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A console with substantially less games on it. And pretty much none must haves... How does that make more sense?


The Wii u is suffering, but there's still a good 10 great great games on it.


And not that I want to be positive because I'm pissed off with Nintendo too, but what's coming out on ps4? Infamous, could be great. Metal gear, a £50 2 hour preview of 5.... If those games excite you more than mario kart than there should be no debate in the first place.


This is entirely your opinion not everyone else's. Most people are happily excited about playing the mixture of 3rd party content on those consoles, including the massive raft of games that most current Nintendo fans don't care that much for.


So sport, more generically action type games, stealth games, racing game more on the simulator end of the spectrum, FPSs and western RPGs are a selection of types of titles that Nintendo platforms won't get and if they do it will be an almost erroneous entry.


The Nintendo fans that are left are those that are so enthusiastic about the games that they specialise in that (usually) they will have a second console to fill that need. The vast majority of other gamers either are happy playing the titles that pioneered the Wii or left long ago to get on the PS, Xbox or PC train. The ones left like the titles Nintendo produces almost by de facto due to Nintendo's neglect.


It makes no difference if Nintendo carry on with a strategy that appeals to a market that they have already won. That market has already bought the Wii U and that's why I doubt Mario Kart will make a significant difference to the sales, just like 3D World didn't.

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What do I constantly feel on this forum that people start debates about something completely different to what I'm saying. People certainly have points to prove whether they're relevent or not....


This is entirely your opinion not everyone else's. Most people are happily excited about playing the mixture of 3rd party content on those consoles, including the massive raft of games that most current Nintendo fans don't care that much for.


Of course it's my opinion. It's also gorons opinion for stating what he is saying, and your opinion on yours, why is "in your opinion" all of a sudden a valid argument? It isn't. It's such a common starter for demeaning what that persons saying. So you shit in what I said as just "my opinion" then proceed to give me yours like it's more worthy. Thanks.


There feels like more variety on the PS4 to me. Platformers are nice, but it feels like the only genre being given place at the moment. I know obviously there is much more, but it feels that Nintendo's eggs are all in one basket (be that Mario or platformers).


The true winners are people with both consoles obviously.


But this is the thing, although I think there are huge problems. I think "perception" is one of the biggest. Although there are loads of platformers, and do key kong is the last thing retro should've been working on, nintendo showed off mario kart, smash, bayonetta and x. That's fairly varied isn't it? These all have a much different appeal to platformers and party games.


I think @Goron_3 was simply saying instead of spending £300 on a console at launch that wouldn't get games and feel like a bad investment, he could have spent £350 on a console at launch that would get games and feel like a good investment.



I know exactly what he's saying. But what I'm saying is the ps4 doesn't have games now really, a few decent ones, infamous could be great, then what? The Wii u has a much bigger library of games, which is what the conversation was about, now. Especially as nintendo fans. I'm saying none of us have an idea what's happening post e3, other than a hunch that ps4 is going to have hundreds more games. But this goes back to my point that I think perception is a huge huge factor in all this. People feel confident in the ps4, that it will deliver etc. there isn't much now, but we're confident it'll all come in a flood.

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Firstly, 10 great games on the Wii U is a bit of a stretch. It's got some decent games but it's still awaiting it's Super Mario 64, Gears of War, Melee etc. You know, a game that will actually get people to buy the thing? Super Mario 3D World is the closest it has but clearly the appeal of a multiplayer Mario title just isn't that appealing. Smash will likely be the next one, but I just hope it doesn't get released as a broken mess like Brawl was.


It's worth noting @dazzybee that the games available on PS4 are quite varied; it's not just the same genre again and again. On top of that you've got active online communities with games like Killzone and CoD (not that I care for that).


Anyway, this whole thing started because I said that I regretted buying a Wii U at launch as I could have purchased something else, and I still stand by that. Total waste of money, especially as I'm a student!

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Yeah but perception is something that needs to be addressed by Nintendo. I, as someone that keeps up with the news, still feel like it's all platformers. Lord knows about anyone who just has a casual interest in Nintendo.


Oh absolutely, and only a huge improvement of its services (when it's so archaic, people don't see it as modern, people like modern) and steady stream of games will do that. Which I thought they'd do now. My point wasn't how awful it is, more that I didn't understand the same logic not being applied to the ps4, which doesn't have much to play on at the minute either. They've earned that trust I guess.


