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Mario Kart 8


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Oh well, it's as much news as you teling us Nintendo are working on their new console the other day.


Yeah because parental blocks can't simply solve that... :indeed:

One word in response to that: America. You know what parents are like over there...


No. Nintendo need to acknowledge that the bigger picture exists and catch up with the rest of society.


It's appalling that Nintendo hold stuff back because they're afraid of smear campaigns.

Yeah, it's not like we've seen recent examples of them getting out of hand...

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No it isn't. We knew this back when they revealed Voice Chat with the Direct.



Yeah, it's not as if Nintendo have always been a company to try to protect children who play their games.


What? You mean they are? Hells to the no. They should let creeps talk to kids with no restrictions on a family friendly game.


Use your head here. Can you imagine if a kid is playing online, the parents walk in and there's profanity. Then they report it to Fox News because it's Nintendo and is meant to be family friendly.


Do you honestly think that they just incompetently sat there and could only get it to work for Friends? No. This was a conscious decision because of the content of the game and the absolute toxic attitude that exists on both the Internet and online gaming as a whole.


Think of the bigger picture rather than your own selfish desires.


I don't even know if your serious with this post.


Firstly, they are restricting you to just chatting with friends. Surely if your friends with a person you can speak to them in a normal manner. If the kids are swearing and they know them in real life they surely the kids parents would have words with little Jonnys parents.


Secondly, most of us in here are grown men and wanted to be treated as such. Options such as the mute function allow a level of control for people. You could even have the game start with everyone muted and then click on the people you want to talk to as you see fit.


It's simply a case of they don't want to do it and highlights once again just how far behind the company is with their stance to online gaming. Again, the lack of options to join a friend who's playing a match, invite a friend or even message them is ridiculous in this day and age. Add to the mix this whole chat issue and the online just seems as limited as everyone other game they have put out, with the the exception on the tourney options.


Quite frankly I dunno how anyone can be defending these lack of options in the game.

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One word in response to that: America. You know what parents are like over there...
Dude, the fuck? Sometimes you need to actually think about what you're saying.


Firstly what a ridiculously sweeping generalisation.

And secondly if Nintendo include the option, no one has a case against them do they.


If Nintendo don't get on level terms with the world, they aren't gonna last long.

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Yeah, it's not like we've seen recent examples of them getting out of hand...


Exactly. These things are going to happen. They shouldn't be a factor in anyone's decision making. It just makes Nintendo look weak if they give into pressure from a few news outlets.

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Dude, the fuck? Sometimes you need to actually think about what you're saying.


Firstly what a ridiculously sweeping generalisation.

And secondly if Nintendo include the option, no one has a case against them do they.


If Nintendo don't get on level terms with the world, they aren't gonna last long.

It may be a bit sweeping, but it's been observed numerous times, especially with Nintendo, how things go.




Oh boy, I'm excited that I get to use that gif twice in a week. :yay:


Not sure if Serebii is srs with these posts.

Satire with a hint of truth.


They did do it to be family friendly and to protect the kids from profanity and possible grooming. Hell, that's why they killed Nintendo Letterbox...


We may hate it, but Nintendo is more family focused with their devices than Microsoft and Sony, and if they were to institute these without strict restrictions, there would be hell.


Then, if they did put those restrictions, and put them as standard that need deactivating, we'd have similar complaints to what we have here...


Complaints akin to:


"Nintendo are locking out voice chat as standard? So behind the times"

"Why must I, as an adult, have to jump through hoops just to chat?"




Fact is, Nintendo can't win, no matter what they do

Edited by Serebii
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The problem is Serebii, there are plenty of children out there whose parents have purchased Xboxs and Playstations for them. So, that negates a lot of your argument. If the systems weren't safe or if there weren't safeguards in place, they would have pulled off the shelves already, or we'd be hearing about child abuse cases over XboxLive daily. This isn't the case.


Sorry, but you're wrong on this one.

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They can win by putting voice chat on with restrictions that you can turn off and ignoring the morons who still complain.


Also, considering the nature of the 3DS and friend codes, those kids were being groomed before Letterbox was used.


Edit: In fact, the best way for Nintendo to protect kids would be to keep Letterbox running and quietly report stuff to the police.

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No it isn't. We knew this back when they revealed Voice Chat with the Direct.



Yeah, it's not as if Nintendo have always been a company to try to protect children who play their games.


What? You mean they are? Hells to the no. They should let creeps talk to kids with no restrictions on a family friendly game.


Use your head here. Can you imagine if a kid is playing online, the parents walk in and there's profanity. Then they report it to Fox News because it's Nintendo and is meant to be family friendly.


