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Deus Ex: Human Revolution Directors Cut


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This is crazy, I bought the original on the Xbox 360 cheap, never really played it... now I've just pre-ordered the Director's Cut on Wii U to support the platform and in the vain hope that I might actually play this fantastic game... on top of everything else though. :blank:


Ah well, I will find the time! : peace:

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RIghty just caved and pre-ordered on Amazon :D They have a warehouse in Dublin now so hoping it gets sent from there and I get it on time (or early)... though I did opt for the free Delivery so maybe not. Not rushed anyway still getting lots of play time out of Wind Waker :)


Checked the Gamestop.ie site to see what they had it listed as.... 69euro...SHOCKING, got it for 30euro on Amazon....DEAL


Guess I'll have to try talk someone into getting me Sonic for Xmas, haha

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Good to see that you guys are taking the plunge. This was one of the best games released back in 2011...

My copy is on its way, got the shipping update from ShopTo yesterday evening.


I played this on the PC originally, I didn't acquire any of the DLC packs - so it'll be nice to play the 'complete package', and on a much bigger screen with cool Gamepad features.

Edited by SirToastaLot
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Good to see that you guys are taking the plunge. This was one of the best games released back in 2011...

My copy is on its way, got the shipping update from ShopTo yesterday evening.


Lucky, my amazon order still hasn't even started packing yet. I'm thinking maybe the Dublin storehouse won't get it in so mine will be sent from the UK and prolly not get it till next week, ah well, I'm getting it cheap so can't complain :)

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My Amazon order only dispatched this afternoon :( Unless it was sent from the Dublin storehouse (which gives me a slim chance of getting it tomorrow) it prolly won't arrive till Tuesday as I just remembered Monday is a bank holiday here... well guess will give me the weekend to finish the last few heart pieces on Wind Waker HD

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My Amazon order only dispatched this afternoon :( Unless it was sent from the Dublin storehouse (which gives me a slim chance of getting it tomorrow) it prolly won't arrive till Tuesday as I just remembered Monday is a bank holiday here... well guess will give me the weekend to finish the last few heart pieces on Wind Waker HD


Jealous. Wish we had a bank holiday in Autumn.

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So am I the only forum member who has this in their possession right now? :blank:


It arrived for me this morning, but work, meals and Mario Kart between then and now means this is the first chance I'm getting to play it, going to load it up now! : peace:


I know I have Zelda: Wind Waker HD to play - thanks Pokemon X - but, I'm going to save it until Christmas now, probably... :p

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So am I the only forum member who has this in their possession right now? :blank:


I received my copy this morning. Finally fired up the Wii U an hour ago and got onto playing this.


The presentation is excellent, it looks as if they've improved the graphics a little bit. The character models seem to feature more detail. I did notice some stuttering during pre-rendered cutscenes, it may have been due to some updates running in the background though. The actual in game performance is smooth.


I am still battling with the controls, since I was used to playing the original version of the game with the trusty mouse plus keyboard combination. I haven't used the Gamepad extensively yet, a few hours later and I should be flying!


Hoping to spend a bit more time playing this over the weekend.

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I received my copy this morning. Finally fired up the Wii U an hour ago and got onto playing this.


The presentation is excellent, it looks as if they've improved the graphics a little bit. The character models seem to feature more detail. I did notice some stuttering during pre-rendered cutscenes, it may have been due to some updates running in the background though. The actual in game performance is smooth.


I am still battling with the controls, since I was used to playing the original version of the game with the trusty mouse plus keyboard combination. I haven't used the Gamepad extensively yet, a few hours later and I should be flying!


Hoping to spend a bit more time playing this over the weekend.


I got mine today and i totally agree! its a vast improvement over the 360 version i had, not quite top end PC settings but it was never going to be that but its well above ps360! whats more the gamepad is lending to this game beautifully, i'm only redoing the tutorial level (tempting my 3rd hard difuculty, no sightings, non leathal run) and just keypad entry,datalog reading alone seems awesome and just works well

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Just noticed on my dispatch email it says it was sent with "An Post" which is the Irish postal service so it must have been sent form Dublin... fingers crossed now that they sent it in time for it to reach me tomorrow. Post from Dublin usually only takes a day to get down here. *crosses fingers*


Jealous. Wish we had a bank holiday in Autumn.


Yeah I think we have two (maybe 3) more Bank Holidays over ye, (last Monday of October, St Patricks Day and maybe a 3rd I can't remember)

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I know they seamlessly integrated the missing link dlc into the game, however, I’m wondering if they also seamlessly integrated the other dlc? The bonus weapons and such? My major gripe with the game was that I could not choose to enable the extra mission (with Tong’s son) but not the extra weapons and credits. I did not want them, but they were very poorly handled as well. Basically, you are in a cutscene, and you get a pop-up saying you get the extra stuff, and then it’s suddenly in your inventory. What happened to these dlc in this version?