Firstly, 10 great games on the Wii U is a bit of a stretch. It's got some decent games but it's still awaiting it's Super Mario 64, Gears of War, Melee etc. You know, a game that will actually get people to buy the thing? Super Mario 3D World is the closest it has but clearly the appeal of a multiplayer Mario title just isn't that appealing. Smash will likely be the next one, but I just hope it doesn't get released as a broken mess like Brawl was.


It's worth noting @dazzybee that the games available on PS4 are quite varied; it's not just the same genre again and again. On top of that you've got active online communities with games like Killzone and CoD (not that I care for that).


Anyway, this whole thing started because I said that I regretted buying a Wii U at launch as I could have purchased something else, and I still stand by that. Total waste of money, especially as I'm a student!


Okay, but the argument to changing again, is it about increasing sales or is it about us as gamers owning the machine because it keeps moving. What does it matter if mario 3d world sold 10 million copies or not when you're talking about what YOU get out of the machine? It's like people on this forum justify one opinion, by bringing random other points to prove it. Classic straw man argument.


As for ten games, it's subjective, like everything but- zombi u, Nintendoland, mario u, mario 3d, pikmin 3, Lego city, wind waker, w101, monster hunter 3, donkey kong. (Plus 3rd parties rayman, need for speed, deus ex, injustice, assassins creeds, cod.) Never mind virtual console or eshop games.


This is more than ps4 offers. And in the immediate future they don't have loads coming either. Pother the prospect of the future, I don't understand why that's a much better investment.

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It's times like this that remind me just how shocked I was at the negative reaction to Nintendo's E3 presentation last year. Still am surprised by it. To get 3D Mario, Donkey Kong, Mario Kart, Smash Bros, Zelda ALBW and Pokemon all in the same presentation + Bayonetta 2 and X... that's a pretty incredible line-up.

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Sure its still the 'launch window' for the PS4, but gamers will still gleefully jump on board because they KNOW they'll be looked after with future quality games. A good chunk of the attraction to a console are the future prospects - stuff to look forward to.


Hats off to Sony, they have consistently built that reputation since the Playstation.


Nintendo no longer appeals to me because there is not a great variety of games and there doesn't seem much to anticipate, Nintendo gamers here mostly resort to their imagination now. Though the Wii U does have a bigger library at present, a good 3/4 of it doesn't appeal to me. There is no great variety and theres nothing amazingly new or breathtaking for me to buy at full price.


Its easy to see why the other consoles, even whilst having fewer games, has more appeal than the Wii U. And its really nothing to be defensive of - Nintendo knows it has a problem so its on them to sort things out.

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It's times like this that remind me just how shocked I was at the negative reaction to Nintendo's E3 presentation last year. Still am surprised by it. To get 3D Mario, Donkey Kong, Mario Kart, Smash Bros, Zelda ALBW and Pokemon all in the same presentation + Bayonetta 2 and X... that's a pretty incredible line-up.
Yeah tbf it purely comes from our own [false] expectations, although on the other hand those are also built on promises.


I don't think anyone expected the Wii U's big Mario game to be a game like that so it came as a shock... that wasn't helped by trailer that didn't really deliver the message that later ones did.


Likewise people were shocked to find out Retro were working on another DKC game. The thought was they were working on 'that next big franchise' or at least a Metroid, that might attract an audience the Wii U was failing to reach.


I think everyone was happy and continue to be excited with Mario Kart, Smash, Bayonetta and X... although the latter two are quite niche games, so if they don't appeal to you things the future release list doesn't quite look so good.



The biggest question I want to know is what on earth all the different Nintendo studios are working on. I feel that if I had some sort of answer to that I'd be able to make a decision over the Wii U, but the not knowing and uncertainty has been a constant for too long now. Guess we'll have to wait until E3.

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Yeah tbf it purely comes from our own [false] expectations, although on the other hand those are also built on promises.


Well, they're not false as they are built on promises.


Promise people that you will change and they are content and - for some time - happy to wait.

If you fail to deliver and don't keep that promise...you will lose people. It's as simple as that.

