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I don't get it. It seldom drops but when you use Netflix it drops? Just to prove a point?

No, it has been known to on other things before, it's just streaming services are the topic of discussion...


Note the use of the word seldom rather than never

Edited by Serebii
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Woah woah woah. Let's cut the crap here. This isn't about a clash of 'different points of view', it's a straight up dick move on your part.


You just called me out for something that was totally unjustified. I'm arguing that we should listen to the views of people who have tried it rather than pretend to be experts on how well it will run ourselves. If you're going to make poor points like that then don't get all social warrior on me when I call you out over it.




Yeah and my friend's dog tried it and thought it was tantamount to its own testicles. I'm sure you'll forgive me for not taking your conveniently surfacing words over the people here who have tried it first hand. ;)


And then I bring in opinions and point of views that I have heard (exactly the same as you but I can't quote them on here) and you accuse me of lying?


That's not just a dick move, that's pathetic.


Enjoy the view from the high ground, you won, get the bunting out! :)

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And then I bring in opinions and point of views that I have heard (exactly the same as you but I can't quote them on here) and you accuse me of lying?


That's not just a dick move, that's pathetic.


Enjoy the view from the high ground, you won, get the bunting out! :)

That's what he does. I'm giving up arguing with him. He's more stubborn than me and that's saying something. Plus, when people say things he disagrees with, he says they are lying.

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And then I bring in opinions and point of views that I have heard (exactly the same as you but I can't quote them on here) and you accuse me of lying?


That's not just a dick move, that's pathetic.


Right, so let me get this straight: rather than point out you have reliable information that the service in question runs like shit from a friend, you instead initially comment on how a completely different service (Netflix) runs for you. As soon as you are called out for trash talking, you conveniently have "a mate" (who you seemingly forgot to mention first time round) who has given you his critical analysis of the service. Yeah, maybe you'll forgive me this time for thinking you're talking out of your arse, like you have been so far throughout the topic.

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I'm not on the highest BT Infinity package and PS Now works flawlessly for me. I even took my PS4 over to a friend's house and, bar two instances of what looked like dropped frames, I had the same experience. It's worth bearing in mind that we both live in London so the infrastructure is likely more suited.


I've read mixed results on the internet, so it's obviously going to depend on a few factors but when it comes down to it, the technology works. None of this rubbish about 'laws of physics' being an issue (I'm sure the Wright brothers heard crap like that, too). It's obviously going to have kinks to work out but for a service that is still in Beta, it feels ready now, which is pretty remarkable if you ask me. This thing was a pipe-dream a couple years ago.


Give it time and there is no doubt in my mind that this is how we play all games and across multiple devices. I've said this before and I'll say it again, it won't surprise me if Sony are the first to abandon hardware; PlayStation will become a platform/service - hardware is not the future. And whoever gets there first is going to cement their position as market leader for a very long time.


It's easy to forget that Netflix introduced it's streaming service in 2007. 8 years later and it doesn't do disc-based rentals any more and is valued more than both CBS and Viacom.


Give it time and there is no doubt in my mind that this is how we play all games and across multiple devices. It's impressive enough that I can remote play my PS4 on my phone. Hell, I can Chromecast my remote-playing phone onto a TV and basically play my PS4 anywhere. Imagine that with PS Now. And another advantage for mobile devices is the battery drain of streaming is SO much less than local processing. But remote play is slightly off topic.


TL;DR - It works and it's brilliant and the technology is only going to improve.

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@Sheikah I probably agree with most of what you are saying but you are being a dick now. A lot of us dont take Serebii seriously due to the way he talks to people, unfortunately the same is starting to be true with you.


If you want, just ignore me. :heh:


I know I argue with people on here to what must be the point of tedium for many but sometimes, my god. The things people come out with.

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Right, so let me get this straight: rather than point out you have reliable information that the service in question runs like shit from a friend, you instead initially comment on how a completely different service (Netflix) runs for you. As soon as you are called out for trash talking, you conveniently have "a mate" (who you seemingly forgot to mention first time round) who has given you his critical analysis of the service. Yeah, maybe you'll forgive me this time for thinking you're talking out of your arse, like you have been so far throughout the topic.


