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PlayStation 4 Console Discussion


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I was watching an interview with Dominic ? from Ubisoft on gametrailers straight after the conference and while again confirming the game is coming to Wii U he said the PS4 trailer was in fact a PC trailer. Still that conference pi$$ed all over Nintendo. Miiverse looks like cack now, PS Vita streaming. The closest Nintendo has to a title looking as good as PS4 is X even that is shy of the mark. If Sony get the price right, Nintendo are in big trouble, in fact they're F#€KED.

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More in the Press PDFs. Gakai seems like it isnt ready yet. Seems like all Vita features are in. Multitasking, cross game chat, save game state and retrun to game etc. Headset in box.


All subject to change.



<PlayStation®4 >

Main Processor

Single-chip custom processor

CPU : x86-64 AMD “Jaguar”, 8 cores

GPU : 1.84 TFLOPS, AMD next-generation Radeon™ based graphics engine



Hard Disk Drive


Optical Drive

(read only)




Super-Speed USB (USB 3.0) 、AUX


Ethernet (10BASE-T, 100BASE-TX, 1000BASE-T)

IEEE 802.11 b/g/n

Bluetooth® 2.1 (EDR)

AV output


Analog-AV out

Digital Output (optical)

*Specifications are subject to change without notice.



< Wireless Controller for PlayStation®4 (DUALSHOCK®4)>

External Dimensions

Approx. 162mm x 52mm x 98mm (width x height x depth) (tentative, excludes largest projection)


Approx. 210g (tentative)

Keys / Switches

PS button, SHARE button, OPTIONS button, Directional buttons (Up/Down/Left/Right), Action buttons (Triangle, Circle, Cross, Square), R1/L1/R2/L2 button, Left stick / L3 button, Right stick / R3 button, Pad Button

Touch Pad

2 Point Touch Pad, Click Mechanism, Capacitive Type

Motion Sensor

Six-axis motion sensing system (three-axis gyroscope, three-axis accelerometer)

Other Features

Light Bar, Vibration, Built-in Mono Speaker


USB (Micro B), Extention Port, Stereo Headset Jack

Wireless Communication

Bluetooth® Ver2.1+EDR



Built-in Lithium-ion Rechargeable Battery


DC3.7V (tentative)


1000mAh (tentative)



<PlayStation®4 Eye>

External Dimension

Approx. 186mm x 27mm x 27mm (width x height x depth) (tentative)


Approx. 183g (tentative)

Video Pixel

(Maximum) 1280 x 800 pixel x 2

Video Frame Rate

1280x800 pixel @ 60fps 640x400 pixel @ 120fps 320x192 pixel @ 240fps

Video Format

RAW, YUV (uncompressed)


Dual Lenses, F value/F2.0 fixed focus

Capture Range





4 Channel Microphone Array

Connection Type

PS4 dedicated connector (AUX connector)

Cable Length

Approx. 2m (tentative)

*Specifications are subject to change without notice.-

Edited by Choze
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To me, it just felt more of the same, but slightly prettier. I'm underwhelmed I guess, but shall remain optimistic :P


I felt exactly the same. It was just the PS3 unveiling only better graphics, give or take. The streaming thing sounds good, but, they seem to be promising too much... there will be a BUT here somewhere.


I was watching an interview with Dominic ? from Ubisoft on gametrailers straight after the conference and while again confirming the game is coming to Wii U he said the PS4 trailer was in fact a PC trailer. Still that conference pi$$ed all over Nintendo. Miiverse looks like cack now, PS Vita streaming. The closest Nintendo has to a title looking as good as PS4 is X even that is shy of the mark. If Sony get the price right, Nintendo are in big trouble, in fact they're F#€KED.


You are such a drama queen lol. They are fucked because the ps4 has better graphics? Like we all knew it was going to? How much do you think you will have to shell out for an 8 CPU core console with 8 gigs gddr ram AND a seperate Vita for off TV play? A shit ton more than a Wii U, that's how much.