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Of course it's my opinion. It's also gorons opinion for stating what he is saying, and your opinion on yours, why is "in your opinion" all of a sudden a valid argument? It isn't. It's such a common starter for demeaning what that persons saying. So you shit in what I said as just "my opinion" then proceed to give me yours like it's more worthy. Thanks.


You're right, I am trying to shit on your opinion. Mostly because it has no relevance or connection to how the average consumer feels about the Wii U and making comments like "the Wii U has 10 great games" is far from factual.


You were wondering why people don't tar the PS4 with the same drought brush? I was pointing out that drought is a matter of opinion and perception. Specifically that your opinion differs from the majority of the market that has spoken loudly for 3 generations of hardware , saying: Nintendo could release a game a week but unless it's of a quality and of a type that I'm interested then that is essentially a drought.

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This is more than ps4 offers. And in the immediate future they don't have loads coming either. Pother the prospect of the future, I don't understand why that's a much better investment.

I'm not sure that I follow that statement. PS4 undoubtedly has more games coming since it has third parry support, so to many that will mean they'll get more for their money / it'll be a better investment. Particularly when you consider it's priced very reasonably already, so delaying purchase isn't likely to lead to great savings down the line.


I'm not sure why the 'now' is the most important - you normally buy a console to last you several years. Given the Wii U release schedule is patchy now and they have lost third party support, it definitely feels to me like a worse investment. Obviously to someone who never tires of Nintendo games then a Wii U is a good purchase regardless.

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You're right, I am trying to shit on your opinion. Mostly because it has no relevance or connection to how the average consumer feels about the Wii U and making comments like "the Wii U has 10 great games" is far from factual.


You were wondering why people don't tar the PS4 with the same drought brush? I was pointing out that drought is a matter of opinion and perception. Specifically that your opinion differs from the majority of the market that has spoken loudly for 3 generations of hardware , saying: Nintendo could release a game a week but unless it's of a quality and of a type that I'm interested then that is essentially a drought.


Okay. Well I respect you at least you were trying to shit on my opinion. What has the GENERAL opinion go to do with what we are talking about? We've been there, we're there, and we'll go there again in the future. But that is NOT this conversation you have stump;ed in to. We are talking about US, we are talking about GORON. We were talking about what is right for HIM, and what is right for ME, and anyone else can join in in what is right for THEM.


Saying there are 10 great games isn't factually like you saying "Most people are happily excited about playing the mixture of 3rd party content on those consoles" and "the massive raft of games that most current Nintendo fans don't care that much for." Isn't this a place for opinions?


You say you were pointing out it was about perception.. yeah, exactly like I did. And that is my whole point, currently it is a perception thing. I find that very interesting. We've touched on it before with Wii U is A HUGE FAILURE, but no one mentions anything about the Vita. It's interesting discussions I think. That's why I was asking questions.


And my opinion is different to the wider community...? Shit. I better shut up then.


I'm not sure that I follow that statement. PS4 undoubtedly has more games coming since it has third parry support, so to many that will mean they'll get more for their money / it'll be a better investment. Particularly when you consider it's priced very reasonably already, so delaying purchase isn't likely to lead to great savings down the line.


I'm talking about big games we want to play. The wii had more games than any system known to man, but I'm sure you'd dismiss this in a second as there's loads of crap. So you shouldn't use volume as a positive argument now. What games do both systems have now, what will they both have by the end of the year.


I'm not sure why the 'now' is the most important - you normally buy a console to last you several years. Given the Wii U release schedule is patchy now and they have lost third party support, it definitely feels to me like a worse investment. Obviously to someone who never tires of Nintendo games then a Wii U is a good purchase regardless.


Goron was on about regretting a the console at launch, presumably he'd rather wait until the good games were out. So the conversation is about the NOW. None of us know what we'll playing on any system at christmas do we? Maybe. I don't know. Some games I guess. But we don't know everything. So he's basing his decision on the NOW. I just don't understand why NOW the ps4 is a better bet. Thats was pretty much the whole point... but it kind of went somewhere else. But I'm trying to bring it back :D


And the last statement is right, sort of similar what we were talking about somewhere else, what is right for US. And that's what I'm trying to discuss. I was confused that Goron is a huge Nintendo fan, I was wondering how a huge Nintendo fan could think the PS4 NOW and immediate future is more appealing than the Wii U.


