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Right guys so what should I buy next for multiplayer? What's played most round here... Battlefield, Killzone? Are they played much at all?


You ever tried MMORPGs? Final Fantasy XIV has really been doing it for me recently, you can pick it up for around £3-4 with a month's worth of play included.

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Bought that game last week actually(although for substantially more than 3£...). It was for PS3, but you can get a free upgrade for PS4 so I have stopped playing until it arrives. Should be tomorrow. Don't know if I will pay for any more months besides the first free one. Maybe if I'm too bored between Xillia 2 and AC Unity.

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Right guys so what should I buy next for multiplayer? What's played most round here... Battlefield, Killzone? Are they played much at all?


Buy whatever you fancy mate just don't expect to play online with the N-Europe communiity. I love this forum we have a great bunch of people on here but nobody wants to play online. I play a lot of Killzone, check out the thread I'm basically the only person who posts in there and you can read how exasperated I get there. I play Battlefield now it works too but again nobody on here does.


I'm hoping Driveclub or Destiny might promote some online community meets clans etc but so far as per usual it's been a bit crap.

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The right game needs to hit. I imagine if something like Killzone hit PS+, more people would go online as they'd then have the game. I think everyone is waiting for Destiny/Drive Club, tbh. Can't exactly blame them. Although, I have been tempted to go for Killzone, but that would purely be for multiplayer. Think Destiny will be your best bet, brah.

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Bought that game last week actually(although for substantially more than 3£...). It was for PS3, but you can get a free upgrade for PS4 so I have stopped playing until it arrives. Should be tomorrow. Don't know if I will pay for any more months besides the first free one. Maybe if I'm too bored between Xillia 2 and AC Unity.


What server are you on? I'm on Cerberus.


Buy whatever you fancy mate just don't expect to play online with the N-Europe communiity. I love this forum we have a great bunch of people on here but nobody wants to play online. I play a lot of Killzone, check out the thread I'm basically the only person who posts in there and you can read how exasperated I get there. I play Battlefield now it works too but again nobody on here does.


I'm hoping Driveclub or Destiny might promote some online community meets clans etc but so far as per usual it's been a bit crap.

Killzone simply doesn't interest me. Whether it is or not, it looks very generic to me. If you look at the number of people here who played just the Destiny beta though, I think we can safely assume a lot of N-E folks will be online when the right game hits.

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The right game needs to hit. I imagine if something like Killzone hit PS+, more people would go online as they'd then have the game.


When the PS4 came out almost every early adopter got Killzone yet trying to get a game online here was impossible.


When The Last of Us on PS3 came out huge numbers of people on here bought it but yet again nobody played online not even @ReZourceman (I'm guessing if it doesn't have Nathan Drake in it he's not interested). Check the thread out and you'll see again I'm basically the only person mentioning multiplayer.


Sorry to be so negative but this has been my experience for a number of years when it comes to online and N-Europe.

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When the PS4 came out almost every early adopter got Killzone yet trying to get a game online here was impossible.


I'm going on Last of Us Online I wonder how many will join me?


I would join, but I'm still slugging away on the story mode/single player. :D


I hope it does change because the reason I got the console (partly) was to play more online games. I think it will. There's more and more people on here picking up a PS4, so it'll get better. BELIEVE. :p

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Right guys so what should I buy next for multiplayer? What's played most round here... Battlefield, Killzone? Are they played much at all?


I'll play some Last of Us online. I dabbled with it a few times and really enjoyed it once I got to grips with it. Cooky is clearly up for it as well.

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Added more to last post it was just as bad on PS3.


I hope it does change because the reason I got the console (partly) was to play more online games. I think it will. There's more and more people on here picking up a PS4, so it'll get better. BELIEVE. :p




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@Hero\-of\-Time and @Cookyman I'm well up for some online gaming guys, do you have a preferred online game?!


I'm so surprised that so few people seem to game online here after berating the WiiU's online (which is poor), the WiiU guys are online all the time!

It was the lack of party/voice-chat that was really doing my head in on the WiiU... well, that and the lack of total numbers online generally.

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@Hero\-of\-Time and @Cookyman I'm well up for some online gaming guys, do you have a preferred online game?!


I'm so surprised that so few people seem to game online here after berating the WiiU's online (which is poor), the WiiU guys are online all the time!

It was the lack of party/voice-chat that was really doing my head in on the WiiU... well, that and the lack of total numbers online generally.


I wouldn't say the Wii U guys are playing online games all the time. There's really only the likes of myself, Blade, lostmario, Welsh, Zechs and youself and most of us usually the ones who are most vocal about the shoddy online. :D


At the moment i'm just playing The Last of Us and will be putting some serious time in to the online mode this weekend. I have Assassins Creed which has an online mode and Killzone is waiting to be downloaded at some point but I haven't started either of these yet.


I tried the Wii U headset out last night, as Cooky sent me a voicemail. For some reason his voice kept coming through the TV rather than the headset. The headset itself works for sending voice messages but I need to try it online to see if people's voices channel through the headset rather than the TV.

