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PlayStation 4 Console Discussion


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My 2TB hard drive arrived : peace: Wanted to exchange it now, but do a backup first. This would take 5 hours...:blank:


Well, I'll do the backup over night so I can play this evening :laughing:

At least you can backup all your data. I swapped out just before they introduced that (latest update), all I could backup was Videos and saves, had to re-download everything else.


(Not that it took too long at 100meg but still)

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At least you can backup all your data. I swapped out just before they introduced that (latest update), all I could backup was Videos and saves, had to re-download everything else.


(Not that it took too long at 100meg but still)


Yeah, thank God I could backup my data. Since I can't get more than 1.5mb per seconds it would've taken ages to re-download all my shit. :shakehead


Now it "only" takes 3 hours to restore everything. :blank: Well, I have to do some shopping so it's not that bad.


Anyway, switching the hard drives was easy as pie. Getting the 2TB HD out of the casing took me longer than everything else :laughing:

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I've learned my lesson and will swap out the hard drive of the next console straight away before downloading anything.


Yup, but I sincerely hope that the standard with the next console will be: a cheap 5TB SSD. :laughing:


Just put the stock PS4 HD into the casing of the 2TB one. Pretty sweet : peace:

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Yup, but I sincerely hope that the standard with the next console will be: a cheap 5TB SSD. :laughing:


Just put the stock PS4 HD into the casing of the 2TB one. Pretty sweet : peace:


I'm not even sure 5TB will be enough in future with the size of some of these games/downloads!

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I've learned my lesson and will swap out the hard drive of the next console straight away before downloading anything. I've still got videos and pictures on my old hdd that I still need to go back for at some point.
You can't put them back btw. But you can view them on a computer.
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Err, guess you might be able to do that, not sure. I assumed you meant you had copied them to an external drive before you swapped. I formatted my original PS4 hdd as soon as I'd put the new one in and started using it as a USB drive :blank:

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Err, guess you might be able to do that, not sure. I assumed you meant you had copied them to an external drive before you swapped. I formatted my original PS4 hdd as soon as I'd put the new one in and started using it as a USB drive :blank:


Nah, I had a load of saves on my old hdd and inserted my usb drive into it to transfer them across before realising that it would take roughly 13 hours to move it all across. I welped and in true Hollywood fashion declared that I WILL COME BACK FOR YOU ONE DAY, yaaaarrrhhhh.


If I can't get them back, it's not the end of the world. Just a few FIFA videos and one for Alien Isolation. Oh no, I guess I'll just have to play the game again.

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Have a problem:


I've exchanged Hard Drives on my PS4. The 500GB stock HD is now in the casing of the external HD and, according to Eurogamer's Digital Foundry, should be able to be used as a storage unit.

However, when I connect it to my PC it doesn't work. It gets recognized, the driver is installed, but I cannot access it. It doesn't show up in my explorer.


When I plug it into the PS4 the console goes apeshit and keeps telling me that the format used is incompatible with the system (however, it should be FAT32 which is compatible).


What do to? :confused:

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Probably needs a drive letter to be read on PC?


Start > Right click Computer > Manage > Disk Management > right click on the drive in the bottom area and assign drive letter.


As for using it as an external drive on PS4. I couldn't, found it really unreliable (kept telling me it was in use within 10 seconds of being connected, could only basically copy the saves near the top of the list). Found in the end I had to move them to a smaller USB drive.

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Hasn't been formatted properly yet. If you're sure you're done with it and sure that's the right drive, right click and delete all those partitions, then right click and make a new volume in the empty space.


Thank you very much. :) It worked : peace:

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