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Mario Kart 8


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Just listening to ign podcast, they say about kart and someone says have we shared anything about it, and the guy said were not allowed to share anything yet, hint. Hint. So I guess we're getting something soon, and they seemed excited so hopefully it's all positive news.

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Just listening to ign podcast, they say about kart and someone says have we shared anything about it, and the guy said were not allowed to share anything yet, hint. Hint. So I guess we're getting something soon, and they seemed excited so hopefully it's all positive news.


Hopefully in an April "Nintendo Direct" aimed squarely at Mario Kart, people here (can't remember whom exactly) have predicted this as well.

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Ha I love how a subtle hint at a reveal gets the hype going up to "could it be a track maker?!". It's the same with Nintendo Directs, hype goes through the roof to totally unrealistic levels, and then crushing disappointment shortly after. Anyway there's no way Nintendo would ever give us a track maker, it would be too difficult to use, backgrounds/themes would be non-descript and it would take attention away from the stunning tracks they themselves make for us to enjoy.

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That's such a cop-out excuse.


Why on earth would it just be hard to use?... have you seen the one in Mod-Nation racers? and anyway, the type of gamer who wants a track creator is looking for a level of depth from such a tool. Those who can't handle it can play the tracks others have already made.


I wouldn't care if all you could make were RainbowRoad-like floating tracks on Nintendo themed backgrounds at this stage. Something would be nice... you know, for a change and all.

Edited by Retro_Link
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The problem is that you can never think of a track editor as something that is there to replace the already existing tracks. They're created by Nintendo, they're already there and will always exist as part of the game. Everybody has access to these tracks.


A track editor serves as a supplement to the game. For example, if @RedShell created a map/level, he could then share that with his friends. It would be available for us to use, unless there was a way to get even greater coverage, such as uploading to a place where the wider community could see it/the rest of the Internet.


It's for the fans, and it doesn't detract anything from Nintendo's own tracks. It supplements it and it in fact brings people closer together. What if you could upload your tracks and show them on Miiverse. You could get a discussion going and people would be able to comment on them, suggest improvements, etc.


Nintendo's own tracks have tons of charm, but to not acknowledge that the fans themselves are creative is ridiculous. I'd even go as far to argue that Nintendo's own fans give Nintendo a run for their money at times with the amount of web comics, fan-fiction, parodies, songs, youtube videos, t-shirts and other created content that they have made themselves.


What I'd also like to see is Nintendo offer some DLC for this game. It's very likely based on history that there will only be one Mario Kart for this generation (one for the SNES, one for the N64, one for the Cube, Wii, DS, 3DS), so it makes sense to actually offer fans a chance to keep playing this game and find new things through more tracks and layouts. Downloadable tracks. I'm sure the fans wouldn't mind paying a few quid either, if the quality was great.

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I actually despair at some of the members on this forum at times.


Fuck me, where is your want for something more, some creativity, some ability to see outside the box?

Who cares if it doesn't work, leave it out of the next game then.


You don't think it would be fun if the N-Europe league culminated on a N-Europe themed/shaped track or something? Or to play with your mates on tracks that are personal to you?

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Might screw up word of mouth if a casual or non Nintendo fan goes round to a mate's house and he puts on his poorly constructed barebones course. Might not give a great impression. Whereas if the only tracks people are playing are those Nintendo make, it would be guaranteed fun. I understand that it's an option to supplement the existing gameplay but it would just be too messy, and as far from something Nintendo would ever do as possible.

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Might screw up word of mouth if a casual or non Nintendo fan goes round to a mate's house and he puts on his poorly constructed barebones course. Might not give a great impression. Whereas if the only tracks people are playing are those Nintendo make, it would be guaranteed fun. I understand that it's an option to supplement the existing gameplay but it would just be too messy, and as far from something Nintendo would ever do as possible.
... you don't ever envisage anyone saying "Hey look at this track I made?"... "You made this?"... "Want to make a track?"... "I didn't know Mario Kart let you make your own tracks!!!?"


Mate's who don't talk to each other. Interesting.

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Might screw up word of mouth if a casual or non Nintendo fan goes round to a mate's house and he puts on his poorly constructed barebones course. Might not give a great impression. Whereas if the only tracks people are playing are those Nintendo make, it would be guaranteed fun. I understand that it's an option to supplement the existing gameplay but it would just be too messy, and as far from something Nintendo would ever do as possible.


Yes, of course you'll get badly constructed tracks. However, that is part of the creative process. Not every track Nintendo creates is 10/10 gold either.


I loathed TimeSplitters 2 as a game (it wasn't a patch on the likes of Goldeneye or Perfect Dark, which I was into at the time), but what I kept going back for was the map creator. I spent hours on that thing and testing them was a great deal of fun. Even the bad ones I designed were still fun to use. It's awesome being able to construct something and then give it to other people for them to use. That's why Nintendo went into games into the first place, is it not?


The Nintendo constructed tracks will always be there anyway. Everybody has access to those, so the vast majority of people will be play these tracks first and foremost. The track editors are something for those people who want to go the extra mile. They're the ones who have already spent 40+ hours on the game anyway.

