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Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate: The Official Thread For The Ultimate Game


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PC game?
Looks like it. Exclusive to China by the sounds of things too. :wtf:


I'll pass and wait for MH4 :)
Doesn't look like there'll be any choice in the matter anyway.

If this did come to Europe though, I reckon I'd get it. A 24 player online monster hunt sounds incredible! :hehe:

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Pretty sure I saw someone with the all black MH 3DS XL bundle console, either that it was the Silver and the lighting made it look black. Wasn't able to see what he was playing though. Might start carrying my 3DS again to see if I get any Street Passes.

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You should always take it with you. 1 or 2 streetpasses are better than none.


I never take my 3DS anywhere, it doesn't fit in the pocket comfortably enough. I've only taken it out of the house once, that was to the Play Expo last year. I think the only reason I've still got it is for Monster Hunter 4... although I am loving Luigi's Mansion 2.

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Just gonna leave this here:


Monster Hunter Online in CryEngine 3:



Pretty sure it's the pc version of the game but you never know...


Me currently not having a wii u, this maybe my only chance to play MH. Just need to wait 5 years for them to get past those crazy translation issues.

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Just done the Mark of a Hero quest, tried a new tactic and it worked perfectly.


Ended up at the end Lostmario vs Brach, how epic!


Anyway, had a quick go at Ala to see how it had changed after HoT mentioned it.


Looks doable.



Good job Lost :)


I'm trying to make a dent in my left over village quests.... got all 5 star done except one.... the one that is like 5 Peco's and a Rathian :heh:


Then will have 14 left to do from 6 to 8 star.... slowly getting there.


Looking forward to this Mark of the Hero quest... and Ala of course

Edited by Mokong
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Just done the Mark of a Hero quest, tried a new tactic and it worked perfectly.
Congrats! icon14.gif What tactic be that then?

Wanna see if it works for me too. ;)


Anyway, I went online earlier but all the N-E peeps were in full rooms and mid-quest, couldn't seem to hook up with any decent randoms, so I decided to have a go at some of my HR7 G Rank quests solo.


I successfully completed The Horned Wyvern, Desert Storm and last but not least, Break the Brachydios. :awesome:

Something incredibly awesome happened during that final quest (you'll like this, @lostmario :heh:), you see I had Cha-Cha wearing the Mock Melynx mask, so not only was he attacking Brachydios, he was also perfectly imitating those thieving cats and trying to steal an item off it too. :hehe:


When I returned to the Tavern after capturing Brachydios, I spoke to Cha-Cha to see what he nicked...


Go on, guess what it was...


Yep, he'd only gone and stole a Brach Pallium!! :bouncy:

My jaw was on the floor. :o


So now I only need a few more Glowing Slime, Brach Pounder+ and some Stygian Zinogre item before I can max out my Dios Hammer! :yay:

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so I decided to have a go at some of my HR7 G Rank quests solo.


I successfully completed The Horned Wyvern, Desert Storm and last but not least, Break the Brachydios. :awesome:


Impressive Red... have you upgraded/changed your Armour since the other night or got any new weapons?


Well done.... did they take ya long?


Something incredibly awesome happened during that final quest (you'll like this, @lostmario :heh:), you see I had Cha-Cha wearing the Mock Melynx mask, so not only was he attacking Brachydios, he was also perfectly imitating those thieving cats and trying to steal an item off it too. :hehe:


When I returned to the Tavern after capturing Brachydios, I spoke to Cha-Cha to see what he nicked...


Go on, guess what it was...


Yep, he'd only gone and stole a Brach Pallium!! :bouncy:


This is even more awesome.... I hope you took a screen shot of the item sitting in Cha-Cha's pouch :D





Oh and what is the deal with the final 5 Star Village Quest, "Sirens Song".... It says you have to either "Survive till time runs out or deliver the paw pass" I tried it while at my cousins last night thinking it was just 3 Quropeco's but when I killed the first it said 4 monsters left... after which a Rathian appeared I took that down thinking it was one of the 4 but it turned out to only be a free hunt. I didn't have the time to take out 4 more Peco's as was heading home and just quit out as I wanted to transfer my file to Wii U when I got home to play online. :heh:


How long does it take for the Paw Pass to appear? Or does it only appear when all 5 Peco's are gone?