Do you honestly think that they just incompetently sat there and could only get it to work for Friends? No. This was a conscious decision because of the content of the game and the absolute toxic attitude that exists on both the Internet and online gaming as a whole.


Think of the bigger picture rather than your own selfish desires.


You not heard of parental controls Then??


Your defending of Nintendo on every single decision they make is creepy.

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It could be argued that Nintendo's approach to online gaming is aimed at a wider market...encompassing everyone and not alienating too many gamers.

Y'know, having some sort of control in place which enables gamers of all ages/backgrounds to just jump into the world of online gaming isn't bad. They don't have any subscription services and instances of abuse etc. are limited through the way in which they have set up their ecosystem. Even Miiverse is a HUGE step for Nintendo and it feels like a nice place to visit and revel in people enjoying their game time.


To me such ideas would be the sensible explanation as to their practice as opposed to the "they are out of touch" argument. I believe such a statement is wrong and it just adds fuel to the fire to the ever-trendy mindset that Nintendo aren't cool/have lost the plot/just don't matter in the console space.


I'm not sure such a global company fiercely built around a passionate and vociferous fan-base can simply be 'out of touch', especially in an industry built around collaborative discussion/engagement. Again, I would argue it's just an off-hand, easy way of bashing Nintendo's ethos without stopping to think "why" Nintendo might not be doing what other's are doing.


We have the embedded image that Nintendo just do what they want as if it's random. I believe that to be funny but false. If they did just 'soldier on blindly' they wouldn't have existed for so long against a raft of competitors over the years. They protect their assets firmly -- their legacy is at risk if they don't, and the 'walt disney of video games' and other iconic figures are what/who have enabled Nintendo to be where they are today. Culturally (in the words of Dylan), the times they are a-changing and a company as creative and as flexible as Nintendo will adopt to this. Iwata is (again) creating a third pillar. He's not as stupid as people would like to think. The ageing 'entertainment doped' populations who have lived their entire existence as digitally literate individuals are going to buy tech devices that can combine health with fun. Nintendo are risk takers. They always have been as seen in their software and hardware. This will enable them to continue to exist.


One thing that IS safe to assume is that they will always vehemently protect their identity as a family-friendly and accessible company at all times.


Just my thoughts on the wider issues...

Edited by tapedeck
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Serebii, I'd like to ask if you think you'd be arguing this point if Nintendo hadn't decided to restrict their online services in this way? There's a difference between understanding a company's decisions (or at least thinking you do) and agreeing with them. It really seems like you blindly defend every single decision they make. If Nintendo opened the doors and allowed full messaging and full voice chat etc, would you be arguing for them to think of the children? Would you *gasp* disagree with Nintendo in that case? I really do not think you would.

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Nintendo are risk takers.


Taking risks is fine, but there's one thing that's at least equally important: Making decisions based on current trends. And they seem to fail at that...sadly.


One thing that IS safe to assume is that they will always vehemently protect their identity as a family-friendly and accessible company at all times.


You're right. And being a family-friendly and accessible company is good.

However, I highly doubt that open voice chat would change that image. It would change nothing in that regard.



Anyway, this discussion has drifted away from the actual issue/game.

Edited by drahkon
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No it isn't. We knew this back when they revealed Voice Chat with the Direct.



Yeah, it's not as if Nintendo have always been a company to try to protect children who play their games.


What? You mean they are? Hells to the no. They should let creeps talk to kids with no restrictions on a family friendly game.


Use your head here. Can you imagine if a kid is playing online, the parents walk in and there's profanity. Then they report it to Fox News because it's Nintendo and is meant to be family friendly.


Do you honestly think that they just incompetently sat there and could only get it to work for Friends? No. This was a conscious decision because of the content of the game and the absolute toxic attitude that exists on both the Internet and online gaming as a whole.


Think of the bigger picture rather than your own selfish desires.


How about Nintendo stop forcing us the gamers or the fans of there products to play by there outdated inexcusable rules and treating us all like children.


Parental controls is a simple solution to risk you talk of.

Edited by liger05
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Let's just disregard the voice chat issue for a second. Where is the reasoning for not being able to invite friends into a game or jump into a friends game? This can't have anything to do with protecting assets or their image. It's present in this game, Wii Sports Club and most likely Smash will have this restriction as well. The voice chat I can sort of see the issue ( don't agree with it though and as many have said, various options get rid of this so called issue anyway ) but what's the issue with this?

