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So after a little bit of speculation, it appears as if Call of Duty: Ghosts will definitely be coming to the Wii U. However what are we going to get?


Will we be getting the 360/PS3 version, or the 'next gen' version as has been speculated at E3? What will the gamepad be used for? Will Wii remote controls still be in the game?


But more importantly, after the decline of COD over the last couple of games - will anyone here be buying it?

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Chances are it'll be like Black Ops 2; the 360/PS3 version with Wiimote functionality, gamepad play etc.


I'm only getting it if it has Spec Ops. I have tired of CoD and barely played Black Ops 2, but on MW3 I was always on Spec Ops with a friend of mine. If it has that, then I will most certainly get it. If not, then I'll pass


If they get rid of the lag-compensation I'll more than likely be on this a lot. If its like BO2 then I'm less likely to play it anywhere near as much as I'd normally be on!


Nope. Basically very wary after BLOPS2. It was a particularly nasty game the caliber of which I know the PS and Xbox ilk are at home with. I hate games where I feel pedestrian and not in control.


Make it like the Wii versions and I'll eventually get it for online. Again, I wouldn't touch the single player campaign.


I think the Wii U logically should, get a derivative of the PS4/Xone/PC build.

Posted (edited)

I'll probably hold off getting it at launch and wait a few months after being let down by Black Ops 2 & MW3.


If it has Spec Ops its a definite purchase as that mode made MW3 a worthwhile purchase. Put that mode in and make it 4 players!


*wonders when canand will show up asking about DLC*

Edited by lostmario

Having never really got/played CoD I'm currently indifferent - what will sell it for me is how many people I know with Wii Us that might also be getting it and if it's got awesome multiplayer with voice chat. If it's a decent online multiplayer experience then I'll probably have at it.


Likely not going to be a day one for me. Will prolly consider it it round January pending what kind of reception it gets from those of N-E that get it first. BO2 left a bad taste it leaves me csutious about gettin another COD


Day 1 for me, as long as it support the Wii remote, otherwise I may have to say "Ta rah!" to the Call of Duty franchise :heh:


Splinter Cell's online mode looks like a good substitute for online action on the Wii U though! Also, is Watch Dogs meant to have online multiplayer?

Posted (edited)
  welsh_gamer said:
Also, is Watch Dogs meant to have online multiplayer?


Apparently it's like AC.


Multiplayer is not a separate mode in Watch Dogs and revolves around attempts to plant viruses on the phones of other players as they roam around their single-player game. A percentage bar appears onscreen while a player is being hacked, and this triggers a mission where the victim must track down his assailant before the virus is successfully planted. These hacking attempts can be defeated by either tracking down or killing the attacker.


All players--both the hacker and the target--see themselves as Watch Dogs protagonist Aiden Pierce, with the other player appearing as a generic in-game non-player character. Successful hackers need to blend into the world and remain incognito, Ubisoft adds, in a way reminiscent of the multiplayer seen in the Assassin's Creed series.


It will also be possible to use Watch Dogs' multiplayer to just watch other players, or grief and assist other players as they roam the environment--run vehicles off the road during a chase, for instance.


Ubisoft has yet to determine how exactly successful hackers will be rewarded for successful infiltration, but says that players become more notorious and susceptible to being hacked themselves the more times they plant viruses on others.


Ubisoft also adds that players can opt out of Watch Dogs' multiplayer modes if they wish, though all players will find themselves hacked once as part of the campaign. Watch Dogs also switches multiplayer off during its main and side missions.


Watch from the 10 minute mark onwards.


Edited by -Dem0-

It's certainly coming to the Wii U, but I don't think it's been confirmed yet - the ONM article mentions that they don't know if it is or isn't.


It will be most likely a day one purchase for me, as I love at least one shooter per year. There's only one thing that could put me off really - and that's a lack of online!


If I had a wish list for this game it would be:


- Return the netcode back to how it was, no compensation for people with poor connections, if you can't connect well you suffer.

- Simplify the kill streaks. I think the crazy amount of streak rewards and systems of implementing them have got a little out of hand - to the point where I actually crave the more simplified system found in MWR or WAW.