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Oh and what is the deal with the final 5 Star Village Quest, "Sirens Song".... It says you have to either "Survive till time runs out or deliver the paw pass" I tried it while at my cousins last night thinking it was just 3 Quropeco's but when I killed the first it said 4 monsters left... after which a Rathian appeared I took that down thinking it was one of the 4 but it turned out to only be a free hunt. I didn't have the time to take out 4 more Peco's as was heading home and just quit out as I wanted to transfer my file to Wii U when I got home to play online. :heh:


How long does it take for the Paw Pass to appear? Or does it only appear when all 5 Peco's are gone?


If I remember correctly once you kill 2 Quru the paw pass will appear in the box. You can then just end the quest or keep on fighting the others.

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Impressive Red... have you upgraded/changed your Armour since the other night or got any new weapons?
Still using my good old Volvidon set with Attack Up (L), Evasion +2 and Tremor Res. :grin:

I upgraded my Dios Hammer to the Demolition Hammer though, 1430 Attack and SLM300 Element. :cool:


Well done.... did they take ya long?
Brachydios definitely took the longest, about 40 minutes. I was also jumped by a Volvidon during that quest though (he liked following me around too, must have been the armour :heh:) and keep in mind that I still have real trouble attacking Brachydios while he's in rage mode. :shakehead

I finished the Desert Storm quest pretty quickly though (around 15-20 minutes), which was very surprising, as I usually struggle with Barioth.


This is even more awesome.... I hope you took a screen shot of the item sitting in Cha-Cha's pouch :D
I did, however the delay between my capture device and PC made me miss the screenshot. :sad:

Here's a pic of the Pallium in my item box though:


You can also see my upgraded hammer in it too, I love how the slime changes to orange.




How long does it take for the Paw Pass to appear? Or does it only appear when all 5 Peco's are gone?
If I remember correctly once you kill 2 Quru the paw pass will appear in the box.
Yeah, the Paw Pass definitely appears after you hunt the 2nd Peco.

I remember as that's where that quest always ends for me. :D

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Did the Sirens Song quest earlier... killed the 2nd Peco and the Paw Pass delivered... but said feck it and stayed and killed the other 3 too :D


Managed to prevent all of them from calling in help so didn't have to worry bout anything else.


And the quest ended when I killed the 5th one too. Given the description I was expecting to still have to deliver the ticket. Saved me a farcaster use there :)


So that is all the Village 5 star quests done. Managed to tick off teh Gobul hunt on 6 star (and freehunted the Lud too, as you do :)) So now have 13 quests left to tick off to get that Mark of the Hero.... slowly getting there

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Flash bombing worked a treat for me.


When Brach & Los appear, just keep flash bombing Brach so he keeps out of the way while you take down Los.

Cheers for the tip, didn't get a chance to try it though, as I beat the Mark of a Hero quest earlier!! :yay:


Yeah, I put together a random G-Rank armour set which gave me a defence stat of 585. And then using a charm and some gems, I added Earplugs and Half Stun.

The set is so random, that's the only other skill I could add. :heh:


Anyway, I jumped into the quest with that armour and my recently upgraded Demolition Hammer, and miraculously I managed to complete it! It wasn't pretty, but I did it. :D Actually I only feinted once, which I was quite amazed about too.


So just 1 more village quest to go. ;)


Obviously I had a quick go at it...

...Yep, didn't go well.



