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Classic @Blade


Was funny as hell, man. Poor @Blade didn't have a clue what was going on, how to join us or what to do. His banter always makes me laugh and him saying the leaderboard was screwing him out of kills was hilarious.


@Daft also had me in stitches as he tried to pilot an A-Wing. I was running into battle and all I could see above me was this A-Wing swooping up and down, as Daft tried to get control of it. I'm actually laughing my head off as I type this. :laughing:


You guys are insane :laughing:


Need to join the next session earlier :) And we should own Blast mode with a full 10-man-party :awesome:


Yeah, we are quite the rowdy bunch when we all hook up. :D


Also, and this goes for everyone on here, you don't need to ask if you can join us. Party Chat is always open, and there's enough room, then just feel free to jump in and have a laugh with us.


Can you join teams or is it random? Just had a dabble, amazing game. So so good. There also seems to be loads of modes and maps. But I thought it was light on content? Haven't delved too much yet but seems pretty substantial to me.


Yeah, you can take your whole party into a match, provided that the game type supports that amount of players. Simply jump into the party chat and then you take everyone with you to the games you play.


I'm actually surprised how much content there is as well. I've had the game a couple of days now and there's still modes I have yet to touch.

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Well, decided not to go for the Platinum. :blank: Will probably never get the most kills in Blast mode and I think Hero Mode is hilariously imbalanced. It all comes down to whether you can become Luke or Darth Vader more than once.


It's a shame, as I enjoy the game :( Here's hoping that private matches will be added...highly doubt it, though.

Edited by drahkon
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*sigh* i've got to wait to my Birthday in December for this! everyone has this on my friendslist now, and i'm just sat here playing fallout


I'll probably be waiting until Christmas in all honesty. I'll buy it if I win a footy accumulator of worth, otherwise I'm playing the waiting game too :(


Very encouraged by what you guys have said about it so far though!

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Well, decided not to go for the Platinum. :blank: Will probably never get the most kills in Blast mode and I think Hero Mode is hilariously imbalanced. It all comes down to whether you can become Luke or Darth Vader more than once.


It's a shame, as I enjoy the game :( Here's hoping that private matches will be added...highly doubt it, though.


Just don't worry about it and have a laugh. From what i've read, a lot of the trophies are glitched anyway, especially the Blast mode one. There's loads of people who haven't had it unlock, despite them getting the most kills. Happened to my nephew last night.

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Yeah, last night was a lot of fun. Next time I'll try be on earlier. If I'm on tonight it'll probably be after Trials of Osiris.


Still finding the chaos really overwhelming at the moment but that's no real surprise, especially since I've never really played a Battlefront game before. I think the customisation is a tad weak.


My favourite moment was shouting "Harrison Ford is trying to kill me!" In a complete moment of terror and confusion as Han Solo appeared out of nowhere shooting at me.

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I'll be on tonight, will join in with the N-E party and I can join Blade in being a headless chicken :P


I'm still loving fighter squadron, but I do wish each match was a bit more different. It's too predictable with the rebel/imperial transports coming at set times, and the matches only last 4 or 5 minutes at most. The Millennium Falcon and Slave I are pretty much indestructible, they definitely need to weaken them because as soon as someone gets one, they can pretty much stay as it for the rest of the match.


If there are more space fighting options in the DLC (not just more maps, more game types) it may tempt me to pick it up sooner than I would otherwise.

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@kav82 did you join me for a match yesterday?


I'm hoping to be on today and over the weekend, hopefully see some of you on too!


Yeah I was going to join you but then my mate collared me and dragged me onto CoD for a bit.

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Despite my poor skills (I still, however, maintain the score board was wrong) I had such a laugh playing this last night with everyone. I love gaming with the N-E lot, its such a laugh. Shout out to the folk that I haven't gamed with until last night.


I've been reading and it seems that this game is much easier if you do not use your sights and also use third person. I do think that the radar is shit though which doesn't help.


Unfortunately, I won't be on tonight as i'll be doing Netflix and chill but will be on for the rest of the weekend! Can't wait!! :D

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Despite my poor skills (I still, however, maintain the score board was wrong) I had such a laugh playing this last night with everyone. I love gaming with the N-E lot, its such a laugh. Shout out to the folk that I haven't gamed with until last night.


I've been reading and it seems that this game is much easier if you do not use your sights and also use third person. I do think that the radar is shit though which doesn't help.


Unfortunately, I won't be on tonight as i'll be doing Netflix and chill but will be on for the rest of the weekend! Can't wait!! :D


Standard LOLs when we all play together, especially when we don't take it that seriously, as well.


What about when everyone was getting that trophy for being hit by the Ewoks and I was stuck in the stupid AT-AT. I missed out on getting a trophy, much to @Blades delight.


I tried the 3rd person viewpoint but I found it much easier to aim in first person mode.


I can't wait to finish work and get back on this. only a few hours to go....

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I love this game, even if I'm pretty bad at shooters! Anyone playing tonight? I'll probably be on after Doctor Who.


Just got the Millennium Falcon for the first time, thought I'd try the share button for the first time too!



It's insane what it can do to Slave I when its shields are up. If you don't know, watch from around 2:25 in my vid. Totally overpowered :D

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Brilliant night on this with the N-E lads. @Blade providing laughs again when he didn't realise you could lock on to enemy ships. No wonder you had 0 kills. :D


We played through most of the game types and dominated nearly all of them. We worked well as a team and had plenty banter while playing. Good times. :bowdown:


It was great wasn't it! I really enjoy when we are all gaming together. Lots of bantz

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Brilliant night on this with the N-E lads. @Blade providing laughs again when he didn't realise you could lock on to enemy ships. No wonder you had 0 kills. :D


We played through most of the game types and dominated nearly all of them. We worked well as a team and had plenty banter while playing. Good times. :bowdown:


Hahahahaha! It never ends!


I loved gaming on this the other night with you it's, so much fun! I ended up playing until 3am with other mates after everyone went off. Love the game!

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