I will end in saying that I am not happy with the way Nintendo are dealing with things. I'm not happy there's no major release between DK and MK. Or their online efforts.

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Oh absolutely, and only a huge improvement of its services (when it's so archaic, people don't see it as modern, people like modern) and steady stream of games will do that. Which I thought they'd do now. My point wasn't how awful it is, more that I didn't understand the same logic not being applied to the ps4, which doesn't have much to play on at the minute either. They've earned that trust I guess.


Because on my Wii U I've played about a dozen platformers and on my PS4 I've played action games, a horror survival game, a driving game, a puzzle game, a platformer, a shoot em up arcade game, a psychoanalytical game and a FPS.

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On my Wii U i've played platformers (obviously), action , adventure, FPS, survival horror, puzzle and racing.


I must be one of the fortunate ones who have bought something else other than platformers.


I do love my Wii U but remain concerned of the apparent lack of games being released in the future.

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Because on my Wii U I've played about a dozen platformers and on my PS4 I've played action games, a horror survival game, a driving game, a puzzle game, a platformer, a shoot em up arcade game, a psychoanalytical game and a FPS.


Yeah that's kind of ridiculous. You know there are all those games on the wii u as well so what kind of argument is that?!?! I haven't got a PS4 but I know what's on the machine...


And the fact people THANKED this post like it was proving some great point... bizarre...

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Yeah that's kind of ridiculous. You know there are all those games on the wii u as well so what kind of argument is that?!?! I haven't got a PS4 but I know what's on the machine...


And the fact people THANKED this post like it was proving some great point... bizarre...


I assume this is an attempt at sarcasm? It's well known Nintendo have a narrow library of games (NSMBU, NSLU, SM3DW and DKC) and other games they release such as Pikmin/TW101 target the niche. It's very different to the Gamecube era of titles from them, although much of that comes from Nintendo getting rid of their western developers. Of course, the console have other titles from 3rd parties but unfortunately they look and run worse than their 360/PS3 counterparts :(

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Perhaps I should elaborate. I know about the variety of games but only choose to play a small section, which I think says a lot about my interest in said games. It's great that they're there, but of no personal interest to me. That's my personal problem with the Wii U: Nintendo is being conservative, multi platform titles are gimped and that leaves a very small selection of games (ie third party exclusives) and while some have been fun, few have felt like necessary purchases to me.


That being said, I'm hoping that Nintendo are going to start using the GamePad as they've promised and create interesting titles. It's the console's USP and if, by the time it shuffles off this mortal coil, there are a selection of great unique experiences that outweigh this drought I'll be happy.


Ultimately I find it hard to get excited by the Wii U at present because I know what to expect (either because it's franchise updates or I've already played them). I'm looking forward to the games, don't get me wrong, but I'm not excited in the same way I am for other consoles. Perhaps it's because I've less experience with the other consoles so it's inevitable (mystery vs history).


And people thank posts for all kind of weird reasons. Maybe they just liked the fact I used the word 'psychoanalytical'. I wouldn't be too worried about it.

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I assume this is an attempt at sarcasm? It's well known Nintendo have a narrow library of games (NSMBU, NSLU, SM3DW and DKC) and other games they release such as Pikmin/TW101 target the niche. It's very different to the Gamecube era of titles from them, although much of that comes from Nintendo getting rid of their western developers. Of course, the console have other titles from 3rd parties but unfortunately they look and run worse than their 360/PS3 counterparts :(


No it isn't. It isn't well know at all... This is all about perception. YES, nintendo release a lot of platformers across both of their devices. But to say wii u is just platformers and on the ps4 you can play action games, horro games, racing games etc is plain wrong. The wii u is in deep shit, there are a lot of problems and a frighteningly slim release schedule, but let's not perpetuate bullshit. Yeah there is mario, mario, rayman and donkey kong. But does that mean Zombi u, Need for sped, assassins creed, cod, splinter cell, injustice, wonderful 101, zelda etc don't exist?!


You can add stupid caveats like "but they're niche"... I don't understand why them being niche stops them from being varied games... in fact it probably makes them more different and why people don't flock to them...


@Ashley That's fair enough, but it would be like me posting all I play on the my ps4 is knack, on my wii u racers, beat em ups, adventure games etc etc


But it sounds to me like you're drifting away from nintendo a little bit, if you're not excited by mario kart, and smash and such... Not to say they couldn't excite you again if they did something brand new and exciting etc. But that kind of IS nintendo a little bit, those kinds of experiences.


