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Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze


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So it came (well up to the sec on boss, tried a few times, too epic to try again so going back for puzzle pieces and such) and obviously I love it.


There is one thing which is going to do my head in, and again, I don't know why Nintendo have to cripple everything in some way, completely unnecessarily... It's to do with the time trials. This is a great idea, online leaderboards is amazing, uploading videos, awesome; this is the kind of thing they need to be doing every game. And unlike Pikmin and such you can compare with friends which is absolutely vital. So how have nintendo done something small and annoying? There is only the top 8 scores (including yours) it displays... So not all your friends, just the top one. What's worse, is if you're lower than 8th it doesn't give you the friends who are closer to you...?! Why do this? Why not let us see ALL of our friends? Would it be that hard?! So frustrating... Going to delete some people so I can have a top 8...

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So how have nintendo done something small and annoying? There is only the top 8 scores (including yours) it displays... So not all your friends, just the top one. What's worse, is if you're lower than 8th it doesn't give you the friends who are closer to you...?! Why do this? Why not let us see ALL of our friends? Would it be that hard?! So frustrating... Going to delete some people so I can have a top 8...
Yeah, i noticed that the other day too, very strange. :hmm:

But hey, it's Nintendo, it's online, there's bound to be something peculiar going on with it. :heh:


I'm just praying they don't impair the online features of MK8 somehow...

They will.



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Just to be a complete hypocrite I went out and bought this game (£29)


To be even more of a hypocrite, though I haven't played much, what I did play was amazing.


I still really don't like Returns at all, but this game just seems so much better. I think for one, it actually feels like a Donkey Kong game thanks to the likes of Cranky, Dixie and Funky. Also, that music. Again, it's the addition of David Wise that suddenly makes this actually feel like a true Donkey Kong Country game instead of a shadow of its former self. And lastly, being able to swim underwater. The first few levels alone just felt so fresh for being able to jump in and out of water, hearing the music change accordingly and just the length of levels in general. Can't wait to get my teeth stuck into this game.


But yes, I'm sorry for my constant complaining in the Wii U thread about this game for the weeks leading up to release :p I'm gonna go eat a hat.

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Just to be a complete hypocrite I went out and bought this game (£29)


To be even more of a hypocrite, though I haven't played much, what I did play was amazing.


I still really don't like Returns at all, but this game just seems so much better. I think for one, it actually feels like a Donkey Kong game thanks to the likes of Cranky, Dixie and Funky. Also, that music. Again, it's the addition of David Wise that suddenly makes this actually feel like a true Donkey Kong Country game instead of a shadow of its former self. And lastly, being able to swim underwater. The first few levels alone just felt so fresh for being able to jump in and out of water, hearing the music change accordingly and just the length of levels in general. Can't wait to get my teeth stuck into this game.


But yes, I'm sorry for my constant complaining in the Wii U thread about this game for the weeks leading up to release :p I'm gonna go eat a hat.


No worries, I feel exactly the same.


Returns, while a good game, lacked something that made the original trilogy special. This one is a true return to form and feels like the classic games. It also puts Nintendos NSMB series to shame.

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There is one thing which is going to do my head in, and again, I don't know why Nintendo have to cripple everything in some way, completely unnecessarily... It's to do with the time trials. This is a great idea, online leaderboards is amazing, uploading videos, awesome; this is the kind of thing they need to be doing every game. And unlike Pikmin and such you can compare with friends which is absolutely vital. So how have nintendo done something small and annoying? There is only the top 8 scores (including yours) it displays... So not all your friends, just the top one. What's worse, is if you're lower than 8th it doesn't give you the friends who are closer to you...?! Why do this? Why not let us see ALL of our friends? Would it be that hard?! So frustrating... Going to delete some people so I can have a top 8...






...How is this ...just....

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I managed to get a few levels done this morning before work. Man, 6-6 was absolutely stunning. I'm also enjoying the difficulty of world 6 ( that rocket stage kicked my butt and I still need to get some puzzle pieces on it! ) and the fact that most of the levels only have 5 puzzle pieces to grab is a bonus. :)


There was a stage that cost me a crazy amount of lives due to my own stupidity. You have to jump and grab the ledges with a bit of grass on them and then jump to other ledges that are the same. I couldn't make half the jumps and just kept falling to my death. I then figured it out that I had to slam the platforms to launch me to the next one. :blush:

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(FYI, I am sure you are wondering where the fuck I am and why I am not all over this thread. Been avoiding it for a few months. I will be here when I've completed it - avoiding spoilers). I'm on World 5, I've done shit at collecting KONGs and Jigsaws and I've found it to be both unfathomably difficult (exaggeration) and utterly incredible.

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Beat the final boss today :) Great fun this game is.


Onto the post-game :D


Same here. The credits are just rolling now. Dat music! Tears are in my eyes when IT hit. I won't be bothering with the post-game stuff till tomorrow though.


I had a nightmare on one of the levels on world 6. I think it was Meltdown Mayhem. I was at the final checkpoint but couldn't make it to the end. The lava kept catching me while riding Rambi. I must have lost 30 lives until I realised that I was using Rambi wrong. I wasn't hammering the button to make him charge but pressing it once and then again when I thought his charge ran out. Once I figured this out I did it first time.


The last boss was pretty easy, especially if you have Dixie in tow with a special move ready, which I used about 3 times in the game. I kept forgetting I had it. :)

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Nearing the end of world 3 now, that first level was pretty stunning.


Not very keen on the 'vehicle' levels, of which there seem to be more than the regular platforming ones (!). When I'm on the map screen and I see that the next level doesn't have a time trial badge available my heart sinks a little because I know it won't be pure platforming. Still, loving the game overall

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I ended up trying one of the post-game levels last night. I figured I would give it a quick go to see what it was like. Half an hour later and I was still playing it. :) I lost a few lives but I managed to finish it, however, I did miss one of the puzzle pieces but I nabbed that before going to work this morning. :D


I think I have only got 2 levels left. :(

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A little better but breaking into that 01"35 is just...insane. Currently 25th globally which is nice.



Good job man. :bowdown:

I've been trying to catch up (as you can see in your pic, I improved my time a little bit), but it's so difficult for me to put a perfect run together now. :hmm:

Either I mess up near the beginning of the level, or the part with the high pogo jump to the ledge. Or I make a mistake on the final section with the spike pits. :shakehead


I'm gonna play through and finish the rest of the game now before I turn my attention back to Time Attack. :)

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*joins Welsh Gamer in the 100% club*


The post game stages were a fantastic challenge, even when you don't go for the puzzle pieces.


Fabulous game that is much better than Returns and can stand side by side the original trilogy. The gameplay was a nice challenge from the start and the music is one of the best soundtracks I've heard in a game for a long time. If you have a Wii U but don't have this game then shame on you! :D

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Oh man, imagine if that box was a pre-order bonus?


And my brother was over today, he has the same initial gripes as me and was moaning about how Nintendo should do more than 2D platformers.


But just like me, he was blown away. It was like we'd gone back in time and we're playing DKC2 on my SNES!

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