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Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate: The Official Thread For The Ultimate Game


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Yeah been wondering if you would have more on G Rank.... is the a G Rank Ala on your list? Was wondering if there might be one since that HR5 one can't be G Rank?


You should make a list of all the event quests you have d/l'd already :wink:



Yes there is Ala on G Rank, I'll see about making a list soon.

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Finally happened this morning. Baleful Gigginox and Gigginox double battle on level 7 quests. baleful went down easily, but I hate Gigginox with a passion. there I am sat on the tube playing away, Giggi poisons me for the umpteenth time, at which point I lost my rag and loudly exclaimed "Oh I had my SHIELD up". Suprised it took me this long for a public outburst, still didn't make it any less embarrasing!! :D


Made armor set that nullifies poison just for battles with giants that cause poison. I just couldn't stand these types of battles anymore. When you spend half the battle using antidotes/herbal remedies (usually 2-seconds after you just used one!) I just want to scream.

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Where do I get frogs from? I was told area 10 on sandy plains but can't find them.


Don't think you can get them on Sandy Plains?


You can however on Flooded Forest, Area 2... go towards the entrance to Area 4, just before the "entrance" to 4 on the left is a bush, you can gather there for Frogs (and worms)


Or on Deserted Island, area 10, as you enter Area 10 from Area 9 there is a big log on the ground to your right there is a gather spot round the middle of that.


They're most common in Flooded Forest though.

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Don't think you can get them on Sandy Plains?


You can however on Flooded Forest, Area 2... go towards the entrance to Area 4, just before the "entrance" to 4 on the left is a bush, you can gather there for Frogs (and worms)


Or on Deserted Island, area 10, as you enter Area 10 from Area 9 there is a big log on the ground to your right there is a gather spot round the middle of that.


They're most common in Flooded Forest though.


Okay... everywhere said Deserted Island, but I didn't know any of them were called that so presumed they meant sandy plains, especially as there IS a log in area 10 there.


Literally just realised now that deserted island is D Island....


Cheers. Let's go frog hunting!

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As N-E room was full last night i thought to have a go offline again. Got a village quest on the board but just couldnt bring myself to do it.


I just could not be arsed.


I then went online and tried to get with randoms but they booted me straight after the 1st quest because I was crap. I didnt even die once!

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As N-E room was full last night i thought to have a go offline again. Got a village quest on the board but just couldnt bring myself to do it.


I just could not be arsed.


I then went online and tried to get with randoms but they booted me straight after the 1st quest because I was crap. I didnt even die once!


WHat level are you on now? You've probably jumped well ahead of me. @david\.dakota is getting it this week and me him and my mate are going to be doing some online, but as he's just got the game likely all the very first stuff. Might go through it with a gun/bow!!!

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Going to try to be as vague as possible as to avoid spoilers, but basically have absolutely dominated the 9* quests, and the two urgents that follow, waltzed into the mark of the hero quest thinking I was billy big time and got absolutely shat on from a great height!! Brutal difficulty spike!

So just wondering if any seasoned hunters can give me some tips please? At the mo got diablos armour with 520 defence roughly, do I need to be much higher than that to compete with the big boys? Weapon is dios stinger lance+, obviously with slime element. Any help greatly received! :D

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Going to try to be as vague as possible as to avoid spoilers, but basically have absolutely dominated the 9* quests, and the two urgents that follow, waltzed into the mark of the hero quest thinking I was billy big time and got absolutely shat on from a great height!! Brutal difficulty spike!

So just wondering if any seasoned hunters can give me some tips please? At the mo got diablos armour with 520 defence roughly, do I need to be much higher than that to compete with the big boys? Weapon is dios stinger lance+, obviously with slime element. Any help greatly received! :D


Just out of interest have did you get your decent armour from playing mostly online or offline?

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Going to try to be as vague as possible as to avoid spoilers, but basically have absolutely dominated the 9* quests, and the two urgents that follow, waltzed into the mark of the hero quest thinking I was billy big time and got absolutely shat on from a great height!! Brutal difficulty spike!

So just wondering if any seasoned hunters can give me some tips please? At the mo got diablos armour with 520 defence roughly, do I need to be much higher than that to compete with the big boys? Weapon is dios stinger lance+, obviously with slime element. Any help greatly received! :D


Is your Amour High Rank or G Rank?

The tricky thing with the monsters in Mark of a Hero is that while they have High Rank Health their Attack and Defence are G Rank stats... just to make it harder :heh:


More defence will help (I did Mark of the Hero with G Rank Armour with I think 620 defence), either upgrade your current one more if you can (if it is High Rank I assume you might be maxed at 520?) or build a G Rank set and up grade it to I'd say between 550-600 if you can (if you're a Lance user goes without saying blocking could help balance things out if you can;t get higher defence.... try get some Dash or Mega Dash juice to stop your stamina decreasing so you'll have unltimated blocking and running (while effects last)


Make sure you eat for Defence too (eat a Bread/Wheat with anything EXCEPT meat).... this gives the same effect as having use an Armourskin, if you have Mega Armourskin eat for Attack instead (meat and anything) and use your Mega Armourskin, it'll give you more points than the buff from food (food buffs don;t stack with Armourskins or Demondrugs)


Do you have an "Armour Charm", if no you can Rare Trade for one from Argosy or buy one from Guilde Store online (36,000z I think)... carry this in your pouch and it'll give a few extra defence points.


