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Gentlemen's Mafia III - The Court of Miracles


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I don't get it. A mafia in-joke?


Also, needless to say, some protection tonight would be nice...

The feigning of ignorance I see before me, or mere honesty and bad luck? Tis but for us to decide.


I say, to thee Cube, (I believe it is you whoeth asked), I believe that me-est was roleblocked, or possibly my target was protected/has built in protection in the form of reflective sheeting!

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The feigning of ignorance I see before me, or mere honesty and bad luck? Tis but for us to decide.


I say, to thee Cube, (I believe it is you whoeth asked), I believe that me-est was roleblocked, or possibly my target was protected/has built in protection in the form of reflective sheeting!


Ignorant about what? The random number generator thing? This is my third mafia. My previous two being Gentleman's and 007. :p No talk of a random number generator thing there.

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There's no harm in trying to pressure Dedede to talk. Majority is very high and I don't think there's any chance of quick lynchtrains like in some games we've had with smaller numbers of players. Come on Dedede, just so everyone's said something, whereeeeee aaaaaart thoooouuu????????

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What do you not get Fierce_Link? Random Number Generator? It has bad connotations with me now, but that has to do with my off-site mafia game I can’t discuss.. :|


I made the same mistake once :) RNG aint nothin but trouble over there

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Sometimes it's done, best to weed the inactives out quick otherwise it may damper the game.


Oh lol, Jimbob.


Most people who have spoken up haven't revealed anything about themselves anyway so I'll give Dedede the chance to respond next day (which is going to be super long).

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The feigning of ignorance I see before me, or mere honesty and bad luck? Tis but for us to decide.


I say, to thee Cube, (I believe it is you whoeth asked), I believe that me-est was roleblocked, or possibly my target was protected/has built in protection in the form of reflective sheeting!


You're a pro despite your hiatus so I like to hear from you early sir, who did you target last night? That you may not revoke your word later on in the game? I expect an answer, and know you'll see this, or you jump very high to my list of suspicions.


Fair enough, I was thinking that the protection would keep me from being killed (as I've showed that I have some use) and that the tracker/whoever could verify who I am.


I can see your point. I'm not going to get voted off tonight, but I am a tiny bit worried about being night-killed. Although, if the mafia had any sense, they'd keep me alive seeing as how I do look admittedly a bit shady.


Also, I don't see the sense in voting for this Dedede fella. What's the point? Because he's not been active? Is that normally done in games?


You point out mafia plays, but the follow on from that is the third, fourth, and fifth guess. You could be a mafia noob, thinking you're cleverly NOT playing what would be expected of the queen's game, whilst in actual fact...playing it!


As for inactivity votes, they're done by some of the nefarious folk here, and mostly for young James Bobsworth - who's being surprisingly active for his docile self! Dedede however, is a quiet man - I do not like quiet men. He's had his summons, and one more from me, @Jon Dedede, if he remains silent despite these - I will wonder quite how much he actually knows of our good queen.

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I was hoping that the thief would reveal themselves… Since that is not the case, then I can only assume that this thief is not loyal to the court. I fear that the Queen and whoever may be working with her may have got some pretty beneficial info.


I get the feeling that I'm a target for tonight, so, er, protection would be nice.

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You're a pro despite your hiatus so I like to hear from you early sir, who did you target last night? That you may not revoke your word later on in the game? I expect an answer, and know you'll see this, or you jump very high to my list of suspicions.


Cube-y doo-bee-do-bob. Cube-Cubey doo-bee-do-bee-de-bop yeah magic.

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Well @Jon Dedede, I see thine finger has been removed from the rear cavity and this satisfies me. Apt to my request, I lessen my suspicion of thee.


Those gathered, please note I refer the accused's own rear cavity and nothing else, that would be most vulgar and ungentlemanly.

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Vote Standings

Jon Dedede (1): Yvonne


Majority is 12


Day 2 is now over




"Very well, I believe we have seen enouth-..gh.


You may now retreat to your room, to drink tea, other beverageth-..s, or perhaps murder one another. I know that we have yet to scratch the thurface of... GAH!.


Just leave me! Your manner of speaking is infectiouth..s!"



Remaining Players












@Jon Dedede

@Magnus Peterson









@The Peeps




There are 23 remaining players (majority is 12)


Night 2 starts now.

Send your PMs (the day will last roughly 24 hours)

Edited by Jonnas
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(classic mafia tactic)


((i have no idea maybe you did and didn't realise?))


(((no you probably didn't as it's not on your profile pagey dealie...give it like some hours(12? 24?) then go and maybe post in the question dealie thread?)))

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(Apologies for my lateness. I purposefully started this a couple of hours later)


Night 2 is Over


Broadcast Yourself


"Ähm? Vwo goes zere?"


"Oh my... Herr Fritz, your quarters are..."


"Exactly as I need zem, ja. Zis ist die best place to vork on my teories."


"So many flasks and complicated gadgets..."


"Haff you come hier to vaste my time? If it is my loyalty you qvestion, I vill have you know, zere is no reason for me to complain, as long as The Court keeps funding me."

"Ah no, no, it is not your loyalty that is in doubt, here..."


The intruder knocked over an entire shelf of flasks into the ground.

"...But I do question the existence of any sort of safety measures in this room."


"Was haben Sie gemacht!? You fool! Y-You-!"


The intruder left the room just as sparks started to fly. As the door closed, one could still hear the scientist's gasps of horror, as his beloved laboratory died with him.


mr-paul is dead. He was the Mad Doctor, Helmut Fritz. He was Evil.


"How did you know the contents in that shelf would bring upon this destructive reaction?"


"It is a well known fact that Scotch Mints and American caffeinated beverages react when mixed, and yet he kept them on the same shelf. A rather careless mistake."




In the morning, an odd message had been posted on the wall, for everyone to see:


"I see my target. I am aware.


I see what must be done. What is my duty.


I stopped one in their tracks. No excessive violence.


My duty is done.


Magnus Peterson"




Remaining Players












Jon Dedede

Magnus Peterson








The Peeps



There are 22 remaining players (majority is 12)


Also, links to the write-ups will now be added to the opening post. If you need to go back to a certain day, it will be easier.


Day 3 starts now

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Right, fuckers. Something really weird happened last night.


I couldn't perform my night action, which was to target Diageo. I was met by a man who challenged me to a sword-fight (sword fighter?) who blinded me. I take it that this is a role-block? As a result of the blindness, I couldn't carry out my duty.


That was the FIRST person I met (sword guy). I ended up meeting THREE last night. I'm not giving out any information, because I am assuming that the third person cleared me by identifying who I am. The second person helped, too, but I'm not saying what they did either.


So, basically, in short:


- Tried to target Diageo

- I assume I was roleblocked as I was stopped from doing my job

- Two other people visited me

- One definitely helped, I'm unsure about the other, but I'm assuming they checked out my identify

- Massively suspicious over Diageo...

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