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What HD remakes do you want on Wii U?


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Now that Nintendo have announced Wind Waker HD - are there any other remakes that you would like to see them do?


I think that Nintendo could offer some great experiences with both HD remakes and the Virtual Console available to their customers. Those that want the authentic experience can play that, and for those who want a new version of an old classic, they can play them on their console or portable. A great way of re-capturing a market who may have left the Nintendo fold too!


Their back catalogue is vast and has been leveraged via the VC but when looking at sales of OoT 3D and how Nintendo put out another Galaxy game on the Wii, it could be construed that they are now looking to leverage existing ideas and content more than ever in order to meet the longer development times expected of today's software. They can also leverage not only graphical leaps but other advancements such as off-TV play and improved music, moving away from the basic music found in their older titles.


The quality of Nintendo's back catalogue means they can bring old content back with confidence. (Kinda like Disney have done with re-releases of old films nd what Microsoft did with Rare). I believe Wind Waker is perhaps just the beginning...


So what would you like to see?


My shout: Mario64!

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HD Remake


F-Zero X - for me it was the better racer, so I'd love to see it updated with GX style visuals in HD! :D


Resident Evil 2

Resident Evil Code Veronica


HD Ports


Metroid Prime Trilogy

The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker

Super Smash Bros Melee

Super Mario 64


Diddy Kong Racing! :p

Banjo Kazooie

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HD Remakes (as in, updated gameplay and remade graphics - like Wind Waker and The Twin Snakes):


F-Zero GX: Updated grahpics, arcade tracks unlocked by default, perhaps another set of tracks along with a generator and death race. And, of course, an online mode. Something to please F-Zero fans without the expense of a new game.


Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem: With Silicon Knights virtually burnt to the ground, it may be possible to snatch this game off them and do a remake.


HD Ports (virtually the game game, but in HD):


Metroid Prime Trilogy. Just a slight update. Released on eShop as it's now hard to find.


Rogue Squadron Trilogy. We probably won't get any more, so this will have to do. Perhaps update the graphics of the original and put all the levels in one massive (chronological) list.


TimeSplitters Trilogy Combine all the events into one game. HD resolution. Online. Done.

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With GameCube games, I mostly hoped for the same games, just as good as they look through Dolphin. Wind Waker HD is a very nice bonus, but I would have been just as (or maybe almost as) excited by the "Dolphin" version running on Wii U.


It's funny, I generally think NES and N64 games benefit from remakes more than SNES and GameCube, ie. the "revolution" consoles rather than the "evolution" ones. Like GameCube, all I want from SNES games is for them to run smoothly and be upscaled to HD.


At the risk of being unimaginative, the one HD remake I'd really like to see would be Ocarina of Time (and then Majora's Mask). They really nailed the visual style with the 3DS remake. Now imagine that running in 1080p at 60fps, with high-res textures and, yes, rumble!! ;)

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It's funny, I generally think NES and N64 games benefit from remakes more than SNES and GameCube, ie. the "revolution" consoles rather than the "evolution" ones. Like GameCube, all I want from SNES games is for them to run smoothly and be upscaled to HD.


It would be nice if some of the big N64 games got a similar treatment to Banjo-Kazooie and Banjo-Tooie on the Xbox 360.

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I'd love to see

Majora's Mask

Mario Sunshine

Rogue Leader/Squadron

Skies of Arcadia

Resident Evil Zero (just a HD port, i'd rather capcom not implement anything from 5 or 6)

F-Zero GX


and there is probably more i've forgotten, but i'd be happy just to have them on the VC with slight upscaling on some

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Mario64 would be pretty beast, no doubt, but I'm still not sure how I feel on HD remakes.


If they did Melee in HD, I'd like them to also add the N64 version under the same engine sort of thing at the same time; two birds one stone etc.


Of course, it's crazy as it's recent, but I'd be intrigued at how much better Xenoblade could have been in proper HD.

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Of course, it's crazy as it's recent, but I'd be intrigued at how much better Xenoblade could have been in proper HD.


Thanks to the magic of Dolphin, we already have a fairly decent idea of how much better it would have looked in HD...





but then with access to more advanced technology, they could have done even more with it in terms of effects.



I'm not big on remakes unless they really do something to differentiate themselves from the original, and that takes more than a lick of paint and a couple of gameplay tweaks. I love Mario 64 but I don't want it remade - I'd just prefer a new Mario game in that style.