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I wouldn't say the Wii U guys are playing online games all the time. There's really only the likes of myself, Blade, lostmario, Welsh, Zechs and youself and most of us usually the ones who are most vocal about the shoddy online. :D


At the moment i'm just playing The Last of Us and will be putting some serious time in to the online mode this weekend. I have Assassins Creed which has an online mode and Killzone is waiting to be downloaded at some point but I haven't started either of these yet.


I tried the Wii U headset out last night, as Cooky sent me a voicemail. For some reason his voice kept coming through the TV rather than the headset. The headset itself works for sending voice messages but I need to try it online to see if people's voices channel through the headset rather than the TV.


Might be worth trying this. Hold down the PS button and go to Adjust Devices. There should be an option there to signal where you want the audio to come from. I think the default is that chat audio comes from the headset and game audio come from tv, but you can also set all audio to come through the headset from there. Have no idea how you managed to get chat audio coming through the TV! I'm impressed with that, haha.


As for online, I've been online quite a lot actually with Watch Dogs, but the online modes in that are...different of course. It's very much ingrained into the game. E.g, I had someone tailing me and I'm not even sure if I was aware of it at the time. However, I've been online with the more traditional modes such as online race and decryption and that was a blast.


As soon as FIFA gets here, I'm going online with that. As soon as Destiny gets here, tons of people will be online with that. And, as soon as Drive Club gets here, the same really. In fact, I want to get a FIFA league up and running for those of us playing it. Can't wait. @drahkon will obviously be playing online with myself. :D

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Might be worth trying this. Hold down the PS button and go to Adjust Devices. There should be an option there to signal where you want the audio to come from. I think the default is that chat audio comes from the headset and game audio come from tv, but you can also set all audio to come through the headset from there. Have no idea how you managed to get chat audio coming through the TV! I'm impressed with that, haha.


As for online, I've been online quite a lot actually with Watch Dogs, but the online modes in that are...different of course. It's very much ingrained into the game. E.g, I had someone tailing me and I'm not even sure if I was aware of it at the time. However, I've been online with the more traditional modes such as online race and decryption and that was a blast.


As soon as FIFA gets here, I'm going online with that. As soon as Destiny gets here, tons of people will be online with that. And, as soon as Drive Club gets here, the same really. In fact, I want to get a FIFA league up and running for those of us playing it. Can't wait. @drahkon will obviously be playing online with myself. :D


Yeah, I fiddled with the options and managed to get both TV audio and voice coming through the headset but I just wanted the voice and not the TV stuff.


I will be getting Fifa but i'm garbage at it. I do love playing the Clubs online. I had some hilarious times on that with everyone going out of position and keepers charging up the field.! :D We should set up a N-E Club.


Speaking of Fifa...


FIFA 15 doesn't include any Brazilian domestic clubs, but it does include all 20 Premier League stadiums for the first time ever. FIFA 14 had eight.


The stadiums in FIFA 15 have been designed to be as authentic as possible, and even include a representation of animated LEDs and advertising boards.


It's the result of an extension of EA Sports' deal with the Premier League, which will now run to the end of the 2018/2019 season.


As well as nabbing all of the stadiums, EA Sports captured 200 new Premier League 3D player head scans and recorded live match atmosphere during the 2013/2014 season. So expect crowd-specific chants. The Barclays Premier League anthem plays at the start of each league game.


The Goal Decision System that was recently introduced into the Premier League is also included in FIFA 15. Replay animations emulate the TV broadcasts we see after a close call.


"We're extremely pleased to announce the extension of our partnership with the Premier League, the most played league in EA Sports FIFA," said EA COO Peter Moore.

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I searched online for recommended servers and I came up with a choice between Cerberus and Moogle. I went with Moogle.




Cooky's gif perfectly sums up my reaction. I'm on moogle too. Character name is Deaja Baiden. Tell me when you are back and I will help you out with getting started. Got a subscription already?

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Fixed that for you, brah. :awesome:




I'm really excited about it. I played the demo for the current game on the PS4 and it really plays well. It's just going to be great. I take it you'll be Bayern MUNCHKIN?


Yeah, I fiddled with the options and managed to get both TV audio and voice coming through the headset but I just wanted the voice and not the TV stuff.


You should be able to just get chat audio through the headset. Toggling the option alternates between the two. Maybe try it with the headset that comes with the system, just to see if that one works. Unless there's some sort of switch on the WiiU headset?


I will be getting Fifa but i'm garbage at it. I do love playing the Clubs online. I had some hilarious times on that with everyone going out of position and keepers charging up the field.! :D We should set up a N-E Club.


Speaking of Fifa...


I heard about that this morning and let out a little squeee. I've wanted this option for so, so long. It's going to make playing against Premier League opponents more realistic. Just...so much yes.


If we play an N-E club, bagsy either the Makelele role (defensive mid) or central defence. :D

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