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Let's just disregard the voice chat issue for a second. Where is the reasoning for not being able to invite friends into a game or jump into a friends game? This can't have anything to do with protecting assets or their image. It's present in this game, Wii Sports Club and most likely Smash will have this restriction as well. The voice chat I can sort of see the issue ( don't agree with it though and as many have said, various options get rid of this so called issue anyway ) but what's the issue with this?


Plain incompetence and having no grasp or idea of what gamers have come to expect as standard features when they play games.

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Let's just disregard the voice chat issue for a second. Where is the reasoning for not being able to invite friends into a game or jump into a friends game?


I believe that you can join a friend:




It just has to be done from in-game and not the Friends List.


I do think that the Wii U needs a patch for game invites and Miiverse message notifications. It would also be nice if pressing the home notification during the pop-up brought up a lighter (but much faster) mini-Miiverse for you to quickly read and respond (without the lengthy load time for looking on Miiverse).

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I believe that you can join a friend:




It just has to be done from in-game and not the Friends List.


I do think that the Wii U needs a patch for game invites and Miiverse message notifications. It would also be nice if pressing the home notification during the pop-up brought up a lighter (but much faster) mini-Miiverse for you to quickly read and respond (without the lengthy load time for looking on Miiverse).


Is that not just for a friends/private game?

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I believe that you can join a friend:




It just has to be done from in-game and not the Friends List.


I do think that the Wii U needs a patch for game invites and Miiverse message notifications. It would also be nice if pressing the home notification during the pop-up brought up a lighter (but much faster) mini-Miiverse for you to quickly read and respond (without the lengthy load time for looking on Miiverse).


even this way is still annoying. if lobby full, your getting booted.


no private invites is retarded!

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There's a send message icon there, too. Is this only via Miiverse? or in game messaging, which would be cool and quicker/instant?


According to the IGN review there is no in game messaging, so I guess it's through Miiverse, which again is a bit pants as you get no notification on screen that you even get a message.


Just to be clear, I'm still looking forward to this, it's just that what seems to be a great game could have been even better had these things been taken care of.

Edited by Hero-of-Time
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Let's just disregard the voice chat issue for a second. Where is the reasoning for not being able to invite friends into a game or jump into a friends game? This can't have anything to do with protecting assets or their image. It's present in this game, Wii Sports Club and most likely Smash will have this restriction as well. The voice chat I can sort of see the issue ( don't agree with it though and as many have said, various options get rid of this so called issue anyway ) but what's the issue with this?


Eh? You can jump into a friends game easily... It has been like that since MKWii.


Go to the Online option, select Friends and then you get this list




Shows friends online and whether or not you can join them. Can join them at any point IIRC. If they're just going against the world or have a friend lobby.


It's so simple. Much simpler than on many Xbox Live games where you have to wait for them to invite you, in my view.

Edited by Serebii
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Eh? You can jump into a friends game easily... It has been like that since MKWii.


Go to the Online option, select Friends and then you get this list




Shows friends online and whether or not you can join them. Can join them at any point IIRC. If they're just going against the world or have a friend lobby.


It's so simple. Much simpler than on many Xbox Live games where you have to wait for them to invite you, in my view.


Is this for a friends match or a random online match. This all comes from what IGN said in their review.


There’s no option to invite friends into a game, and Mario Kart 8 also doesn't provide message notifications. This is seriously disappointing because you have to use outside means to coordinate friends-only races.


And of course you think its better than Xbox Live. :indeed:


That doesn't work the way you describe either. You can look at your Xbox friends list and then see if they joinable, whatever the the game they are playing. You can then jump into their game by pressing the join game option, even when your at the dashboard. You can do this with random players as well by going to the recently met players list.


The Xbox One furthers these options by asking you if you would like to join your friends game if you are in party chat with them.

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Is this for a friends match or a random online match. This all comes from what IGN said in their review.




And of course you think its better than Xbox Live. :indeed:


That doesn't work the way you describe either. You can look at your Xbox friends list and then see if they joinable, whatever the the game they are playing. You can then jump into their game by pressing the join game option, even when your at the dashboard. You can do this with random players as well by going to the recently met players list.


The Xbox One furthers these options by asking you if you would like to join your friends game if you are in party chat with them.

All it shows is that your friend is joinable, doesn't matter if it's friends or on worldwide races. It can be for both if it works like MKWii and MK7 did, and I see no reason why it wouldn't here.


What IGN meant is that you can't invite someone into your group if you've set one up, you have to wait for them to join themselves.


I also forgot about the Xbox Live doing that since it seldom worked (pain in the arse). Apologies. I rescind that statement.

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