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The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker HD


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Except that only around 3 games had widescreen.


Widescreen was a bit pointless before HD (just my opinion), as you only got extra resolution one way but not the other. Even though I had a widescreen TV, I preferred 4:3.


Other than the 3DS remakes! ;)


OOT 3D is great, but I really missed rumble! It's such an important part of the game, which I didn't even realise when I played the N64 original (without the Rumble Pak). The GameCube version was a revelation, finding all the secrets. :)


None of that would stop me buying Majora's Mask 3D though. ;)


If Nintendo don't bring the Gamecube to the virtual console it's a HUGE mistake!


Oh, I agree. Getting the full GameCube line-up on there (with a controller that could play them) should have been one of their earliest priorities.

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They've not said anything about GameCube virtual console.


I think people tend to forget this. I think there has only ever been one mention of GC games coming to the VC and that was by some guy caught on the hoof and was about as far from an official statement as it gets.


As for TWW appearing if GC games to turn up, I'm not so sure.


Kirby got remade for the DS but appeared in original form on the VC. Mario 64 got an enhanced port but saw the original on the VC. Even third party games like Chrono Trigger saw an enhanced DS port and the original on the VC. Now the 3DS has seen some remakes and we'll no doubt only be seeing original version on the home console VC.


But in nearly every case, it's always one machine (the portable) getting the remake and the other machine, (the home console) getting the original game via VC. The original and remake have yet to make it to the same console. The only time that springs to mind with that happening is with Zero Mission on the GBA - but they already threw in the original in the remake and the NES Classic edition existed for prosperity purposes only.


As for DKR, the DS version had Conker and Banjo removed in order to come out and whilst VC versions are no strangers to odd tweeks, I'm guessing they would have felt that was too much of a change to make to the existing code and MS wouldn't allow them to release a was.


So then it comes to how much of the game gets changed, if it really is mostly a grpahical reworking and the gameplay sees minor tweeks, I fail to see the purpose of offering both seperately. I personally think the remake will include the original game too.


I'd like to see them go the Halo Anniversary route and be able to switch graphics on the fly but again, if the gameplay changes are too much, that might not be possible - as I understand it, Halo just used a new renderer to display the graphics but the gameplay was running from the exact same engine/code as the original game.

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Yes, it was on the list of games that was leaked from the debug mode of the Miiverse! Thing is both Yoshi's Story and Resident Evil turned out to be real - so here's hoping MGS will too.


That list had some very interesting names, if it really meant those games are coming. It said Final Fantasy 3, which I doubt will be coming to Wii U, it could mean something else, like Lightning Returns (FFXIII-3). Then it had Soul Hackers. So far, there is a Shin Megami Tensei -game which has Soul Hackers subname, but that's a 3DS game. Could Nintendo be planning a 3DS Miiverse?


I forget about the rest of the games on that list.

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I genuinely don't think GameCube will come to Virtual Console, especially now I've seen this. Wind Waker is considered the No.1 GC title by many, and lots of the others use the analogue triggers. The main Nintendo one that doesn't is Metroid Prime and, as much as I'd rather play an HD version of the GameCube original, Nintendo will probably think "They can play the Wii version" (like Twilight Princess). I don't think this is a good thing, it's just my prediction.


I think you need to go fire this game up again as it does make use of the analogue triggers.


If you squeeze the left trigger before it clicks, it will bring up a small cross hair on screen (a plus shape) and it will make you strafe instead of turn. It's not until you click it, that it actually locks. But not only does it make you strafe, it also locks your line of sight. So if you hold R and then look at the floor, slightly hold L (and keep it held) and the release R, you will be free to move around whilst still looking at the floor - though you will strafe instead of turn. This makes it much easier when jumping as you can fix your gaze to better see your target landing spot.


The R button just uses Analogue to change the opacity of the target reticle for free look.


The R functionality isn't really anything to be bothered about but I made use of the L features all the time.

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I think you need to go fire this game up again as it does make use of the analogue triggers.


Ah, wow, thanks for the reminder. It just goes to show how important it was to the GameCube. I can't believe they'd go back to traditional controls but leave out something as important as analogue triggers.

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I think people tend to forget this. I think there has only ever been one mention of GC games coming to the VC and that was by some guy caught on the hoof and was about as far from an official statement as it gets.


As for TWW appearing if GC games to turn up, I'm not so sure.


Kirby got remade for the DS but appeared in original form on the VC. Mario 64 got an enhanced port but saw the original on the VC. Even third party games like Chrono Trigger saw an enhanced DS port and the original on the VC. Now the 3DS has seen some remakes and we'll no doubt only be seeing original version on the home console VC.


But in nearly every case, it's always one machine (the portable) getting the remake and the other machine, (the home console) getting the original game via VC. The original and remake have yet to make it to the same console. The only time that springs to mind with that happening is with Zero Mission on the GBA - but they already threw in the original in the remake and the NES Classic edition existed for prosperity purposes only.