I have the strangest feeling Sony are counting massively on revenue from a subscription service and also counting massively on rubbing the Xbox720 out of existance.

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4 hours sleep and i'm back on here. :)


I thought the conference itself was alright. It started off great but kinda nosedived when tech demos were being shown. It's a new console, we know you have new engines, just show us the games.


All of the online features sound amazing. Being able to video chat while in game, streaming games/demos, uploading videos, suspended play are all killer apps.


Games wise I was extremely happy with the new Infamous being announced, as well as the visual quality of Killzone.


Highlight of the night/morning was definitely everyone being in chat. It was hilarious playing spot the bald person, which developed into spot the wig/hairpiece. :D

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I was watching an interview with Dominic ? from Ubisoft on gametrailers straight after the conference and while again confirming the game is coming to Wii U he said the PS4 trailer was in fact a PC trailer. Still that conference pi$$ed all over Nintendo. Miiverse looks like cack now, PS Vita streaming. The closest Nintendo has to a title looking as good as PS4 is X even that is shy of the mark. If Sony get the price right, Nintendo are in big trouble, in fact they're F#€KED.


Kinda over dramatic. Games will determine how successful the wii u is.


As for vita streaming. You think people are going to pay whatever it costs for the PS4 and then lay down £200 for the vita so they can stream games (latency included) to that device? Can't see it.

Edited by liger05
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4 hours sleep and i'm back on here. :)

I Feel your pain, been in work since 7am :(




Highlight of the night/morning was definitely everyone being in chat. It was hilarious playing spot the bald person, which developed into spot the wig/hairpiece. :D


Highlight of chat for me was the Japanese Capcom chap & the 2nd Square Enix Chap... and the comments questioning in just what the fuck was going on :p




Alot more was shown than I had expected. Truth be told I thought we'd actually see the console and perhaps Killzone, but the rest be about specs & features.


e3 is going to be immense.




Also the show started off so nostalgic. :)

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Anyone know where I can find a video of the full show, I missed it last night....or a good write up article detailing everything.


Just taken a quick look and see a so far a vid of the spec talk and controller reveal, which I guess was the first 5 mins.


First thoughts on the Dual Shock 4 were "groan". Even though the prototype had leaked I had still hoped it was just that a prototype.

I can not believe they are actually going for the same design for a 4th gen in a row. Yeah so they added a touchpad on it and built in move support. But surely they could have also come up with a new overal design too? It is like they have no imagination when it comes to teh controller and each new gen its just "yeah keep the design and see how much new stuff you can cram in".


What do people think of the touchpad anyway? Is the one on the back of teh Vita used much by devs? Did they show off any gameplay using the touchpad on the DS4?



So yeah I saw the specs and all also, confirmed all the leaks too.....did they announce a price for the console?

That is what I'm interested in seeing. The specs suggest it must cost Sony a fair ton to produce so how will that effect pricing? Will they sell it at a loss again? And how much of a loss are they willing to take on it? I'd imagine if they did try to go the rumored around £300 price they would be taking a heavy loss than they did on the PS3 when that first came out.


And also how much would it cost devs to make games on such a beast?

That is the one thing that worries me most about this next gen pushing for higher and higher specs like teh PS4 seems to have done.

As the cost of development goes up if any game doesn't sell as expected how many devs can survive should they suffer a loss on game?


From the quick scan I've done of this thread so far it seems most here seem happy with what was shown though.


I see the actual console wasn't shown which I was hoping to see, they must be savin that for E3.

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Just read a little on the Share button and stuff, sounds very good.


Be interesting to see how Nintendo reacts to all that.


I missed just about all of this. Did they show the actual PS4 or controller? Anyone got any links to images?



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You are such a drama queen lol. They are fucked because the ps4 has better graphics? Like we all knew it was going to? How much do you think you will have to shell out for an 8 CPU core console with 8 gigs gddr ram AND a seperate Vita for off TV play? A shit ton more than a Wii U, that's how much.


