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The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker HD


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My thoughts exactly @Blade...


It's a Zelda game... in this instance one of the best, now in HD with a few refinements, so what's not to like?


The price is right, this isn't just some 'spit 'n polish' job with a 'HD classic' badge slapped on it like so many budget releases on other formats but a proper restoration of a classic game which will become the default version which everyone that has a Wii U will want to play, it's a lasting tribute to the original and a chance for those who missed it the first time around to bask in its brilliance. :)


Overzealous? :heh:


Perhaps... but personally I can't wait to play what is easily one of my favourite games ever all over again in all of its cel-shaded, HD, 1080p glory! : peace:

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This, one million times. I still wonder why some people feel entitled to get a game cheaper, when in movie business, you have to pay the premium price every time you upgrade. Granted, movies cost less, but games take consideraply more work to upgrade. Only easy way to do HD remake is to slap a few games together, with a filter and then call it remake. It's just like putting a movie through DNR filter and call it remaster.


I'm just glad someone finally gets it.


Costing less is a significant motivation to a consumer.

Saying games take considerably more work than films - why then are so many films operating on a much larger budget than any of these games? Why do they have huge teams of people working on them, day in day out? Do you think a script, locations, casting, props, and countless other things associated with film-making just appear together overnight?


I think its more to do with what other companies are charging for HD ports/remakes.


As I said earlier, in a post which people seemed to have disregarded, Square Enix are releasing Kingdom Hearts HD next week for £25. This nets you Kingdom Hearts HD, which is the Final Mix version that was never released over here. Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories ( PS2 Version ) HD, again never released over here. Finally Kingdom Hearts 352/2 cutscenes all in HD. The game also has a remastered soundtrack and new voice over work for the Final Mix english release. That's a hell of a lot of effort yet it's still a budget release.


I'm still getting WW but I can see why people are upset over the price.


This is a much more reasonable deal/approach imo. I've never actually played Kingdom Hearts but gotta say...I'm possibly tempted to buy that over this!


Perhaps... but personally I can't wait to play what is easily one of my favourite games ever all over again in all of its cel-shaded, HD, 1080p glory! : peace:


One of my issues with it is that there actually seems to be some changes to the visual style that I'm not sure I like - like some of the simplicity has been lost, and I kinda don't like it. I'll wait til there much more out(vids and miiverse etc) and make a judgement then, but really graphics are the last aspect of a game for me - plus I don't feel this was a game that would really even benefit that much from the change.

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If you don't like the price and you personally don't see the upgrade as worth it then fine i can respect but lets not get heated arguments going on.

I do understand the argument though as quite frankly they could have put wind waker versions of the cut dungeons in (Was temple of time one? or was that an OoT cut dungeon?);they could have added a NEW dungeon like they did for the colour edition of Links Awakening, or the GBA version of ALTTP, even a token dungeon that held one of the triforce pieces would have been more than worth it!


That said to me it justifies its cost some what, its got a new interface, offscreen play, updated graphics, new items, some tweeks we don't know the full details of so it can justify min £30 to 35...£39 is getting a bit expensive


but i'm buying the special edition so i'm mental (but it will hold its value)

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Some new footage:



Sounds like Wind Waker HD has remixed music after all, Nintendo just never bothered to tell anyone about it. Or they just recently remixed the soundtrack out of the blue...


Anyway, it's nothing major, but the difference is clear. At least with the Outset Island -theme.

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Some new footage:



Sounds like Wind Waker HD has remixed music after all, Nintendo just never bothered to tell anyone about it. Or they just recently remixed the soundtrack out of the blue...


Anyway, it's nothing major, but the difference is clear. At least with the Outset Island -theme.

Is it me or does it sound orchestrated

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Fans want an expansive world and for the game to feel like a big adventure, yet they want to be able to travel to the four corners of the world map within seconds, I don't get it. Sail somewhere in super-fast-forward mode and the game feels cheap and small-time, IMO. And don't get me started (again) on not needing to change the wind direction with it.

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