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Things you don't understand.


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I do not understand why so many people come in to the pub where I work and seem to think we do cash back. As far as I know only Asda do cash back, maybe some other supermarkets do it though? A woman came in today and bought a couple of drinks and wanted to pay on card and we have a rule where you can only spend £5 minimum if you're paying by card. So she said "I'll just have £10 cashback too then" as if it was just matter-of-fact that we did it :wtf: I have to tell people at least 10 times a week that we don't offer cashback and I can't even be patronising about it :(


Are there pubs out there that do cashback?


A lot of small local pubs do cashback up here because there are either no other cash points or they'd lose out on business if they didn't!


One of my most frequented local pubs is in a village with no ATM. If they didn't offer cashback people couldn't drink.




No, not / nando / but the fast food place that has appeared on many a high street and out of town shopping centre in the last few years. It's just chicken, and it's not really that good. I get far better results at home. That's not to say I hate Nandos, but I don't understand why people (normally chavvy types) go on about it like it's the second coming.


I know. I really don't get it. I went once when I had an hour or so to kill before a train at Euston. It was ok, nothing special, over priced for a bit of chicken.

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It wasn't supposed to be an insult, more of a (bad) joke - it just logically follows if everyone is a foreigner.


bob was joking. I'm assuming the joke was that you used a word that he didn't understand (or pretended to, for the purpose of the joke), and hence assumed it was an insult.




You always do this, Supergrunch.

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Here's another thing I don't get.


The whole country's been divided since yesterday after a military official gave the president 48 hours to "reach a consensus" with the protestors before staging a direct intervention (which are just hollow words to subvert the fact that it's a countdown for another military coup d'état).


If you lived here, you'd expect your social news feed to be flooded with your friends' reactions. I was browsing through until I saw this post from a girl asking "what did the armed forces statement say?"




What I don't get is... how the hell can you be "too lazy" to type up the URL of a news site? Seriously? It takes more effort to type out a status update and even then you'll need a little patience to wait for someone to reply. FFS, had she just scrolled through her news feed she'd have seen dozens of people posting news articles about it.

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Never work in the public sector. Those people are everywhere.


to quote the amazing comedy classic Ghostbusters


I've worked in the private sector! they expect results!


being that i still work in the public sector, i can confirm they/we are lazy! no matter how fast/hard i work, when i pass something to a different team for checking/issuing/consultation/whatever, i'm waiting a minimum of a month for any comeback! I have to manage my workload so as i'm waiting on one thing i have some work to do, otherwise as i discovered in my first year, i will have weeks with no work as i'm waiting on something, and very little actual work to fill it!

think i fell into that trap once, and had to fill about 2 weeks with reading up on my profession/going to websites in a set order and rinsing and repeating


The worst part of that and the public sector is the management who further increase delays - we got a new head of service 2 years ago, he came from a london borough and was fan fared as being a bastion of efficiency and streamlining processes! since then reports have doubled in length, there are three more tiers of oversight, we have a new permit scheme which i could write a rant about how inefficient it is at every step....you get the idea!


I suppose my point is i don't understand public and private sectors desire to have ever increasing levels of middle management and the bureaucracy that involves

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I suppose my point is i don't understand public and private sectors desire to have ever increasing levels of middle management and the bureaucracy that involves


Well, as i understand it, from working in the NHS, the people who are in charge of appointing new people are in 'middle management', and so have a inflated sense of their own importance. Therefore, when a problem crops up, they'll hire more managers rather than hiring people who will actually deal with the problem.


That's why you get four or five people who's job it is to 'improve efficiency' and 'direct workflow' when the problem would be more easily fixed by having one manager, and three or four more people to actually do the work.

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Well, as i understand it, from working in the NHS, the people who are in charge of appointing new people are in 'middle management', and so have a inflated sense of their own importance. Therefore, when a problem crops up, they'll hire more managers rather than hiring people who will actually deal with the problem.


That's why you get four or five people who's job it is to 'improve efficiency' and 'direct workflow' when the problem would be more easily fixed by having one manager, and three or four more people to actually do the work.


And people like you and myself who see that will never get a promotion into such position because we "aren't team players"


i can think of a team of women in my building who have had more job roles than hot dinners, just creating new roles for themselves.

