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PlayStation 4 Console Discussion


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I had managed to get onto the PS Store last night through my PS4 and with hearing people and stories say that PSN is back up, I booted up my PS4 a little bit ago in the hopes that I'd be able to get on properly but nope, still down. Bloody disgrace. I wasn't bothered with it being down on Christmas or Boxing day as I wasn't going on my PS4 anyway but now, yeah as others have said it's getting ridiculous.


What's annoying me though is that downloadable games, which I've paid for and are installed to my PS4, can't be played or accessed as there's no PSN. I guess it's so they can check you have the license to play the game but if I've bloody well paid for it and it doesn't have any online functionality what-so-ever (so like Hohokum for instance) I should be able to play the damned thing! I've paid for and own the game so it should be useable. Or is this another instance of how BS this industry is going in it say that we don't actually own the games but merely a license to play them. Ridiculous is what it is.


Least I was able to install and update some games with it being offline so that's something at least.


You need to make your console the primary console and then you can play them offline when you can't get to PSN.

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I just tried again. Still can't get on. Kinda sucks.


I get to the sign in and then coz I'm a new user to Ps4, it goes through all of the friends and sharing options, who can see your name etc. Once I get to the end it then says communication error. :(


Kinda fed up going through that screen now so just gonna sack it all of until we get word it's back online fully.

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If PSN ever gets back on* I'm itching for Tomb Raider, Thief and Sleeping Dogs at those prices. I still prefer physical version though. Still haven't decided.


*I can access the store, but it doesn't show the January sale.

It should on a laptop. I noticed earlier it didn't on mobile.


However if you search for Tomb Raider PS4 on the mobile store it has it for the discounted price.

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Any alternative ways to verify my email? I'm not getting the verification email. Added my Japanese PSN no problem though...


Also do I want my UK PSN to be the primary PS4 or can both be?


you can have both accounts showing your PS4 as their primary console

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How? Quite curious given their business practices got them ruined not long ago. Once people find the real rpices they will not be happy.


As I said, people have new machines and want accessories. Price is clearly not an issue with the general public. GAME charge a huge amount for their games compared to the supermarkets and online retailers, yet this doesn't stop people from going in and buying from them. Besides, they do this kind of thing every year and it clearly works, otherwise they wouldn't bother to do it in the first place.

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Finally in!!


Managed to get set up.


Love how fast it all is. Definitely streets ahead of PS3 which was painful at times.

Now to start doing stuff on it. :)


Didn't even know you had a playstation console. Congrats about reaching next gen :) PSN Id is on the left otherwise I will try to remember to add you tomorrow.

Edited by Tales
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Didn't even know you had a playstation console. Congrats about reaching next gen :) PSN Id is on the left otherwise I will try to remember to add you tomorrow.


I joined next gen with Wii U? Oh wait... :heh:


Nah I have a One too! So I've been next genning a while! The PS4 was a massively unexpected Christmas gift off my sisters (and massively generous) and in white too! So matches my One and Wii U. :yay:


I will add you too if you don't add me before! I'm Aneres11 btw. Standard.

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You can tell the PS4 is struggling user wise. Its online but many people not getting through.


edit: All 4 consoles (Ps3, PS4, both xbox) are lower than they should be.


Love how fast it all is. Definitely streets ahead of PS3 which was painful at times.

Now to start doing stuff on it.


Yeah speed is awesome. UI is very good. Hardware wise its fantastic all round. Circles around the bone and U. No batteries, extra wires, external hdd etc. Easiest system to live with.

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