Conference was OK, but it was hardly the greatest thing I've ever seen. Sony didn't exactly steal the show. Barring impressive specs, if that was a Nintendo show the following would have been said:


- Where were all the games? A fourth Killzone, is that the best Sony can do???? We want new IPs!!!!

- Ooooh they've copied Kinect, lol - NOT HARDCORE

- You need to purchase a Vita for off screen play WTF, no one's going to stump up all that money and then have to buy a Vita too to unlock it's true potential!!!

- They didn't show the console, what's wrong with them!!!

- I didn't see any demos by from (insert publisher that didn't show something)


^^^^^ That is exactly what would have been said had Nintendo done that exact conference.


As far as I'm concerned, it was pretty much what I expected. It seemed quite a rushed showing, the graphics whilst impressive hardly offer the leap that the 360 did over the original XBOX and are definitely something that could be done already on a decent PC.


But overall, I'm sure Sony fans will be happy with it as the specs were impressive and if you're a Sony fan you know all your favourite franchises will be coming to it.

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I was watching an interview with Dominic ? from Ubisoft on gametrailers straight after the conference and while again confirming the game is coming to Wii U he said the PS4 trailer was in fact a PC trailer. Still that conference pi$$ed all over Nintendo. Miiverse looks like cack now, PS Vita streaming. The closest Nintendo has to a title looking as good as PS4 is X even that is shy of the mark. If Sony get the price right, Nintendo are in big trouble, in fact they're F#€KED.


My thoughts when waching the conference were if this is all Sony's got, the Wii U won't have any trouble once the games start coming.


This is Sony, I can't see them pricing this thing in a way to appeal to the general crowd. I also find it funny how to get off-tv play you'll have to pay even more.


Saying that I really like the cloud stuff and the social aspects, I use screen grab on the Wii U all the time so uploading video is a big deal to me. They just haven't convinced me yet with the games. They showed me one exclusive that interests me (Knack), the rest were more of the same so I'm not interested, and they showed is a bunch of multiplatform games that I could play on the Nextbox. This conference's purpose should have been to convince me that I needed the PS4 in my life. It didn't in my opinion. Microsoft's reveal could be just as bad, who knows.


I will probably get a PS4, but a few years down the line like I did with the PS3

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That board of 3rd party developers puts Nintendo to shame.


To be fair, Nintendo had a similarly sized board of third party developers when they announced the Wii U


The games look insane. I am not sure how you can look at those Killzone 3 screens and say its underwhelming.






High res screens in the thread


I've been burned by Killzone demos on console announcements before. I'm cautiously optimistic. The Killzone demo looks great, when you're not able to interact with the environment (the on rails bits you posted), but in actual gameplay, it looks just a tiny bit better than current gen

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Some good news! It seems that Sony are not blocking used games from being used on PS4!




Of course, there's no mention of whether or not any limitations apply... (after all, they may not block it completely, but they might charge a fee for those who buy used...)


Also, no word on an internet connection being required or not (with the Gaikai streaming really being at the heart of the PS4 OS, I'd say that it looks fairly likely...)

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In my view, the PS4 has potential, some of the online features sound amazing, others are just horseshit that could ruin gaming.


Graphically, it's a nice step up, but my PC and laptop can do better and they aren't even top-range, and that's disappointing.


I will undoubtedly get one, but not at launch and definitely not at the rumoured price.


Nintendo don't have too much to worry about here. Their innovations are still key. Miiverse, although it lacks the video stuff, still trounces the Sony network we've seen here.


The Remote Play is ridiculous since you need to buy an expensive extra console to do it, rather than one packed in.


The problem here is that the majority of the games are third party and will be on other devices, INCLUDING Wii U and past gen consoles. As such, there's very little enticing to me at this time, and I hope that changes.

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Some good news! It seems that Sony are not blocking used games from being used on PS4!




Of course, there's no mention of whether or not any limitations apply... (after all, they may not block it completely, but they might charge a fee for those who buy used...)


Also, no word on an internet connection being required or not (with the Gaikai streaming really being at the heart of the PS4 OS, I'd say that it looks fairly likely...)


No way MS will do it. That would be suicide.

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