As for DKR, the DS version had Conker and Banjo removed in order to come out and whilst VC versions are no strangers to odd tweeks, I'm guessing they would have felt that was too much of a change to make to the existing code and MS wouldn't allow them to release a was.


So then it comes to how much of the game gets changed, if it really is mostly a grpahical reworking and the gameplay sees minor tweeks, I fail to see the purpose of offering both seperately. I personally think the remake will include the original game too.


I'd like to see them go the Halo Anniversary route and be able to switch graphics on the fly but again, if the gameplay changes are too much, that might not be possible - as I understand it, Halo just used a new renderer to display the graphics but the gameplay was running from the exact same engine/code as the original game.


I think you need to go fire this game up again as it does make use of the analogue triggers.


If you squeeze the left trigger before it clicks, it will bring up a small cross hair on screen (a plus shape) and it will make you strafe instead of turn. It's not until you click it, that it actually locks. But not only does it make you strafe, it also locks your line of sight. So if you hold R and then look at the floor, slightly hold L (and keep it held) and the release R, you will be free to move around whilst still looking at the floor - though you will strafe instead of turn. This makes it much easier when jumping as you can fix your gaze to better see your target landing spot.


The R button just uses Analogue to change the opacity of the target reticle for free look.


The R functionality isn't really anything to be bothered about but I made use of the L features all the time.

Nintendo are so damn backwards at times it's infuriating!


The fact they don't have a unified Virtual Console, the fact like you say, they bring some games to one virtual console and not to others...


The fact that they didn't just include a second analogue stick on the 3DS for convenience sake, the fact the Gamecube controller had analogue triggers but the Gamepad/Pro Controller doesn't!


(the fact that it actually took me about 30secs to think of the right name for the Pro Controller, because there are so many damn accessories!)

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It's called being a single screen shot of an early build of a game. Things tend to be this way...


No way, really? Wow, thanks for pointing out something we all didn't know already. Where would we be.....? Please try harder if you're going to troll.


It's a simple question, open to public opinion. In my opinion the top photo is nicer as it's closer to the original cel shading. That opinion may change depending on development of the game. Nintendo tend not to release images of a game until they're happy with the look. The fact that these images have been released would probably mean that they're happy that the final game will look like this or very similar. Time will tell.

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Could Nintendo be planning a 3DS Miiverse?


Iwata has already outright stated it's coming to the 3DS - there is no "could" about it.


Once the Miiverse hits the 3DS, it will be huge. Just imagine the possibilities of playing Animal Crossing: New Leaf while sharing your experiences on the Miiverse. Now that’s something!



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That list had some very interesting names, if it really meant those games are coming. It said Final Fantasy 3, which I doubt will be coming to Wii U, it could mean something else, like Lightning Returns (FFXIII-3). Then it had Soul Hackers. So far, there is a Shin Megami Tensei -game which has Soul Hackers subname, but that's a 3DS game. Could Nintendo be planning a 3DS Miiverse?


I forget about the rest of the games on that list.


I should imagine that the Miiverse will eventually be rolled out on the 3DS!

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Just a question, but does the Pro controller have analogue triggers or do all the wii u pads lack this feature?
Yeah ridiculously both of the Wii U's controllers came without them! Kind of makes the reasoning behind the Pro Controller a bit ridiculous, as it was supposed to a controller than offered a comparative experience to the other consoles.
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Yeah ridiculously both of the Wii U's controllers came without them! Kind of makes the reasoning behind the Pro Controller a bit ridiculous, as it was supposed to a controller than offered a comparative experience to the other consoles.


..but it gives them an opportunity to release the Wii U GC Pro Controller further down the line with analogue shoulder buttons! The more controllers, the merrier.. :indeed:

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I don't know but now you mention it, I guess they would have had to edit the game so it didn't include banjo and conker.


And do what? Replace them with Dixie Kong and a tall, teenage Tiny Kong in a sports bra? That would be insane.

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@Cube Oh good grief, I'd forgotten about the monstrosity that was Tiny Kong





and @Beaneth007 - It's pathetic isn't it. Of all the shit they put in the GamePad like Gyro's and touch screens and cameras they don't put in analogue triggers. I swear they always find a way to shoot themselves in the foot.

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It's pathetic isn't it. Of all the shit they put in the GamePad like Gyro's and touch screens and cameras they don't put in analogue triggers. I swear they always find a way to shoot themselves in the foot.


And NFC. I remember them going to great lengths to include NFC, but they couldn't include analogue triggers!

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I heard about NFC last year but didn't think it made the final cut seeing as nothing has used it yet and, as Retro_Link said, all of those games come with readers anyway :P


I still think it's a missed opportunity that the Wii U didn't come with a non-specific action figure and some build in software to show the NFC capabilities :p

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