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Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate: The Official Thread For The Ultimate Game


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Thanks, checked the Flooded Forest earlier but didn't find any, must have just been unlucky.


Near that quest in area 10 where you have to hook a gold fish, near where you fish there's a log and you can find worms and frogs by. Seems to be unlimited too.

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Screw you Gobul/Gobel/Gerbil/Dodoria/Puffy Spikey Bastard. You're dead and I broke your stupid Men in Black flashy thing lantern. I'm gonna come back and carve up your family and those meddling Ludroths too. I WILL MAKE YOU EXTINCT.


What a brilliant creature.


What an absolutely glorious game.

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I just wanted to quote this cause it is awesome!


Also my 2 year old has started watching Power Rangers, Kix TV is showing like 4 different PR shows (Dino Thunder...the one where Tommy comes back, woot / Jungle Fury... a bit meh / Mystic Force.... enjoying that one / and SPD also enjoying that one)


Haven't watched PR in ages, tis becoming a guilty pleasure again ... having the son around to use as an excuse that he wants to watch it helps too :heh:



[/off topic]




AFTER TEN THOUSAND PAGES I'M FREE (to talk about Power Rangers)! IT'S TIME TO CONQUER EARTH (this thread)!


I recently went on a massive Power Rangers kick after

and checked out some old episodes and the movie. I think the original series is kicking about on Netflix - possibly Netflix US, not sure.


Have you ever checked out the Japanese show it was adapted from? Zyuranger? It's insanely weird/cool and very dark in places. It's fun to watch it and see how they made certain story elements work in the American series.


Also... did you see the guy who plays Tommy recently? Dude is some insane MMO wrestler. I hope he still yells ZIT-YAH every time he hits someone.


You know what? I think Power Rangers deserves a thread over in General. Everyone knows about it and everyone probably saw it at one point or another and there's a lot to discuss.




Oh wait, I already made that exact same thread a while back and we already discussed pretty much everything about Power Rangers. Damn my memory.



Regarding this game, I'm feeling pretty good about my progress at the moment. Apparently I'm not stealing enough resources from nature, but my monster hunting seems alright. I also killed a a Stupid Bastard Anvil Head last night. He was red and black and shook wads of sand off at me which was super annoying. HE DIED, LIKE THE REST.


I celebrated in my customary way by booting the little Skull Kid who follows me around squarely in his face.


This is an exceptionally good way to kill time between carving the beast's corpse and the victorious return to Moochoff Village, where I'm basically one huge resource to be farmed/exploited.

Edited by Guy
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You know what? I think Power Rangers deserves a thread over in General. Everyone knows about it and everyone probably saw it at one point or another and there's a lot to discuss.




Oh wait, I already made that exact same thread a while back and we already discussed pretty much everything about Power Rangers. Damn my memory.


Haha, was just about to say there was already a PR thread.... I was actually thinking of bumping it myself (or starting a new one since the old one is over a year old now) since I started watching it again with my son.... did a bit of reading on Wikipeidia on some of the later shows after Jungle Fury (I think that is the most recent of the shows Kix is showing... though they are starting Operation Overdrive, looking forward to that :D


.... Hold up Jason David Frank does MMA now? I did not know this... that is awesome and makes him even more so the most awesome Power Ranger ever.... it like he never left. I hope his entrance music is teh Green Ranger theme :D



OK sorry that be the last [off topic] in this thread.... you can bump or make a new PR thread we can talk there :D





I remember making many creatures Extinct in Tri.... I wonder where they all came back from for Ultimate? The higher ups in the Hunting Guild must have relocated some species from elsewhere in an attempt to repopulate the Moga ecosystem.... they obviously didn't realise I was coming back!




Flooded Forest, go to Area 2, head towards Area 4, on the left just before the border with area 4 is a bush, you can gather for Worms and Frogs there


@RedShell I just used that program you posted to see which Charm Table I am on.


I am on Table 6 which is what I aimed for when I did the time changing trick when first starting my game. So it worked :D


Though I never realised till now how many shitty charms I currently have. Only decent one I have (so far) has Perception +10 to give me my Capture Guru.


Hopefully now that I have access to G Rank I'll start getting some of the better charms on the table.

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RedShell I just used that program you posted to see which Charm Table I am on.


I am on Table 6 which is what I aimed for when I did the time changing trick when first starting my game. So it worked :D


Though I never realised till now how many shitty charms I currently have. Only decent one I have (so far) has Perception +10 to give me my Capture Guru.


Hopefully now that I have access to G Rank I'll start getting some of the better charms on the table.

Nice one! icon14.gif


I'm on Table 2 (didn't do the time trick), but I've already obtained a 3 slot charm. :awesome:

Not using it at the moment though, have got a Perception +7 one with a couple of Perception jewels to also have Capture Guru. ;)


Anyway, my collection of silly weapons is coming along quite nicely. :grin:

I now have the Cat Switch Axe, Shaka Dual Swords and the Felyoshka+ Gunlance:




The Gunlance is actually pretty awesome, the charge shot is insane! :o

Here it is with the top part off:




Also got some new armour (FINALLY! :laughing:) it's a combination of different parts, so not really built for any specific task/skills, I just like how it looks.

Check it out:




Although I wish I could change the colour of that hood. :hmm:

Oh- and as you can see in the above image, I now have Cha-Cha rocking the Mock Melynx mask too. :yay:

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Nice one! icon14.gif


I'm on Table 2 (didn't do the time trick), but I've already obtained a 3 slot charm. :awesome:

Not using it at the moment though, have got a Perception +7 one with a couple of Perception jewels to also have Capture Guru. ;)


Anyway, my collection of silly weapons is coming along quite nicely. :grin:

I now have the Cat Switch Axe, Shaka Dual Swords and the Felyoshka+ Gunlance:




The Gunlance is actually pretty awesome, the charge shot is insane! :o

Here it is with the top part off:




Also got some new armour (FINALLY! :laughing:) it's a combination of different parts, so not really built for any specific task/skills, I just like how it looks.