If you've fought Deviljho before you probably have a Jho Talon or two, you can combine an Armour Charm with a Jho Talon to make an Armourtalon, this will increase defence more than the Charm alone.


You can THEN get another Armour Charm and carry BOTH Armour Charm and Armourtalon in your pouch will give you an extar 20 defence points overall. YOU MUST CARRY IN POUCH to get the effects.


The same goes for the Powercharm/Powertalon but that of course buffs up attack power.... so yeah to get full effects you will be taking up 4 spaces in your pouch.


If you have Armour Skins and/or Mega Armourskins the effects of those WILL stack with the charms the same again goes for Demondrug and Mega Demondrug


Note using an Armourskin/Demon Drug and then Mega Armourskin/Mega Demon Drug will NOT stack.



The Weapon is decent, the explosions will help but if you can upgrade it again (which I think would max it) that of course would help.


Random tactical tips for that quest (I'll spoiler just in case)


TRAPS bring as many as you can.


I tend to have 1 Pitfall, 1 Shock, 2 Trap Tools and 2 Thunderbugs. I also carry Combo Books 1 & 2 so I have 100% chance of combining new Shock Traps. (make sure you move Shock Trap to the first page of combo list)


If you have (or can put) Capture Guru USE IT and bring paintballs of course so you can see when a monster is ready (10 peception points... check your Charms, a +9 or +10 Pereception Charm is fairly regular.. I got both within first two days I had the game.. or you can gem it in with 5 free armour slots as each Pereception Jewel has 2 points)


Also have Cha-Cha or Kayamba wear the pitfall mask if you have it and have the other use the Ultimate Mask (so he'll faint less... and hope monsters go for him instead of you....I set him up with Slime attacks too)


When starting with the Ivory Lagi use the Pitfall Mask RIGHT AWAY. That way if the fight goes on a bit you'll prolly get a 2nd use out of it after 25-30mins.


Fight the Lagi and capture it as soon as it is ready (hopefully you have Cap Guru to make this easier to spot) ....don't forget those Tranqs :wink:

Capping it as soon as it ia ready will save you a bit of time (and hopefully some potions)


I'm sure you do this but just in case after Lagi is capped and the little calm you have befor ethe other two spwan...take the time to gather the Mega Potions, Lifepowder and EZ Flash Bombs from the gather spots, make sure you are healed to full health and sharpen your weapon.


When the other two appear try to fight one while keeping it between you and the other...example keep brach between you and Rathalos and fight the Brach. if you're lucky when the Los trys to attack it will hit the Brach and do damage to it or vice versa.


Flash bombs are your friends too. Get your throws right, you don't have to flash both, one will do. When one is flashed attack the ONE THAT ISN'T. While the other is flashed it shouldn't cause you any issues. I also brought items to make more flash bombs mid quest (again move Flash Bombs to page one of combo list)...with Books 1 & 2 Flashes are only 90% success rate I think so still chance of garbage.



Use traps when you can when one is in one attack it only if it is between you and the other monster...else attack the other monster and use the trap like you would flash bombs, as a way to keep one monster out of the way for a bit.


If you are caturing then try cap one as soon as it ready, again this will help save some time (and potions) but it can be tricky trying to cap one with a 2nd monster in the area... hopefully your side kicks will have the attention of the other one and allow you the time to cap the one that is ready.


Once one is out of the way then you should be home safe and be able to take out the 3rd one now that you only have the one to deal with.


Other Items worth bringing

Farcaster (get you back to base if you need a breather and a free heal in the bed)

Potions and Honey, to make more Mega Potions mid quest, use your Mega Potions first then combine more when you need them

Herbs and Bluemushrooms, after you've combined the Potions and Honey to get more Megas use these to make more potions for extra back up

Lifepowder, heals you and heals the side kicks (so they can stick round to act as bait)


And of course Meats and anything else you feel you might need






It is definately a quest that you really need to prep and plan for :wink:

Edited by Mokong
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Cheers Mokong for the insight into boosting attack/defence! Really useful!


I thought I told you that before when we were online together?

Well I know I've been tellingpeople, forget who though... sorry if I didn't and this is the first you've heard of it...least you know know.


I prolly should have posted all that before somewhere :heh:

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@Mokong X\-C wow when a hunter needs help, the brotherhood answers! So much rich information there, thanks for giving me some new ideas, telling me things I didn't already know and, finally, confirming that my tactic so far of getting stuck in and beating these enemies up with force won't cut it on the mark quest!

My thought now is...


Looking to make the Helios Z armour by farming goldbeard ceadues on level 6 tanzia mission, g rank, do you think that's a good enough set, with upgrades, then tackle the beasts? By my estimations if I can get it upgraded with hvy armour spheres should be around 600 defence, and if I keep progressing and get some tru speheres then that's a bonus!