Anyways. Just to prove I'm not some raving fanboy :) I've been writing some thoughts on some of the things Nintendo get wrong. Here's a thought on their approach to online. WARNING: It's a loooong rant http://nintendoreview.co.uk/2014/02/nintendo-hey-listen-your-approach-to-online/


Let’s not beat around the bush here, Nintendo’s approach to online is so backward you worry it’s mum and dad are brother and sister. They haven’t even caught up with LAST gen yet never mind keeping pace with this one, or, crazy to think, be industry leaders in this field. Can you remember those days, when Nintendo were industry leaders in pretty much all fields? I still strongly believe they lead the way in software, and ultimately that IS the most important thing, I still think they are the biggest innovators in hardware which creates new experiences. I’m not going to lie, I miss the days Nintendo led the way in technical aspects, but I understand why they don’t, and feel it is a good thing there is a cheaper solution out there for people, rather than three identical machines; but what I can’t forgive, is Nintendo’s ineptitude, ignorance and downright stubbornness with regards to “online”.


Before I continue this thought, I want to go back near 15 years, when Nintendo were the absolute multiplayer kings – they pioneered 5 player gameplay on the SNES with their multi-tap – Super Soccer, Bomberman, Street Racer etc They took this further by having the first console with four controller ports on the N64, a stupendous multiplayer console – the birth of Smash Bros, Mario Kart 64, GoldenEye (hard to imagine Nintendo were also the console kings of FPS!). What happened?!? How did they lose the crown so easily? So pitifully? Because they didn’t embrace online, because they lost the foresight they once had. Now Call of Duty and Fifa are the multiplayer kings.


Fact is, online play is just the dominant way people play together now. Online is becoming the dominant way we socialise and interact now. Let’s not discuss how much of a shame this is, and it is, there is NOTHING like 5 player Nintendoland, or local play Mario Kart or Wii Sports; Nintendo still have that, but people, primarily, play online; or if there isn’t an online component they still want a social online component, and Nintendo has missed this completely. Disastrously. I feel this is one of the biggest reasons they have lost the mindshare in the gaming community. They have such an outdated view on technology and services, that people don’t see them as exciting; people want new, and modern, with social services – everything is moving that way. Nintendo promised us the “air” of online play; but they’re trapped in a mine and they’re sending their canaries to die.


Let’s have a look at their offerings on the Wii U, their brand new, modern console. At launch they provided Nintendoland, a fantastic multiplayer game, without online play. Their explanation (and they trot this out a lot) - “They were set up from the start to be something people in the same room could enjoy.”(1) I’m sorry. Who said take local multiplayer OUT!? All this mindset is doing is STOPPING people from playing the game who don’t have access to family and friends to play with. This is why the game didn’t “do a Wii Sports”, because you limited its appeal in the modern world. What’s worse is it is a huge high-score game, yet you didn’t provide the ability to compare high-scores with friends. This is unbelievable


In the Investor briefing on January 30th Iwata admitted Nintendoland didn’t succeed how they hoped due to “the single-player experiences were rather weak”. Do you not think online multiplayer and/or high score sharing could have eliminated this problem?


You want to know what also didn’t “do a wii sports”? Wii Sports. The new, painfully inept online remake of the original sports, which are so terribly done it was almost pointless. With a great online set up, these could have been EXACTLY what the Wii U needed, but again, complete ineptitude in execution. Nintendo, what are you thinking?! I’ve covered this in more detail here.


Nothing more satisfying than playing to 3 people in the crowd...


You can look at every one of their releases and it is the same story -


New Super Mario Bros. U – no online multiplayer – “It wasn’t the focus this time”(2) and again no high-score sharing in the excellent challenge mode (though nice miiverse integration).


Pikmin 3 - no online in the absolutely incredible multiplayer – “technical issues” - we don’t believe you Nintendo, then when pushed by Kotaku “what we’ve decided to do is focus on the single-player and local multiplayer”(3) Spot a pattern? There is online leaderboards though, for the great fantastic high-score attack mode, but hang on, it’s worldwide only, you can’t compare with friends. REALLY!?!? Oh boy. Considering you’re all about “playing with friends” nintendo, why have you ridiculously not included this? It’s just absolutely bizarre.