Check it out:




Although I wish I could change the colour of that hood. :hmm:

Oh- and as you can see in the above image, I now have Cha-Cha rocking the Mock Melynx mask too. :yay:


Those Cat switchaxes and masks for Cha Cha are amazing! You must have sunk so much time into the game already lol

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Those Cat switchaxes and masks for Cha Cha are amazing! You must have sunk so much time into the game already lol
A few, yeah. :heh:

A lot of time offline too, as I just love levelling up Cha-Cha and Kayamba (currently at Chum Level 4) and collecting their masks. :)


There are some seriously cool new additions in Ultimate. Was just telling Mokong about the latest mask that I obtained, the Pitfall Mask.

When you give the signal, it changes whichever Shakalaka you have wearing it into a Pitfall trap! Super handy.

Will now be able to save all of my Pitfall traps for online play. ;)

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Managed to beat Lagiacrus this morning after my second attempt although I forgot to eat and forgot to to switch to my fire bow the first time which didn't help.


Killing him was hard enough but now I have to capture him. :cry:


Decided to upgrade my armour so farmed Lagombi which turned out his armour set takes extra damage from fire/lava damage (which I should have expected really) which isn't very helpful since the next area is the Volcano. :o Negates cold though. Thinking of farming another armour set but can't decide on what. Maybe Rathalos?


Started having trouble against Royal Ludroth's so decided it was time to take a break.

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Heh, got the circle pad for the original 3DS at Game yesterday, only £5 new. Makes playing the game a lot more comfortable.


I got mine for a fiver last week from Game too, they must be trying to get rid of them now that the 3DS version is out. If anyone needs one check out your local store, makes playing Monster Hunter 100 times more comfortable ^_^

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Had my first encounters with Gyarados and POISON WINGED DINOBITCH tonight on the 3DS. I was able to ward off Gyarados just fine, but Poison Winged Dinobitch stone cold took me down three times and consumed my happiness. Might be time to start thinking about upgrading my armour/weapons before I tackle those bullies again.

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I finally captured Lagiacrus last night! :yay:


Really I have no idea why it took me so many attempts, it was really close too as I beat it into submission underwater, set a trap, it was inches away from it then it turned right around and retreated to the water cave in Flooded Forest. :angry:


Naturally I had a second trap but alas I could not use it for a full 2 or 3 minutes - however long a trap lasts when put down before expiring - so cue me trying desperately to keep Laggi busy by running/dodging out of the way while also avoiding the annoying Ludroth which kept getting in the way - and were eventually killed by Lagiacrus anyway - but finally the trap expired so I whacked down my trap there and then, was charged by the creature - knocked down to nearly absolute zero health - which was then caught in the trap so I scrambled to my feet, ran up to it and made him eat tranquiliser bombs! :D


Very happy to have that quest out of the way finally, I know I'm not advancing that quickly at the moment but I'm still playing every day, making a bit of progress each time, I'm gonna be trying to increase my HR rank by a bit over the next couple of days though hopefully. :)

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I've decided I'm a bit one dimensional in hunts these days, I've got a set of snow slicers and a carapace great sword and just keep upgrading the Arzuros armor set. I've purchased a bow and some sort of gun, and will be going out into the field to test these beauties.


Question, is there a point where my Arzuros armor upgrades will max out? Seems to be keeping up with the high end armours ATM, they're at level five but nt sure how much longer I can get away with it.


I am really close to HR3 online, need a couple of buddies to help me there tomorrow (game of thrones tonight) night, anyone?

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So today I finally took on Brachydios.

Wow! What a crazy monster. :o Is it just me (probably is :heh:), or is he impossible to attack while in rage mode? :shakehead

Couldn't get anywhere near him when he was freaking out. :laughing:

Anyway, I managed to capture it... just about.


Also hunted another new monster today, the Zinogre. Another creature that has a completely mental rage mode. :indeed:

Well, I also got him captured. Loving the Capture Guru skill. :cool:


So yeah, up to 9* quests on the offline mode now. Pretty good going I reckon, considering my low rank gear/weapons.

Can't believe just how much more there is to the "story" mode compared to Tri. When am I gonna reach the credits!? :D

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That is the sexiest new armour I've seen, kinda like an evil Samurai!



Cheers, skills are pretty awesome too which I forgot to mention.


HG Earplugs (oh how I missed these)

Antiseptic (negates Slime and Stetch blights)

Dragon Atk+1 (Increases dragon element attacks.... though I don't have a dragon wep yet)


And I gemmed in Defence Up S till I can get more spheres to upgrade it properly.

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Started playing the demo of this last night, deleted it three minutes later. I must be missing what's so great lol, seemed clunky, unpolished and generally boring to me.


The demo is unrepresentative, unhelpful and really doesn't sell the game that well.


The full game is much better but you will need to invest a decent amount of time in it before it really 'clicks' for me it was around the 15 - 20 hour mark.


It's not perfect but it is a good game... : peace:




... once you get hooked. :heh:

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Started playing the demo of this last night, deleted it three minutes later. I must be missing what's so great lol, seemed clunky, unpolished and generally boring to me.


That is exactly what I thought/ did, except iforgot to delete the demo. Then, I was on the train and it had been delayed for an extra hour, I had finished everything else on the 3DS so I booted up the demo again to kill some time.


I'm now 40hours into the game and it's all I think about. Obsessed!


Moral of the story, try it again

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