- Obviously support the Wii Remote

- Bring back real world location maps. MWR, WAW and BO all had amazing maps. The last couple of COD games have had maps that are slightly more chaotic and don't flow at all well. Maps like Array, WMD, Asylum, Cracked, Bloc, Vacant and Crash were all classics, we've not seen maps like that in the last two entries. Back to basics on the maps! Also. no more shitty mirrored maps - they are lazy and dull.

- Specs Ops, bring it back. It's better than Zombies and on MW3 it was almost worth the entry price alone. Just make it 4 player this time!


As you can see, my general wish list more or less revolves around taking things back a step and focusing on the things that made COD great back on WAW, MWR and BO on the Wii. Since then in their effort to take the game to a higher level, they seem to have actually lost what made it so great.


I'll probably get it, I don't take these games as seriously as some of you and have always had fun on BO2. Thinking of selling it now though in prep for this. The autumn is insane for games... Hope EA spring Fifa 14 on us then I'm set... well, Nintendo not being utterly stupid and bringing Mario Kart 8 beforehand too :)

  lostmario said:
I'll probably hold off getting it at launch and wait a few months after being let down by Black Ops 2 & MW3.


If it has Spec Ops its a definite purchase as that mode made MW3 a worthwhile purchase. Put that mode in and make it 4 players!


*wonders when canand will show up asking about DLC*



I am going to get it on day 1 and Haa very funny


Wait. WAIT. WAIT!!


This game is called COD: Ghosts? COD: GHOSTS?? As in dead cod!?


Best COD game name since COD 2 BRO.


More bad news for everyone - Netcode will remain the same...


The information came from popular Call of Duty YouTuber Drift0r, who spoke to Infinity Ward's Mark Rubin about the netcode for Call Of Duty: Ghosts.


After explaining why lag compensation has to be in there to ensure that multiplayer runs smoothly, Drift0r then passes on information about the mechanics of the netcode.


"The coding for lag compensation - the basis of how it works - is going to be very similar," explains Drift0r. "They're going to tweak it, they're working it, they want to make it very better and different but the core mechanics are going to be the same. However, who they're going to choose to compensate and why, and especially the match-making properties, are going to be different."


With Black Ops 2, Treyarch tried to choose players and hosts based on geographical location but this didn't account for certain factors such as networks, how they're connected and how players connect to servers. Also, not all ISPs are good or provide accurate locations, defaulting to regional HQs or reporting the wrong country if you're close to a border and so on.


The way match-making will be tweaked for Call of Duty: Ghosts is that it will do a better job of picking players, choosing them based on cable length, what it has to travel through and so on rather than geographical locations reported by the ISP.


The full explanation is below and although it's a few weeks old, it's also the only real look at the netcode for Ghosts thus far. It's also worth mentioning that Drift0r's videos are good watches if you're a Call of Duty fan anyway, so poke around his channel for a more analytical look at the FPS series.




This for me is a total disaster. The last game was ruined by appalling netcode that compensated rubbish players and dragged down those with good connections and good skill levels in a desperate attempt to compress the skill gap.

  lostmario said:
Urggh.. another COD where crap players become unbeatable because of their crappy connection.


Day 1, this will not be.


Oh you know it will - let's face it, we're all going to get it, then we'll intitially love it, then they will patch it and it will get better, then they will patch it and it will go downhill, then we'll complain, wish we were back on Wii Black Ops and finally we'll all say we're not buying another COD - until the second Tuesday in November that is...

  Zechs Merquise said:
Oh you know it will - let's face it, we're all going to get it, then we'll intitially love it, then they will patch it and it will get better, then they will patch it and it will go downhill, then we'll complain, wish we were back on Wii Black Ops and finally we'll all say we're not buying another COD - until the second Tuesday in November that is...


hahah i laughed because of your comment, it is soo true! lol

  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)


"On 11/5, @CallofDuty: Ghosts arrives on #WiiU with a new world, story, and powerful next-gen engine."



Edited by -Dem0-

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