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The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Wii U / Switch


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Yeah thats a fair criticism. Doesn't personally bother me as I like to seek optional quests and things like that anyway but I can understand your point. So if Nintendo increased the difficulty of the main bosses you would be inclined to do more of the shrines etc? How did you know that you didn't need to do as many?


I think so yeah, if the bosses were tougher and I needed more hearts then I would have grabbed more shrines. The stamina bar felt off as well, I never upgraded it once and was fine throughout the entire game.


If I could, I would have changed a few things -


1) Have treasure chests in the field contain just rupees or ores. That way there is always a reason to get them.


2) Have shrine chests contain gear only, or a way to repair weapons.


3) Make cooking possible from the menu without all the faffing about.


I think i would also have changed the difficulty of monsters in the field. Knowing you are always 1 hit away from death from a standard mob seemed to take away from the immersiveness of the game. No matter where in the world I was, 1 or 2 hits could kill me from standard mobs (I finished on 15 or 16 hearts) and going from that to a 'boss' which couldn't touch me was jarring.


The toughest challenge for me was the camel 'dungeon'. It was the second beast and I really struggled with Thunderblight, it took me maybe an hour of retries to kill the boss and I was ready to leave the dungeon and go get better gear and more hearts.


It wasn't a case of knowing the sweet spot of what I needed to do. My kid was watching me play and told me to go to the castle and fight the end boss, I skipped most of the castle by climbing walls got to him and did it first try with no real problems. No upgraded gear, no special gear only the sword that seals the darkness.

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Well I've put in about 20 hours and have only just done the first beast and that's only because I stumbled upon it. Unlocked just 4 areas with only 2 of them seed things found :heh:


It just keeps getting better the more I play.


Although I did do the first 'beast' and it was typical Zelda. So basically I needed a guide. First time I've been properly stumped and it frustrated me a little bit and brought back all those annoying feelings from every single previous Zelda. After that though I was back exploring and enjoying it again, so all was forgiven. :D


It seems the majority who are taking their sweet time with the game are getting the most enjoyment from it from what I'm reading.

I like that there is no right or wrong way to play a game this big but it's certainly giving me so much entertainment just exploring and completing random side quests before I seek out any story progression.

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Just sharing exploration and combat ideas to see if gamers who are not so satisfied with BoTW would've been more satisfied with the following ideas, and even to see if the gamers who are satisfied with BoTW would be more satisfied or not with the following ideas. But most importantly, hopefully if NINTENDO sees this comment and likes any of the ideas to add into their future game or not. ^^


Oh and everything I say are just simple top of the hat ideas, and could be also used for puzzles in the game to work around, as in have puzzles in dungeons that require you to use the skills of these techniques, not necessarily having these techniques just to make playing a joy (which stilo would be cool!).


Imagine in an openworld Zelda game where magical techniques could be just another cool thing to also discover during exploration. Whether it be various masters whom you spontaneously stumble across to teach you (similar to that old fella in Wind Waker who teaches you useful combat techniques), or whether you discover ancient magic technique scrolls in treasure chests, or whether you even find hieroglyphics on the walls in ancient caves.*You learn simple shapes to gesture with your sword whilst holding the magic button (simiar to Skyward Sword when sealing that enormous black monster [which transforms into Demise?]), which'd then enable you to do all kinds of magical techniques such as sealing magical projectiles from enemies to fire back at a later time (optional) through a magical summoning technique, sealing beasts or even some enemies to summon at a later time to assist you in combat (optional), shoot magic like fire or ice or electric or other elements etc etc. This could open up a new dimension of puzzle ideas also.


And the sword (and weapons in general) combat could be motion control -- with 100% accuracy! (Since the joycons are apparently way more advanced than motion+)The more advanced enemy will have more combos (and more puzzling) for us to remember how to defend against, whereas the weaker enemy will have about 2 combos and simple at that (like one basic combo could be 3 horizontal sword swings, so we just defend with a vertical positioned sword 3 times and even interupt their combo or parry or whatever). As aforemrntioned, just imagine an enemy parrying us with electrical charged swords like in Skyward Sword and the HD rumble in the joycons shock us to throw our concentration out of balance lol!