At first I was signalling Kayamba to transform into a pitfall trap over and over, thinking why the hell isn't he doing it!? Before finally remembering that traps don't bloody work on Ala. :indeed:


The rest of the hunt was me running a lot, and failing a lot. :D

I noticed there are ballistas in the quest now though, although getting the chance to gather any ammo is almost impossible! :shakehead


Gonna have to come up with some kind of strategy I think...


Reckon I'll build myself a sleep weapon and hook the Shakalakas up with sleep attacks too. Buy me some time to get Ballista ammo and use some bombs as well.


Edited by RedShell
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Back in stock for UK consumers!


Nintendo UK statement

"Nintendo UK is pleased to confirm that further stock of Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate for Wii U is now available from retailers including GAME, Amazon.co.uk and Shopto.net. Both the Wii U and Nintendo 3DS versions of the game continue to be available from the Nintendo eShop."
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I was able to kill a My Little Rathian (pink) on my way into work today for the first time. Previous attempts have been fairly one-sided in her favour with me spending most of my time sobbing and swearing as those cats cart me back to base camp. Feels great to have finally put her down! I was starting to get frustrated at the high rank quests and feared the love was diminishing... but this kill has pulled me right back into things.


I can hunt proudly now, no longer afraid of her poison bitch spin or that move where she sets the entire game on fire.


</accomplishment waaaaaaay behind the rest of you>

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I was able to kill a My Little Rathian (pink) on my way into work today for the first time. Previous attempts have been fairly one-sided in her favour with me spending most of my time sobbing and swearing as those cats cart me back to base camp. Feels great to have finally put her down! I was starting to get frustrated at the high rank quests and feared the love was diminishing... but this kill has pulled me right back into things.


I can hunt proudly now, no longer afraid of her poison bitch spin or that move where she sets the entire game on fire.



</accomplishment waaaaaaay behind the rest of you>


Nah you are not far behind us at all, well not me anyway.


Pink Rathian is still a bitch though. That backflip which poisons gets me every time!

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Slowly making my way towards clearing all offline Village Quests. Just ticked off the last of my 6 star quests.


Just 4 quests left in 7 star and 6 left in 8 star... should have Mark of the Hero inside the week, pending however much time I get to spend in the offline

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Had a really good afternoon on this.


Spent just over an hour mining and got quite a few Tru Armour Spheres, only 3 left to get to max out my armour.


@Dcubed joined my lobby and I helped him with a few HR4 quests, his urgent then Deviljho. They all went very well.


His Kayamba is so funny, you look round and its always there running around with a bomb.


Anyway, Dcubed left after Jho and before I turned it off to make my tea, I thought I'd have a go at Ala.


Took him down in just over 40 minutes but if he hadn't of kept flying around I'm sure I could of done it 10 minutes quicker. He wastes so much time flying back and forth.


So thats the single player quests done, now to get all the 6*,7* & 8* quests done.

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Is there a fool proof way of getting five star items to trade with the captain? Some people are suggesting capturing monsters instead of killing them at night but thats only got me one 4 star and a bunch of 3s. Is there some monsters more suited to getting the resource?

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Beat the final village quest! :yay:




I "cheated" and used the Kebli Bow with Awakening and Bombardier, but bollocks to that being cheating against Ala! It still took me just over 30 minutes to kill the bastard! :o

Not looking forward to farming him. :shakehead


Here's how the awards are looking now:



200 hours played and still not even half way. Game is uncompleteable! :heh:


Is there a fool proof way of getting five star items to trade with the captain? Some people are suggesting capturing monsters instead of killing them at night but thats only got me one 4 star and a bunch of 3s. Is there some monsters more suited to getting the resource?
Make sure you're hunting at night, and even then not all monsters will get you 5* commodities.

These are the ones you need to take on:


Pink Rathian






Azure Rathalos


Black Diablos

Steel Uragaan


Capturing will just increase your chances of getting the 5* items, it doesn't guarantee you'll get one. I started out capturing, but after a few times not getting the 5* commodities, I started killing 'em instead, at least that way you can get the carves too. ;)

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