One is now in charge of assessing equality and diversity reports...which is basically a new separate report from the normal existing funding approval report, which in reality is just the paragraph from the main report copied into a new template, and all you ever get is an email back complaining about wording.

for example if i said this scheme will improve all road user safety, she'll come back and say you need to be more specific and say it will benefit parents, careers, the disabled and infirm....

I remember once a friend had a report for a pedestrian crossing and she made him add a disadvantage to the scheme that as it was technology it would hinder Jewish peoples lives on the sabath when they aren't to use technology/fire (whatever it is, I'm not au fait with Judaism)

Since complaints at its pointlessness and how it delayed things, its now become an appendix of the main report, so paragraph 5 of a report, is copied as an appendix further down the same report under a new heading.....



The whole equality initiative came about when a disabled man (he has one arm) complained that introducing a crossing near a doctors surgery removed double yellow lines outside it, which he previously parked on, so now we made his life harder.....

The surgery had a car park round the back with half of it being disabled spaces, but the double yellows were by the door so he could park by the door, but nobody had the spine to challenge this man on it and now we have this equality drive, and a woman with a non job employed (on £35k plus) just because a bloke with 1 arm had to walk an extra 10 meters

as a side note the bloke sat across from me has one arm and found the situation madness, he won't even have a disabled badge or allow himself to be refereed to as disabled


welcome to the public sector! where middle management makes decisions and has no spine

Edited by Agent Gibbs
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I was surprised to find that 'standard' working hours are 8.30 til 5.30 nowadays. :hmm:


'Standard' working hours are different in every single workplace. My old job the standard hours in the industry, were supposedly 8-5. In this industry the 'standard' is 9-5:30 although I know for a fact people in other banks do different times.

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Pssh, given you told me you work 9-5 not 9-6/8-5 I'd love to work in the public sector.


Lazy :indeed:


What I meant was there's a lot of lazy dbags in the sector because they can get away with it (its practically impossible to be fired).


In fact, there is a circle of incompetency promotion; someone is so useless that they're not wanted, but can't be fired. They are sidelined/marginalised and thus get bored, so move to a different department. Eventually they have been there long enough, and have enough experience, that they get promoted. This repeats because they're too lazy to go elsewhere and thus end up in senior positions even though they are bloody useless.


Public sector does have a lot of benefits and I see why people stay there, but it breeds incompetence and laziness.

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What I meant was there's a lot of lazy dbags in the sector because they can get away with it (its practically impossible to be fired).


In fact, there is a circle of incompetency promotion; someone is so useless that they're not wanted, but can't be fired. They are sidelined/marginalised and thus get bored, so move to a different department. Eventually they have been there long enough, and have enough experience, that they get promoted. This repeats because they're too lazy to go elsewhere and thus end up in senior positions even though they are bloody useless.


Public sector does have a lot of benefits and I see why people stay there, but it breeds incompetence and laziness.



i still hold a trainee engineer role depite my degree and seven years experience, yet the one armed bloke i mentioned is squatting in the post above mine, he's well known to be incompetent and exeptionally slow (hes had a scheme three years that others have done the same in six months) but its no reason to fire him, instead we wait for his retirement in another 5 years, he also has no qualifications

there is another post, but a guy who has failed his HNC four time holds it, with no qualifications. He got the post by default before i started when he appied (whilst at uni the first time) and nobody else did, so got the post by default, dependant on him passing.....yet he isnt demoted and has given up on uni, and is also known for his incompetence


thats just my team......


i'm appling or jobs in the private sector...i'm not staying here working as a trainee forever, whilst those above are incompetant and unqualified

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Watching Inside the Actors Studio with Tina Fey and it reminded me that I have long thought that people in the public sector should take improve, simply for the reason that it teaches you to say "yes" in response to things. Far too many times I've come against a brick wall when people say "no" because they don't understand, don't wish to understand or don't want to do any work.

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How a great amount of people mediate their understanding of social life through the internet and online relationships, often accepting advice from people who have no real experience of the situation at hand. It makes me want to just order an array of teledildonics, plug my sensory interfaces into the web and live in a state of Wall-E esque bliss.

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How a great amount of people mediate their understanding of social life through the internet and online relationships, often accepting advice from people who have no real experience of the situation at hand. It makes me want to just order an array of teledildonics, plug my sensory interfaces into the web and live in a state of Wall-E esque bliss.


Here's what I think you should do about it...

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