Super Mario 3D World – no online again, here’s what producer producer Yoshiaki Koizumi told Game Informer – “[W]e really wanted to deliver an experience that you can share with family, friends, or your boyfriend or girlfriend in the same place like you did with the original NES. We really want players to have fun in front of the TV, talking while they help each other out or get in each other’s way.”


STOP IT!! Stop coming out with these preposterous reasons, you are either too lazy, or incapable. IT’S NOT 1986 ANY MORE NINTENDO!!!! I’ve played local multiplayer, it’s amazing, but so would playing online with friends – if anything, learn this – CHOICE IS GOOD! But again, there IS something positive, the stamps are a lovely addition to Miiverse and the ability to time attack each level with ghosts of friends is fantastic, a great Nintendo touch, the problem? Like everything else it’s half-baked. Why can we not have leaderboards for each level of all our friends times? I would bet anything more people would continue playing the game if there was a simple way to compete against each other, these randoms friends ghosts loses the competitiveness because you don’t know your “place”.


Wii Fit – great piece of software, but again, a missed opportunity for online interaction – the CLUBS you can join offer no incentive, no stats comparisons, no routine sharing abilities – you can see basic stats on gender divide and activity use.


Great. 80% of the people are male, and mostpeople play balance games, that’s really made the experience complete… You can compare your latest activities with people, but only if you click on them, it’s slow and cumbersome; again, why can we not compare high scores on each activity with everyone? That would get us off our fat arses and exercise!! And this is the basics, you should be doing so much more, what other, similar services are doing. Why isn’t the Wii Fit account online? Then there could have been an app you can download and put in your additional exercises, or even a calorie counter and put your food in, we could create routines and compare stats and scores with friends away from the console. It’s bog-standard practice with other lifestyle services; this seems positively futuristic for Nintendo.


Finally come two eshop games – NES Remix, fantastic nostalgia porn, suffers the same problems as their other titles – they have times for each level (you can see one other person’s score), you can post the score to Miiverse, but you can’t compare with your friends. This whole section is me repeating myself over and over again, but I feel it’s important to stress the same mistakes Nintendo make over and over again – LET US COMPARE OUR SCORES/TIMES WITH FRIENDS!!! The final game is Dr Luigi, the stupidly expensive, but great puzzler. Even this, incredibly simple game has been messed up by Nintendo. I won’t mention the difficulty in playing your friends due to the non-existent communication or game invite systems, but when you do finally get into a game, if you want to change mode, or ANY settings, you have to kick out of the play, set up a new game, and rejoin… OH BOY!!! There is a decent handicap system on the game to even-up the game, but you want to tweak it further? You want to play flash, or classic mode? Even change the music? Kick out, start again… I have to go into online chat rooms to organise a game of this. Can you not see how utterly stupid this is Nintendo? Can you not see the huge barriers you put up? You can’t even do the basics!!


This also doesn’t include their non attempts at online with the multiplayer heavy Wii Party and Game and Wario, both of which would benefit greatly from it. Though to counter-act that it also doesn’t take into account the excellent miiverse integration in Game and Wario and Wand Waker, they do some lovely stuff. It’s just core online/social serves they lack.


For me, that’s a 100% cock up rate with online in their games on the Wii U. Some truly fantastic aspects, but really failing on the basics and the services gamers now want and expect. Do Nintendo realise this? Mario Kart is coming out soon and is their one big online game, surely this can be the explosive online experience which can take Nintendo forward and continue with Smash Bros. at the end of the year? We certainly hope so. We have ideas discussed our ideas here. Mario Kart TV is a great start, though we do find it worrying it automatically creates a 30 second montage. I hope this is wrong. Each player will have their OWN moments, their OWN stories. An automatic montage is great, but letting us edit our own videos would be dreamy – do Nintendo not realise how creative their fans are?


What gives me hope is that there is one title I feel they really did a truly excellent job, and it was 6 years ago, and that’s Mario Kart Wii. It’s crazy they haven’t come close to it since, even going ten leaps back with Mario Kart 7. But Mario Kart Wii was great – online play was quick and smooth, there were monthly online challenges, free, and time trials were handled perfectly – you could compare your times with the world, your country and, yes, with your friends. You could even download any ghost you wanted to race against. Perfect. This should be the standard functionality online for all games where relevant, then on top of this you can throw in your excellent, quirky touches.


