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Marvel's Phase Three


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  • 3 weeks later...
19 minutes ago, Grazza said:

Is that Tony Stark and Nebula 14 seconds in?  I was worried she'd buggered off and left him!

Yep, though I’m a little worried for her that her only company is Tony. It’s been a while since he’s been stranded with only some scraps...


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  • 4 weeks later...

Watched Captain Marvel last night. Well. Not impressed:


This was a boring movie for the last half of it - Captain Marvel is just too strong and too good at controlling her powers from the very beginning, and the enemies in the movie were just pathetically weak compared to her. Suddenly she could fly?

Also never understood why Rambo should come along - yeah, she did fly away without Carol but that's about it. Same with Fury though I understand his presence a bit better.

The movie didn't end at all. That was also a bit irritating. It just suddenly felt light-hearted and ended but there was no real conclusion to anything.

And how is it exactly that she will be able to help against Thanos? She has the power of one Infinity Stone, Thanos has six! And she is only a powerhouse. I hope Thanos is not just overpowered.

This movie was just a mean to explain where Nick Fury comes from. That was very nice.


Edited by MindFreak
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It was ok. Story-wise things weren't fantastic no. It did have its moment fortunately. I still think Brie is great, I actually liked Ben mendelsohn as well, plus the cat of course. But yeah, there were also stupid things in it (Fury's eye), and overall.. Hmm. Still hyped for Avengers IV.

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The Russos haven't put a foot wrong yet - Winter Soldier, Civil War, Infinity War - so I'm still looking forward to that however much I end up enjoying Captain Marvel.  It's like how (in my opinion) Black Panther is better in Civil War and Infinity War than in his own film.  Same with Spider-Man, even.

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I've just got back from watching Captain Marvel and I quite enjoyed it. I thought the start was pretty slow, and I didn't care for the story jumping all over the place, but once everything fit into place and the action started I was a happy man. Sam Jackson was hilarious, as always.

I'm still not keen on her being introduced right at the end of this franchise. Also, she seems far too OP compared to the rest of the Avengers, even Thor. What I like about the Avengers line up is that they all bring something to the table but they all have vulnerabilities, both on their own and as part of a team. Captain Marvel seems like a one woman army in comparison. 

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Just got back from seeing this: thought it was da bomb. Really enjoyed it. The Stan Lee tribute at the beginning was a really nice touch, at it just got better from there.

The SLJ youngification was just incredible, no uncanny valley at all, it's seriously impressive. Ben Mendolson stole the show I thought.

Regarding her power levels, I feel like they won't just use her as a Deus ex machina. They've been too great with the writing and plotting up until now - I trust them not to fuck it up at the final furlong. I think they'll utilise her (or possibly find some way or nerfing her power a bit) but ultimately they'll defeat Thanos in a way that feels justified and reasonable.

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11 hours ago, bob said:

Regarding her power levels, I feel like they won't just use her as a Deus ex machina. They've been too great with the writing and plotting up until now - I trust them not to fuck it up at the final furlong. I think they'll utilise her (or possibly find some way or nerfing her power a bit) but ultimately they'll defeat Thanos in a way that feels justified and reasonable.


Yeah, I can't really imagine the Russo Brothers making a mistake like that, as much as I've thought it in the past.  If she could somehow weaken the Infinity Stones, and the Avengers then fight Thanos "normally", that would seem fair.

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I'm sorry to say I thought it was absolute crap. Really wanted it to be good. There were ideas in there that could have been fleshed out into something great, but we're just dropped half way through.

The following things were lacking quality: script, pacing, plot, characterization (Marvel in particular, poor old Brie had nothing to work with) and more. 

Most disappointing is that it was obviously trying to push out an empowering message to a maligned portion of the community (which I think is a good thing, should I have a daughter in the future I want her to have a good superhero role model) but it almost couldn't decide on which message it wanted to go for. So instead of a story which underlined the importance of bravery or self expression or sisterhood it just came out as a bunch of empty asides. 

It felt like a bit of a gap filler, a box to tick, but instead of being down on it I'm looking forward to seeing what the Russo's do with her. There is a fun, jock of a character which we saw glimpses off, that I'm confident they'll be able to highlight.

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I'll watch Captian Marvel when Marvel comes out with their Phase 3 Part 2 box set. Going by the reviews and the oppinions here I think this is going to be the worst of the bunch. Looking forward to seeing that AntMan sequal though. The first one was pretty fun. The things Brie Larson has been saying just makes me hate this movie without even watching it to be honnest. She seems kinda left wing femminist to me and the whole thing about "all the bad reviews are from white men" Shut up Brie Larson you tool!

I'll watch it, sure. But i'm not expecting much from this film. I'm expecting it to not be as exciting as the ones before it and hope they pull themselves out of this dive with the next movie.

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Goosebumps for more than two minutes!
Great trailer. And again, this is just from the first 20 minutes of the movie? [emoji3]
It's actually the last 20 mins. The whole film is just sadness and self-reflection, but then Captain Marvel shows up in the last 5 minutes, destroys Thanos and rewinds time using the gauntlet to save the day.
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Tralier didn't do anything for me, just looks like the usual Marvel fare/setpieces we've seen 20 times now, but that poster is cool!
Did you get that the wrong way round? The poster looks like every other Marvel poster, just a different shade...

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38 minutes ago, bob said:

Did you get that the wrong way round? The poster looks like every other Marvel poster, just a different shade...

True! Still think the trailer is pretty generic, most Marvel films look interchangeable so it’s exacerbated when they literally use clips from other films in it. 

On the plus side they’re clearly not showing much from the actual film, which is great. 

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