I responded to a post from @Shorty who had used Netflix as an example, take the issue up with him about its relevance.


I was using my own experiences of an online streaming service, as, like you, I have no first hand experience of Now.


I wasn't 'trash talking' it was a glib remark highlighting the opposite POV of what you said.


I first spoke of my own experiences and brought up my friends points of view to counter what you were saying about how you trust people's opinions who have used the service, as do I. I also have friends who think the Wii U is garbage and the One is rubbish, I own both and disagree, but respect their opinions.


And finally next time you accuse Zechs, Serebii or anyone else of being rude to other members here have a re read of that post I've quoted and think twice.


No more from me on this subject :)

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Looking back, my language was a bit rude. For that I apologise!


I take the point that you have similar second hand experiences, but I would also follow up to check how fast and stable your friend's line is to get a better picture. It seems like if the technology can be amazing (based on the feedback here) then that's promising, but maybe not everyone will benefit from it due to their line. That's something I think we can chalk up to the current broadband infrastructure and/or immaturity of PS Now. Hopefully that'll improve.


With regards to that comment you made, you've got to admit, me drawing on people's experiences of PS Now in order to say it works pretty well isn't really the same as people drawing on pretty much just their own assumptions in order to say that it won't ever work. I'm excluding you from that group but there's clearly people in here who were like that, even arguing by the 'laws of physics' it wasn't possible. :laughing:

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To answer the other part. Most gamers, that is the mainstream, have little enthusiasm for Nintendo's current first party output. That's just the way it is. Their games review well, but play out pretty much the same. Mario Kart 8, Mario Party 10, Zelda 6, or whatever.


If only they could be like such innovative, fresh and not-at-all-indentical titles like COD 7, AC 8, FIFA whatever, Battlefield zzzzzz etc.


Some once per generation (1 instalment in 6 years) Nintendo titles play similarly, yes. I'm fine with that. Smash U and MK8 have been received extremely well.


YOU have little enthusiasm for Nintendo's first party output, that much is obvious but don't speak for the industry. Their first party titles, almost without fail, receive critical acclaim. Their output is exceptional, quality wise. And unlike other console, aren't released broken and/or buggy.


Streaming games? I can't imagine anything worse.

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It's not just me who has little enthusiasm for most of their current stuff. It's millions of people who aren't buying their (now fairly priced) console to play their games. As you and I have both said, a number of their games have reviewed well. People just aren't as interested. We've played it all before!


I think you hit an interesting point in that there are many other series that are maybe into their 5th/6th sequel, but what you miss is that other consoles have more new games to back those up, and perhaps are more willing to evolve (e.g. COD Advanced Warfare, AC: Black Flag - bigger changes than I've ever seen with Mario Kart, Smash, NSMB etc). I think there's also a difference between coming up with a concept and milking it over a rather short period of time while it still has people's interest compared to coming up with a concept that may appeal to you while you're at one stage of your life, and then milking it over several generations. Case in point, while you may point out that Smash is only in its 4th iteration (less than AC, for instance), I actually played the first 2 so much and over so many years that this is a concept I've now grown pretty tired of.

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The biggest games, COD, AC and FIFA are iterative sequels that are milked every year. Assassins Creed is milked even more often. These games play exactly the same way, shaft their players with DLC and yet people still love them. The kids can't get enough COD. It's a system seller.


Playstation or Xbox would KILL to have Nintendo's catalogue of IP to milk multiple times a year. There may be the occasional new game in amongst the worst offenders but most big games these days are sequels. They have to be, Devs, MS and Sony pump so much money into games they need a safe bet to make some money back. Halo 4 and Uncharted 4 coming soon, hooray. Mortal Kombat TEN. That's what AAA gaming has become, a never ending stream of sequels.


Nintendo on the other hand (with their world famous IP) release in general one instalment of a game per console. Occasionally you'll get exceptions like Mario Galaxy or OOT/MM but on the whole they keep their fans wanting more and don't shaft them on a yearly basis to spend more and more money on the same thing.