They have to offer the kind of change seen in Zero Mission for me to take notice. Now that was remake. It took the same basic map structure and item location then changed virtually every thing else and added a heap on top for good measure.


So really, the only games I'd want to see remade are ones I considered flawed to begin with though they must also have some promise too. But I've found that most of Nintendo's games don't fit into that category for me - they were either already pretty darn good, or they just held zero appeal that a remake couldn't change that.


Metroid was good but heavily flawed, though arguably thanks to system limitations than perhaps design. Star Fox is a similar game in that it was choked on the SNES but the 64 allowed it to be something else and much more besides. 64 to 64 3D though holds no real interest.

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I don't really want any remakes. Each game is a product of its time, so I think we should just move on...


Totally agree with this. The only exception I've seen to my general "don't do remakes" has been Perfect Dark on XBLA and that's mostly because the game was ahead of it's time and online makes everything better.

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F-Zero GX is there's no sequel.

Resident Evil 2

Majora's Mask


Not sure if this should be done, it could be blasphemy to touch the holy grail of gaming but Super Metroid could benefit from a face-lift. 2.5D HD and orchestrated music. Will we ever see an original 2D Metroid on a home console again?

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There's reports that beta testing of a HD Mario Sunshine is ongoing and that there is a solution to the analogue triggers problem. Whether that means another controller for Wii U, GC style or a USB adapter to allow current GC controllers to be used, we'll see.

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For a Mario Sunshine remake would they have to do the analogue shoulder buttons via a touch slider or something on the Gamepad?


Or maybe hold a button down and rock the Gamepad back and forth to change water pressure?


The addition of an extra shoulder button could allow the R button to act as the click, which locks you in place, and have ZR as being a general spray that can be used whilst running - which could could then have pressure determined by the angle of the GamePad or a touch screen slider .


Then you move the useless Map to either ZL (or L depending on which is Strafe) or on a pause menu.



Hopefully they would just let us use the Wii Classic Controller since, you know, it has analogue shoulder buttons but doesn't sound very Nintendo like. Not that I'd picking it up of course :p

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I want an HD remake of Pilotwings 64.

And Excitebike 64. Mario 64!

Sorry to say, if Nintendo would bring it out, I'd buy Ocarina of Time. For the third time (not counting that free GC version)


I'd also like to see Perfect Dark remastered as heavily as Wind Waker. Because the Xbox version just doesen't look as stunning as it could. And of course, Goldeneye.


You know what? F-Zero X!

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Thanks to the magic of Dolphin, we already have a fairly decent idea of how much better it would have looked in HD...




Hahaha omg yeah I'm such an idiot I should have actually known that, I started dolphin'in it when it wasn't coming over here. Didn't get far enough to see quite how awesome it could be, though.

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@Murr - I love your avatar! ^_^


Uh, as much as i keep buying remakes/remasters for some reason (devil may cry and metal gear collection just arrived) i would honestly much rather have a new entry in the series. I dont think there is a Nintendo game made that i wouldnt buy a remake of and Monster Hunter Ultimate is kind of that too, but other than that i cant think of anything off the top of my head.


Actually thats a lie, remake Mass Effect 1 and 2 for WiiU so i can play the whole thing on my favourite console, i have them all on 360 but thats not where i play games anymore.

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Of course, it's crazy as it's recent, but I'd be intrigued at how much better Xenoblade could have been in proper HD.


Thanks to the magic of Dolphin, we already have a fairly decent idea of how much better it would have looked in HD...





but then with access to more advanced technology, they could have done even more with it in terms of effects.




*quick photoshop*


Basically... :p



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Pretty much yeah. The art design was already fantastic and scaled quite nicely. They're using better textures and been able to employ a proper lighting system and bam, you have the new game as it currently stands visually - though I guess I have just downplayed how much the lighting model has changed the tone of the game. The grass is still bill boarded polygons, even if the textures are higher resolution - I hope they change it but it's not a deal breaker, just things I don't like to see.

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Uh, as much as i keep buying remakes/remasters for some reason (devil may cry and metal gear collection just arrived) i would honestly much rather have a new entry in the series.


HD ports (like the DMC and MGS oens) are so cheap and take so little development that there's have zero impact on a new game. Well, they may generate some extra cash to invest in the new game.

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