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PlayStation 4 Console Discussion


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I know you hear people moaning about it, but are most people really that bothered about installing before you play? I mean, how desperate does someone have to be to resent an install?


Can't wait to see how big this and the 720 will be though. What have they learnt from the YROD/RROD fiasco to make sure that doesn't come about again?


Do gamers these days just except high console failure rate as a part of life now? I know this gamer doesn't.


When games are 25-50GB a pop, you'll find your HDD space gets eaten up pretty quickly!

Edited by Dcubed
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I'm not sure if you're taking a dig at the Vita's memory cards but considering the PS3 was the first console to use standard 2.5" HDDs that you could swap at your leisure whilst the Wii twiddled its thumbs with 512MB onboard memory that seems to be jumping the gun a little.

That won't work because the game needs to be able to load the data off the disc at the same time, you can't install the game onto HDD and read data off the disc into RAM at the same time because the disc speed bandwidth is being taken up by the game loading from disc.


I didn't say at the same time, you seem to be forgetting about loading screens. While the game first boots up and loads, during splash screens, good developers will load up enough data to get gameplay moving. During the first cutscene for example, the second CPU transfers data from the second part to the HDD. Things like sounds and textures will be small enough to continue streaming alongside that. In other cases they could just do a small install at the beginning of 3-5 minutes, as opposed to some of the 15-20 minute installs on the PS3. Perhaps you could even be given the option to forgo this installation and have longer loads and worse graphics in the first part of the game.


Unfortunately faster optical drives are expensive, so I'm sure they have smart enough people to be figuring out how to make use of the speed they have alongside all that RAM.

Edited by Shorty
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I know you hear people moaning about it, but are most people really that bothered about installing before you play? I mean, how desperate does someone have to be to resent an install?


Can't wait to see how big this and the 720 will be though. What have they learnt from the YROD/RROD fiasco to make sure that doesn't come about again?


Do gamers these days just except high console failure rate as a part of life now? I know this gamer doesn't.


I always install every 360 game that I get before playing it. Just makes sense really. Lesswear and tear on the console and faster/smoother loading.


As for the failure rates, I had 2 RRODs, a Wii that stopped reading discs and a Wii U that needed repairing a month after launch. As the generation went on I kinda just accepted that machines are built as well as they used to be. Surprisingly I never had any failure issues with the PS3, despite a few people on here having them.

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I know you hear people moaning about it, but are most people really that bothered about installing before you play? I mean, how desperate does someone have to be to resent an install?


I've installed one game on my 360. I never saw the benefit so I never did it a game - it just seemed like a waste of time.


However, if the "play and install" they have for digital games also applies to disc-based games, then I can see it not being a problem.

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I really want one. I can't see the Xbox outdoing this in terms of power, Sony will likely have the better exclusives again and the new online things look very appealing. Looking at the summarised accounts of how the conference went, I can't think of anything that's really putting me off. Launch for Christmas 2013 with say £300 price tag and I think I might be day 1, as long as I actually have the money.


A question though, how much has been revealed about backwards compatibility? Sorry if this has been discussed but it's a big thread to trawl through.


Also, this amount of fuss over the 8GB thing - over one spec - really reminds me of the old days when bits were used to describe things. Does anyone know how many bits the PS4 is? :heh:

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a Wii U that needed repairing a month after launch


Launch hardware can be given a grace period, though I do feel Nintendo's QC might have slipped a little more with launch hardware recently.


I'm not sure if you're taking a dig at the Vita's memory cards but considering the PS3 was the first console to use standard 2.5" HDDs that you could swap at your leisure whilst the Wii twiddled its thumbs with 512MB onboard memory that seems to be jumping the gun a little.


Aye, I was. Sony needs to make as much money back on this thing as they can, so I'd say they might'n stop just there either. The Wii had absolutely no need for a HDD... The Wii U on the other hand may have benefited from a USB3 port so USB3 HDDs could be used with an install option on games if only least, the disc didn't spin so much.


Launch for Christmas 2013 with say £300 price tag and I think I might be day 1, as long as I actually have the money.


A question though, how much has been revealed about backwards compatibility? Sorry if this has been discussed but it's a big thread to trawl through.


£300? You should coco. There is no BC with the PS3. Maybe some of them will be on their stream cloud service, but I imagine at a cost. Used games use is also hazy at the moment, Sony saying it's upto the game maker...

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Launch hardware can be given a grace period, though I do feel Nintendo's QC might have slipped a little more with launch hardware recently.




Aye, I was. Sony needs to make as much money back on this thing as they can, so I'd say they might'n stop just there either. The Wii had absolutely no need for a HDD... The Wii U on the other hand may have benefited from a USB3 port so USB3 HDDs could be used with an install option on games if only least, the disc didn't spin so much.




£300? You should coco. There is no BC with the PS3. Maybe some of them will be on their stream cloud service, but I imagine at a cost. Used games use is also hazy at the moment, Sony saying it's upto the game maker...