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@Mokong X\-C wow when a hunter needs help, the brotherhood answers! So much rich information there, thanks for giving me some new ideas, telling me things I didn't already know and, finally, confirming that my tactic so far of getting stuck in and beating these enemies up with force won't cut it on the mark quest!

My thought now is...


Looking to make the Helios Z armour by farming goldbeard ceadues on level 6 tanzia mission, g rank, do you think that's a good enough set, with upgrades, then tackle the beasts? By my estimations if I can get it upgraded with hvy armour spheres should be around 600 defence, and if I keep progressing and get some tru speheres then that's a bonus!


No worries... how far are you in the online? Up to HR7 yet? Best place for Tru Armours is (as always with mining) the Volcano... though that doesn't mean they start dropping like rain unfortunately. G Rank Volcano is at HR7


Though you can get them in Flooded Forest too on HR6 but even harder to get than on Volcano.


If you are HR8 or higher the "Awesome Maw" gives Tru Spheres in rewards.


As for the Armour set you mentioned


Yeah that is a good set, recently built it myself...only hard item to get was farming for Gold Ceadus Fur.... things seemed to be rarer than both his gems :heh:


I've got mine up to 576 defence and that is including the Armourcharm and Armourtalon. All parts are maxed out on Hvy Spheres and I think I've only put 3 Tru's on it.


The skills on it are good. HG Earplugs will prevent you being stunned by roars, very helpful.


Sharpness+1 will increase your weapons sharpness level by one (think for yours it will mainly increase the amount of white sharpness you have... if you maxed it out then Sharpness+1 would prolly give it purple sharpness)


However it also has "Blunt Edge" which is an anti-skill that makes weapons dull twice as fast. You'll need a Charm with positive "Sharpness" points on it to get rid of it. Using a normal gem in an armour slot won't work cause the Sharpness gems also have negetive "handicraft" points which if you used would also gem out your Sharpness+1 skill so you'll need a Charm/Talisman with positive Sharpness points and no negetive Handicraft points (pretty common, even something with just 1 Sharpness point and you're sorted)


The main draw back for using that armour for that quest would be it has low Lightening Res points making you weak to the Ivory Lagi. You can sort this with the food skill "Thundercaller" will take whatever negetive Lightening Res you have and bring it to positive 3. You can get Thundercaller by eating Veg.


So if you want to also have the defence buff from food eat Bread and Veg or for the Attack buff eat Meat and Veg...and make sure both are "fresh" so you have a better chance of getting the food skill.


Note however if you faint you lose the food skill (unless you also happened to have the skill Feylne Foodie)


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@Kaepora_Gaebora I've just made that Armiur set myself and maxed it with Heavy Armoyr Spheres, it's Defense is 500-something, can't remember what exactly, need Tru Armour Spheres to upgrade it further.


I've got a Sharpness Charm which has enabled me to take out Blunt Edge and then I gemmed in Guard Boost so previously unblockable attacks are blockable which is great for the lance classes I think!


So now I get HG Earplugs, Sharpness +1, Water Attack +1 and Guard Boost.

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Cheers @kav82, and @Mokong X\-C again! sounds interesting, I am now caught between two minds really as to whether I should farm the goldbeard, or just try and tru spehere the diablos armour set I have at the mo. I haven't had much time to be online at then mo, on HR6, so now I have hit a brick wall with the solo quests may just attempt to do the Port Tanzia quests on my own, see how far I can get and if I can pick up tru spheres. I'm on 170 hours, it's not as if any time spent doing that now is 'wasting time'! :D

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I think that I finally got tired of this game a week or two ago. I had a blast playing solo for around 80+ hours, but the repetition is starting to set in and I think it's finally time to move onto something else. Time to start reading again on my commute.

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I think that I finally got tired of this game a week or two ago. I had a blast playing solo for around 80+ hours, but the repetition is starting to set in and I think it's finally time to move onto something else. Time to start reading again on my commute.


Have you not been online?

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Have you not been online?


I haven't been anywhere near online even once. I'm concerned going online may consume my life alongside worrying I'd drag other hunters down without experience. I did some local multiplayer quests with the girlfriend, but overall the game has been a solitary experience so far.

Edited by Guy
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I haven't been anywhere near online even once. I'm concerned going online may consume my life alongside worrying I'd drag other hunters down without experience. I did some local multiplayer quests with the girlfriend, but overall the game has been a solitary experience so far.


Get online.


Dont worry about bringing anyone down. You can join Team Gimp!

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I haven't been anywhere near online even once. I'm concerned going online may consume my life alongside worrying I'd drag other hunters down without experience. I did some local multiplayer quests with the girlfriend, but overall the game has been a solitary experience so far.


You're right to be worrying. You make one mistake and we burn down your house, simple as that.

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Spent a couple hours on this last night, mostly ended up just making free trips to the woods and gathering a few bits rather than questing. I've come to wonder...how hard does money get to be in the game? I ended up making myself two kinds of dual slicers, and now I've learned they kinda each have their own upgrade paths(got Bone Slicers and Jaggid Shotels) - so I'm unsure which to take where! Upgraded my Bone Slices to + because they don't get dull as fast as the Shotels; but yeah...half regretting splitting my money across them both.

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