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I know they seamlessly integrated the missing link dlc into the game, however, I’m wondering if they also seamlessly integrated the other dlc? The bonus weapons and such? My major gripe with the game was that I could not choose to enable the extra mission (with Tong’s son) but not the extra weapons and credits. I did not want them, but they were very poorly handled as well. Basically, you are in a cutscene, and you get a pop-up saying you get the extra stuff, and then it’s suddenly in your inventory. What happened to these dlc in this version?


they've fixed that....

when you get on the roof before the air duct inside there is a dead terrorist who's got the longsword sniper and some remote explosives, so you can loot them rather than them just appearing. one can assume the guy was shot by cops, fairly neat integration so far


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Not played this before but my first impressions aren't great.

Character models (especially Adam - he of the pointy beard) seem awful compared to other games I have played recently (Mass effect, GTA V) and the intro level is very generic shootery at the mo.

The tutorials are also awful walks of text!

Sure it will get better, but it does not exactly draw you in. At least it was only twenty quid. :D


So am I the only forum member who has this in their possession right now? :blank:


It arrived for me this morning, but work, meals and Mario Kart between then and now means this is the first chance I'm getting to play it, going to load it up now! : peace:


I know I have Zelda: Wind Waker HD to play - thanks Pokemon X - but, I'm going to save it until Christmas now, probably... :p


What do you mean mario kart? You're not reviewing that for the site as we'll are you?

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Not played this before but my first impressions aren't great.

Character models (especially Adam - he of the pointy beard) seem awful compared to other games I have played recently (Mass effect, GTA V) and the intro level is very generic shootery at the mo.

The tutorials are also awful walks of text!

Sure it will get better, but it does not exactly draw you in. At least it was only twenty quid. :D


I can’t recall being disappointed with character models (but again, I played on PC).


But the intro level disappointing? you mean the short level where your office gets attacked? Did you actually play beyond that? Because the intro level is that simple for a reason. You don’t have your augmentations even.


You basically have only 2 options, shoot or stealth, and only one way of doing each. You’ll have loads more options by the end of the game.

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Yes just that bit and the bit wandering around the office.

I have only played for an hour or two (died a bit) it just it dies not really throw you into the game. When it came out it expected you to have played the other games a bit possibly?


I did not have the patience for stealth so I just blasted.

Character models seem fine for cut scenes but look bad in game I would have said. Perhaps they just don't hide it well enough?

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What do you mean mario kart? You're not reviewing that for the site as we'll are you?


Haha no... I wish ;) Mario Kart 7... I play in the N-E league on a Thursday night, that's what I was referring to.


I played this for about an hour or so last night, really enjoying it but I set myself up for a fall going in on the hardest difficulty :p also on the first proper level I only realised after several attempts that I was killing the guards, the ones I wasn't supposed to be killing. I know... derp! :indeed:


After that though things seemed to go reasonably well and I started to get into it quite easily, the only thing I'm not liking is that because I opted to go in with a magnum instead of a rifle I only have a handful of bullets which don't seem to drop anywhere, so I'm having to be really careful - and stealthy - at the moment, killing only when necessary as on this difficulty when being shot at you barely last three seconds if you're not in cover. :blank:


I'm going to enjoy playing this! : peace:

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Anyone thinking of impulse buying this, get the disc version where possible. Had mine downloading since yesterday afternoon, and still 10 hours to go! 15GB is the size, mahhooosive!


How fast is your internet connection? I have 30mb download. I just started downloading it around 40 mins ago or so (been playing Wind Waker HD while it was downloading) and it's already halfway done for me!


Sounds like some gremlins in the system to me :blank:


BTW, I wasn't planning on picking it up yet (hence why I didn't get the physical version), but then I watched this vid below and thought, yup! WANT! NOW! :D



Never played the original version, but I hear nothing but praise for this game (ignoring the boss fights and other quirks which are fixed by this Director's Cut). Been a while since I played a good stealth game, so here's hoping it lives up to the hype! (plus the Gamepad features look to be extremely well done; something I'm really looking for - a good meaty game that makes great use of the Gamepad)


Hopefully it can be the Wii U's Resident Evil 4 Wii Edition for me : peace: (a last gen game, reworked for Nintendo's new machine, making fantastic use of the new controller to really massively improve the overall experience, with extra bonus content, for a budget price - can't complain about £24.99, including DDP points discount, for a great game I've never played before :) ).

Edited by Dcubed
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There are also in-game achievements including a few exclusive ones for the Wii U... the only difference is you don't get an immersion-breaking pop-up saying 'OMG you just did THIS!' when you get them, you can just opt to check them at any time when you pause the game and go to the extras menu. :)

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POst has come.... just some letters.... ah well, my first time pre-ordering a game online and I don't even get it on release day, which was always what put me off ordering online and why I stuck to real stores. But I guess the dirt cheap price at less than 50% of what I would have had to fork out in GameStop is worth having to wait a few extra days..... just glad this isn't something like a new Zelda game haha... will be getting Link Between Worlds in store, day one, for sure :)

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