In the previous weeks we’ve looked at how you can revolutionise online play, I wont repeat myself. Here are the articles – Miiverse and Wara Wara Plaza


Here are 5 additional things:


1. Party Chat – even the Playstation Vita has party chat. It may be too late from a technical standpoint. But let us talk to each other. We need to communicate to set up online games. Stop being afraid of social interaction. You pulled the same arguments with your friend code reasoning, but it NEVER made sense, you’ve abandoned it and we’re all okay. In retrospect you look as archaic as we all knew you were at the time. You’re making the same mistake. Let us talk to each other in games, communicate more freely with messaging.


2. Game Invites – I came up with a solution last week, but if you could have a system wide solution that would be even better.


3. When we are online, lets is check our friends list, Monster Hunter allows this so it’s possible, but no other game does.


4. Realise people want to play together online and start seeing its importance in all your multiplayer offerings


5. Allow for high-score sharing among FRIENDS – 3D World, Wii Fit, Nintendoland, Pikmin 3, Nintendoland, Dr Luigi would all benefit greatly from this.


As a final note. We could write a more exhaustive article on the 3DS’ online ineptitude, there are some excellent examples of online play, but most fall short in exactly the same ways, for example, yesterday saw the release of their first free-to-play experiment; the online enabled Steel Diver; and it summarises perfectly what I’ve been saying. Basics: this online focussed game gives you no ability to have FRIENDS games Cool Nintendo Quirk: You write text messages via morse code.


(1) Producer Katsuya Eguchi, Speaking, speaking with Famitsu (2) Shigeru Miyamoto, speaking with Kotaku (3) Shigeru Miyamoto, speaking with Kotaku


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Made a thread, but might as well post here as well:

Just purchased a Wii U. Anybody wanna trade their white gamepad for my (brand new & unused) black one?


Because on my Wii U I've played about a dozen platformers and on my PS4 I've played action games, a horror survival game, a driving game, a puzzle game, a platformer, a shoot em up arcade game, a psychoanalytical game and a FPS.


The thing is, you could've played all those PS4 games elsewhere, where as with the Wii U games, the majority of quality titles are Wii U only.


For someone like me who only cares about exclusives, as far as consoles are concerned (PC is just better in pretty much every way for the vast majority of multiplat games, no contest), no 8th gen console is looking as good as the Wii U, so far.

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The thing is, you could've played all those PS4 games elsewhere,


Except that this isn't true. Sony have invested in unique games for quite some time now. Just off the top of my head; Journey, flower, Rain, The Unfinished Swan, Dead Nations, SSHD, Resogun.

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In fairness, of those titles Killzone, Knack, Outlast, Doki Doki Universe and Resogun are all exclusive.


I get what you mean though, the Wii U does have quality exclusive, I just don't care if titles are exclusive personally. But yeah, it's become the Wii U's biggest selling point really.

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Except that this isn't true. Sony have invested in unique games for quite some time now. Just off the top of my head; Journey, flower, Rain, The Unfinished Swan, Dead Nations, SSHD, Resogun.


Those are all available on PS3 except Resogun. Oo

I'm not saying the PS4 sucks or anything, I'll buy one for sure in 3~4 years when it becomes affordable (Sony always delivers a strong exclusive lineup, and if I had to recommend any console from last gen to someone who only wanted to own 1 console and no PC, it'd be the PS3 without a doubt, no other platform had that much going for it), but as of right now, there's alot more reasons to buy a Wii U than a PS4, for someone like me.


Ever since I built my PC, consoles have really become about exclusives and nothing else, for me. In that sense, the Wii U has already delivered quite a few hits, enough to warrant purchasing (although I did buy it for less than £150, wouldn't have bought it full price just yet).


I get what you mean though, the Wii U does have quality exclusive, I just don't care if titles are exclusive personally. But yeah, it's become the Wii U's biggest selling point really.


I don't really care if they're exclusive or not either, but since it's so much cheaper and better to play multiplats on PC, exclusives are pretty much all I care about when it comes to consoles, these days.


Outlast isn't exclusive, btw. :P

Edited by Oxigen_Waste
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