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Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze


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It is. But I'm pretty sure that's the only perspective Nintendo are interested in right now.


Donkey Kong franchise to date = 53 million

Metroid = 14 million


Seems like a no-brainer.



But I think this simplistic thinking is what made them think


Wii Sports 80m?

Seems like a no-brainer.



Wii Fit 22m?

Seems like a no-brainer.



New Super Mario Bros. 27m?

Seems like a no-brainer.



It's a huge mistake in my opinion. They need to be thinking about a much bigger strategy for the wii u, and I think perception is a huge thing they need to overcome. Metroid would help this INFINITELY more than Donkey Kong.


As a really simple explanation

Donkey Kong sells 2m - but wii u systems stay 5.5m

Metroid Sells 1m - but a million new systems 6.5m (who then go on to buy Mario, Pikmin etc)


Which one is more useful?!


I know it isn't like this, but just a way to express the thought. I don't think it's about one game, but I just think Nintendo have made HUGE mistakes with their releases.


But like I said, the only positive (business wise) for Donkey Kong is greta sales. Which I don't think it will get. All it is is ANOTHER platformed to a lot of people, and another black mark for the wii u for people looking in from the outside.


This is why Bayonetta 2 is a great purchase. it may not sell many. But it will improve the perception of the wii u greatly.


I get your point, obviously Nintendo doesn't see it that way though.

It has to be the reason why they're so reluctant to revisit certain franchises, Metroid included.


Well Miyamoto has already said he has loads of ideas on metroid so i think it is coming. Actually, I do believe Retro are a two game studio and Metroid isn't too far behind. Just think Donkey Kong was easier and quicker to make because of the engine being in place.


I would add that I think Mario 3D World got off to a bad start in Japan and is now approaching 500,000 which isn't bad and is a really impressive attach rate. So early days yet.


It sold 3 times first week what donkey kong has. And Mario is much bigger than Donkey Kong.


Though Donkey Kong is huge in America (for some reason) so it'll be interesting to see how it does there. I would LOVE it do do extremely well of course!

Edited by dazzybee
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This is why Bayonetta 2 is a great purchase. it may not sell many. But it will improve the perception of the wii u greatly.
The problem Bayonetta has though is it's not a very popular franchise to begin with.


If the Wii U could get it's Twin Snakes or Resi 4, then maybe they'd start getting somewhere with perception. Sadly the chances of this just get smaller and smaller.


Monster Hunter seems to be one of the only potentially multi-platform franchises that Nintendo seem to be able to land exclusives of. The Wii U already has one of course, but an exclusive MH5 would surely do wonders; although unfortunately they take an age to get released.


Of course Nintendo could throw money around, but they don't.


I do think LEGO Nintendo could do wonders though.

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No doubt Mario is a much bigger franchise, I'm just saying give it a bit of time, it might grow legs.


I know they're different franchises but how did Microsoft succeed with Halo and Metroid Prime not sell so well. Both were critically acclaimed and released around the same time. Might advertising have played any small part I wonder? Nintendo often send their games out to die because they're misers.

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The problem Bayonetta has though is it's not a very popular franchise to begin with.


If the Wii U could get it's Twin Snakes or Resi 4, then maybe they'd start getting somewhere with perception. Sadly the chances of this just get smaller and smaller.


Monster Hunter seems to be one of the only potentially multi-platform franchises that Nintendo seem to be able to land exclusives of. The Wii U already has one of course, but an exclusive MH5 would surely do wonders; although unfortunately they take an age to get released.


Of course Nintendo could throw money around, but they don't.


I do think LEGO Nintendo could do wonders though.


Obviously a huge game would be great, but I still think unpopular games can help; it may not get people wanting to buy a wii u, but it may make them glance over and see what else it has to offer -


THIS WEEK ON WII U - DONKEY KONG!!! Another cartoony platformed...


THIS WEEK ON WII U - BAYONETTA 2 - Bayonetta has more of a cult following now than it did at launch; plus it's a more adult, darker game, a DIFFERENT game, someone may be like - I don't want it, but what else is there....

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Well Miyamoto has already said he has loads of ideas on metroid so i think it is coming. Actually, I do believe Retro are a two game studio and Metroid isn't too far behind. Just think Donkey Kong was easier and quicker to make because of the engine being in place.
We shall see.

Even though I'm not a huge fan of Metroid, I do of course wish a new game would appear on Wii U (and truth be told would actually rather be playing it this week than DK :hehe:) but I still don't believe it'll help change the fortunes of Wii U.


Anyway... let's get back on topic here, ey? :D

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Also, didn't Bayonetta sell a couple of million copies? !It's not THAT much of a bomb!


We shall see.

Even though I'm not a huge fan of Metroid, I do of course wish a new game would appear on Wii U (and truth be told would actually rather be playing it this week than DK :hehe:) but I still don't believe it'll help change the fortunes of Wii U.


Anyway... let's get back on topic here, ey? :D


Haha, yeah, DONKEY KONG!!!! It's blatantly going to be an incredible game.


I presume everyone here has played the original?!


Who is actually getting it on this forum?!

