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hair loss thread

mcj metroid

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not sure if there has been a thread on this before but I'm just curious about this.


I'm not sure why but hair loss has me very paranoid lately. I've found that in the last year my hair has been thinning dramatically and is far from the strong hair I used to have.


now I'm never sure what to blame this on because nobody in my immediate family HAS this. But some uncles do.

I could blame it on my earlier hair dying habits some of which I may have abused.


I'm 24. Does anybody know if rogaine is anything to check out? or should I just put up and shut up :)

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No, no, don't even go there. Don't waste money on suspicious hair-grow crap or horrible toupees. If you've got a receding hairline, rock it. Patrick Stewart, Billy Zane, Vin Diesel, all bald as chickens, all sexy mother fuckers (and your mother would welcome it). Be a sexy mother fucker. Have a receding hairline and rock it.

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No, no, don't even go there. Don't waste money on suspicious hair-grow crap or horrible toupees. If you've got a receding hairline, rock it. Patrick Stewart, Billy Zane, Vin Diesel, all bald as chickens, all sexy mother fuckers (and your mother would welcome it). Be a sexy mother fucker. Have a receding hairline and rock it.


This. But only if you have the face for it, unless the Devito look is something you're into.




As far as I know the only things that work are hair plugs, but they're a cosmetic "surgery" so you're going to pay a lot for it.



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Go to your doctor and he can give you something that actually works. And it will.


hmm I'm never sure why I never said to my doctor before. Seems like the obvious thing i'll give it a try when i get the chance.


I'm not OBVIOUSLY balding. I have a scar on my head that makes it look worse cause no hair ever grew there since I hit it a few years back.


still I'd love to grow my hair long again but doesn't look like I have much of a choice.

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My hair has gone thinner a bit over the past few years, but it could be for a variety of reasons. When you get older, the hairline can change. It may make you believe it's receding, but not necessarily as it is normal for hairlines to do this. Adult hairlines are different to childrens hairline and this can change over time.


At one point my hair was starting to recede, but have started using some of that Nizoral shampoo. Apparantly, it's got stuff in that stops the DHT from gripping hair roots. I've noticed it regrowing in places hair wasn't and my hairline has improved, and i've only used it for a few months. Only costs £6 and a bottle lasts a month or two if you follow the instructions on the bottle. And if you stop using it for a period, the hair doesn't shed like a motherload like that Alpecin as i've heard from @Debug Mode


Oh, and don't use Rogain/Regaine/Alpecin at all unless you really want to. These products will work, but you will be forever reliant on them to keep your hair. The day you don't use them, the day the hair sheds like crazy.

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well neither would women.


A lot of it for me I think is. it's the first REAL sign you're not young anymore...


I think women are usually quite aware when something is happening to them (such as wrinkles) but they just try hard to cover it up. Some guys I know didn't want to admit to themselves, they'd get mardy and deny any changes.

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I'm currently quite blessed with a full(almost too full) head of hair and never even had a grey so I feel like it's something I don't quite 'get'. Anyhow, Diageo's is probably the best advice if you're really bothered(though I fail to see why Diageo somehow thinks Rogaine won't work/won't be recommended by a doctor), just see a doctor and see what they recommend for you. Doesn't guarantee it WILL work though, so I actually support the advice to try and embrace it; but again I'm not in the position myself so it might be easier for me to say than do.

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I think women are usually quite aware when something is happening to them (such as wrinkles) but they just try hard to cover it up. Some guys I know didn't want to admit to themselves, they'd get mardy and deny any changes.


Yeah, I've noticed that too. I've been pretty open with the fact I am genuinely losing my hair and I've been losing it pretty fast these days, but I still feel that I'm subconsciously trying to cover it up with my choice of hairstyles.

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Let me tell you my story.


Had lovely blond hair as a kid. Even rocked out the curtains in the 90's. By 19 my hairline had started to recede, by 22 I had the Alan Shearer island starting to happen. By 23 I had to shave it all off. Grew a beard to offset it. Now at 29 I have to number 0 it every few days as the bastard sides and back still grow like the clappers but I get nothing on top. In a couple of years I'm gonna have to bic it.


Enjoy your hair while you can. Although saying that, I don't miss it, been far too long without now. Don't need to worry about it too much and you wake up and your basically done. People say to me that it suits me (just being nice probably). Hat wearing is essential all year round. In the winter to keep you warm and in the summer to stop you getting burnt.


Basically all the men on my Dad and Mums side were bald in their 20's. I had no chance unless two negatives made a plus..... Clearly not.

