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The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Wii U / Switch


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What Zelda and GTA have in common is they were both really good at being 2D top-down games. After that, I'm not so sure but I could probably draw some abstract comparisons or rubbish someone elses ideas but come on, where's the fun in that. I'm trying to think what the Zelda equivalent of Bully could be but, gah, I'm getting nowhere. Someone else can run with that.


My personal (constructive?) tuppence is that open world games are something I've never really clicked with. I find the lack of direction makes them feel pointless. I think you are supposed to settle into these worlds and get to know them and be happy just to mess about (something I'm content doing in Animal Crossing and Tomodachi Life, for example) but I've never been able to apply that mindset to non Touch Generation games. Yes, there's a story to follow in GTA but the real attraction and fun people get seems to come from killing people in super creative ways.


As long as Zelda U is a wee bit more open world than Skyward Sword, we'll be grand. But then are all the other Zelda games not open world? The more I wonder about it the more I need a definition of open world. Is an open world Zelda just a Zelda without a Kokiri Forest to ease you in?


Does Link need to be an adult. Sure adult Link is just a teenager anyway isn't he. Well excuse me Princess but that's what we call adult now is it? :laughing:

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Bay makes good popcorn flicks that aren't meant to be taken seriously, much like GTA. In fact, GTAIV went with a more serious tone and fans didn't really care for it. The a DLC stories were much better by all accounts ( only finished Lost and Damned ).


I never picked up GTAV as I got burned by the fourth one. Too big, too boring.


Lucky you. I did pick up the 5th one and wanted to smash my face into the tele so many times I has to stoop playing. Painfully childish. Painfully badly written. Just painful painful gameplay. Impressive technically, but literally the exact opposite of what I like about games.


And bay has made a couple of passable films. But not in a long long long time...


GTAV was actually pretty good in terms of the humour and sheer over the top behaviour of characters. Made me appreciate the world more.


To each his own... Felt like it was written by twelve year old boys to me...

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  • 2 weeks later...
Zelda Wii U features a 'new nemesis'


Coming from the official description via the Japanese hub page...


“This software is a Wii U Edition new legend of Zelda series. Faced with mysteries in the world of Zelda spread indefinitely without boundaries, a new link, a new nemesis".


It'll be interesting to see just who's behind all the insanity in Zelda Wii U, but I'm willing to bet that Ganon still plays a role.




I for one welcome this news. They should do the same for Mario. At least Zelda has done it before.

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I for one welcome this news. They should do the same for Mario. At least Zelda has done it before.


If I'm not mistaken, didn't they say the same about Wind Waker? And that Zelda wasn't going to be in it at all?


Anyways, it'll be interresting to see what they'll do. It'd be sort of a shocker if Ganondorf would get killed off by this new nemesis early in the game.

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It seems that last Zelda story from their Facebook page was lost in translation.


Zelda Wii U is set “in an endless world without barriers”


A tiny blurb posted on one of Nintendo’s Japanese pages holds an extra tidbit about the new Zelda game for Wii U. It states, “In an endless world without barriers, the biggest one in the series yet, Link will encounter new mysteries and tough enemies”.


As an important note, some recently reported that the blurb confirmed a new villain for Zelda Wii U. Please note that this was not actually accurate.




Still would prefer a new nemesis.

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They should put super-bosses out in random terrain that are impossible to beat/run past, but that you can try and fight. That way there's no invisible wall or landscape cutting you off, just different super bosses that appear so that you feel the world is vast and dangerous with monsters like that out there.

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Good, good!

Ganondorf can still be Link's bestie in this one then ;)


What an excellent idea. What if the challenge was greater than all three and their usual battle of good and evil.? Power, Courage and Wisdom need to work together to overcome the God's ultimate solution for the conflicted lands of Hyrule - it's destruction. Some Bosses or dungeons could require Ganondorfs brute strength, another Links Courage (represented by the small guy taking items and tools) and others needing Zelda's wisdom (magic)? Or each dungeon/boss could be approached in one of three different ways.

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Except instead of good and evil uniting for a greater force, I liked the idea that this game is set in the future and the characters just grew up together this time.


We've had Zelda grow up on a Pirate ship not knowing who she was, why not have Link and Ganondorf, Zelda too even, just as childhood friends, who one day have these elements of the triforce glowing on their hands and set off on an adventure.


In a different series, this could be where you decide who you play as, but I can't see Nintendo doing that.