And with the increased A.I (by means of the powerful system), simple attack combos wont work well against the enemies, similar to how amiibos in Super Smash Bros 4 learn to get around simple and repetitive attacks, or the A.I opponents in recent Fifa games. So the player would benefit from being a master with the sword, varying each combo with thrusts, vertical, horizontal and diagonal slices, fake attacks followed by real attacks etc etc.*

And..... realism with the physics!.. So mindless spamming would not work haha. If someone swings repetitively like a nutter like in Wii Sports sword duel haha then when the opponent simply blocks in the correct angle and kinda parries with force (by means of the accelerometre and gyroscope technology), the spammer's sword/arm would naturally deflect away leaving them vulnerable to fatal wounds.... So it would be in the player's interest to play skillfully like in real life. xD


What do you think about this my dude? Would that be more fun and engaging and skillful to play? You could use swords, staffs, spears, double daggers, bow & arrow, two sticks if the staff breaks in half etc haha. Games like Assasin's Creed, Star Wars, No More Heroes etc etc could all benefit from such evolution. I honestly feel the gaming industry would totally advance if lots of different games made creative use of precise motion controls. I dont think every game should be controlled by motion though, such as some 2D fighters for example. And some games perhaps could partially use motion controls, such as football games (the one on Wii was so bob-ombs at making us be more in control over our entire team rather than relying on the failed A.I to keep up with our play intentions), driving games and so on.

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I've just done the first Divine Beast next to Zora's Domain. I loved the way that you had to get inside! So epic. Once inside the puzzles were certainly head scratchers trying to figure out those cogs! I enjoyed it. I found the boss dead easy and I wish the "dungeon" was larger. It was cool how the whole divine beast was used to be part of the puzzles.

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Bloody Korok Seeds. Can I at least get the Sheikah Sensor to detect them?


Assuming you've got Sheikah Sensor+, have you tried photographing a Korok and setting it to that? I don't know if it works, but it's the closest thing I can think of to tracking down a seed.


Just had this delivered. Should help me get all I want from the game without having to consult the net when I'm stumped or when I need to know where certain things are.


Yep, this game is certainly the first time I've considered buying one of those! :heh:


I think i would also have changed the difficulty of monsters in the field. Knowing you are always 1 hit away from death from a standard mob seemed to take away from the immersiveness of the game. No matter where in the world I was, 1 or 2 hits could kill me from standard mobs (I finished on 15 or 16 hearts) and going from that to a 'boss' which couldn't touch me was jarring.


Great point. The way the game starts, it makes it seem extremely hard, but the more traditional bits seem about right.

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Like many others, I did the first dungeon last night - 7 days after taking ownership of the Switch! I found it a few days ago, but wanted to fully prepare myself. It's funny, I remember in the past some people saying "Wouldn't it be good if it took you days to find a dungeon?" Well, now it's happened!


I greatly enjoyed this dungeon - it was absolute classic Zelda except (I think) taken to the next level. I've always thought HD could offer things on a bigger scale, and the ability to see into the distance. This sort of reminded me of the desert ship (Sand Ship?) in Skyward Sword, but I personally found it a lot more enjoyable.


Climbing up the elephant's trunk and then gliding down was something else.









I actually liked how they used a grand scale, but didn't fill in all the gaps. It wasn't too long, and I appreciated that. Like Aneres, I would prefer easier puzzles (I'm not keen on Stasis, in particular), but overall it was like having a warm mug of tea.


The ten hearts I had set me up comfortably. I could probably have done it with less, but was glad I had what I did. Overall, the dungeon just reminded me of the classic Zelda formula. Nintendo should be proud of this, as I've never found anything that could quite match the puzzles/boss/reward formula of the Zelda dungeon.


Has anyone got any suggestions as to which one I should tackle next? I want to avoid Gerudo, if possible, and am thinking of trying to find Goron City.

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I have found some really cool weapons recently just wandering around. The Hebra Mountains section is just full of delicious secrets and weaponry.


Also stumbled upon 2 of the secret hot springs which surprised me when it started regenerating my health as I swam through it. :D


Missed a shrine as I was unable to get rid of the ice around it (no flint, red chu chu jelly or fire arrow) so I've marked it on the map to go back to when I'm better prepared.


I still have so much to do and not once has my want to play this game wavered. Although I do fancy some Fast RMX every now and again to break it up but not sure whether to purchase it yet or not. :confused:

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Finished it yesterday, really enjoyed the adventure and if I didn't have other games to play, I would have completed more shrines and found more seeds.


In the end I defeated all 4 divine beasts, unlocked all the memories, completed 51 shrines and defeated Calamity Ganon, all in 45 hours.




- It looks amazing, I wasn't sure what it would look like on my new 55" 4K TV but I was blown away. Nintendo are the masters of pushing their consoles to their limits.


- Loved the art style that they went with, as again, it covers up the limitations of the Wii U & Switch perfectly while still looking great.


- The open world, wow... just huge. I don't know how Nintendo will top this world for the next Zelda game.


- Just so much to do with it all being down to you how you progress through the game.




- The music, none of it was memorable or epic, I'm come away from playing previous Zelda games humming the tunes for months afterwards.


- Weapon system, the weapons breaking constantly. They really should have used a similar system to Monster Hunter, where your weapon goes blunt and you can resharpen.


- The motion control shrines, urgggh.. just why?!



I'm glad this was the game to end my near 3 years spell without buying a Wii U game, it met all expectations and was a joy to play. Now, back to the PS4.

Edited by lostmario
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