People talk a lot of shit about Nintendo but the notion that their first party titles (which review outstandingly well) are at fault for their current struggles is laughable. Gaming has changed, people just want mature shooters and ubiquitous hack and slash action games. Neither of those are associated with a Nintendo console.

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When the answer becomes "people are instead buying the PS4 because they're stupid" then you know you've not got the right reason, Ronnie. Many people just aren't as interested in Nintendo's similar kinds of games any more, and for a Nintendo forum this place is full of them.

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I never suggested people bought PS4s because they're stupid. I said they bought them because it catered to what gaming has become all about. Grinding for loot and shooting/killing people. Whereas Nintendo focus on gameplay in a variety of genres. Depends what you're into.


Just don't suggest that iterative Nintendo sequels every six years is a negative when other developers do the exact same thing, far worse, and far more often. You can argue a lot of negative things anout Nintendo but the quality of their first party work isn't one of them. Games like Mario Galaxy, Wind Waker, Pikmin and Kart 8 will be remembered long after everyone's forgotten about the latest COD, FIFA and AC in a year's time.

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Slightly off-topic here guys but if anyone remotely thinks that Nintendo's software is diverse and appeals to the majority of gamers, they need to seriously get their head checked out. The audience for their titles is generally the same niche of gamers, hence why so few are willing to buy a console for their games.


That said, I think @Ronnie and @Sheikah are arguing about different things here. Sheikah is stating that the titles are diverse enough; this is particularly true when comparing to previous generations, especially the Gamecube and N64, where they had big titles that appealed to western consumers, and the SNES which was the home of Street Fighter 2. His statement and beliefs are fact.


Ronnie is saying the quality of the games are great and that is also a fact. There's no denying it. That said Ronnie, you are not responding the @Sheikah's comment about the lack of diversity and appeal and instead are talking about quality...You're changing the topic/moving the goalposts quite considerably.


If you're replying to someone, stay on topic please.


Also, I should point out that gamer tastes have never changed, at least here in the West. Successful Nintendo systems in the West have always had exclusive titles aimed at the western games, for example Goldeneye and Street Fighter 2, which widened the demographic of those who purchased the system.

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if anyone remotely thinks that Nintendo's software appeals to the majority of gamers


No one said that, in fact I suggested the opposite was true. The day Nintendo becomes about shooters and openworld action games just to cater to modern gaming tastes is the day I stop being a Nintendo fan.


@Sheikah was arguing that Nintendo iterates and releases the same games all the time, and that this holds them and sales back. I suggested this certainly wasn't the case and even if it were, the competition release the same sequels far more often, and in far worse ways, and it doesn't stop them selling like crazy.


With the advent of stunning 1080p graphics, people just want different things and sadly for Nintendo, gaming has moved on from their type of gameplay-first titles.


As for diversity, in the next six months the Wii U will have a 2D platformer, strategy adventure, openworld adventure, survival horror, action strategy, action adventure, 3D platformer, kart racer, hack and slash, 3D puzzler, brawler, third person shooter, RPG, level creator and space shooter in their first party offerings. It's tough to get more diverse than that.

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They are technically very high quality games and I loved playing most of them back when I was 11. They just lack appeal in the modern world, and yeah, I think a big part of that is repetition and franchise fatigue. And you can create in non shootery ways, ya know (looking at you, Minecraft).


That's the last post I'm making about this because we're not even talking about VC here.

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GTA 5, Halo 5, Metal Gear Solid 5, Witcher 3, Forza 6, Batman Arkham 4, Tomb Raider Whatever… Such diversity, such originality. But yes, a new Mario Kart or Smash every 6 years is the truly heinous crime, such franchise fatigue!!

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This argument again. POPULARITY AND SUCCESS DOES NOT MEAN SOMETHING IS QUALITY!!!! In fact, very rarely is the best, most interesting, most creative work the most successful. In any art form.


'Quality' is also not the only determinant of what keeps games exciting and engaging. That's what my point has always been, nothin' more.


I'm honestly not having a go here. I'm just explaining why I don't feel the same about most of their games these days, and why I think they're not striking it off as well with others.

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