justify your criticisms given you also like console X. Fucking sucks that some members on here are so attached to a company that they be like this. =/

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Personally I often feel as if I don't really have the enthusiasm to even enter this thread some days, it's not really down to anyone in particular posting either - this is a forum ultimately - but more just the general situation as it's somewhat depressing. :(


For me the Wii U is a good console, I might not be playing it right at this moment but I know that will change by the end of this month, I might then end up going several months before purchasing another retail game for it but I know that once that next 'must-have' games comes out it will be worth the wait. : peace:


It's just a shame that it's the first Nintendo console which really hasn't met everyone's expectations and has since divided opinions quite spectacularly. :blank:


I still have faith in it though - I wouldn't have just purchased a second one for my brother otherwise - so I suppose that's all that really matters, games will come out eventually, I'll no doubt play/enjoy them so it's fine really. ::shrug:


Even though the internet is a blessing - I seriously still very much enjoy reviewing for N-E and interacting with the community at times - it has made me realise that I do miss the simpler times when I'd just play a game and not really 'worry' as such beyond that but these are the times in which we live, so I get the feeling that as much as we embrace it sometimes we'd much rather not face it? :wtf:


Still at least it's not long before we can all 'forget' for a short time and just *race eeeeet!. ;)


*watches over his shoulder for that inevitable blue shell. :indeed:

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Smash? What smash? Melee, Brawl, 4? That is indeed rather awesome, especially as I'm watching the smash docu again(as well as playing a bit of project M!). Is it likely to be filmed? Be very interested to follow, wish I'd read this earlier and I'd have told my smash bros about it!


It's a Smash 4 tourny featuring the best 'Smash players', although it's unclear if it's just Melee guys or Brawl guys too. It's being shown LIVE :D At the Nokia theatre lol..Huge audience.

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