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I'll probably pick it up friday, but I'm really doubting between getting this or Super Mario 3D world!

I've played all 3D Mario's so far, but I have never touched a donkey kong country game, so I think I'll go with this one after all.

It seems really fun to play with 2, and the graphics look really cool!

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I'm getting it for certain, already paid for got the game for £30.25 in the end and I managed to buy one of those pre-order keyrings off eBay for a couple of quid - I had to have it, plus it still works out cheaper than GAME in-store price of £40 :D - my copy was posted this morning which means I will have it tomorrow even if I won't get a chance to play it properly until after work but still... it's a new Donkey Kong Country game so naturally I can't wait! : peace:

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I think it's a good idea releasing DKC:TF. It looks great and will be awesome. But they need Metroid as well. In fact they also need Star Fox, F-Zero, Battalion Wars, Punch Out, Excitebike, Pokémon, Kid Icarus and many many more.


The question to ask isn't 'Should Nintendo release DKC:TF or a new Metroid', they question should be; 'Why aren't Nintendo releasing both a new Metroid and DKC:TF?'


We're now 18 months into the Wii U, and we've had Nintendo Land, NSMBU, SM3DW, Pikmin 3 and Wind Waker. We've also had Wii Sports, Wii Play and Wii Fit. Yet we haven't heard anything of so many franchises.

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I think it's a good idea releasing DKC:TF. It looks great and will be awesome. But they need Metroid as well. In fact they also need Star Fox, F-Zero, Battalion Wars, Punch Out, Excitebike, Pokémon, Kid Icarus and many many more.


The question to ask isn't 'Should Nintendo release DKC:TF or a new Metroid', they question should be; 'Why aren't Nintendo releasing both a new Metroid and DKC:TF?'


We're now 18 months into the Wii U, and we've had Nintendo Land, NSMBU, SM3DW, Pikmin 3 and Wind Waker. We've also had Wii Sports, Wii Play and Wii Fit. Yet we haven't heard anything of so many franchises.


They just released Pokemon and Kid Icarus on the 3DS. Battalion Wars, Excite Bike and Punch Out are very niche and hardly big IPs of theirs, so that leaves Metroid, F-Zero and Star Fox. Let's see what they unveil at E3. 15 months in, you can't expect their entire IP library to be shown off already.


2013 was an amazing year to be a Nintendo fan, ok the first half for Wii U was completely barren but the second half made up for it, and 3DS had amazing releases throughout the year.

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I think it's a good idea releasing DKC:TF. It looks great and will be awesome. But they need Metroid as well. In fact they also need Star Fox, F-Zero, Battalion Wars, Punch Out, Excitebike, Pokémon, Kid Icarus and many many more.


The question to ask isn't 'Should Nintendo release DKC:TF or a new Metroid', they question should be; 'Why aren't Nintendo releasing both a new Metroid and DKC:TF?'


Judging by the sales figures in Japan, it was definitely the wrong choice of game for Retro to work on with the Wii U in it current predicament.


We all wanted something from Retro that would push the Wii U to its limits and grab the attention of the gaming world. I was hoping for a 'The Last of Us' type game that really pushed the use of the gamepad.


We heard about them hiring people from Naughty Dog & Vigil Games and thought something really big was in development, maybe it still is.

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I was just admiring the artwork for this game, when I suddenly noticed one of those "cannot be unseen" things. Like Pierce Brosnan's elongated gob on the cover of GoldenEye, and the Giraffe Blowjob of the Resident Evil 6 logo. :heh:


Did this in Photoshop to highlight that which cannot be unseen, check it out:




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Brian Blessed is a good fit. Loud and boisterous. David Attenborough would have been fine as well. I heard the ad was shown tonight during the Arsenal game on Sky 1. Is that true, did anyone see it? I hope they have a concerted campaign not just the odd showing here and there.

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They just released Pokemon and Kid Icarus on the 3DS. Battalion Wars, Excite Bike and Punch Out are very niche and hardly big IPs of theirs, so that leaves Metroid, F-Zero and Star Fox. Let's see what they unveil at E3. 15 months in, you can't expect their entire IP library to be shown off already.


2013 was an amazing year to be a Nintendo fan, ok the first half for Wii U was completely barren but the second half made up for it, and 3DS had amazing releases throughout the year.


I see what you're saying, but I felt the output on the Wii was top notch. So many classic games. They also did an awesome job of re-tooling classic GC games with Wii Remote controls.


However with the Wii U I think they really need to bring some different IPs out and they have to play differently. So far we've had some great platformers, but four great platform games in 18 months is questionable - especially as we already know there's another in the works (Yoshi).


We need an F-Zero, StarFox or Metroid to switch things up. I'd also like a sequel to Pandora's Tower or The Last Story. Oh and Battalion Wars, we need that too, especially as a touch screen tablet controller would massively benefit the control scheme rather than just being an added gimmick.


But back onto DKC:TF, I'm actually really hyped for this now. The more snippets I watch the better it looks. I watched the Game Explain review and the IGN review and both were pretty interesting. I should get mine today with a bit of luck so will post impressions later...

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