Maybe they find out the past and Ganondorf turns against them, or maybe they're such good friends he breaks with tradition.

Edited by Retro_Link
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Ganondorf would have to be corrupted by his thirst for power though. It would be cool to have them as friends and you watch him slowly degrade into the villian we all know he is. I'm not sure if it could work with these characters though as only new players would actually get the shock from it (even then probably only a small amount of new players). Everyone knows Ganondorf is evil and will eventually turn on you.


Or if they have him good throughout the game it would just be weird. Overall it would take away from his image as an ultimate bad guy. I don't think it would work to have a fully good Ganondorf.


It would be interesting if Ganondorf was just a normal person until Link's Courage is awakened by finding the triforce or whatever and that warps Ganondorf into the power-hungry demon we're used to seeing. It'd be our fault that this evil was unleashed upon Hyrule.

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I'm not sure if it could work with these characters though as only new players would actually get the shock from it (even then probably only a small amount of new players).


Who is to say that even in Hyrule power can't be used for good... And Courage used for evil? Could Link not be the antagonist

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You know there's several good ideas for the plot above but I don't think it could be pulled off with mime. It would need voice acting to convey the drama convincingly but nnnoooooo, that's not allowed.

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Except instead of good and evil uniting for a greater force, I liked the idea that this game is set in the future and the characters just grew up together this time.


Like plenty of other gamers, I was waiting and waiting for this twist in Skyward Sword but it never came.

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Who is to say that even in Hyrule power can't be used for good... And Courage used for evil? Could Link not be the antagonist


Again, it's interesting and fresh but I doubt Nintendo would do it. Also would we play as Ganondorf in that case? I don't want to play as an antagonist :p


Playing as Ganondorf would be cool but I don't think I'd like it for a 'main' Zelda game. If it didn't pay off it would be a long wait for the next 'true' Zelda as people call it (not that they're ever happy with a 'true' Zelda). As a spin-off I think it could be good.

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What an excellent idea. What if the challenge was greater than all three and their usual battle of good and evil.? Power, Courage and Wisdom need to work together to overcome the God's ultimate solution for the conflicted lands of Hyrule - it's destruction. Some Bosses or dungeons could require Ganondorfs brute strength, another Links Courage (represented by the small guy taking items and tools) and others needing Zelda's wisdom (magic)? Or each dungeon/boss could be approached in one of three different ways.


Ganondorf would have to be corrupted by his thirst for power though. It would be cool to have them as friends and you watch him slowly degrade into the villian we all know he is. I'm not sure if it could work with these characters though as only new players would actually get the shock from it (even then probably only a small amount of new players). Everyone knows Ganondorf is evil and will eventually turn on you.


Or if they have him good throughout the game it would just be weird. Overall it would take away from his image as an ultimate bad guy. I don't think it would work to have a fully good Ganondorf.


It would be interesting if Ganondorf was just a normal person until Link's Courage is awakened by finding the triforce or whatever and that warps Ganondorf into the power-hungry demon we're used to seeing. It'd be our fault that this evil was unleashed upon Hyrule.


Both of these ideas are great. They're different, they're keeping the same sorts of themes from the past games, whilst also taking it in a new and interesting direction. I love it. Would love to have something like this. The blessing with this series is that (really) one game doesn't necessarily have to impact the next. It's not stuck to a rigid system where Nintendo then HAVE to plan the next two or three games based on the events from this one. They have tons of freedom here.


10 more battles with The Imprisoned!



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It would be even cooler if you didn't know he was Ganondorf until close to the end, ie. he adopts the name. So you go through the game watching him slowly being corrupted, then later find out he becomes Ganondorf.


Maybe he does a deal with Majora, Shadow of the Colossus style.


Bottom line, anything is better than the standard Master Sword bollocks that we're used to.

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I'd actually love a game without the Master Sword, especially if they're going to do something with this "upgrade your weapons" lark. If they nerfed the Master Sword and made it less powerful, it wouldn't be the "Master" Sword anymore. But, simultaneously, making it the most powerful sword/weapon negates all of the other weapons/collectibles.


I'd drop the sword. In fact, does it even need to be Hyrule? Do we even need a character like Ganondorf? Go right back to the basic principles of what the series is about and start over from there. The themes and style will be eternal, they'll carry through. Exploration, danger, adventure, etc. In fact, Majora's Mask did each of these things and it's claimed by many to be their favourite Zelda. Not really because it's a sequel to Ocarina, but because it dared to be different.

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