The fact that it took Nintendo so long to allow people to properly use the SD card slot that came installed as standard with the damn system was criminal!

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Aside from Watch Dogs, I haven't seen much that's really impressed me for PS4. INfamous Second Son looks good, but I found INfamous 2 pretty repetitive after playing the first- something I also found with LBP2 too. Its all early days, so we shall see. Its a big shame that native backwards compatibility is out and PS3 digital purchases are non-transferable though.


However, the social side and Gaikai functions have impressed, a huge leap ahead of the community feeds in Miiverse. Video posting is a superb addition, whilst Gaikai powered live feeds really do sound great, and if that's presented similarly to ONlive, it'll make for a unique experience. I am a little concerned that some Gaikai interactive features like 'take over' game play will be rendered useless by lag. Its sounding incredibly promising in this respect, Nintendo really needs to step up its game to compete in this area.

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Aside from Watch Dogs, I haven't seen much that's really impressed me for PS4. INfamous Second Son looks good, but I found INfamous 2 pretty repetitive after playing the first- something I also found with LBP2 too. Its all early days, so we shall see. Its a big shame that native backwards compatibility is out and PS3 digital purchases are non-transferable though.


However, the social side and Gaikai functions have impressed, a huge leap ahead of the community feeds in Miiverse. Video posting is a superb addition, whilst Gaikai powered live feeds really do sound great, and if that's presented similarly to ONlive, it'll make for a unique experience. I am a little concerned that some Gaikai interactive features like 'take over' game play will be rendered useless by lag. Its sounding incredibly promising in this respect, Nintendo really needs to step up its game to compete in this area.


I don't think it will be the case if you have a net connection that's fast enough (apparently it only needs around 10 meg line) it will work. How it differs from PC is that every set up is the same in terms of hardware and it's going to run super smooth at both ends.


The thing that's worried me is they've promised big before with things like remote play on both psp and vita before and not delivered and I can only hope Gaikai is truly embedded from top to bottom in all these aspects of the console. The PS3 is so annoying in so many ways when it comes to online stuff even the basics like syncing trophies take forever (I think this is an issue with it being bolted on and not being part of the initial firmware)

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What does everyone think will be available at launch? At the moment I think it's


- Killzone

- Knack

- Watch_Dogs

- Destiny

- Diablo 3

- The Witness


Obviously, a lot more will be shown at E3.


I think inFamous will be out next March, rather than a launch title.

Edited by Cube
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I heard something about them wanting to release Destiny on December 31st or something... they don't want to go into next year or something. Seems random.


Cube, do To you mean The Witness?


Yeah Drive Club seems likely, get the racer there for launch.


Be a shame not to have Infamous there, but you're right, it could be in the second wave of games; guess we'll see at E3 how far along it really is.

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I always install every 360 game that I get before playing it. Just makes sense really. Lesswear and tear on the console and faster/smoother loading.


As for the failure rates, I had 2 RRODs, a Wii that stopped reading discs and a Wii U that needed repairing a month after launch. As the generation went on I kinda just accepted that machines are built as well as they used to be. Surprisingly I never had any failure issues with the PS3, despite a few people on here having them.


I'm going to second that I think consoles just aren't built like they used to be. I had two Wii consoles fail on me within the first 2 months of launch, first just hung making a humming noise during games and needed plug pull to work second got disc read errors, PS3 got the yellow light and my original DS touchscreen just stopped working.


I hope that regular PC components may somewhat help these issues as we are less likely to get design flaws from custom hardware.

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do you think the DS4 will work with ps3's when the ps4's launched? i'd like to box away unnecessary controllers, so all my ps3 ones could go in the loft and just have 1 playstation controller if it does


I'd also like to know this. I'm guessing they're still using bluetooth so there's probably a chance.

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do you think the DS4 will work with ps3's when the ps4's launched? i'd like to box away unnecessary controllers, so all my ps3 ones could go in the loft and just have 1 playstation controller if it does


I'd also like to know this. I'm guessing they're still using bluetooth so there's probably a chance.


DS3's wont work with PS4's so I doubt DS4's will work with PS3's.


PS4 supports current-gen Move controller but not DualShock 3


It was probably too much to hope that we would be able to use our current PS3 gamepads with the new PS4 hardware, and it sure turned out to be.



Polygon asked SCE Worldwide president Shuhei Yoshida if the PlayStation 4 would allow consumers to use their now-standard DualShock 3 controllers with it despite the DualShock 4 having a lot of additional functionality. He said: “No, [the PlayStation 4] doesn’t support DualShock 3 but it does support PS Move.” That is, you can keep the Move controller you picked up in that SOCOM 4 bundle on impulse, but you’ll only continue to get use out of the DualShock 3 if you keep using your PS3. And you should definitely keep your PS3 handy anyway.


This isn’t terribly surprising, as a lot of or most new games will have functions you don’t have with the DualShock 3. That thing doesn’t have a touchpad or a “share” button, after all.


Come on guys you lot too lazy to check on google?

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