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well neither would women.


A lot of it for me I think is. it's the first REAL sign you're not young anymore...


If it helps my brother lost most of his hair around the age of 25.


There were reasons, but still...


I think women are usually quite aware when something is happening to them (such as wrinkles) but they just try hard to cover it up. Some guys I know didn't want to admit to themselves, they'd get mardy and deny any changes.


Is Dan having problems? :heh:

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I started thinning when I was 23 ( 30 now ) and as soon as I noticed I just shaved my head and got it over with. I knew I would go bald eventually as my dad is bald. My brothers also went this way as well, although one of them tried to fight it by getting medication off the doctor. It slowed down the process but it also slowed down his sex drive, so he came off them.


If you are going bald then just get over it and embrace it. There's nothing worse than a bloke who is trying to hide his baldness with comb overs and styling his hair in a manner which is trying to hide it.


Let me tell you my story.


Had lovely blond hair as a kid. Even rocked out the curtains in the 90's. By 19 my hairline had started to recede, by 22 I had the Alan Shearer island starting to happen. By 23 I had to shave it all off. Grew a beard to offset it. Now at 29 I have to number 0 it every few days as the bastard sides and back still grow like the clappers but I get nothing on top. In a couple of years I'm gonna have to bic it.


Basically all the men on my Dad and Mums side were bald in their 20's. I had no chance unless two negatives made a plus..... Clearly not.


Sounds just like me, even the curtains hairstyle! I still have some on top but it's a lot thinner than the sides. I usually bic it every Sunday and then leave it for the week. I also rock a beard! :D

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Every time this comes up less-aesthetically-challenged individuals are always so quick to pipe up with "just shave it off!". I would like nothing more, but it will not suit me and my stupidly shaped head/face. I'm 26 and now on top of already having truly terrible hair in the first place (floaty/frizzy/mix of straight and wavy/already tonnes of grey hairs since I was about 18) now I will be bald before I can even grow a decent beard.


If you have good hair or look good bald, great, lucky you, embrace your genes - but stop giving advice, please.

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I tried everything, trust me, some people just have shit hair. Most people think because they get out the shower and their hair air-dries flat to their head that it's the same for everyone. If I do that, I look kinda like this




except now with less hairline

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Ha, I wasn't sure, but before I was losing my hair I was hating it anyway and that's the kind of advice I got left, right and centre. My better half worked at Lush for a little while so I tried pretty much every type of shampoo/conditioner under the sun. Some made it worse, none made it better.

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Shorty in years to come. :D


Ha, I wasn't sure, but before I was losing my hair I was hating it anyway and that's the kind of advice I got left, right and centre. My better half worked at Lush for a little while so I tried pretty much every type of shampoo/conditioner under the sun. Some made it worse, none made it better.


I think that's because its the most common...solution shall we say.


I do agree some people look alright when they shave their heads, while others look a little off. I still think a shaved head looks better than trying to cover it up with remaing hair though.

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Ha, I wasn't sure, but before I was losing my hair I was hating it anyway and that's the kind of advice I got left, right and centre. My better half worked at Lush for a little while so I tried pretty much every type of shampoo/conditioner under the sun. Some made it worse, none made it better.


Did you ever try any medication?


I'm not saying shaving your head is for everyone, but I do find a lot of people who think it'll look terrible don't really look that bad once you get used to it. As I said it's probably easier for me to say than do, though. I do actually want to shave my head at some point just to see how it'll look, but it's quite a drastic change I don't feel I can just randomly do it now.

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I had no idea so many people on here were rocking the upside-down-head look.



I suspect i shan't have a problem with baldness since my dad still has a fair amount of hair, as does my grandad, but if i did i might try the shave it all off method. I can't grow a beard though, so i'd have to be a full Phil Mitchell.

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I know a certain EEVIL one shaved his head in recent weeks/months as part of a contest (i believe he went for the Agent 47 look).


I had no idea so many people on here were rocking the upside-down-head look.



I suspect i shan't have a problem with baldness since my dad still has a fair amount of hair, as does my grandad, but if i did i might try the shave it all off method. I can't grow a beard though, so i'd have to be a full Phil Mitchell.


People grow a beard to draw attention from the baldness, which is fair enough. Quite a number of people i know who are going bald are growing the facial hair, less to shave off.


I know most of my hair loss is due to stress (most of it comes from my line of work, which is stress enduring at the best of times). The moment i leave, i reckon it will grow back thicker again. That's what the doc said when i saw him about another issue. Proof of that, i had a fortnight off and noticed it had got thicker when not in work.

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