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The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt


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Found two references to pop culture today that made me laugh.

One was a prostitute saying "It's a material world. And I am a material girl.". Thanks Madonna.


Another was one of the books you can read, which talked about a woman (Isabella) who was in love with both a vampire (Edward) and a werewolf and couldn't decide between either. It was written like some kind of erotic novel, and ended with the woman claiming to be with child. Twilight, hooray. :P


There might be more, might have forgotten them or not run into them yet though.

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Alright. I have some freetime in the next two weeks and I've just put the disk in after months...


Let's see how it goes :D


Edit: Hm, not in the mood for The Witcher at the moment. I think I'll give it another go in a couple of months, maybe even begin a new game.

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Alright. I have some freetime in the next two weeks and I've just put the disk in after months...


Let's see how it goes :D


Edit: Hm, not in the mood for The Witcher at the moment. I think I'll give it another go in a couple of months, maybe even begin a new game.


So tempted to fly to Germany and hit you in real life.

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So tempted to fly to Germany and hit you in real life.




Look, I loaded my save and found myself overwhelmed with everything. The months without The Witcher have turned me into a noob.


I've deleted all my saves now and will start again tomorrow, slowly getting back into it.

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Nice no-spoilers preview for the dlc - http://www.gamesradar.com/witcher-3-hearts-stone-dlc-preview/


Sounds great - looking forward to getting stuck back in!


Booted the game up for the first time in a while recently to play through the High Stakes Gwent quest. Highly recommend it even if you suck at gwent - it's a proper mission aside from the gwent itself. Gonna have to reload an old save tho - went out in the second round - need to rethink my tactics when every card is a hero card!


edit: soz 2 double post but i've been thinking of picking up Witcher 2 at some point. Has anyone here played it? Could I get a brief rundown of what's different / how they compare / will it suck going back an iteration? Not like I'll have the time for ages but hey ho

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That second round is tough. It's not the hero cards, but the four spies, three decoys and 2-3 medics. Both of us threw out so many spies and decoys, that Sasha drew every card in her deck. I know because when she placed the last spy she got one card instead of the normal two.


My recommmondation for a deck is Northern Realm with four spies, two or three decoys, all the medics you have, all hero cards, no weather cards, and no normal cards under 6. Use all possible spies on first round and lose the first round if she got too many points. Use medics later to save spies you couldn't use decoy on.


I don't know if it's a great tactic since I only won 1 out of 3 times. And I played her a lot. Am playing on the hardest difficulty and there's fist fight after the 3rd round(can't save between) that was just impossible for me to win. Had to make a separate save and lower the difficulty(won't affect Gwent) and get the all cards trophy on that seperate save.


Almost done with the game and the platinum. Just having trouble with last boss fight of course. Spent the last hours making mastercrafted legendary geat but I'm two levels short of being able to use them(requirement is lv 64) and I'm kinda running out of quests that can give any exp. The last lv 60 quest gave me 250 exp of the 2000 needed to go up a level so I'm a bit worried.

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Played for an hour after I'd deleted my old saves and started from the beginning.


With recent patches there are lots of little changes which make the game even better. Most importantly: You can pin crafting/alchemy plans so they show when you buy materials. : peace:

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Played for an hour after I'd deleted my old saves and started from the beginning.


With recent patches there are lots of little changes which make the game even better. Most importantly: You can pin crafting/alchemy plans so they show when you buy materials. : peace:


Finally being able to prevent death from a 4 foot drop was the big one for me

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Ive not used a decoy in gwent. What are they for? They get rid of cards so I dont see the point?

Their main use is for stealing enemy spy cards, but they're also useful for playing cards with special abilities again - scorch and medic cards, for example.


One of the most useful cards in the game, actually. :heh:

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Ive not used a decoy in gwent. What are they for? They get rid of cards so I dont see the point?


It doesn't get rid of a card, it places it back in your hand so you can use it (again). Like Magnus said, really useful when your opponent has placed a spy on your board, so you can then use it. :)

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Those lying fucks...


Wouldn't get it for the gwent anyway, the game bored me.


You must be in the 1% of gamers who didn't like Gwent. It's phenomenal. Such a brilliant game. I fucking loooove how you can collect cards in the game's world and how it's actually an important part of that world. It's how they gamble. That quest where you had to steal the Gwent cards illustrates just how important it is to that world.

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You must be in the 1% of gamers who didn't like Gwent. It's phenomenal. Such a brilliant game. I fucking loooove how you can collect cards in the game's world and how it's actually an important part of that world. It's how they gamble. That quest where you had to steal the Gwent cards illustrates just how important it is to that world.


I think it's because that I actually collect and play card games in the real world that the game doesn't hold much sway for me. :blank:

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