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Like the Virtual Console being a niche market, I just think people who are interested in making their own tracks are in the vast vast minority. We're talking maybe 2% of people may spend more than 10 minutes making their own tracks? IMO Nintendo would do better using the time to polish their main game than diluting the Mario Kart brand with 95% rubbish and adding confusing messaging onto a simple racing concept.

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Like the Virtual Console being a niche market, I just think people who are interested in making their own tracks are in the vast vast minority. We're talking maybe 2% of people may spend more than 10 minutes making their own tracks? IMO Nintendo would do better using the time to polish their main game than diluting the Mario Kart brand with 95% rubbish and adding confusing messaging onto a simple racing concept.


Totally disagree. That 2% you're referring to would the hardcore Nintendo fans, the ones that would organise racing tournaments, spend money on downloadable content if it were available and pump hundreds of hours into the game. They would also be the ones nailed on to buy the next console, the next iteration of the game, take more of an interest in some of Nintendo's other niche titles.


It would actually do a lot for their online presence and building communities if they allowed others to create and share their tracks. The hardcore fans/the ones who spend hundreds of hours on these games would do that. In a way, it would self-market the game and would draw the attention of those who haven't purchased it yet if they heard about these sorts of features on the likes of Miiverse, messaging boards, etc. It would do a lot of good.


Either way, what is the current option that is available to the fans? Play with the same 16/32 tracks for an entire generation. I played maybe 20 hours on Mario Kart Wii and never went back onto it again. The game wasn't great to begin with, but the actual selection of options was also poor. More options + more things to do = more depth. Better value for the fan. Compare this to Super Smash Bros. Brawl which is absolutely packed full of content and things to do.


Edit: Not sure what I'm thinking with 20 hours of Mario Kart Wii. It was probably a quarter of that. If that.

Edited by Fierce_LiNk
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Like the Virtual Console being a niche market, I just think people who are interested in making their own tracks are in the vast vast minority. We're talking maybe 2% of people may spend more than 10 minutes making their own tracks? IMO Nintendo would do better using the time to polish their main game than diluting the Mario Kart brand with 95% rubbish and adding confusing messaging onto a simple racing concept.
I personally think you've completely underestimated the number of people who would love such a feature.


Besides hardly any casuals actually own the Wii U, people who do are Nintendo fans who love this kind of creative stuff. Just look at Miiverse. I imagine nearly everyone who uses Miiverse would be interested in a track creator.


And also, wouldn't a track creator be something that could do great things for the Gamepad?...


You say 'who would spend more than 10 minutes on it?'... I can imagine more people sitting on the sofa and designing a track, putting it down, coming back to it, carrying on with it whilst watching TV... than I can people actually playing a full game on the Gamepad due to distractions and the downgrade in visuals.


It seems like the perfect match to me.

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The idea of a track editor in Mario Kart is certainly interesting.


I personally love track editors (or any kind of creative feature in games for that matter) and I also love Mario Kart (it is by far my favorite VG franchise of all time), but for some reason I'm not sure about combining the two. :hmm:


And that doesn't really make any sense, does it? :heh: Surely if you love both things, then bringing them together is definitely the way to go. But for some inexplicable reason (and believe me, I've tried to understand it) I just can't decide if I'd want a track editor in MK, or not. :blank:

Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't. So yeah, guess I agree with both sides of the argument. ::shrug:


To be honest I just want the bloody game now, the features (apart from online of course) are irrelevant.

At the end of the day it's more Mario Kart, and that's good enough for me. :hehe:

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For me personally, the addition of a track editor would make this the best Mario Kart ever created!!!

I don't get why everybody seems to be scared of some user customisation?

It would be an optional feature, and only expands the gameplay possibilities?

Look at the amazing things people can make with disney infinity!


Every game with user made levels (Mario VS Donkey Kong DS, Wario Ware DIY, Disney infinity etc etc etc.....) will receive bad user made designs of course.

But that doesn't take away the fact that awesome designs come out of it too!

It's stupid to forget about the good side just to avoid the fact that not so fantastic tracks could be made.

If the track editor would work with some kind of rating, and maybe even a nintendo's favorite picks, it could work wonders!


Although I do realise a feature like that would never see daylight under nintendo's current strategy, or it would already have been announced and hyped to promote the game....

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The idea of a track editor in Mario Kart is certainly interesting.


I personally love track editors (or any kind of creative feature in games for that matter) and I also love Mario Kart (it is by far my favorite VG franchise of all time), but for some reason I'm not sure about combining the two. :hmm:


And that doesn't really make any sense, does it? :heh: Surely if you love both things, then bringing them together is definitely the way to go. But for some inexplicable reason (and believe me, I've tried to understand it) I just can't decide if I'd want a track editor in MK, or not. :blank:

Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't. So yeah, guess I agree with both sides of the argument. ::shrug:


To be honest I just want the bloody game now, the features (apart from online of course) are irrelevant.

At the end of the day it's more Mario Kart, and that's good enough for me. :hehe:


Better to have it and not need it, than to need it and not have it.

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